Article Politics and Aesthetics of Suspension: Gazes on Migrant Borders KKONA, Christina Reference KKONA, Christina. Politics and Aesthetics of Suspension: Gazes on Migrant Borders. EU-topias , 2017, vol. 13, p. 133-139 Available at: http://archive-ouverte.unige.ch/unige:133776 Disclaimer: layout of this document may differ from the published version. 1 / 1 133 Politics and Aesthetics of Suspension: Gazes on Migrant Borders Christina Kkona Received : 23.11.2016 – Accepted : 11.12.2016 Titre / Título / Titolo rables, tanto las autoridades como los medios de comunicación hablan de “crisis de los refugiados”. El flujo total de refugiados es uno de los mayores Politique et esthétique de la suspension: Regards sur les frontières migratoires retos, ya que revive problemas identitarios. Esta “crisis” en sí refleja un Política y estética de la suspensión: miradas sobre las fronteras migratorias conflicto aplicable al discurso postmoderno del “otro”. Este artículo abor- Politica ed estetica della sospensione: sguardi sulle frontiere migranti da los problemas de migración / inmigración con el fin de examinar sus implicaciones éticas. En segundo lugar, se explora la intersección de la ética Abstract / Résumé / Resumen / Riassunto y la estética a nivel mundial mediante el examen de una película que revela los encuentros inesperados, las privaciones y las posibilidades ocultas de la New migratory movements are one of the processes of globalization experiencia migratoria. La eternidad y un día (1998) de Theo Angelopoulos aiming to transform the organization of socio-economic relations. When presenta la belleza que surge de este sufrimiento y rearticula cuestiones éti- immigration from the global South to the North is forced on the more cas que son también cuestiones de vida o muerte. Las fronteras se pueden vulnerable social classes, both authorities and media talk about a “refugee cruzar cuando son el único territorio de los migrantes. Si el “otro lugar” crisis”. The global flow of refugees constitutes one of the greatest chal- es construido por el imaginario del refugiado, es un mito: una historia pro- lenges of today inasmuch as it revives identity questions. This very ‘crisis’ yectada sobre el porvenir desarrolla expectativas de personas que lo han translates a clash with the applicability of the postmodern discourse of the perdido todo, excepto las cicatrices que llevan sus cuerpos. other. This paper addresses questions of (im)migration, in order to exam- ine their ethical implications. Secondly, it explores the intersection of ethics q and aesthetics on a global basis by examining a cinematic work that reveals I nuovi movimenti migratori sono parte del processo di globalizzazione unexpected encounters, hardships and hidden possibilities of the immigra- che mira a trasformare le relazioni socio-economiche. Quando la migrazio- tion experience. Theo Angelopoulos’ Eternity and a day (1998) discloses the ne dal Sud al Nord globale è imposta alle classi sociali più vulnerabili, tanto beauty that emerges in hardships and it rearticulates ethical questions that le autorità quanto i media parlano di “crisi dei rifugiati”. Il flusso totale dei appear life-threatening. Borders cannot be crossed when they are the only rifugiati è una delle più grandi sfide dell’attualità, perche riavviva il proble- territory of migrants. If the “elsewhere” is a construction of the refugee ma dell’ identità. La “crisi” riflette un conflitto che riguarda l’applicabilità fantasy, it is a myth: a story projected into the future unfolds the set of del discorso postmoderno dell’ “altro”. L’ articolo tratta i problemi della expectations of people who lost everything but the scars on their bodies (im)migrazione per esaminarne le implicazioni etiche. In secondo luogo, esplora l’intersezione tra etica ed estetica a livello mondiale mediante l’ana- q lisi di un film che rivela gli incontri inaspettati, le privazioni e le possibilità Les nouveaux mouvements migratoires font partie des processus de mon- nascoste dell’esperienza migratoria. L’eternità e un giorno (1998) di Theo An- dialisation qui visent à transformer les relations socio-économiques. Quand gelopoulos mostra la bellezza che emerge da questa sofferenza e riarticola l’émigration du Sud au Nord global est imposée aux classes sociales les questioni etiche che sono anche questioni di vita o di morte. I confini non plus vulnérables, les autorités comme les médias parlent de “crise des ré- possono essere attraversati quando sono l’unico territorio dei migranti. Se fugiés”. Le flux mondial des réfugiés constitue l’un des plus grands défis l’ “altrove” è una costruzione dell’ immaginario dei rifugiati, è un mito: actuels dans la mesure où il ravive les questions identitaires. Cette “crise” una storia che si proietta verso il futuro