![Binder 013, Aspidogastridae [Trematoda Taxon Notebooks]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Trematoda Taxon Notebooks Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of February 2021 Binder 013, Aspidogastridae [Trematoda Taxon Notebooks] Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/trematoda Part of the Biodiversity Commons, Parasitic Diseases Commons, and the Parasitology Commons Harold W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, "Binder 013, Aspidogastridae [Trematoda Taxon Notebooks]" (2021). Trematoda Taxon Notebooks. 14. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/trematoda/14 This Portfolio is brought to you for free and open access by the Parasitology, Harold W. Manter Laboratory of at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trematoda Taxon Notebooks by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Family ASPIDOGASTRID Poche, 190?. 1856 : Aspidobothrii Burmeister 1888: Aspidobothridae Montioelli Family Diagnosi :- Body oval or cylindricai, ventral sur­ face bearing a compound adhesive organ composed of one or more longitudinal rows of acetabula. Mouth anterior, bucoal disk abwent, pharynx present, esophagus present, short, int­ estine simple bind sac. Common genital pore ventral, about level of anterior margin of adhesive organ. Testes one or two, in posterior half of body. Seminal vesicle large, coil• ed, tubular. Ovary unterior to testes, uterine development relatively slight. Vitelltne glands in two l ateral masses. Excretory canals, lateral, paired, excretory bladder paired or single, excretory pore posterior, dorsal. Type Genus:• Apijido~aater von Baer, 1827. KEY TO GENERA A...l.JD SPECIES O ,.,HE Family ASPIOOGASTRIDAE. I. With acetabula in ·l longitudinal row II. II. With acetabula in more than l longitudinal row III. II. With aoetabula in disk Maoraspis. 1. With 10-100 aoetabul 1 J!.eleaans. With aoetabula not in disk StiohoootYle. 1. ·,1th 20-30 aceiabula .2.• nephropi;. III.With aoetabula in 3 longitudinal rows IV. With aoetabula in more than 3 longitudinal rows V. IV. With aoetabula in 3 lon~itudinal rows a. Of equal width Cotxlaapia. 1. With 25 acetabula in disk .Q..lenoiri. 2. With 29 ~~et~~~la in ~isc .Q_.insignis.C~ J. With 32 aoetabula in disk £.. cokeri. b. Of unet ual width Oot:ylogaster • l. 1th ?O acetabula in disk .Q..miohaelis. 2. With 132-144 acetabula in disk .9..oooidentalts. V. With acetabula in 4 longitudinal rows of unequal width VL. With acetabul in 4 longitudinal rows of equal width VII. VI. ith aoetabula in 4 longitudinal rows of unequal width a. Aoetabula opposite &3pidogaster. l. With round mouth, no lips. _A. gonohioola. 2. With 5 lips about mouth ,A.. · kemoatoma.. b. Acetabula alternate Loahot~apta. l. With 74-77 acetabule. in disk ~.vallei. 2. 1th 120 acetabula in disk 4.ma,4donaldi. VII.With ace.tabula in 4 longi tudina.1 rows of une11ua.J. width Ciroumoo~. l. With round mouth~ no lips Q..limacoidea. 