SAMPLES or ALL KINDS OF DRY GOODS fOR SIND TO STRAWBRIDOE & CLOTHIER. EIGHTH AND MARKET STREETS. PHILADELPHIA. Patented May 17,1881. Richard Townsend, of Townsend, Î was successfully operated upon by Dr. 4 Charles D. Green, of Philadelphia, for Conference Academy. I fistula perineo. The operation was a Buildings and Grounds worth $50,000. Smyrna, net., difficult one and skillfully performed. THE ßAlLEY, ßANKS & ßlDDLEATCHES The Delaware College Trouble. Afternoon, July 19,1882. AN ACTUAL FACULTY OF SEVEN, yfeà iicsday I —The unfortunate dissension in the PLAIN I ranks of the faculty of Delaware Col- m tmmtoav, be, ui elective cob ' Are without exception the best in the market at the prices at which they are offered. Ilninoh Trains. 1 lege has created considerable interest giayr,,a Hare Advantages In the matter of Climate, Location, Means 10.20 A. M. 5.10 p. m. ! and provoked much comment, particu- of Access, Itooms, Hoardings and Homo ReRiilatlons, They are all guaranteed satisfactory. 7.10 A. M. TRUTHS Hupervlaion, Discipline. I I North, liai »8 South. I»* 2.20 P. M. 7 45 “ larly in and around Newark. A re- i.niug For the promotion of Intellectual and Moral Growth, we have the needed appliances in the matter In writing for information, it is suggested that inquirers state either the kind of — porter visited that place and found the The blood is the foundation of of Library, Apparatus, Cabinet, Herbarium, Art Models, Reading Room, Literary Societies, ullDrH SERVICES. 1 excitement almost at a white heat. life, it circulates through every part Religious Exercises, Churches. We otfer the same advantages for both Sexes. watch desired or about the price they wish to pay. CH^ r i rpiK'np'i—Sunday—Preach- ™ c04.lrse 1,oth sides in the conflict of the body, and unless it is pure ; an.i 71I »*M Sunday School- , have their versions of the affiair to tell ! and rich, good health is impossible. Fall Term opens Sept. 4th. The Conference Academy. Dover, Del. hull particulars sent on request. ■- ,lt J'VVp m. I’rayer Mofting—Tuesday« at although at the meeting of the trustees 1 If disease has entered the system •IA.M ÏÏ^Kov.JoUnO.K^^r^ _ 0„ Thursday, Dr. Purnell was com- the only sure and quick way to drive ~yAi peiek.m - " l^;;Ttrsî luidUMt-.M.'wediuUay I plctcly vindicated and relieved of all it out is to purify and enrich the ,7h BAILEY, BANKS & BIDDLE, srr,e»i'h"^lIIHV-OSunday school ; the charges brought against him bv blood. Q Twelfth and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia. kov. wm a Gordon Reçu* Professors Jefferis and Reinhart, who These simple facts are well K ÄÄÄ Prayer ! evidently attempted a bold coup d'etat known, and the highest medical L3 v , 1 Rcv.J.T.Umsted. j to turn the investigation away from | authorities agree that nothing but «Üi-Kri-Uﻫ*7 ..- P. M. iron will restore the blood to its the hitter gentleman. The two profes- Pastor. -0.1.1 Kell..«;»- »“»TlÄ1 M “'u"v so,rs have evidently put their foot in it, natural condition ; and also that mtho v all the iron preparations hitherto , U<,er.v “.‘sior. " ’ which is clearly proven if it be correct READ THIS CAREFULLY. ..i made blacken the teeth, cause head­ BEELZEBUB. Mi ni.>!•!'r episcopal (Colored).- Hint >>oth have expressed regret and ache, and are otherwise injurious. stennul BY THF. BAKU OF TOWER HALL. r <!*>.£ ‘ • iiins:... at ni'i ‘ 51 ttml 7 M- i sorrow at their action, and one is will­ Brown’s Iron Bitters will thor­ 1 In their efforts to sell their own fertilizers, certain manufacturers are represent­ an 's I '"K to resign if allowed to go in peace. ! oughly and quickly assimilate with Kvry where throughout creation. Kev •opal.—Su n day-Preach- ing that our I The meeting of the faculty this week I the blood, purifying and strengthen­ From ami to the niiduight hour, iu-at v. m..'m«l • . I*. M. Kev. A. A. Bober- j B ■tlzehub is ever busy, j will probably be an interesting and ing it, and thus drive disease from j Diamond Soluble Bone •• Seeking whom he may devour.** SOU. PB“t"r- I important one, and it is more than any part of the system, and it will T his we learn from Holy Scripture— j probable that after cool thought and not blacken the teeth, cause head­ (Acid Phosphate), is not a lasting fertilizer, that it «Ines not improve the soil, T herefore, none ils truth can doubt secret SOCIETIES. •"‘J- when ring?, the bell of conscience. j careful consideration the dispute Will ache or constipation, and is posi­ nor benefit future crops. Then for 1’eel/ebub look out. So. t:t. A. F. A. M—Meets First 1 tively not injurious. The hundreds of farmers who have used our Diaituuid Soluble Bone, know Though he have a foot that “iSrwrtrtaï evemugs of each month, ! he satisfactorily settled and the College loven. j continue in its march of usefulness and i these statements to be false. Vet he gently, lightly goe; Mi-dock- We want all farmers who have not used it, to give it ;t trial, and with this I Ami. when he for s<»ul*> is seeking. ITAK I."