HAPPY NEW YOU! '"•. A CANDIDATE'S TALE AT EVERY AGE WHY I'M IN THE RING •I i '#kl ry *. OHIO'gLGBTQ HEALTH ? 3ERS FLIP OVER FOR A 2018 GUIDE TF CITY'S POLICIES TRAIL EQUALITY IN DAILY LIVES WINTER'S HOTTEST LOOKS IANI \ltt | 2018 Baby and Me Spa Package A Couples Spa Package Relaxing Spa Package Aveda Men's Retreat Sign up for a Spa Package today! Kw ^•^ Kt day ton | centerville I university oftlay square one oak creek | columbus | new allany squareonesalon.com GIVE MORE OF YOUR TIME TO FIVE WAYS 1 LOCAL LGBTQ ORGANIZATIONS 0 A BETTER A number of communities have LGBTQ support centers, either in brick-and-mortar buildings or in the form of community groups that meet regularly. They might need your help. Make it a point to pop in to offer your assistance. Maybe you cq A volunteer your time for an upcoming event; attend an activity^:aj i mentor LGBTQ youth who desperately need responsible, cjMf adults in their lives; or offer financial support to keep valu^ ^queeo r programs on track. in 2 SUPPORT AN LGBTQ FILM FESTIV Replace the I've attended several LGBTQ film festival^ traditional New Ohio's are in Dayton and Cincinnati, and th International Film Festival offers a bic^fl Year's resolutions titles—and they're the only events that that you probably entire queer communitty in one celcej^ won't keep—i know filmmaking. how hard it is to stick to an everyday gym routine when it 5 arctic degrees outside—with BE A MENTOR FOR LGBTQ YOUTh something more 3. meaningful, like It might seem like the world is a more accepting place than ever for LGBJQ yoi committing to ways struggle with friends, family, teachers and authority figures to be a better queer who refuse to accept them. Here's a shortlist to If you're a successful que' get you started. district to find out how you cai meetings to let these youth know that it does, in fact, get ByM'keyRox better. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF AND SPEND MORE MONEY AT 5 YOUR SEXUAL ORIENTATION LGBTQ-OWNED BUSINESSES Don't let people put you down, and don't let anyone 'm not recommending you stop spending your money at hide in the closet. Period. hetero-owned business—although I 'm sure there's a faction Actress Marsha Warfield recently relayed an aneafl of us out there who would recommend that-but rather take how she's been out privately forever, but her rn^B some time to research your local retailers and restaurants to want her to come out publicly because she'd J^ see who's family. Many times you can glean this information by word of mouth This is your life. If anyone is embarrassed by \A or just a little digging on social media. When we support each that sad, angry person that you will be bettj other personally and professionally, our communities are Live. stronger. Mikey Rox is an LGBTQ lifestyle journalist whose work is distributed through Q Syndicate. @mikeyrox January 2018 PRIZMnews.com | I HEALTHY AT EVERY AGE / I f you've m ade tha t New Year's reso luti on agai n, get motivated by 'I LGBTQ Ohioans who share their secrets for staying fit in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond. TWOCLEVELANDS LGBTQ Clevelanders say their hometown is as welcoming as any other. But on PTIZM paper, its poli cies toward th e com munitylagbehindotherbigcitiesinOhioand around the nation. Political leaders say theyYe ready to change that. Bill Hardy NEXT BEST THINGS Chief Executive Officer Here's what's catching our eyes around Ohio. Joel Diaz President WHY I'M RUNNING Carol Clark Ma iy B. Relotto came back to Columbus fired up and ready to go after Publisher last year's Worn en's March in Washington, D.C. Now she's putting [email protected] inspiration into action as a candidate for the Ohio House. BobVitaie Editor CHIC, REVVED UP [email protected] This winter, there's a different kind of lake effect in Cleveland. Pieces from two of the city's fashion -forward boutiques are sure to StaleyJophiel Munroe melt away the coId doldrums. Creative Director sta ley mun roe@ pri zmnews .com BINGE-WORTHY NickHuskey Januaryisalsoatimetohunkerdown.Sowhentheweatherturns Designer fri ghtfu I, u se our wi nter watchin g gui de for su ggesti on s of the [email protected] best in LGBTQ-them ed movies and series available for streaming. ONE OF US "Your sexuality doesn't make you good, bad, right or wrong," says Curtis A. Brock of Co lum bus, wh o cam e out as gay after servi ng i n th e U .S. Ai r Force. "It makes you human." PR IZM Contacts: Prizm encourages feedback from our readers. Sh are y ou r com men ts at caro