__ __ < advance; therefore it Is up to us to Get on the Bondwagoh—yBuy War Bonds Every Pay Day Delay in Shipping supply *^sli the bk>od plasma that Pastor Resigns Must Believe Blood Donors About Town Party Is Given w'e possibly can, so that when it is OLD - / J Red Cross Gauze needed there will be enough, for Por Selectees In Beginnings Badly Needed instances have been noted In which RECORDS Average Daily Circulatloi) The Wraiher M ». Adam Mftktn of 18 Sum­ Because of the tremendous « ' as many as 32 pinU of plasma Must ba turned In fog ani- For the Month of Angoat, 1848 Forecaai of U. S. Weather Bureau mit atreet haa entered the Hart­ amount of gauze requisitioned by have been required In saving the vage It you want to keep life hf one wounded man. playing tlia new ones. ford hospital where aha will im- Rev. Ward Says in Ser- the government, particularly for Mobile Unit Will Be at 8 ^ 5 8 Slightly cooler tonight end cool- derfo a major operation. Hoineiiiltipad Park Resi­ surgical dressings,' there has been A week from Wednesday, on the Z'/jO each paid tor old roe- St. Mary’s Church on er Wednesday morning. dents Honor Two of iiioii That It Is Essen-, an unavoidable delay in shipping. 29tb, the mobile unit of the Hart­ ords Irreapecttve of quantity. Member ot the Audit IWclltrDPBiFi ICBFuiun JEembers of Olbbona Aasembly. Word has been received that the ford Blood Bank will be in Man­ Bureaa ot Ctreulattoae tial These Days. Wefinesday, Sept. 29. chester again, at St. Mary’s CathoUc Ladlea of Columbus, wlU its Young Men. gauze for the new quota for the M anchester— A City, of Village Charm enjoy a covered-dish supper tomor­ Manchester Red Cross surgical church. To make an appointment KEMP'S row evening: at 6:30 at the K. of C. “Believing in beginnings Is «s- dressing workers was ordered Through the fled Cross Blood for a donation on that day, call ’ Inr. Homestead Park turned out en Donor Service, everyone haa the home. A bualneaa .meeting will i SL-ntial if we are to live in a better some time ago, and should be re­ Mrs. Carl Swaiison, 2-1442. Do It 768 31ain SL Tel. 8680 (ClasoUled Advertising on Page 8) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS (bllow, during which delegates and masse yesterday afternoon and world tomorrow," said Rev. W. ceived very, soon.. opportunity to do something about now, and feel that you are sending VOL. LXII., NO. 300 elfeamates will be elected to the Evening, to honor Jwo of its young Ralph Ward. Jr., in the seFtnon at It was hoped that meetings their impulse to help, their feelings new life to our fighters! state convention in New Haven In men who have been called to the So\ith. Methodist church yesterday could be re.sumed this . week, for of patriotism, generosity and com- ' ' ' '' ' "V ■' s ' .... ................ pa.ssion—solnething important and October. service—Albert Borello and Louis morning.“ The future is today, and September 23 is the first anniver­ if we fali to be in earnest now sary of the starting of the work on vitally needed. burial Services for'Fallen Americans in Sicily Damato. It can he done without hesita­ Mrs. Wilfred Vancour of 316 al)out getting started in better drc.ssings here, biit. .since the gauze In a sylvan setting, off Home­ ways of Jiving all dreaming abo'ut tion; our blood Is life to the gMUce street, and he# daughter- stead street, near Middle Tflrn- has not yet arrived, the meeting Second Fl*ont to Be a better tomorrow is fanciful," Jie w ill have to be postponed again. wounded, but giving it wdU not Planes Bomb V ta-law, Mrs. Wesley Vancour, the plke west, the residents of the (hrmer Miss Florence Kane of this said. The surgical dress.ings workers, hurt us. To donate a pint of blood section gathered early. Tables had Must Have Foundation is a simple process with no harm­ town, attended the wedding and re- been set under trees and refresh­ who have worked so faithfully in eeption Saturday of Miss Fay Mr. Ward pointed out that the the past year, are urged to be pa­ ful after-effects, the body quickly WARM ments piled high. A large garage Chicone and William Griffiths In Christian church in the last gen­ tient. The announcement of the rcstorihg the amount given. had been cleared and here dancing V’ictory lies at the end of a road /I Our lady of Mercy church, Plain- was enjoyed by the young folks eration strc.sscd the h^finning of date for resuming work will be an­ opened From West; the Christian life to the neglect of that