!»-':. N< i. o. o. I*'. Meets j progress.—Delaware Gazette I* not apt l»> stub his toes. Maas»1 at b •» clock. Saved his Child. in view, publish the following result of :t practical test at the Experimental i-Tire of foot, and stepping softlv. Friday ■venin.. Upset Sale Not a footfall you may hear .’ every vMPMF.NT, N«». •j.—Meets Second j Bishop Scott’s Funeral.—The old | 17 N. Eutaw Sl. Baltimore, Mil. Farm, West Grove, Penn., giving the comparative yield from one application M. DONSKLI. I of each month, at Yet old Beelzebub will reach you a Fourth ucMlay evening Scott homestead a mile and a-ltalf out of | Feb. i2f 1880. only, of different fertilizers on adjoining patches of ground during a rotation of And he roaring in your ear.’ • Ü! Odessa, was Monday thronged with I Cents;—Upon the recommenda­ Ves! for he "of wars'th* father.” > No 1.-..OBI.EB OK llKPTASOPHS. i tion of a friend 1 tried Brown’s ! four years. \N ill with fiendish zest rejoice wöim-Mlayevening.al7>4o'clock. I] visitors, who came from all directions ; Iron Bitters as a tonic and re­ The fertilizers were all applied on the same Corn Crop at the same time, at If by roaring like a lion. j to attend the funeral services of the i storative for my (laughter, whom ! an equal cost of $8 per acre, and the figures given are the yield per acre of this At Oak Hall, 6th & Market 1 lie can drown your inward voice. 1 was thoroughly convinced was I>i»n’t you listen to the demon . , -.-.j«--« late Bishop Scott. wasting away with Cocsumption. and the three succeeding crops, without additional manuring during the four If you do he will deceive. Notice I» • On the ample and shady lawn hi front Having lost three daught ers by the terrible disease, under the care of years. PITT PA. 1 )ELI>MFA. With the sopulstry s*» subtle -i-aon- haviitfï Advertisement», or want- j of the mansion the visitors sat and dis- 1st year. 2t> year. :5l> YEAR. 4th year. Whispered to our Mother Eve. eminent phys icians, I was luth to* l»o not eat of fruits forbidden Jc ningrUn. tlt.-ir udvertMement». in the cussed the various pleasant reeollec- believe that anything could arrest Gain. Wheat. Gran». Scotch people and old-time folks all know what is the meaning of ait “ upset 'S will I'leaso have them in the office ( tion8 of the good Bishop’s life, the progress of the disease, but, to Corn. By the laws of t iod and man. my great surprise, before my daugh­ No Manure, 41 Bus. 19 Bus. 10 Bus. 960 Ihs. T hough the sly. old serpent fitter. sale.’’ H4s a term used when things are to he sold out to close estates, partner­ •* Freely eat of all you can !” by Tuesday aiternoon, at 0 «> <- »«• Matty learned with surprise that the ter had taken one bottle of Brown’s Barn Yard Manure, 82 " 27 15 2:586 “ Iron Bitters, she began to mend ships, etc. To a friendship for your neighbors. ————— j 0iq ]og cabin where the Bishop first and now is quite restored to former Fine Ground Bone, 72 “ 26 18 2912 “ sympathy for all distressed. •nul State Items, j *uv the light of day was still standing health. A fifth daughter began to Bone Super Phosphate, 80 29 24 4000 “ We propose a sale of this nature. The prosperous season s«> far this year, Charity and kind forebearance. County show signs of Consumption, and 29 “ 25 45512 “ live home within your breast. i on the grounds and visited the historic when the physician was consulted Acid Phospliatc, 84 “ the largest we ever hail, encourages us to I'oioiancy and love's devotions people want gates at j relic with considerable interest, he. quickly said “Tonics were rc- cherish as of self a part ; Middletown It is All our fertilizers are packed in patent Rot Proof Sacks, preventing loss and Let not Milan drive the angels using in that town. | now used as a granary, but the stout ! ouired;** and when informed that j trouble in handling, and useful for grain sacks when empty, practically reditc- fiie railroad I* IT the elder sister was taking Brown's From the chambers of your heart.
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