Genealogical Dictionary of Ma and New Hampshire, Vol. * Libby, Charles T. (Charles Thornton), 1861-1948 97V,/ Airlcf pi* * /9f , RUNLETT 601 9 / ^SADLER 3C f* from Samuel Waldo in 1738. Lists 376b, 388. 8 ROGER, had built a ho. at Crockett's Will, 4 Mar. 1744—24 June 1746, made bef. Cove in Kittery bef. 1674, later sold by his departure with his s. Satchwell on the Maj. Shapleigh to Mr. Fr. Hooke. Louisburg exped., directed his eous. Satch­ 9 THOMAS, Wells, a prisoner in Canada in well Clark to take charge of his ho. and land, 1711. and named ch: Satchwell, James, Charles, 10 THOMAS, Portsmouth, m. 10 Nov. 1715 John, Mary, Elizabeth. wid. Agnes Graffam who was keeping an Runnells, see Reynolds. inn in 1722. Rusley, see Rashleigh. 11 WILLIAM, Hampton, m. Sarah Long(9) and entered an East. CI. for her to Scar- RUSSELL, scattered throughout so. Eng. boro prop. Ano. W. R. of Hamp. m. Eliza­ The 'de Eosel' claim of the Russells beth Chase(4) ±1725. (Dukes of Bedford) has been disproved. Be­ RUST. 1 John, m. at Hampton 12 May 1703 came 44th commonest name in N. E. Hannah Swett. 1 HENRY, at Casco Bay bef. 1631, pre­ 2 NATHANIEL, to his heirs Wells laid out sumably a ship capt. 206 a. at Tednick, 1720. See also Ward- 2 HENRY, Newcastle, ±80 in 1681, was well. warned out of Portsmouth in 1671. He and 3 SAMUEL, wit. a Hampton receipt, Parker his w. Frances, who scattered accusations of to Shaw, 1668. murder, bastardy:, etc., among the neighbors RUTHERFORD, Rutherson, Rediford, Rob­ with freedom and frequency, kept an inn of ert, barber, m. in Portsmouth May 1709 sorts where Tho nas Skillings of Falmouth wid. Elizabeth Ilsley. Taxed Str. Bank, stayed in 16T3 while his new broadcloth was 1713, 1714. Mrs. Elizabeth was wit. in Scott being made up. He sujpected Landlady Rus­ v. Johnson, 1709. See Harvey(14). sell of stealing a yard thereof. Unlawful Ryford, John, a N. Y. grantee at Arrowsic drinking there in 1674, the host drunk in 1678 under Andros. Lists 186, 187. and ' bad order' kept in the ho. in 1679. Jury RYMES, Samuel, Portsm., mariner, taxed 1684. Lists 55b, 313acf, 317, 330a, 331b. In 30 Oct. 1691, but at Isles of Shoals by 1681, his w. 'growing crazier,' he pet. for 1692. He m. Mary Wentworth, who m. 2d permiss. to keep a cook's shop and to sell Dr. John Clifton(l). J. 1696, 1697. He d. penny beer. Frances was beaten by James 6 Feb. 1709. Adm. 1 Oct. 1712 to John Went­ Phillips, the shoemaker, in 1684, and as­ worth of Portsm. and Samuel Wentworth of saulted by James Robinson in 1686. Three Boston, attorney for John Clifton, the est. ch. emerge from the ev. in these cases: John, being in the hands of S. R. 's mo.-in-law, Mrs. in ct. with an unnamed girl in 1686, taxed Mary Martyn. The real est. was div. betw. 1688, liv. in Newcastle with w. Mary in 1711. Lists 65(2)', 94, 316, 318a, 319. Frances, 'one 3 sons, 1722. Ch: Samuel, b. 28 July 1693, of the daus.,' unm. in 1684. Andrew, pulled m. May 1716 Mary Weymouth; mariner; d. Phillips away from his mo. in the 1684 bat­ 1755; will. 9 ch. William, b. 5 Apr. 1696; tle. capt. of the -Juliana- of Bristol, England; will, Barbadoes, 13 May 1726, leaves £100 3 JOSEPH, at Casco Bay bef. 1631, presum­ to his kinswoman Mrs. Mary Wentworth and ably a ship capt. other prop, to his mo., his bros. Samuel and 4 NOEL (Rusel), mariner, lately of New­ Christopher and his nephew William. Chris­ castle, in Boston 1699-1701. topher, b. 28 Feb. 1699-1700; mariner; m. 5 PTTTLTP, Newcastle, wit. in 1666, had a 1 Dorothy Sherburne (Henry), the 1st of her a. gr. in 1667 provided he build. Bot in 4 husb.; his mo. liv. with him after Dr. Clif­ 1672 land which he sold in 1687. Depos. ab. ton's death; will 1741. 3ch. Teague Royal's will in 1677. Lists 312cd, 323, 326b, 330a. Dead in 1699. SADLER. 