Pest Control Professionals cc 083 439 2535 018 293 2261 You name the pest... 11 Oktober 2018 TERMITES We do the rest!!! Prys: R5,80 TERMITE 35 YRS SERVICE!! EXPERTS Webblad: Bring back death penalty Die feesterrein was kleurvol tydens Aardklop. Fo- to’s: Verskaf | Aardklop Live inFull PaintPaint Colour NOW PROUD STOCKISTS! MasterMaster OF 44 RETIEF STREET, POTCHEFSTROOM (Next to Rio Café) Special T: 018 294 8184 offers! 2 Potchefstroom Herald 11 Oktober 2018 Family shattered after murder of peace-loving brother Selogile Leshage wards and his intestines outside. He ly. Laurinda Palmer, Aidan’s sister- was full of blood and had a stab wound in-law, described him as a peaceful “When I heard about his death it on his back. A 27-year-old man, David person. “He will never fight or talk was unbelievable. I couldn’t belie- Chrisjan and a 31-year-old woman back at you. He was not someone to ve my eyes when they showed me were arrested in connection with the hate. He will always admit his the photo of my brother lying in murder,” said Trom. wrongs and apologize,” she said. a bush with his intestines out of Sylvester said the family is shatte- Laurinda and Sylvester say they his body.” red. “God will heal us again. Aidan’s will miss everything about him. “He Sylvester Palmer fought back mother is in the hospital for post-be- used to tease you and laugh at you the tears as he told the Herald reavement stress. Her sister was in an at the same time,” said Laurinda. about the tragic death of 31-year- accident recently and now the death of The family had little to say about old Aidan Palmer, his younger her son. This is too much for her,” he the suspects who murdered him. brother, who was brutally murde- said. He described Aidan as nice, “They must make peace with God. red in Promosa last Saturday. friendly, shy, a person who loved peace They must go back to God and ask Sgt Kelebogile Trom, the SAPS and jokes. for forgiveness,” he said. spokesperson, said the police we- “He was our genius. He could fix gey- Aidan’s funeral service will start at re called to Kleurpoort open field sers, cell phones, computers and 60 Kleurpoort Steet in Promosa at in Promosa at about 06:00 Satur- other appliances. Nothing was impos- 08:00 and will proceed to Grace Ta- day. “They arrived at the scene sible for him. He could also play bernacle Church at 9:00 on Satur- and found a man lying, facing up- drums and keyboard,” he said proud- day. Aidan Palmer. Photo: Supplied Rowers spuit oud-Gimmie met pepersproei in gesig Marianke Saayman parkeer. “Drie ouens klim toe uit en be- toe in ’n ander rigting,” sê hy. Hy sê die man het soveel pepersproei gin op ons afhardloop. Ek sê toe vir Nicolas het in die hardloop oor ’n gespuit dat dit by sy gesig afgedrup het. ’n Jong Potchefstromer en oud-Gim- Morné om te hardloop en ek hardloop klip gestruikel en geval. “Dit het oral gebrand, van my oë tot mie het Donderdagaand 4 Oktober sy “Toe ek die grond tref, was al drie die onder in my nek. Toe Morné sien wat gees vir Aardklop vinnig verloor toe mans bo-op my. Hulle het my geskop gebeur, het hy omgedraai en my naam drie mans hom aangeval en peper- en geslaan en hul hande in my sakke geskree. Dit was toe asof ek nuwe krag sproei in sy oë gespuit het. probeer druk. Ek het gedink die een ou gekry het. Ek het nie eers meer die pe- Nicolas Potgieter het die betrokke gaan ’n mes uitpluk, maar toe pluk hy persproei gevoel nie en het net probeer aand omstreeks 22:00 saam met ’n ’n botteltjie pepersproei uit en spuit dit om die mans van my af te kry,” sê hy. vriend van die Aardklop-terrein na een in my oë,” sê hy. Sy aanvallers het hom gelos en na die van hul vriende se huise in Dwarsstraat motor gevlug, maar