stretches far ahead. Many of Venice as New Gains Vffle. Mr. and Mrs. qrifflths w-ere nounced in Red Cross Notes in The while the older persons gathered our men are bound to fall on that attendants at the wedding in New- in groups to swap neighborhood Its growth and development after­ Herald just, as soon as possible. York In December of Mr. and Mrs. ward. “Today," he pointed out, “we road as the going grows harder, gossip and offer good, wishes to Rev. Janies S. However, if tho.se at home keep Wesley. Vancour. The latter en­ the youngsters who soon will have become so absorbed in plans listed in the Army Air Corps In for the development and growth of Speaker Seen red the shipments of life-giving blood leave. It was the llrst big gather­ In resigning as pastor of .St. traveling right along that road December. He attended the officer ing of the kind in years/ Nearly personality, that we have forgot­ Fifth Arm Mary's Episcopal church, Rev. aandidates’ school of the Army Air one hundred persons constituted ten that if children and adults ' Bv Rotarv Club with our men, we have this assur­ by ance: thousands of those wounded Will Br More Important to Your Comfort O o ^ at Colby college, and is now’ the party. James Stuart Neill, read the fol- never get a start In Christian faith at Maxwell Field. Ala. As dusk deepened, lights were lowinc at the services at the there is nothing to develop. .. The will be .saved.1 Mediterranean Battle­ strung among the branches of the church ye.sterday: church In Its ministry must give The Rotary club will hold it.s We cannot count the wounded In Winter I'han Ever Before. Key Town of Eboli Cap- J^iQigQr M cil Japs’ Losses i Britain’s Chuticcllor The son bom at the Memorial trees and the festivities were ic- Acts 20; 17-:-“Ye know tirim the more attention to the beginning of regular meeting tomorrow night \ 4 French Units field Called ^Third .hospitol Friday to Mrs. Pearl Pren­ pewed. Speeches were made by first dny that I came after What the Chr(stlan life, for as Jesus em­ at 6:45 at the Garden Grove, Kee­ tured by American Sol- ^ ^ Of Exche«|iier Dies Front’ in Report Today tice Dorey and Assistant Seaman many during the evening, ail manner I have been with you at phasized in' the conclusion of the ney atreet. ROBERT DOELLNER ___ ~ Of Air Bases Alfred J. Dorey of the U. 8. Naval touching oh the War and the part all .scHson.s.’’ Sermon on the Mount that which John A. Peterson, past poten­ diers; Germhus Swing- See Revival Aid Corsican To Commons; Claims Training Station. Sampson. N. Y., Homestead Park’s young men are For Paul, his departure from is of supreme Importance is the tate of the Hertford Sphinx Tem­ Teacher of We Hav^ Just Received ing to North and East has been named Richard Allan. playing In it. Among those who Ephesus to Rome was a solemn foundation upon which the super­ ple, will discuss the great work Prove CostlV No Time Lost Needlessr spoke were Joseph Htiblard, Rocco time. He had- labored long He structure is built” being done for crippled children VIOLIN and PIANO To Avoid Trap By O f Bootleg " Citizens Now ly in Operations in Horace E. Risley, Jr., of 121 D’Amico, James Trivignoi,_^d Jo ­ came this day to the parting of the Evil Has Its Origins at the Shrine hospital, an in.stitu- studio: .59 Walnut Street Highland street was honored with seph Naretto. ways. His triumphant faith In the “Our failure to believe in begin­ tion he has been associated with Tel. 7961 This Blanket Value Continued Rapid A<l- ------ Italy; French Army Be­ a farewell party Saturday night at At the close of the part.v, the Lord Jesus had been his constant nings has made us unrealistic for many years. Commandos Landed to High Price in I^Ieii and honor guests were presented W’ith message to the hand of followers about sin, also," said Mr. Ward. vance by British Army; OUtillers Warn All Signs ing Steadily Organized the home of his brother and sister- ___________ -------------------------- Eqnipment Paid While in-law, Mr. and Mrs. <3eorge Risley. envelopes containing cash remind­ now gathered with him on the sea­ Evil has Its origins as well as good : ^ Battle Alongside Pa- and until we see that the begin­ '^Noiib of Sele River. Qf Widespread illicit of m Highland street. He leaves ers of the occasion. shore. He was speaking his last Losing Lae and Sala- London, Sept. 21.— (fl*)—• for service with the Army with the words to therh.
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