6 RICHARD, Charlestown, distinguished 1 EDWARD. See Sampson(2), Webber(8). merchant and officer, had large land in­ 2 JOSEPH, soldier at Dover 16 Dec—15 terests at Monhegan, Pemaquid, etc., prob­ Feb. 1697. List 67. ably speculations. Thomas Elbridge mtg. 3 THOMAS, Wethersfield 1649 (List 72) Monhegan and Damariscove islands to him may be error for John, there early and d. in 1650. In 1653 Elbridge mtg. y2 of his there in 1673, appar. s.p. patent at Pemaquid to Capt. Paul White, 4 THOMAS, Kittery. In York court 4 July who assigned it to R. R. and Nicholas Davi­ 1659 Anthony Emery was bondsman for son. Russell assigned his half to Davison in him, suspected of some misbehavior toward 1657. Capt. Gookin or Mr. R. R. were or­ Dover ct. At same ct. he and Emery's dau., dered to keep ct. at Portsmouth or Dover Rebecca Weymouth(8), were charged with and at York in 1664. List 10. He d. 1674. riding about together on the Sabbath. He See Wyman's Charlestown. m. her after her husb. died, had left bef. July 7 ROBERT, soldier at Gt. Isl., 1689. 1663 when Emery wanted relief from a for- SADLER 602 SAMPSON feited bond, and was in Flushing, L. I., in will, but John, s. of John and Martha, was 1667. She was with her fa. at Portsmouth, bp. at So. Ch. in 1730. This might be consid. R. I., from where in 1676, 'having been for the baptism of an adult son of (3) by an several years in a widow like condition' and early w., except that Mary, dau. of and left with three small ch., she asked for res­ Martha, was bp. in same par. in 1734, long toration of her husb.'s est. on Staten Island after Capt. John's dau. Mary had mar. in the hands of Jonas Halstead. In 1680, Martha S., of full age, testi, in the Hutchins bef. she had m. 3d Daniel Eaton, her fa. case (see Wm. 3); she had been in Canada 7 deeded her his prop, with remainder to her yrs. bef. s. Anthony (Sadler), who was of E. Green­ 4 MATTHEW, m. Sarah Parker(25) and liv. wich, R. I., in 1714. Surely her son was Wil­ on Parker's Isl. List 189. See also Davis liam Weymouth alias Sadler, in York ct. for (53). In Oct. 1689, he, wife and five ch. abusing ministers in 1681, when John Green were refugees at Josiah Smith's in Charles­ paid the costs, but his position in the fam. town. Wid. Sarah m. 2d in Boston 21 May seems as doubtful as that of her s. Joseph 1703 Samuel Smith. Thomas Salter, the Bos­ Amory (see Emery 1) who might have been ton cordwainer and speculator (Y. D. vols. either Weymouth or Sadler and brot up by 13, 14, 18) was prob. a son. One Matthew gr.fa. Emery. was of Marblehead 1674-1678. BAFFIN, 1 Mrs. Elizabeth (Scammon), List 5 SAMPSON. See Lewis(12). 89. See Legate(2); Scammon(3). 6 THOMAS, York grantee 1722, from 2 THOMAS. See Hounsell. Charlestown, where six ch. of Thomas Saffron, John, worked in Cape Porpus mills and Mary were rec, the first two b. in Maine: 1679. Mary at Arrowsic 17 Dec. 1718, Thomas at St. Aubin, Mr., List 123. York 2 Sept. 1721. St. Robin, Charles, his wife and son at Pas- 7 WILLIAM, wit. a Phillips(22) fam. deed samaquoddy, his son and dau. (Laflow- in 1668 (Y. D. 2: 132). er's wife) at Eggemoggin Reach; all in List Saltridge. See Shortridge. 5. Sally. See Solley. SAMPSON. Devonshire and Cornwall have Salmon, Peter, coroner's verdict filed Dec. this name; frequent also in cos. Kent and 1700. Derby. 1 ANDREW, Portsmouth, with Samuel Har­ SALTER, common in the Exeter district of ris bot from Geo. Jones at Sagamore Creek Devonshire; not uncommon in co. Suf­ in 1670 and sold to Joseph Berry in 1673. folk. (Sampson's Point on the S. side at the en­ 1 AENEAS. See Halsey(l). trance of the Creek, was named for Sampson 2 HENRY, servant of Roger Plaisted, Ber­ Lane.) Sued by Mr. Francis Wainwright in wick, whipped for stealing in 1667; prob. 1673 for a debt payable in cod. Lists 331b, the same who ran away, stole, and broke jail 313a. Lame and unable to help himself and in Essex Co. in 1673. One Henry was named fam. in Mar. 1678-9. Goody S., who kept a by several witnesses in connec. with Martha poor man early in 1680 and made agreement Sloper(3) in 1707. See Wyman's Charles­ with the town in Aug. that yr. to keep John town ii: 842, for fam. of an early Henry. Rayne, was presum. his wife. See also (2). 3 CAPT. JOHN, wealthy mariner, Star Is­ By every sign there was a s. Andrew. land, Newcastle, Rye, depos. in 1744, in 2 ANDREW (It), mariner, Portsm. (a wit. 70th yr., that he liv. at the Shoals betw. 40- in the Huff-Walton haycock case in 1677, 50 yrs. bef. List 316. His w. was Amy as ±27, unless (1) was incapacitated at the age early as 1722, when with her assistance and of 30; wit. Jocelyn to Hinckes 1680). Taxed Joseph Mace's, he assaulted Constable John 1691, jury 1696. In 1697 Joseph Berry deed­ Barton and broke his staff.
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