2. With 5 lips around mouth £.. ringens. Genus ASPIDOGASTER von Baer, 182?. Generi£ diagnosis:- Body oylindrical, elongated, taper­ ing anteriorly. Ventral disk oval, 4 longitudinal rowa or rectangular aoetabula of equal width and transverGely opJosite. LE.rginal organs present. Buccal cavity, ~rcphar• ynx, genital atrium and cirrus present. Cirrus pouch pear• shape. Testis elliptieal, single. ovary pearsha.pe, lshell gland, seminal receptacle and Laurer's canal present. Vi t­ elline glands follicular. Type species:- Asp1dogaster oonchioola von Baer, 1827. ASPIDOGASTRIDAE Poche,1907 Eokmann's key to genera (1932) A. No sucking disc; a row of sucking grooves on the ventral surface ••••...•. Stichoco)yle Cunningham, l8Kq B. A sucking disc present 1. One row of sucking tu1scs • •......• • . Ma.craspis Oleon,1868 2 . Three rows of sucking discs a. One testis .•.•••..••.•.•••• • cotylaspis Leidy,1857 b. Two testee ••••.•...•••..• cotylogaster,Monticelli,1892 3. Four rows of suckering discs; one testis a. Marginal organs only on the edge of the disc aa. Mouth surrounded by lip-like procees ••.••••.••. LobatoMstoma ~ckmann bb. Mouth without such processes ••...•••• Aspidogaster Baer,1827 b. [arginal organs on the entire upper surface of the disc .... Lophotaspis Looss,1902 Table of the species 01" Aspidogaster 1. Aspidogaster enneat.ie Eckmann. l.'f)i. • • • .. • •. 20 border 2. 11 decatis Eckmann. L'f.3A •.•.. ......•• 22 II II 3. ~ donicus Popoff,1926 ••.........•.. 30 4. " &onchicola Baer,1827 .. , ........• _.32 ti 5. 11 limacoides Diesing,1834 .....•..•. 34 II s; )1,h4. 11 2, ~ ~i 1 ~I.e,{) /)~ )1 M !jJ!e, ,I I Aspirlugaster Baer, l 827 Generic diagnosis. -Aspidogasteridae, Aspi<loga~tcrin,1e: Ventral hapror disc-shaped, with 4 row~ of alveoli and 1,i,1rgi11,d m·g,,ns. Mouth tenuinal, without lol.,ular projections: oral ,ucker p1ese11t nr :1bsent, pharynx well developed. Intestine a simple median tube reaching to near posterior extrernity. 1 estes single, later.ii and, entral, postovarian. Senunal vesit le and nrrus end med in pyrifonn r ii r us poud1 Prostate cells well developed behind cinu5 pouch. Genital pore Yentral, median or suhmet.li,rn. at level of ,interior margin o[ haptor. O,ary bowed or not, directly pretesticul;n, 111erine coils oCCUP)ing mo~t of body; metra­ tcrm well differentiated. Lau1t:r\ t.1nal prc~ent, terminating hlin<lly, or opening rnto fuuncl shaped termi11al sinu~ of hody (A. limacoides). Vitellaria tubular or follicular. on ead1 s1dt: of intestine, commencing in pre-equatoi-ial wne, maY or may not be confluent posterior to in­ testine. Egg;; brownish. moderately large. Excretory vesicle V-shaped; Hame cell formnla on one side; '.\" X ,1.- Stafford (1896), 34 X 3 - Fa,1st (19~2), :\1 x JO- ~\ogaki (1936) 111 type s11eri('s. Parasites o( mol­ lu~ks and fre~hw:iter fohes. 1 ype species: ;1. cuncJw JI(, Baer, 1827 (f'I. l!l2, Figs. 881, 882), in kidney ;:i n<l pet ic ;Lrdium of y,u ions specie~ of U nionidae; Europe, N. Americ,1. ~ 3-3 X l mm. Al.o in Amydu :;incnsis, Leuciscus rwthiops, 1'i,•1j1(11"i/S q111uirat11s. V. mtayrnsi:;; China - Faust (1922, 25) Alvellli ilH re.u;ing in numhcr wHh ,,gc (Shiplc) an<l Burnell, 1901, p. 95), frl­ l 18 - Ward :md Hopk111s (IY~l), ll8 J 74 - Hyd10wsky (1934), 78-102 - .',y{Jg-aki (J~ltn), 60-71 - Rawat (191q) Cf. Dollfii~ (1953, :;s). Excre­ tnr} ~ystem -- 1':wst (192~). Syogaki (19%); lifC' history~ Williams (19 l 2). ---- 0 ther spr:cics: A. antipai Lepsi, 19:12, in U11i 11 /Jaflwus, (.ig-nrnu. A. asciJiae Dies., 185H. iu Afr11t11/a 111,, ·ml/, h7 Rcui, based on B:i 'r. 1~27. ,1. tfrrnt1., hkman11 I Y~2 (PJ 1111, (ig. KIi';). ~yn ..,-/. rn 11eal1s Eck.