BERISBIBE,] 'l'RADES. sea 411) County Secondary Boys' School (G. University College, Reading (W. :\1. IJGreen & Stokes Misses, Craufurd H. Wade M.A. master), St. Leo­ Chi!ds l\L A. principal ; Francis H. home, Craufurd rise, Maidenhead nard's road, Windsor Wright M.A. sec. & registrar; for Hall Robert H. Kemp B.Sc. Br Lon- Uranfurd College (James L. Polack. staff see p. r62 ), London road, don road, Reading prin. ), I Grynger hill, Maidenhead Heading. See advertisement IJt§Hamilton Miss Katherine, 8 Blen- Douai Abbey & College (Catholic) page 15 heim road, Caversham, Reading (The Rt. Rev. William David Wallingford Grammar School (joint) II!§Hemdean House (l\lliss Knighton, Hurley O.S.B. abbot; The Very (E. Stanley Hayward M.A.Camb., principal), Hemdean road, Cal·er- Rev. Walt"r Edmund Kelly 0. S.B. B.A.Lond. head master; C. T. sham, Reading. See advertise- prior), Woolhampton Colquhoun M. Sc.Durh. second mas· ment page 12 Hemdean House (Miss Knighton, ter; Miss E. H. Moseley B.A. tHolloway Wm. 71 South st. Rearling principal), Hemdean road, Caver­ chief assistant mistrt!ss), High st. t!§Inglis Andrew Millar, Maidenhead sharn, Reading. See advertise­ Wallingford college, College aven. Maidenhead ment page 12 Wellington College (W. W. Vaughan \\Johnson Miss Helen Elizabeth. Chich- Imperial Service College (E. G. A. M.A. head master; for tutors & '"ter house, Mortimer, Readin!! B"ckwith M.A.head master),Windsr assistant masterq see p. 72), W el- t!§Jones Arnold M.A.37Bath rd.Rdng Kendrick Schools (boys') (Rev. Edgar lington College Station Jones Miss Kate H. Portway college, Priestley B. A. head master),Queen's Wilton House (:'I!Iiss Marion White, rs & 17 Castle crescent, Reading road; (girls') (Miss Daisy Prebble, principal), Parkside road, Reading. IJ1:§Knighton Miss ~atilda, HenJdean head mistress), Watlington street, See advertisement page 17 house, Hemdean road, Cavershan1, Reading Windso~ Government School of Art Readin!t. See advertisement King Alfred's Grammar School (Wm. (Charles T. Hollis, master), Albert page 12 Arthur Barron M.A. head master), institute, Sheet street, Windsor IJKnipe Miss, :M in ton house,Padworth, Portway, WanLage Reading Leigbton Park School (Charles Irwin SCHOOL-COMMERCIAL. llt§Lacy Misses, Malvern House schl. Evans M. A. head master), Leighton Addington road, Redlands, Reading. park, Shinfield road, Reading. Reading Shorthand, Bookkeeping & See advertisement page 14 See advertisement page 15 Typewriting School (H. S. Taylor, Lane Joseph, The Ferns, Thatcham, Maidenhead Technical Institute (R. principal), zoa, Cross st. Reading. Newbury See advertisement page 14 W. M urray, sec.), Marlow road, Lay Mrs. H. 72 Elmhurst rd.Reading Maidenhead t+Leighton Park School (Chas. Irwin Malvern House School (Miss Lacy & SCHOOL-COOKERY. Evans M.A. head master),Leighton Miss Helen Lacy, principals), Bradford Miss May, Fir cottage, park, Shinfield road. Reading. See Addington rd. Redlands, Reading. Church road, Bracknel! advertisement page 15 • See advertisement page 14 :):Les Dames Anglaises Catholic Con­ Middle Class School(Rev. Edgar Priest­ SCHOOL-INDUSTRIAL. vent & School (Madame Ceciha leyB.A.hd.master),Queen's rd.Rdng Marshall, superioress), Sunning­ Radley College (Rev. Edward Gordon Royal Free Industrial (Richard Geo. hill, Ascot Selwyn M ..i. warden; for list CJf Knight,master; Miss Helen Curtis, t:t§Lockhart Robt. Bruce M.A. Eagle masters see p. rso ),Radley,Abingdn mistress), Bachelor's acre, Windsor School house, Sandhurst.Camberley Reading Blue Coat School (S. I!ling­ llt§Malvern House School (Miss Lacy worth Butler, head master), 42 SCHOOL-TRAINING. & Miss Helen Lacy, principals), Bath road, Reading Reading Green Girls' Training School .Addington rd. Redlands, Readin~. See advertisement page 14 Reading School (G. H. Keeton M.A. for Domestic Servants (Miss C. E. Mortimer Mrs. Edgar, Oakley road, head master; for assistant masters Hicks, mistress .