
v .^ m T W B H T r THU^DAY, MABCH 6^ 19M Svi^ntng Ohapiawm OUtot, O rder o f The Weather ’About Town Amsf-srith, wIB meat tomcrTxyw Mrs. Wexler Paftty dotidy, treegy end eoM at 7:45 puna at the M mdM c tonlgbt. Low a* teans, Tonwrrow ibin M Hb A. ADn, dM«t>- Thmple. Otlkoera are nmtoded 15,465 •h * «( Ifir. a«rt 10»L OordoR F. to wear colored gaamn. After GCD Speaker fa ir and .poM. Hlggi to upper AMt » Staw hm tmm the nvaettog, rahraalimanto wtu Manehester— 4 City of Village Charm •ta to k s r 80b. •iM ted t o Wfatfa Who to A nar- be nerved by Vrm. Neel MWer Due to the conflict with a pre- kM,*a O oBiif m and UMvandHea. YDL. LXXXVnL NO. 138 acid cnemhers of her cocnmlttoa. vhMi committment, Ihe Rev. tWENTY-TWO PAGES A p a d u id i vt Boat CMtooMc MANCHESTER, CONN., FRH)AY, MARCH 7, 1969 (Claeetfled Adverttotag oai Fage IS) Joseph Duffey will not appear at PRICE TEN CENTB agh M M I, aha li a aador ht Satoaffoi Army Capt. Stephen OoBiga, whan riw Tin On of Korea, a miealonary tonight’s meeting of the Man­ •MtorJiMMcf of the t o Hot^ Koc«, wUl be gueflt chester clu^iter of the Caucus Wown raclptBBt o f tha apeedoer at a mtoatonary m eet­ of Connecticut Democrats , Golda Meir Obhartida. Uhtventty Book ing tonight at 7:00 psia at the (OCD). Awaad. andja dean'a Hat atu- Manchester Salvation Army CIt* Herald W ill Publisli w u VQ9 PMB0 fD connnuv n v acM. Tite event to open to the Instead, the speaker will be fraAiata wocfc to tha deld of pubHc. Mrs. Anne Wexler of Westport, End4>rsed for who was cochairman with the Teens-Drugs Series Memhers o f ttm program and Rev. Mr. Duffey of the Connect!- LEM Rejoins Capsule . Israeli Post What CM you da If your eon peoto of ttaa euRvnt ik«g tutob- U M a Flowar o f Jaaua decocBtirg ooenentoteea o f the c,u t McCarthy-for-PrasktWl ha*|a "dngr proUem’ ’ ? lam to the UnMed atetos. liOllMn Otodo wU moot tomor- Committee. Neivcomene C9ub o f the Man- '. JERUOAUnc (AP) — to- <»> you *> X you merely BtatoeHtoe wuu an ktoto eandl- n a r aft S ;U at the home The Rev. Mr. DuKey has a diestar YWOA toaUon show, A .MiBl’a ruling Labor party en- ■ u p ^ t o e t u eon or daughter date tor thto Job. A famed eoi- of Mna RObavt GHe(««td. M» FasMon Potpouni, wfll meet to­ previously scheduled speech in dorued OoMa Mefr tor prtrae tojntxied up wlto ’’mind teepand- enot) writer, Bke Ms lUber be- FhrtMT at. mk«L WUham night Mt 8 at the home of Mrs. Haddam tonight, before a D^ y « Uge'’ or to tampted by tore htotb tor Tbe Aaroctatod Stephen Plrog, 7^ Scarborough mocrafic Women’s Club. ' mtototor today, TirtiMBji uaear- ^ tog bar the Joti. The totsner tor- Pmeu, he to noted tor htot toUUty Rd. Mrs. Wexler was the basis of °*** Mep to to teed to taloe oompiloatod modlca] Chartaa Kelley, a facuKy a controversy Feb. 15 which e«gn mtototer sou ri»-would ee- ^ .** _ _ member of the Dm Famworth oept, erven though the preeoeot ^ “ v"?