­ n1ann, 1'1:lY - Bychow~bia ;,nr\ Hychow~ky (l!}.H). in cypnnid fishes (Cypri11,1s, Br1rlms. etc.). 1.:;.4_5 mm; :19 ·11 ,1\veoli - Eck­ mann (19'.{~J- A. 1jima, Kaw,un,11,1. 1915. 111 CvjJ1 •1111.1 ((npin; Ji1J>.i!1. 2· :l.'./ x 0.7 mm, I'..: .• lvC;oli. ,t. ,11c1·r,1 Da)al, l'l !'.I (Pl. l~:?.. Fig. ),!: 7 1'I. l'U Vi~. fl~li), in J:11r 1n1.1 /, r; Lurl-nrn•. l.j'.:; X '..!.211,m. 1>'.! ahl·oli WST.E~[A rH.LMll\ l'Ill'.\1 :l !(j . ,, l). 133r.. (J'l I'll .Fig 8i"•)- s,n. A dnrl/(1/111 Poj'on, , • .1. l llntl(.U/«l'~ lt'S.. .., · • ' • . 1 J 926 CL7-'.{ 111 m) - Bye h, w~k .ii~ ''.ll< l Hychuw~kv (l H·li, _in Cyprinus. LcuciSCIII': Eurnpe. Also 111 Rull/us, Al11am1s, 1 ei~a, Lu.cioperca, Scardinius, Bl,ua. Bar/Ju~, Asjnus, .\,/u111s, V1r11_a, ,. · . Eul·ope () 19,'.l-" 411 mm ti8 ~heo i -- \Vard and Hopkms G UvfllS, ' · · • ' -· • . t <> 1 (1931), 50-7'1 alveoli - B}chows~:it,1 .wtl !~)rhr>wskv (I .l.•·.-) .. · · l R l Jll--1" (Pl l'',' J 10 <ilH) 111 l.r1bcu 11,/111,1. Luck- A . piscico a aw,, , . o . -1, ,, now. Ca. ~ nnn. 5~ alveoli. Rede~cribell anrl hgun·d -- Chauhan (1%1). A.~[> in pearl oy~tei: Ce~lon - Horndl ( 190 I) ASPIDOG STER According to Bychowsky and Bychowsky (1934) the following species are valid: 1. Aspidogaster conchicola v.Baer,1827. type species 2. Aspidogaster limacoides Diesing,1835 synonym: Aspidogaster donicum Popoff,1926 3. Sspidogaeter decatis Eckmann,1932 synonym: Aspidogaster enneatis Eckmann,1932 Ref. Zeit.Parasit. ,7:125-137. A. &V\ clAcwm ~~ J l 1 (f ~ -ft. Q::0 e,;_ ~ Q~ I"( 't K 'f' ·"r .4. huli~ 5 . - Aspidogaster conchicola K.Baer,1827 a 2 _,. r•~~-: -: ~ 3L> ?'I f:"'"'.1 (:- : DUB: -:J@oC d vsNe \ I :2~::il ~l~AI ,-av t a a 3 Aspidogaster conch1cola K.Baer,1827 Aspidogaster conchicola von Baer, 1827 This sp<'L"it-s wa, fonnd in th!' follm\°inl.( hosts 1 ,,.,. al,o Table II; *indiL"att•s a Ill'\\ h,ht r,Tnrcl \: .\11ucl,ll1f11 gil,/,osa , *A. lwl/rnhecki, A. i111/wt'i/i., , *Crl'nodo11ta neisleri, • Elliptw crassidens, •E. sloa,; timw\, £. strigosus. *E. toume!li, "Fusconafo ea­ nm,hia. *F. succissa, Lampsilis anodor1tnides, *L, rnlmng11/ata, *Pleuwlw11u.1 strode1111um, *Quincun­ dn" infucata, *Vi/losa lie11osu. /,orations i11 hu~ts: Pericardia] and renal cavities. Loc11/ili<'s: l-,'5, 8. 10 ( Table I). These are all Ill'\\' locality r<•t·ords. Hitherto .'\. m11chicola has bt·<·H n·porlt·d i11 thl' United State, from Pt•nn• srhania /Leidy. 18!'58: h.t>lly, 1899\. Iowa (Kelly, l8\)9), and fllinois ( Kelly, 1899; Williams, 1942; ',111 CIC'ave and \\iilliams, 1943.1__- - ~ DISCUSSION Our spcdmcus of C. i11signis from Florida, Alabama. and Georgia, and those from Dr.• H. B. ·ward's collection (on loan from the U. S. National ~foseum) show differences from the description of C. insignis by Osborn ( 1903) ( the most complete to date) in respcd to the number of marginal organs and several fea-~ tures of the female reproductive system.
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