"Nothmg is more de.irable 1- Oldest Catholic Paper than that Catholic paper. 1 in United States. should have a large circuilJ­ 1 Established tion, so that everyone mall I October 22, 1831. THE CATHOLIC TELEGRAPH have good reading." In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in All Things, Charity. -POPE BENEDICT XV. l __-------l -,- - Vol. LXXXXV. No. 44 CINCINNATI, NOVEMBER 4, 1926 TWELVE PAGES PRICE SEVEN CENTS. ~ nOPE- PIUS XI ;-"""'''''''''''''........ ~ I - RELATlVE OF HENRY WARD _ NAME PIUS DEAR IARCHBISHOP'S COLUMN IGERMAN CATHOLIC :'s~;~~;"~~~~;;""""""""11 KIN~SHIP OF PERSONALLY : BEECHER PRIORESS OF NEW : __ : BENEDICTiNE MOTHERHOUSE : TO EPISCOP ACY p-~~o~J'J'~I{)l.AL~~_ VIEWS O_F_AMERICA ~ AC!~D_A~_U';.~T~nR 11 JE_SU_S CHRIST Officiates As Consecrator When ,,: (N. c. W. C. News Service) -: Says Archbishop McNicholas In Scarcity of Vocations Disturb the - Cleveland, Oct. 28.-Rt. Rev. _ , First Observance of Feast Found · Ch' A Manchester, N. H., Oct. 29.- Toast To Holy Father At Churchmen of the Central ; Bishop Schrembs demonstrated; Faithful of Cincinnati Six N'lbve !Dese re : Establishment here of the first : • his versatility, last week, when, • I · h - motherhouse of the Benedictine _ Ma d e BIS ops. _ Sisters in the New England _ Grand Rapids. European Countrjes. : during the closing ceremonies in- : Well Prepared. , cident to the dedication of the : States has just been announced. : INSTALLATION BANQUET. LOSS OF 40,000 CHILDREN : Ursuline high school in Youngs- ;'ARCHBISHOP PONTIFICATED ARGENTINA AND HOLY SEE. _ It will be known as St. Mary _ town, he served first as a music • : Priory and will be in St. Raphael : : critic and, later, as a music teach- -, - -- _ Parish, which is in charge of the # B er and an accompanist. K. C. Commissioner Has Audi­ _ Benedictine Fathers at 22 Fourth _ Honoring ishop Joseph G. Pin- Caused Yearly in Germany By ~ ~ 'At St. Peter Cathedral and Dr. ence. Father Spellman Honored. # Street. # ten, Fourth of Michigan See. Mixed Marriages. : In the singing of the familiar - i Thill Preached Sermon : Mother Aloysia Beecher, O.S.B., : - "Holy God", he called attention : I . _ of Chicago, who· attended the , RAND RAPIDS, MICH., Oct. 29.- By REV. DR. WU.HELl'.! VON CAPITAINE. : to a common error which is ~ THE FIRST ce-l-eb- r-a-tion of the feast By MSGR. ENRICO PUCCI. Archbisho·p John T. McNicholas, [Cologne Correspondent N. C. W. C.] _ made by almost everY<Jne. He - ' C . (Rome Correspondent N. C. W. C.) # University of Illinois and the - G : Catholic University of America : who had come to Grand Rapids to CLERICAL APPOINTMENTS OLOGNE, Oct. H.-America's.- left the platform of the academy # of the Kingshiph i of JesusC" hnst1 (N. C. W. C. Special Cable) • and went to the piano, where he - found t e fa thful of lllClllnat - at Washington, is the first prior- _ preside at the installation of Bishop respect for the clergy, the religi- # # d h· th bl' h d 1 tt f OME, Nov. I.-Six native Chinese : ess. She is related to the late : Joseph G. Pinten as ordinary of this Rev. George J . S telllkamp,. A dmin- Cous fervor of its Catholics and the • pla.yed the proper accompani-.• thprepare H 1 Fvy th e pud thlS e M e Rers 0 bishops were consecrated in the _ Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, fam- _ see, yesterday, was the principal istrator, Church oJ th e R esurrection, excellence of its parochial schools -_ ment, sang the part of the hymn _ ed A0 y hba' h er an eII ost b ever-th which was sung incorrectly by # en rc IS oJ?, as we as y e RVatican Basilica by Pope Pius - ous American pulpit orator. She # speaker at the banquet honoring the Dayton, Ohio. are among the deepest impressions - #. h . h _ the audience, and directed the • sermons given III t e vanous pans himself, on Thursday, at a mag.ni.fic­ : will be assisted by Sister Ruth : new suffragan bishop of the Cincin- Rev. Raphael Rodgers, from St. made upon German pilgrims to the • h h h S d d' ent ceremony. Particularly strlkmg _ Cullen, O.S.B., also of Chicago. _ nati Province, at the St. Andrew Peter 'Cathedral, C incinnati, Ohio, to Twenty-eighth Eucharistic Congress -# student body and others-present, ,_ Thc urc es t e . dlun aytt preced lng.t was the scene at the "Litany of the - The new community already has # Gymnasium, following the religious Sacred Heart Church, Dayton, Ohio, at Chicago, according to two books # until the particular measure had ere was a goo y a en ance a Saints", with the bishops, prostrated : three postulants, two from New : exercises. • as assistant pastor. just published in this country. One #_ been mastered. :_ mostdifferent of thechurches, special and services at St. inPeter the about the kneeling pontiff, offering # York City an,d one