^ \ Tty;' ««WMOAt, MAJtUH 11 X K l L y B The Weather Manchester Evening Herald Averag# Daily Cireabitioii Forccant.ul L.. o. ^teatuer Bureau Wm iha Manta a t Fabtnary, 1948 Fair tonight, slightly coMer In Dr. Henry Smith Leiper, execu­ Memorial Temple. Pythian Sla­ money paid to data la $78.00 and ed la two and only ona amployae inlerlor; some high rlondlnes* refunds to employeea not partici­ a t the town is receiving the pen­ tive secretary of the American ters. will meet tomorrow evening Police Court Town Pension 9,116 Wednes^y, but otherwise fnir and About Town Committee, World Council of in Odd Fellows hall. Card, games pating in the plan la $343.47. Of­ sion. ’ Oil Buraers --------------- 1--------------- ------- ^----- Mensber a l tha Andlt mild. churches, will give the first in the will follow the business session, fice expenses are $117.10. The and with a social time and refreshments treaaurer has invested $20,000 of B anna Otaentottena series of live lectures under aus­ Judge Raymond E. Bewrm Report Made z a t iciM Ocrtrud* Nealey of 67 pices of the local committee of the by the tending entertainment com­ the sinking fund in U. S. Govtm-/ Manchester-^A City of Village Charm Wadcworth atrMt w u in Boiton, Hartford County Y.W.C.A., to­ mittee. found probable eauae and bound ment Bonds. ^ RUBBER SHEETINCf Furnace^ 'jlaac^ fHia waek'Mid attendliif tha night at eight o’clock in the audi­ Arthur St. Pierre of 151 Maple The total number of employaas A Few StiD Available. PRICE THREE CENTS Treasurer Waddell Is­ of the town from whom tledi^lona DIAPER PAILS MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1945 '(TW ELVE PAGES) "annual flower ahow. torium of the- Nathan Hale schooL Miss Jeanette Buchanan, leader atreet over to the Superior Court (Claaalfled Adverttatog oa Faga 18) The theme of the series Is “ Ldberty of Girl Scout Troop No. 12 which is have been made from pay-rolls as RACKLIFFB OIL CO. in bonds of 12,500 in Town Court sues Figures Showing of March 6, 1945 Is 139 and the A Military Whist for the benefit and Justice For All.” Season affiliated with the Second Congre­ Arthur Drug Stores TaL Hartford 7-ei81 tickets are on sale at Dewey-Rlch- gational church, attended the thla morning. , Condition of the Fund. total number of employees, not e f the Red Cross will be held next participating ih the plan, who are 845 Main St. Rnblnew BMg. 888 Maple Avenoe — Hartto week Wednesday evening March man’s, or admission may be paid morning service in a body yester­ St. Pierre was presented In Protection at Remagen Bridge at the auditorium for any of the day, in observation of the 33d court last Wednesday morning on not participating an<l have been T* l, at f o’clock in the Masonic The standing of the Manchester given refunds is nine. bmple, under the sponsorship of lectures in the coming weeks on birthday of Girl Scouting. a charge of breaking and entering ierious ‘Cleavage Yankees Drive East f Monday evenings, March 19, April In the night time .with intent to Retirement Allowance Fund of the The total number of persons the Manchester Teachers’ Club. St. Anthony’s Mothers Circle given refunds and who are deceas- Those desiring reservations should 9, 16 and 23. commit a crime. Town of Manchc.ster as of March will meet tomorrow evening at In default of ball bond. St Pierre, 6, 1945, as reported by Town call Miss Ruth Bonney, 2-0830. 8:30 at the home of Mrs. William Ever Ready Circle of King’s was taken to the County Jail In Treasurer, ■ George H. Waddell, V. O'Hara of 60 Cambridge street. Hartford to await trial. Hale’s Salute The On Labor Issue ^ r Pieces of cotton, woolen, or Daughters will meet, tomorrow shows an accumulation of $29,- St. Pierre told Judge B<iwor« To Widen Crossing; ether suitable fabrics, Including evening at 7:45 in the Directors’ DON WILLIS last Wedneaday that he had a 617.03 of which amount S2L974 outing flannel, are still being room of the Whiton Memorial has been received from the town in sought by the Red Cross Produc­ Library. Devotions will be led by Bis Attendance two and one-half year sentenre GARAGE hanging over his head for breaking cash appropriations and $7,643.03 Seen Inevitable tion ^ r p s for use in making Miss Janet Tracy. Miss Jeanne in cash received from deductions Complete Auto Service GIRL SCOUTS guilts for civilian rehabilitation Lowe of the High school facul­ A t Jiiinbie Inn parole from a committment u) the v5>. Concord, Maas., State Reformatory of pqy-roll of town employees, in devastated lands. Any pieces, ty will show motion pictures of 18 Main St. Tel. 8085 i Near Superhighway and asked the court for leniency. participating in the town pension large enough to be cut into