***** * eertaa b y Om and eetontUle ftodtage and re- Sunset C9ub will m eet tom or­ threatened to split the CCD and Mrs. Alfred Pontlceiii of SO "terrMtod’’ tier. fris^wbajl^ eoienoe writer, Al- port them 4n eimple language Sdiool of Ballet in Ntor Tork row at 1:80 p.nu at the Senior to hamper its future, even as U After 113-Mile Chase GKy, was guest teacher recently attzem Oentar. After the meet­ was meeting in New Haven for McKey St. last night was re- In n eUtanimt to the twitv’s *•** *** Oertral Oonunlttas, itau Batoguardlog undentend. to 33 yeans of writ- at the PriadHa Oibaon School, ing, there wW be a card party Its first organisaticmal meeting. elected to her second tern as of Danoo Arts Ballet Workshop. tor mieenherB and M ends. Re- Mrs. Wexler, seeking the post preaUent of the Manchester made B apparent ebe wUl letnin tag eolenoe. he ban won numnr^ the OoUnet of Prime «W»Mr da^y cue nattonal honenr to ectenoe treshments wlU be served. of COD execuUve vice chairman, Emblem Club, at a meeting at The VPW Auxiliary will spon­ was defeated in an open vote Levi Etohkol who dtad Feb. 38 wrtttog end Joumaltomi ^ Experiment the Elka Home. after a heart attack. **** 7*^ th* haok- He spent tour monttaa on this sor a Seafood fnght tomorrow The OoUen Age Clilb will by William Jones of New Haven. from S to 10 p.m. at the poet have a potluck Thursday, The vote was 59 to 50. Other elected officers ate Miss Thto indfceted that m -*.- ?****V. ^ sstoftinienf, Mbervletwtog doaena ItoyMi, a poUtloal rival of Mm IntoOlgeBay, pha a wtwto of experts to medtotoe, {wyohla- home. March 13, at 12:80 p.m. at the Immediately following Mrs. Julia Dulka, flrat vice president; T la w le s s ,’ Senior CitUxena Center. Mem­ Wexler’s rejection, the Rev. Mr. Mrs. Hugh PMtman, second vice Ifcir wffl etay on « deftim % bers who have not yet ckmated Duffey and two other COD offi­ president; Mrs. Qertrude Haw­ ‘mMoter. ^f*®**' ■*** Iwv eutororement, in resting food are reminded to contact cials annodmeed that they woidd thorne, financial secretary; Mrs. PwBldeed Zetanan ammr to ttoie. a» tor as tornhwli of pufcftosttona, traivel- N ASA-Says Mrs. Harry Mahoney of IIB resign 'their posts, effective Frank Taros, treasurer; Mrs. «q»eoted to aek tha 70-yearold SS tS S T ’ ^ ", *** *?*"**^ o' Bluefield Dr., Mrs. Maude April 12. The other two are John Hughes, recording secre­ grandmother by n»*wte! asnoaring vobrndnoua notea. SPACE CENTER, Hous­ WMte o f 69 I ^ e 9 t , o r M rs. Atty. Joseph Lleberman of New tary; Mrs. OoiToll Hawthorne, form a Oafalnet. ***■ ^ toectosted,’ ’ eays ton (AP) — FlyiniBr with John Vince, 227 McKee Bt. Haven, legislative vice chair­ trustee chairman. Hie Oenlnl QxnnUttoe eo- ^ ^ Btototoee, "not only beoauee I dotwed -MMs. MMr by a vote of euthorittea. Dr. ooeddn’t ftod that the ptecee of speed and precMon, astro- man; and Mrs." Stephanie May Also, Mrs. Adalbert Ountber The WCTU wtU meet TheadAy naitts Jaimea A. McDivitt of Bloomfleid, treasurer. and Mrs. William Mohr, Tweed emd Seulptmed 46 ah4e.