IIII IIII IIII IIIII IIIII IIIIIII III IIIII III 5643"14 A monthly publicauon produced by Caulfield Council for the residents of this City. Volume 6, No. 9 Thursday, Sept. 26 THE RUBBISH PILED UP Caulfield Garbage Men Strike On Monday September 1st Caulfield gar­ bagemen joined the rest of the garbagemen of the metropolitan area in their support of the men at Waverley. Rubbish bins were people coped well with not emptied and resi­ the storage of extra dents were prevented rubbish. The Caulfield from taking rubbish to City Council organised the Depot. As the pile two separate distribu­ of rubbish in Neerim tions of garbage bags Rd. grew, striking men and residents of most maintained a picket areas are to be com­ line at the Depot plimented on the lack entrance. During this of rubbish left littering difficult time, most the streets. Pictured left. As the strike continued the garbage piled up at the Neerim Road Depot. Below. Caulfield Garbagemen maintain a _picket line at the entrance to the Depot. Hands warm, but still a cold shoulder for those wanting to dump rubbish. NEW GARBAGE SYSIEAI APPROVED Garbage disposal has become a major issue within the community of late and the Caulfield City Coun­ cil acknowledges its responsibilities in this area. Local Government is charged with the collection and removal of waste materials but is constantly faced with spiralling costs and other problems. The City of Caulfield in recognising the difficulties involved is moving into the 80's with a new concept in garbage disposal - a total waste col­ lection service. After extensive i~vesti~ation~, There will be no restriction on trials and consultation with resi­ what can be placed in the bins dents, union representatives and and residents will be able to dis­ workmen, the Caulfield Council pose of garden refuse, bottles will institute a threefold system and all other household which will include the collection materials in this manner. INCREASE IN FEDERAl GRANT of household refuse, usin~ 240 litre plastic bins; the recychng of An education program will be More than $76.5 million will tion for Caulfield in 1980-81 is tablisbed equalisation pnnc1- recoverable or reusable materials conducted over the next 3 years be distributed to Victorian $700,000 an increase of 39.2% ples. (including an annual hard rub­ to encourage people to become municipalities this financial year over $503,000 last year. The Ministers added that bish collection); and a trade involved in the recycling of in accordance with the recom­ The Victoria Grants Commis­ "since its inception in May 1977 waste collection service. products such as glass, mendations for the Victoria sion Act 1976 entitles each the Commission has visited aluminium cans and news­ Grants Commission. municipality to a minimum every municipality in the State papers. The amount allocated to Vic­ grant "as of right" which takes in order to obtain first hand into account its population and The household garbage collec­ An initial survey will be car­ toria represents an increase of knowledge of the circumstances tion system is based on the use of 35.6% over the total available area. of local government and this ried out amongst traders of the In determining the final 240 litre plastic garbage bins, City to determine the needs in last year. process is continuing." distributed t hroughout the grants, the Commission has con­ Both Ministers emphasised that the area of trade waste collec­ As a result of an earlier sidered the special needs and municipality, to a ll tion. promise by the Commonwealth, the grants were completely un­ disabilities of each municipality, tied and free of any strin~s what­ householders. These bins are local Government's share of the the effort which it has made to emptied by mechanical means Tenders are being called for personal income tax pool has soever and that the way m which the provision of bins and plant function effectively and provide grants were utilised would be a into large collection trucks and now risen to 2% as opposed to reasonable services, and has also thus maintain a totally enclosed and Council labom will be used last year's 1. 75% matter for each municipality to throughout the program. taken into account special fac­ IS operation. The bins are dog proof This year Local Government determine. "This approach in and fly proof, they restrict tors affecting individual line with the policy of both the If you require further informa­ authorities throughout Australia municipalities in the previous State and Federal Governments odours, have well fitting lids and tion please contact the Com­ will receive $300.8 million under financial year. In making the as­ should ensure a much cleaner munity Liaison Office on the revenue sharing formula. to upgrade the status and in­ City. sessment the Victoria Grants dependence of Local 524 3259. The specific financial alloca- Commission has followed