narra le aspettative di persone che elle-même traduit un conflit d’applicabilité avec le discours postmoderne hanno perso tutto, tranne le cicatrici che marcano i loro corpi. de “l’autre”. Cet article traite de questions de migration/immigration dans le but d’examiner leurs implications éthiques. En deuxième lieu, il explore p. 133-139 l’intersection de l’éthique et de l’esthétique sur une base mondiale en exami- Keywords / mots-clés / nant une œuvre cinématographique qui révèle des rencontres inattendues, palabras clave / parole chiave les privations et les possibilités cachées de l’expérience migratoire. L’éternité et un jour (1998) de Theo Angelopoulos expose la beauté qui émerge de ces Migration/Inmigration, North-South, humanitarian crisis, refugees, Eternity souffrances et réarticule des questions éthiques qui sont affaire de vie ou de and a day, Theo Angelopoulos mort. Les frontières ne peuvent plus être franchies quand elles sont le seul q territoire des migrants. Si “l’ailleurs” est construit par l’imaginaire du réfu- Migration/Inmigration, Nord-Sud, crise humanitaire, refugiés, L’etyermité gié, c’est un mythe : une histoire projetée dans l’avenir déploie les attentes et un jour, Theo Angelopoulos de gens qui ont tout perdu hormis les cicatrices que portent leur corps. q Migración/Inmigración, Norte-Sur, crisis humanitaria, refugiados, La eternidad q y un día, Theo Angelopoulos Los nuevos movimientos migratorios son parte del proceso de globali- q zación dirigido a transformar las relaciones socioeconómicas. Cuando la Migrazione/Immigrazione, Nord-Sud, crisi umanitaria, rifugiati, L’eternità migración de Sur al Norte Global se impone a las clases sociales más vulne- e un giorno, Theo Angelopoulos ISSN: 2174-8454 – Vol. 13 (primavera 2017), ISSN: 2174-8454 – Vol. 134 DOSSIER: Christina Kkona In December 2015, German Chancellor Angela Mer- common humanity, is threatening as far as it represents, kel, praised around the world for her refugee politics, as we will see, a negative mirror image of ourselves. claimed that «Multiculturalism leads to parallel socie- No matter how provocative it may seem, the ties and therefore remains a ‘lie’.”1 It is more than ob- chancellor’s claim reflects a certain reality and invites us vious that the German opening of borders was prima- to question the powers and limits of our own cosmo- rily geared toward an influx of qualified workers who politan consciousness. To what extent can our abstract should, like everyone in Germany, be required to speak multiculturalism, once put to test, belie the chancellor’s German “in public and in private with their families,” claim? The worldwide turn towards far-right parties de- according to Merkel’s party, the Christian Democratic monstrates that a so-called national identity, no matter Union. Similarly, the French Prime Minister, Emmanuel how artificial or outdated it may be, is preferred to the Valls, addressed the need to “build a French, European, disquieting vicinity of the other. Whatever identity can Occidentalised Islam, with our traditions and values.”2 be defined is defined against an other3. Modern massive These statements emphasize a political and moral am- migrations, as the consequence of colonial expansions biguity, central to current political discourses: multicul- are about to draw a new map of the world. Following turalism failed, so it would only be possible for different Žižek, I argue that beyond any Western taboo, we have populations to live together within European borders no choice but to accept the universal validity of certain as long as they adhere to the superior European values. European values – when critically rethought – such as A more thorough analysis of these statements would egalitarianism and fundamental human rights. reveal not only the Western cultural arrogance, but also The new waves of massive transnational migra- and more significantly the lack of distinction, as we will tion reawaken for Merkel, as much as for any other see, between the private and the public lives of the ac- European leader, the dilemma between “sovereign cepted refugees. The consequences of such a lack of self-determination claims” and “adherence to univer- separation between private and public spheres touch sal human rights principles.”4 From this point of view, directly upon the question of basic human rights. Merkel’s statement, which accompanied her decision If multiculturalism failed, its failure is independent to control the borders and to monitor the quality and from the refugee question. Intolerance is the interior number of accepted refugees, translates her aim to re- resistance necessary to every culture’s self-assertion. assert German sovereignty before her upset electorate European culture
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