Izclark @pri zm news.com THE ROLE OF HER LI FETI ME For news consideration, event listings, letters to the An drea Bi I lin gs bri ngs authenti ci ty to h er ro le a s Davi na on Amazon's cri tica I Iy edi tor, and i nqu iri es abou t freelance wri ti n g, acclaimed "Transparent." That's because her own life has infused her character. email [email protected] Forphotographysubmissionsandinquiries about m odeli ng/sty lin g assignm en ts, VOICES email [email protected] A sampling of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer commentary from across the web tackles topics from butch-femme relationships to nostalgia for Prizm is searching for a full or part time account executive and the time we didn't have to be so authentic on line. editorial and social media interns. Should you have interest, 44^ p lease email caro lzclark@pri zmn ews .com OUTINOHIO - Columbus remembers trans lives lost, Toledo and Akron heIp their own with [3 PRIZM s holiday events, and Cincinnati sings. $$ @PrizmNews fgi pri zmn ews SONGS FOR THE TIMES AshtabulanativeMikeMaimoneistheopenlygayleadsingerforabandcalled Mu tts. H e's performi ng twice i n 0 hi o th is month and p lann i ng a new a Ibum wi th some "he-he songs." Fair and accurate reporting is critical to our mission. If you discover an error, by1 please contact our ed'tor, BobVitaie, at [email protected]. r • CALENDAR "Cabaret" plays in Toledo, a Tom of Finland biopic screens in Columbus, women Address subscription inquiries fo Caro / Clark, Prizm Magazine march and celebrate in Cincinnati, Leonard Bernstein is remembered in Dayton ' \&?"+ 7575 Hunfingfon Park Drive, Columbus, Ohio, 43235 © 2018 Prizm magazine. For permissions and questions RESOURCES contact caro/zc/ark@equifasfoea/fh.com. More information about the people and places in this issue. <•• • 04 I January 2018 PRIZMnews.com Lebber From bhe Edibor I feel silly when I look back on Lhings I felL long ago. I remember being introduced Lo the idea of gay people—of acommuniLy of gay people— Lhrough news reporLs abouL AniLa BryanL's crusade againsL Lhem. I remember B-roll fooLage on Lhe naLional news of drag queens and conga lines aL Pride parades. I remember Lhinking LhaL was me. I remember thinking LhaL wasn't me. I remember thinking I could never come out because it would embarrass my family and ruin my career. I remember picking up copies of gay newspapers in Chicago, Milwaukee, Washington and other places and being afraid to throw them out because someone might see them in my trash. LGBTQ media were my window for a long time. They taught me our language and our inside jokes. They taught me that shirtless men can and will be used to advertise everything from vodka to funeral homes. I find great joy in editing Prizm. Through our first four issues I hope you are getting a sense of what we hope to do: share stories that inform, uplift, entertain and unite Ohio's LGBTQ communities across our diverse identities and intersectionalities. We have big plans for 2018. Our website— prizmnews.com—is up and running. On it, we'll cover breaking news, post web-only features and extras, offer commentary on politics and culture, and maintain the most extensive LGBTQ calendar of events in Ohio. We will be out and about, setting up reader advisory groups across the state. We will expand our distribution to more cities, and we soon will offer paid subscriptions for those who want a magazine in their mailbox. On our website—did I mention prizmnews.com? That's prizmnews.com, with a Z—there are ways you can submit story ideas and event announcements. You can also send them, along with your suggestions and feedback, directly to me at bobviLaless prizmnews.com. I look forward to hearing and telling your stories in 2018. Job Vitale J anuary 2018 PRI Z Mnews.com What is TRUVADA for PttP? Who should not take TRUVADA for PrEP? TRUVADA for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a prescription Do not take TRUVADAfor PrEP if you: medicine that is used together with safer sex practices to help reduce • Already have HIV-f infection or if you do not know your HIV-f the risk of getting HIV-1 through sex. This use is only for HIV-negative status. If you are HIV-1 positive, you need to take other medicines with adults who are at high risk of getting HIV-1. To help determine your TRUVADA to treat HIV-1. TRUVADA by itself is not a complete treatment risk of getting HIV-1, talk openly with your healthcare provider about for HIV-1.
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