A STATE WATER TRAIL GUIDE TO THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER Loerch WMA OrvOOrville’sille’s GullGull French LandinLandinga g 34 34 LakeLakek Rapids 32 49 rt 210 Gilbe 2 2 7070 Lake eek r 7777 CreekC 77 25 30 Rice L 151599 2626 55 371 Potlatch Dam R Portage Right • 201 yards ake 1022 Red Sand Seven Lake Sylvany 3 WWADENAADENADE COUNTY MarMarsh’ssh’h s 1000 to ge LakeLake 1010 3 LanLandingL dinding 33 i TODDTODDO COUNTYCOUNTUN Y u illagerake Evergreen Rice Lake Access 64 PillagerP L GreenGre Oak 20 Landing Lum Park Dowererr LakeLakLakeke StaplesStappllel s LanLaLandingding MosquMosq 35 160 9 WMA 83 1818 Baxter White Brainerd Sand 1 River 18 21 Mile Lake Gull 210 e ak 210210 L First CrowC ch Island r CrC r Kiwanis Park ow reek e 48 P Poor Farm CASCACASSS COUNTYCO Carry-in Access Campground Drinking Water Hospital Wilderd LaLanding WMA MotleyMotlo leley 117 WiWing COUOUNTNTY LawrenceLawwrencece LLake WWMAMA PillagerPillagergeerr MORRISONONN COUNTY CrowCrow WingW 371 210210 Water Access Watercraft Campsite Dam River Mile StateStat Park Baxter Canoe 995 Campsite 25 2424 RiverRive Bu 71 . ff Shelter LawrenceLawrena enceInterpretivencn e LLakLaLakekee WWMAMA Center R.R r alo Outfitter Rapids LongL way 3 ong ie Sylvan Dam CASS COUNTY 148148 PrairiePrair ake PlacidPlacid COUNTY WING CROW Power R Line Telef PauPaulsonlsol n WMA Dock Safe Refuge Point of Interest Old HighCreek 2323 Safe Refuge is shelter with Portage Right - 126.5 yards Barrow RusselRussel Fishing Pier access to a telephone Fish Hatchery LakeLake Picnic Area Designated Public StaplesSStaples WMAWMAA 1010 Wing Mississippi River Al Vah’sVah’s Crow 2525 Land 990 River Crow Wing Ray Cook State Park WMA ake 21 L ong L Phillbrookbbrookrook WWMAMA h Sout Interstate HighwayU.S. Highway State Highway County Road 4444 2222 StaSStanchfieldnchfielfifie d LakeLake WMWMAA 01234miles W.M.A. = Wildlife Management Area 4545 North 0 1234kilometers S.N.A. = Scientific and Natural Area ShamineauShamineau Group Camp LakeLake Fee Charged 985 Camp 9 ROUTE DESCRIPTION BRAINERD to LITTLE FALLS Wing ow Cr Lake 963.8 U.S. Highway 10 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ROUTE Ripley 131 131131 2323 1 Sand plains, a forest of mixed hardwoods, islands and undeveloped shoreline define this river section. Broad 962.4 (R) 4th Avenue Landing 371 121 shallow areas create riffles during most of the year, which complicate navigation for all but canoes and similar 2121 small craft. 962.3 LeBourget Park/5th Ave. Landing 2 2 Crow Wing State Park and Camp Ripley Military Reservation occupy much of the section. The river’s banks FishFish TrapTrap ThereLakeLake are accessesLakeLake AAlexanderl eonxa bothnde rsides WWoodsoo ofds the SSNN Ariver are undeveloped, even though the Twin Cities are about two hours south. Paddling is easy, the views are above the dam. Military remarkable, and fishing is great. Researchers conducting a recreational study of the Mississippi found one LakeLake gentleman who was on the river north of Little Falls almost daily during the open water season—which ended for 961.9 (L) Little Falls Dam, Access and Pier AlexanderAlexander 2 2 him on the Monday after one cold Thanksgiving. Chunks of ice were floating down the river, but the angler took a Built in the late 19th century the dam is day’s haul of smallmouth bass. nowLLakeake owned AlexanderAlexan byde Minnesotar Wooodsods SSNA NPowerA and used Fort Ripley 4545 KoKobliskaobobliskao liska WMAWWMMAM Reservation 980 Landing River to generate electricity for town and for 1300 River miles are counted upstream from the Mississippi’s confluence withKobKKoKobliska thelis Ohioka WMAWM MMARiver, according to a system Nokassippi developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. operations of Hennepin Power, located just Little Nokasippi River WMAMA Note: (R) and (L) refer to right bank and left bank, respectively, when facing downstream. downstream on the west bank. There is a public access on the river’s east bank. 122122 Portage left 325 yards, just downstream 997.8 (L) Kiwanis Park from the Hwy 27 bridge. Sebie 139 fort also secured passage on the Woods Trail, Lake LongLong PrairiePrairie RiverRivver WMAW LLakeake AlexandeAlexander WoWo odsod SNAs SNA Little ssippi The Mississippi leaves the City of Brainerd which ran on the east side of the river, as Fort Ripley NokassippiNoka at Kiwanis Park. The City of Baxter extends Highway 371 does today. There is also a 961.7 (R) Mill Park River downriver on the river’s right, or western shorefishing area just downstream. CROW WING COUNTY bank. The Minnesota Department of Natural 961.0 (L) Weyerhauser-Musser and Rosenmeier MORRISON COUNTY Resources Regional Headquarters is located 976.0 (R) Pipe Island Homes LongLonLPiig PrairiePrair iiriririe RiverRiverr WMAWMA Overlooking the Mississippi River and 2525 on either side of the river, but generally, the