four- England and France before the plan. inch squares will be welcome. Used present war. The hostesses will Jumble Inn, Manchester's teen­ The accused had been sentenced to on their hemocrau Auert ^iVotcrS Will the Maaaachuaetta Institution for 820,000 Inveated In B on^ BMitorlal must be clean and in good be Mrs. Hatty Kuhney, Mrs. Nella age canteen, played host to over The total amount of pension ] publican-Drafted Bill 1 _ , ^ , condition. Materials may be left Gillette, Mrs. Julia Loomis. Mrs. one hundred youngsters on Sat­ a Crime committed In that state. I>ess Than Two Miles at the headquarters of the Red Edith Bailey and Mrs. Jennie urday evening. He was apprehended here on WHEEL CHAIRS On Labor Relations iShOtV Wortu Cross In the House and Hale build- Segar. The bowling alleys, ping pong March 4 about 9:30 p. m. by Offi­ 33rd Anniversary From Six-Lane Road cer Winfield Martin who caught Falls Short of Ex-', Trying to Expand !g;;- tag. or at the Production room In room, game room and snack bar HOSPITAL BEDS Linking Ruhr With the Center church parish house. St. Pierre and a, 14-ycar-old boy Nu-Wood For Rent er Sale. Daughters of Liberty No. 135, were in popular demand through­ pectations; Intend to Unity Stand / li,A‘ out the evening. trying to open a cash register Frankfurt - on • Main; L. O. L. I„ will celebrate their 42d which they allegedly had taken ARTHUR & JAMES, INC. Members of the Anderson-Shea anniversary tomorrow evening in Dancing Instruction was given Tie Ceilings Back Scott Proposal*. * Post Auxiliary, Veterans of For­ from a barber .shop on Maple 108 Farm'gt’n Ave. Htfd. 3-4848 Oder Bridgeheads Germans Estimate 60y> Orange hall. A short business in the gym from 8 until 10 p. m. street. Attic Insulation People of ?iew Hamp­ P-'. eign Wars, will meet at the comer meeting at 6:30 will precede the At 10 movies, the highlight of Repair Work — New Work State Capitol, Harford,, 000 to 70,000 Ameiv o f Woodbridge and Starkweather supper and entertainmenL Mem­ which sketches were of New Eng­ llarch 13.— (/P)— A serious shire to Hallot on streets tonight at 7:30 p. m. and bers are requested to make returns land, South America and the war lean Troops in Crit* . will proceed to 06 Starkweather on the home front. The movids I'.eavage on the state labor Subject ^ of Setting Germans Report Reds 1.100 Bombers o f stubs for the blanket drawing ASHES and RUBBISH ical Sector Now* Street to pay their respects to the which will take place during the lasted until 11:30 when the can­ LECLERC Raymond F. |elations issue was reported Up World Federation. Attacking.**— I-.*..- North^orth of " ..late Mrs. Margaret Keefe, whose evening. teen closed. REMOVED jirtually inevitable today in f . ^laughter, MrS. Florence Streeter, FUNERAL HOME Schaller pliable legislative sources as Frankfurt; Kuestrin Jjjt Dortmuiid; Pari.*!, March 13.-—(yP)-— 14- Is a member of the organization. TELEPHONE 8962 Bulletin! If.' 2.‘t Main Street Contractor and Builder democrats, joined by some Captured by Soviets. First Army infantrymen libor representatives, flatly Concord, N. H., March IS—- Half tracks mounting anti-aircraft guns, of the First Army, stand guard at the approach to the drove ea_t from their Rhine Paul Ottone and Joseph Hublard, Phone 5269 218 Parker St. Tel. 6446 GAVELLO & E. SCHULZ (gV-The plana o f the great Berlin Raided Ir., of Middle Turnpike, returned Isserted that a Republican- bridge over toe Rhine at Remagen, Germany. The soldier on the truck at right uses binoculars to I.,ondon. March 13.—(/P) bridgehead today to a point . stnteamen to affiliate the Uni­ keep a sharp lookout for possible enemy planes. (AP wirephoto from Signal Corps radiophoto.) yesterday from the west coast af­ HALE'S SELF SERVE ted bill on the subject fell ted States with a world federa­ — Soviet troops are attack­ less than two miles from the ' ter spending the past month in liort of their expectations. tion, posseaslng world police six-latie super-highway link­ Oakland, Cadiforaia. The Original In New England! ing powerfully north of City in Path of Allied |seen Unacceptable b.v RIsCasal powers, recelv^ the approval ing the Ruhr with Frankfurt Even before the details of the of the first plain American Frankfurt in an attempt tO| Armies on Western Members of the Army A Navy Delegates Not on the Main. New gains wid­ Iv. |.O.P. bill were made public, Sen- citizena to vote on It In New Yanks Chasing Japs expand their bridgeheads; Iv Club are requested to meet at the or Lieon RtsCassl, Democratic Hampshire town meeting elec­ over the Oder river, the Ger­ Front Written Off ened the bridgehead to near- / clubhouse.
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