-Sl.Tr mainly •»* »»««i PU* togeth- at 10:30 a.m. at South United trustees; Mrs. Norman BeaU' and Russeil L. Sdhwieikckiart MeUiodtet Church receptitm The state OCD la considering hud nnoitedlv howue repreeweda a near high in anglea and ooeifUottor' vtow- today steerad their fras$1e two sets of bykiwa, submitted by chette and Mrs. Walter Baldyga, hall. Luncheon will be served at asatotant marshals; Mrs. Card reapoMihto reporting of aB aw point, were Irtvoived.” lunar module to a aucoeas- noon, and a bualneaa meeting the two groups vying for cen­ Enough to do your living room, dining room and hall up ful rendezvous with the 7 NEW or HNEHUnST tred of the nee^diyte organlza- Lenlhan, cha{8aJn; Mrs. Foster Mne. MMr favons Deputy —— ------------------------ ------------------------ — ______________ ^_____ wiH be. conducted at 2 p.m . Wilkams, press correspondent; Prime MIntoter Tlget Alton over ApoHo 9 command ship and Hoetesaes are Mlsa Mildred tlon. Both sets of bylaws will be Mrs. Paul Buettner, hiatoiian; to 40 sq. yds. Daysto. But poUtloel olwerven may have hastened an Hooper and M rs. C. EUmore and Mrs. Oliver Cromwell and eay Mw wUl need tb s popular BAKE-A-LOAF WatUna. discussed tonight. Another Item Aimerican lankling on the on the agenda is the election of Mrs. Agnes Leduc, guards. Installed with padding, labor and door metals. »to<sn to aonttnue ew dedsnm moon. local officers. Mrs. Pontlceiii appointed Mrs. mtototor to knap tg> pubitc mo- Gold Prices Soar A m the two ehlin epproeiriied PREPARED Alfred Ritter as correeponding r s le .., each other at 17,500 m ilea an secretary and M rs. Chtarles Hie’ aneeyad defenM mtototer hour after a Mperatlon of rtx Pontlceiii as marshal. ROOM SIZE CARPETS eatd earitor thto week he would Ixxvs, the antroneute anera ta MEAT LOAF Joint Meeting O fficers wlU be Installed F ri­ he wMHng t o serve under Ib a . As Paris Workers good taxnor. Oarefolly fpoSmd U. S. Correcfion day, April 21, at 8 ip.m. at the Metr If Otoe was ehoaen by the "Tou’ro tqtalde down again,’’ ClKrfoe Beef, Pttt-k and Listed by PTAs Elks Home. Mis. WUIiam Notan ALi ENDS RNtSHED — TWEEDS — SCULPTURED PUISH party oosnmlttee. MclDlvltt told an ha taoiaed at The missing price in Now 70, the fttsn er MBwau- Veal, seasoned with na­ Dr. Hilda Standlsh will speak of New Haven, supreme presi­ Air Force Qg. David R. Sentt ta dent, and Mrs. Olive Benjamin kee echooBjeetcher wfll be b - Press for Strike the oonunom nuxtala. tures flavor magic sea­ Mar]ow''s Joan Curtis on "Family Life Education— NO PAD NEEDED — REINFORCED SPONGE SACKING of Milford supreme marshal, raM’u tourth prime minister and "Boy, youve got oontraptfoen. sonings . in oven pan and Coquette Dress Whose Challenge?” at a joint PARIS (A P ) — <3oid eKtared to might com e chtse to toe 11-12 ready to bake . Idiade will conduct the ceremoniee. government another record high on thto Par- toew traded Thivaday. hangtag oU eUl over yuuj by our meatmen to save ads for last night is meeting of the Richaid Meutln- <*»tof__ .from the■ generation------------- of tot- *** mailcot today as tabor The morning fixli« price to quipped Scott.
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