es- Government." Caulfield Town Hall, Cnr. Glen Eira and Hawthorn Rds., Caulfield, J162. Open for Business every Tuesday until 8 p.m., Tel: 524 JJJJ. ------ - - - - - ---------------------------- A NEW COMMUNITY CENTRE New A Centre for deaf and handicapped people was opened on Sunday, August 3. Known as the John Pierce Centre, the Centre is situated at 169 Glen Eira Road, Ripponlea. Books Until recently the building to establish a Catholic Centre in ll,lel/ l,e/ow h a ,mall was used by the Holy Redeemer Victoria to provide (irrespective Church, but when maintaining of a persons race, creed, 1e/etllotl o/ l,Hb tWMHf the school became impossible, nationality, gender or age) addtd lo 11,, Ca•lll,ld• t he Archbishop of Melbourne, education, counselling ana1 Malrtrt1 R,.Jo•all/6ram1. His Grace Most Reverend T.F. guidance for people with im­ Little, gave the John Pierce paired hearing and all those as­ 11,,n, wl,Jd, ar, 1101 al ,our Centre the use of the school and sociated with them. Iota/ //1,rarr mar l,1 its facilities. In addition to family orien­ r11,rr,d aod ol,tolt,,d OIi There is a staff of five with Dr tated and community involved lnllr-llllrar, /oa11. Pierre Gorman Ph.D. as the Ad­ activities, the Centre will /lltllln /ram-. 1111d "'111g• ministrator, Fr Peter Robinson provide other forms of assistance the Chaplin, Janet Gardiner the for persons with mental or In,: •r L •1on1t1/11. Centre's Secretary and Sister physical disabilities, Particular A book explaining every .Joan Winter, the Principal of the attention will be paid to those aspect of the craft of picture Early Education Program for with audiological or hearing framin_g and mounting. hearing impaired pre-school problems who are in necessitous l tfl ,,,,,,,,,, I r/gl,I children. circumstances. /J,,,,,,,,,, ., M. .,.,,,,. Voluntary workers also give It is envisaged that the Centre their services, and in the near A fascinating summary of future an established team wil! will become involved in research recent research into the programs on the social and asymmetry of the human be organised. educational issues which are as­ 8r. Vendremina organises the sociated with mental and body and the specialisation of Resource Centre which is a large physical impairments, but par­ the two hemispheres of the attractive room for people to ticularly hearing impairment. brain. S11/11t /1,d I II,, ,,.,, ol meet and discuss common in­ The Centre strives to meet the terests. House-bound people and 11,, .,,,, ••tHlltollotl ol migrants who do not have the physical, mental, emotional and opportunity to mix with others spiritual needs of not only the • Anh__, Nlln,1 ., will find a meeting place here. handicapped person, but also K. ••,,,,,,. their families. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 The Centre is run not only for Keith Dunstan takes a wry deaf people, but for anybody Telecom has installed, in the look at the Kelly legend and handicapped, and needing sup­ Resource Room, various types of what it has meant for port. Renovations have made it equipment for people with hear­ Australian commerce. possible for wheelchairs to be ac­ ing defects. The equipment commodated and easy access is demonstrates several types of Volunteer Drivers I'm do•""' 111 ml III I available to the toilets, showers bells. sirens and flashing lights ffllll ., .. ,.,,,_ and loungeroom facilities. The and enlarged numbers which can The courageous story of a Committee rooms are available be attached to the phone for easy woman, who made a fresh for meetings, and they have the dialing. This is a free community and Helpers start to life after suffering a ingenious Inductive Loop service. breakdown, as a result of her System installed, enabling par­ The Centre is named after tially deaf people to hear with withdrawal from one of the clarity, through a hearing aid. Father .John Pierce (1909-1970). world ' s most widely Fr Pierce's special care was the Needed prescribed soft dru_gs. This system blocks out all afflicted, the ignored and under­ background noises and is sen­ privileged. For a time he was •uylllf/ 11 11111,,. 60111. sitive to speaking voices. This Chaplain to migrants and The Citizens Advice BUl'eau Volunteer Service is looking Br M. Narp,r. loop is installed in most rooms rehabilitating discharged ser­ for more volunteer drivers and people to take some elderly Hints on how to choose and throughout the centre. vicemen - but also became in­ person shopping, or to even do shopping for them. finance a boat to suit your re­ volved in working with the deaf Sometimes transport to a hospital or clinic is necessary and quirements. The John Pierce Centre is a and dumb. public company limited by often one holll' or so weekly, fortnightly or even monthly is all 11,1 g111/u1 o/ SlltlW : II gua rantee and was incorporated For furt her information, that is necessary.
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