from Boston. _ Archbishop McNicholas' toast was By Order of the Archbishop, is entitled "American Letters of the ...... , .............................. " ................... Cathedral, where the archbishop pon. candles, bread, gold, silver and wine, "The Holy Father", in which he paid M tth 'a F H k Twenty-eighth International Oon· tificated, there was a great congre- # - brought from their far country. -----------~------------- a striking tribute to the Supreme lssi:t:nt ·Ch:~c:l~~r. gress at Ohicago, 1926", by Msgr. POPE REJOICES ·gation. Rev. Frank A. Thill, Ph.D., Holy Communion was administered Pontiff. The address of His Grace Bernhard Lichtenberg, pastor of was the preacher on this occasion, and to the six bishops by His Holiness COAL FAMINE follows: Charlottenburg; and the other "With At Escape of Premier Mussolini From expressed in beautiful language the at the same altar and from the same ARCHBISHOP'S TOAST APPOINTMENTS OF the German-Americans", written by Assassin's Bullet_ meaning of this n.ew feast day, which chalice he himself used in his cele­ Necessitates Retrenchment in Dublin. THE ARCHBISHOP Bishop F. H. Geyer, of Godesberg. is celebrated on October 31, by de- bration of Mass. The mitres and pas­ Gathering Wood. "The name Pius is very dear to the Monsignor Listenberg's book de- (N. C. W. C. Special Cable) cree of Pope Pius Xl. Father Thill toral rings also were given to . tI:e priesthood and to the episcopacy of scribes the religious services aboard Rome, Nov. 1.-Premier Mussolini, said: newly consecrated bishops by H1S (N. c. W . C. Special Cable) the world today. The present cen- Sunday, November 7th- the ship that conveyed his party before taking part in the ceremonies Holiness personally. Pope Pius caused Dublin, Nov. I.-Dublin Borough tury has given to us the saintly Pope A. M.-Con.firmation, St. Joseph, to America, the impressions gained at Bologna yesterday, in which an FATHER THILL'S SERMON the bishops to seat themselves in the commissioners are requesting shop­ Pius ,X, whom we prayerfully hope Hamilton; 3 p. m., Confirmation, of many American points of interest assassin attempted his life, had just "The Lord God shall give unto Him episcopal chairs before the altar, and keepers to reduce their display light­ will be raised to our altars, and our St. Veronica, Hamilton; 7:30. p. and the various phases of the Con- assisted at Mass, celebrated in the the throne of David, His father, and pronounced a homily in Latin. He ing because of the coal famine. The present gloriously reigning pontiff, m., Confirmation, St. Ann Church, gress. Each chapter is replete with private chapel at the prefecture. He shall reign in the house of Jacob expressed his happiness that the con­ curtailment of municipal lighting has Pope Pius, XI. Hamilton. admiration of American piety, char- Today there were placed upon the forever, and of His Klingdom there secration should be accomplished on also been announced, as the Dublin "The opening of the nineteenth cen- Wednesday, 'November 10, p. m.- ity and hospitality. Cardinal Munde- cross, recently erected in the Coli- shall be no end. (Luke, 1, 32, 33.) October 28, the feast day of Saints generating station has only a ten-day tury gave us .Pope Pius VII, who for Opening of Welfare Center, Santa Ie in did not make an over-estimate, seum, a placard with the inscription, "The proclamation, issued by our Simon and Jude and the anniversary supply of coal. It: is Impossible to twenty-three years witnessed the dis- Maria Bldg., W. 13th Street. when he promised the Holy Father "The Cross, Honored and Exalted by Holy Father, Pope Pius XI, in the cf his own episcopal consecration. obtain English .coal; and it is not turbance of Europe, and, coming in Thursday, November H, 7:30 p. m. 1,000,000 Comm:unions during the Musslllini, Protects His Life". month of December, 1925, in which His Holiness also eXl?l'essed the likely that any would be available for conflict with Napoleonic arrogance, ---,Confirmation, St. James Church, Congress, he says. Immediately after word came of he established a new feast-day in the hope that shortly he would be able eight weeks, if the coal strike is not was imprisoned at Savona and Fon- White Oak. The writer calls particular atten- the attempted assassination of the calendar of the Church, to be known to designate other native bishops in settled. Meanwhile the Saint 'Vincent tainbleau. Twenty months covered Saturday, November 13-Charity tion.to the fact that German pilgrims premier, the pope sent to him a mes- as the Feast of Jesus Christ, the the brief span of the reign of Pope and priests received ample testimony sage deploring the attempt, and con- mission countries.
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