Numerous islands in the river corridor are the Broke corridor is wooded. result of the river’s profile and human use of Rufff-Nikf-N Nik WWMWMA Little Falls’ river parks are two gracious n 49 4949 Bow Cr. 2323 the area. Logs were once floated downriver, older homes, built by the Weyerhauser and Pipe Island 994.8 (L) Buffalo Creek and often caught midstream on the rocks and Musser families. Just east of those two 4545 Before settlement, this area was an open boulders. Jams of logs eventually became houses is the home occupied by Gordon 975 plain where buffalo grazed, and the journals Ruff-NikRufff-Nikf WMAWMA Rosenmeier, who had a distinguished career islands in the shallows of this river section, WittikerWittikerk WMAW of river explorers Zebulon Pike, Lewis Cass, There are dozens of these islands in the in the Minnesota Senate. and Henry Schoolcraft each record the Turtlertle CreekCrreekk WWMWMAchannel.A Watch for mud, and soft-shelled explorer’s comments on the plain’s striking turtles sunning on exposed rocks and 960.3 (R) Charles A. Lindbergh State Park and 281 71 appearance. branches. Historic Site/ Pike Creek Landing Ripley Esker SNA 51 The state park is upstream of the Island 37 277277 992.4 (R) Baxter Campsite 970.1 State Highway 115 Mississippi’s confluence with Pike Creek, 371 1 This is the southern boundary of Camp and the historic site is downstream of the Neiterermeierr ermeier WMAW 992.3- (L) Crow Wing State Park Ripley. confluence. Campsites are located one mile 48 4848 986.0 The park has a variety of day use and up Pike Creek. There is camping, boat reek access, modern facilities and interpretive RandallRaanandndall C BrowervilleBroweovernightrville facilities,SheShSheetseets The LakeLakke historice WMAWWM Red River 969.2 (R) Fletcher’s Creek Landing & Campsite Ox Cart Trail leads the visitor through the River access only for the public. Campsite on programs at the park. The park is named for town site of the once-prosperous Old Crow the right bank just downstream of the boat the Minnesota Congressman who was also Topeka Island Wing, which now features picnic grounds. access. There is a private campground on the the father of the aviator Charles Lindbergh. 115 tcher Interpretive exhibits and naturalists programs left, or east, bank. An island bisects the The family lived in the house before 1010 Fle are provided at a shelter area. There is a boat Mississippi below Fletcher’s Creek Charles A. Lindbergh’s election to 970 Camp Ripley Junction 47 4747 4747 launch one mile upstream from the confluence with the Mississippi. Congress. The family spent summers in Green Prairie Fish Lake Fletcher Creek confluence of the Mississippi and Crow HartfordHarH tfofordordr WMAWMWWMAM Little Falls in later years. Landing Wing rivers; a primitive campsite 966.7 (L) Belle Prairie County Park & Campsite Otter Point WMA 262 and carry in access downstream of the This is a day use park. The shallows near the 959.9 (R) Pike Creek Landing 1 4747 265265 confluence, and other camping options park make a productive home for Concrete plank boat access. throughout the park. A State Park Vehicle smallmouth bass. Fishing is terrific, residents 4545 Permit is required. say. The Franciscan Sisters, whose church is This location marks the down river boundary of this LaLastrupstrupu map.LitLittle Refertttttletle ElkElkEl tok W WWMA mapMAM 6, Little Falls to St. Cloud, for near by, protect a beautiful stand of virgin . ie er Crr. 987.3 (R) Crow Wingri River white pine at the park. further downriverLittleLittle ElkElk information. RiverRiv rair The Crow WingPrairieP is a 100 mile river with a k 2525 Little Belle Prairie County Park MinkMin 2727 gradient of 2.5 feet per mile. It is an excellent 964.4 (R) Little Elk River Roscoe Island and popular canoeing stream. Mississippi River 4646 This is an historic Ojibwe village site. It is Elk 46 ong tte L Long also the sight of the western-most fur trade Rive PlattePla 978.9 (L) Fort Ripley Landing post built by the French in the 18th century. r 265 Mud LakeLaake WMA 371 Big The Nokasippi River meets the Mississippi Later a grain mill was built and a townsite 965 10 River here. This was the original location of planned, but they never developed.BeautyBea Fort Gaines, built in 1848 to protect 22 Ereaux WMA Winnebago Indians who were brought to ke a LaL er Minnesota during treaty negotiations with the RiverRiv Dakota and Ojibwe to provide a buffer; the 215 43 k n 214 43 LeBourget 43 SkunkSku Park Landing Cululddrum WWMAMAM Little Falls Dam L 4th Avenue Landing Y Portage Left • 325 yards 45 PierzPierzr COUNTY C NT 27 NNN 27 27 Little Falls Dam N UN Pike Little Falls LongLong PrairiePrairiee CO 238 27 27 C r 10 ODD eek Lake 2525 TODD COUNTY TODD TTT MORRISON COUNTYMORRISON 1 ierz 7171 Pike Creek Popple Lake WMA PierzP GenolaGenola 287 28 Campsite Charles A.
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