THE ROLE OF THE WOMEN IN THE FRESCOES FROM AKROTlRl An examination of the iconography of dress. hairstyle and jewellery by NICOLA JAN€ DEBBO A thesis submitted to the Department of Classics in cunforrnity with the requirernents for the degree of Master of Ms Queen's University Kingston. Ontario. Canada May, 2000 copyright Q Nicola Jane Debbo, 2000 National Library Bibliothèque nationale of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Acquisitions et Bibliographic Services se~icesbibliographiques 395 Wellington Street 395, nie Wellingtm Ottawa ON KIA ON4 OttawaON K1AON4 Canada Canada The author has granted a non- L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive licence allowing the exclusive permettant à la National Library of Canada to Bibliothèque nationale du Canada de reproduce, loan, distribute or seil reproduire, prêter, distribuer ou copies of this thesis in microform, vendre des copies de cette thèse sous paper or electronic formats. la forme de microfiche/fih, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format électronique. The author retains ownership of the L'auteur conserve la propriété du copyright in this thesis. Neither the droit d'auteur qui protège cette thèse. thesis nor substantial extracts fiom it Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels may be printed or otherwise de celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés reproduced without the author's ou autrement reproduits sans son permission. autorisation. ABSTRACT The excavation of the site of Akrotiri on the ancient island of Thera began in 1967 under Spyridon Marinatos. The excavations, which continue after Marinatos' death with Christos Doumas, have revealed a Bronze Age civilkation. The discovery of this city, preserved in ash, after the eruption of a volcano, has sparked a debate on the destruction of Akrotiri and the possible links to the destruction of cities on ~rete.'The frescoes found at Akrotiri are some of the most captivating wall paintings in Greece. Their scenes compare well with the lively and nature-embracing frescoes from several sites in Crete. They too include scenes of landscapes filled with birds and fiowers and of Therans, predominantly women, involved in enigrnatic scenes. The interpretation of these frescoes has becorne the subject of recent debate and the continuing excavations may yet add more material to the discussion. This thesis examines the roles the wornen play in the Theran paintings as can be detemined by their dress, hairstyle and jewellery. Analogies for each feature are obtained through the study of other wall paintings, seals, gemstones, rings, and figurines, al1 from Crete and the mainland. Secondary evidence, mostly in the form of later literary material and material from Egypt and the Near East will prove helpful for interpretation. The last chapter presents and the prevalent scholastic interpretations of the paintings: specifically those that deal with the stages in the life of the women. 1 Sp. Marinatos was the first to propose this theory. lm the conclusions a new interpretation of the frescues will be presented. This new interpretation finds that the paintings of Xeste 3 and the House of the Ladies are inter-related and are presenting the various stages of women frorn the cammunity. The women from Xeste 3 are depicted involved in several activities, which include gathering croci, presenting the plants to the goddess, and offerhg jewellery. The roles of the wornen are shown to be associated with their age. The scene on the House of the Ladies is presented as depicting at least part of an initiation ceremony. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It gives me great pleasure to express rny thanks to Dr. D. Hagel who supervised my thesis. I would also like to thank Dr. A. Foley, and the rest of the faculty and graduate student body in the Department of Classics. I am alsa grateful to Terry Smith for al1 her assistance. I give thanks to Maria C. Shaw who advised me in the initial stage of this project. I am also grateful to Michael Conway for his support and motivation. I would like to thank the faculty at University of Ottawa as well as Lisa Stansfield, Erîn Uchwat and Cathy Jupp. I would also like to thank my family for their support, Craig, Diane and Brennan Debbo. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents, to whorn this thesis is dedicaied, for their love and encouragement. Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents List of Abbreviations List of Illustrations C hronology XII Introduction: The role of wall painting in the Aegean Bronze Age, 1-12 methodology and bibliographical survey Chapter 1: Introduction to the site of Akrotiri Chapter 2: The iconography of dress from Akrotiri Chapter 3: The iconography of hairstyle from Akrotiri Chapter 4: The iconography of jewellery from Akrotiri Chapter 5: Interpretations Conclusions Appendix: Catalogue of Frescoes Plates 6 ibliography Curriculum Vitae Periodicals and Serials AA Archaologischer Anzeiger AJA American Journal of Archaeology Aegaeum 6 Annales d'archéologie bgeénne de L 'Univers#& de Liège. ed. Laffineur. R., Université de Liège. 1990. Aegaeum 8 EIKnN. Aegean Bronze Age lconography: Shaping a Methodoiogy. Proceedings of the 4m lntemational Aegean Conference, University of Tasmania, Australia, 6-9 ApW, 1992. eds. Lafinneur, R. and Crowley, J.L. Université de Liège. 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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Plan of Akrotiri, shwng Xeste 3. the West Hause and House of the Ladies (Forsyth, Thera in the Bronze Age; fig.
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