Nicolas, wat gedink gestap. Net toe hulle oor die brug links het hulle het sy foon beetgekry, het hul- in Dwarsstraat instap, het hulle ’n wit le blindelings agternagesit. Hyundai i20 motor langs die pad sien “In die hardloop het ek besef al my stilhou. besittings is nog in my sakke en toe los “Drie mans het uitgeklim en in ons ek hulle,” sê hy. Nicolas het na sy vriend rigting begin stap. Ons het probeer wys se huis gehardloop. dat ons reg is om te baklei indien hulle “Ek het seker vir 80 meter omtrent iets sou probeer, maar toe stap hulle blind gehardloop. Ek kon net lig sien,” net ’n draai om ons en klim weer in die sê hy. motor en ry,” sê Nicolas. Nicolas sê dat hy vir drie dae na die Die twee vriende het verder gestap aanval steeds nie mooi kon sien nie en en naby die hoek van Dwars- en Bor- dat sy oë nou nog baie sensitief is. cherdstraat het Nicolas omgekyk en ’n Klag van aanranding is by die poli- dieselfde motor weer in die straat sien sie gelê. Nicolas beskryf die aanvallers se motor as ’n wit Hyundai i20 met swart strepe onder aan die kante van die motor. ’n Motor met ’n soortgelyke beskry- wing is dieselfde aand op beeldmateri- aal van ’n sekuriteitskamera in Baillie- Nicolas Potgieter voel beter na die aanval, park vasgevang. Inwoners sê dat drie maar sy oë is steeds baie sensitief. Foto: Ma- Nicolas se gesig was erg geswel na die aan- mans oor ’n muur in ’n erf gespring en rianke Saayman val. Foto: Verskaf toe weer in dié motor gevlug het. KITSGRAS Baby burns in shack, mother arrested Selogile Leshage Street. “On their arrival, they met with had an argument with her boyfriend. • Bestel by 086 123 5296 of the fire department official, who told When her boyfriend went to work, she The 24-year-old mother of a 5-month- them that they have already extinguis- also left, but when she came back she old baby has been arrested in connecti- hed the fire and do not know the cause found the house burning and she on with the death of her child after their of the fire. The Emergency Medical Res- couldn’t save her child as the blaze was • Kaartfasiliteite ook beskikbaar. shack burned down on Monday. cue Services (EMRS) personnel also too strong.” The Ikageng police are investigating found a baby, who they declared dead,” “The boyfriend later alleged that the • Selfl aai: Ma - Vry (8:00 - 16:30) a case of murder and arson. said Trom. girlfriend had threatened to burn the According to Sgt Kelebogile Trom, Trom further said that according to house down. The landlord corrobora- en Sat. op bestelling. the police spokesperson, the police at- the police statement, the mother of the ted the boyfriend’s allegations. The mo- tended an arson incident in Thusanang deceased told the police that she had ther was arrested,” reported Trom. It has been agreed between the Advertiser and Media24 that the Advertiser is solely responsible for the correctness off all details concerning its advertisement placed herein, including compliance with all relevant legislation. 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Moet nie enige ander syfers glo nie, bring dit asseblief, binne 20 dae ná publikasie, onder die aandag van die Persombudsman by nie, skakel ons kantore vir die korrekte syfers. Gedruk deur 0114843612/8, faks 0114843619, of [email protected]. Paarl Coldset (Edms) Bpk, 83 Heidelberglaan, City Deep. 11 Oktober 2018 Potchefstroom Herald 3 Bring back the death penalty, says the sister of murdered boy (5) Selogile Leshage A quiet and playful 5-year-old boy, Lovemore Ncube, told his sister Sboni- so that he was quickly going to buy snacks at a nearby tuckshop in the In- dian centre in Ikageng last Wednesday morning.
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