& matron), 3 8 oee p. r6z), Erleigh road, Reading Russell street, Reading Caversham, Reading Reading Shorthand, Bookkeeping & Norrie Miss M. II I Castle hl. Reading Norris Miss Ada Miriam, 41 High Typewriting School (H. S. Taylor, SCHOOLS-PRIVATE. principal), 2oa, Cross st. Reading. Town road, Maidenhead See advertisement page 14 Marked thus t are for Boys. Our Lady & St. Anne Catholic School Reading University College (W. M. Marked thus 11 &re for Girls. (Sisters of the Visitation), South Childs M.A. principal; Francis H. Marked thus t are Boarding. View avenue, Caversham, Reading Wright M.A. sec. & registrar), Marked thus § are Preparatory, §Padt:ham Mrs. Elizabeth, Sunning­ London road, Reading lltBaker Miss L.35Broad st.Wokinghm hill, Ascot S~. Andrew's College (Rev. R. D. llttBayly Miss Caroline, Wallingford, lltPollard Misses Beatrice & Ellen, Beloe M.A. head master; Edward Wantage College house, West Mills, Newbry .Arn1strong, warden; Andrew Low Berks Training College of Music tt§Powell & Carr,Crowthorne Towers, M.A. se.,ond master; Rev. T. E. (Miss Beatrice Jones, principal), Crowthorne, Wellington College Wilson M.A. house master of junior rq & ns Broad street, Reading. Station school; for assistant masters see See advertisement page 10 t§P"eparatory School for Young Gen­ p. 49 ), Bradfield, Reading fBlissard Miss Grace Emily, 9 Vic­ tlemen (conducted by the Sisters of St. Bartholomew's Grammar School toria square, Reading Mercy), St. Joseph's, Oxford road, (E. Sharwood-Smith M.A. hood lltBoarding School for Young Ladies Abingdon master), Enborne road, Newbury (conducted by the Sisters of Mercy), lltQueen Anne's School (Miss A. St. George's Choir School (George S. The Convent, Oxford rd. Abingdon Holmes, mistress; Rev. Cvril W. Fowler M.A. head master; S. §Boars Hill (Miss Beatrice Sainsbury 0. Jenkyn M.A. chaplain; ·Charles Robinson B.A. & F. M. Bridge B ..L & Miss Frida Zimmern, principals), Spencer Smith, clerk & receiver), Inastrrs), St. George's school, Foxcombe hill, Oxford Henley road, Caversham, Reading Windsor Castle, Windsor t§Browne Rev. Francis Deshou M.A. Reading Shorthand, Bnokkeepin~ & St. K!l.tharine's School (secondary, Lambrook, Winkfield row,Bracknell Type writing School (H. S. Taylor, boarrling & day) (conducted by the II§Burgis Miss Li?.zie, 51 Alexandra principal), zoa, Cross st. Reading. Sisters of the community of St.Marv road, Reading See advertisement page 14 the Virg-in; Sister Mary Christobel, Bye Mrs. G. & Miss L. Gloucester t+§Reeve Wm.George !M.A. Bigshotte head mi•tress), Wallingford street, street, Faringdon Rayles, Wokingham New Toad, Want"e:e lltCiark Misses, White lodge, Kint­ Wokingham St. Marv's School (for the daue:hters bury, Hungerford tiiRoberts Mrs. Anness, Southview, of gentlemen) (uncler the charge of I!Cordrey Mrs. Ernily, 86 Tilehurst rd. Tilehurst, Reading the Sisters of St. Mary the Virgin), Readjng §tiiRossiter Mrs. Sarah, Calleva ho. N ewhury ~treet. Wantage ![Cox Mi"' Mary V. so Oak st.Abingdn High street. Wallingford St. Mi~ha e1's 'l'rainine: School for t§Crabtree & Smi1h, Sunningdale, St. Helen's High School ( shter in Indmtrial Girls & Training Collee:e A•cot char~e ), Shippon road, A hinj!don for Secondarv Teachers & Mis­ t!~Dau!l'lish (C\[aurice John M.A..) & tiJSt. Joseph's Convent High School, sionaries~ (under the charge of Tomkimon (Raymond M.A.), Cot­ 62 Upper Redlands road. Reading Sisters of St. Mary's), Priory road, hill house, Cothill, Abingdon St.Joseph's High School (Rev.Mother Wantage §Day Samuel Hnlme l\II.A.Camb. Superior, in charge), Eastern av. St. Stephen C:ollege for Lanies (con­ Heatherdown, Ascot Reading durte!l hv thA "ommnnitv of St. ti!&Evans Thomas B.A.Lond. 12 St. !I Salmon Miss Alice, 91 Crescent rd. John the l\apt.i•t). 0-.:ford rd.Windsr Luke's road. Maidenhead Reading St. Stephen's High School for Girls t Evles Archihald, St. John's road, t§Sanrlwith Mi"" Grace, Earlywood, (Sister-in-Charge), Clewer road, Mortimer, Reading South Aseot, As cot Windsor tFroome Mrs. Mary. College ho. High !!~Skinner Misses, 143 Oxford road, street, Hungerford Reading .
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