MAP OF CHINA, Showing the stations of the China Inland Mission only, on Jan. 1st, 1904. M o IM 0 * shsiff-cAtrrio • * To. ‘ tu n ^ oSvLtzn Awa i So-pi ; 0W : C H I * LI ■;y p/ho-teo . SHAN' . " c/u*M . ■ ojioty-niny Q fiwxjty-Uxft S 1 Jfuajo-i o *>fiinp-ycu} oShixn-^teh. oSi'rang ■ KLe-lSiu. ¿iene' KAN- S U H '.S i Nq^A^>%)JSaSuttciienff SH A N “TUNC ’ TcL-jving»* . O /, ° Lan-ctau Chen-yiianoC/igix -yiiartQ A i ■'“Jfe W '•fl' »'” o¿u « ftnffiianxra Tünp^nffC AfrqO .;f . ' • ■ ■ •. .. V Fkx-Jau*ntfQ ¿u rtff o _o ® . i-." ' D o , D • ^ B T^I o '„do ^>o “ a S n /feotóu SülW 5 ° H o n a n fu . I... lb t n , o‘ 7a z .- k o j .:■• = ° ^ s u ' i ä ^ - ^ ;" S H°E N *^W *H ON A N ' KjJ,„ Z ^ O °Yao9 ,.’À&y-feeS««n She&tien^ ¿Yùn^-chaa ’ - • . o va, offinff-an 0 \y *“'*0 ; sAN" r Sin-tìjentsio K u rch & n g T i i o - n i n g o K u a n o u P E A™*tf ° Shun-r*r<g .?VT' ^I-chma Ta.-Z>ienhio Lutng-afum. ■ ffui-cA auO S I- C H U E N Kla--ttri<f Fif-shun °ChjM ff-k'óng r '....... Siaa-tiAjLo °Eianp-isin. Cfùxng-t* . t« * m o jiJ lv fo n S v U o ^«-.«vWv ...... Wi-Aot^b^o •- '• o & iot-cM ä • .Nan-dumg 0o ^ o r ■■:: , •, w - v t i&ß'i-c^oH U • NAN KIAN Parvf-ficui O ''Hut-Jang • „ °Äi KWEI - CHAU ^iwei-_yan£ OK^ j q Tcl-Òl K i i - t a i n g A n - e h ix n . ts * r fmp'&artf/ 7« -¿Attn, .' Aanrcnnvo O . Y u n -n a n * QSi>i ~fet*g ik h a m n Y U N N A°N " 'fiing-L KUA NG - SI KUNG-TUNG /' CHINA TONG - KING Showing the Stations o f the Scale o f Miles CHINA INLAND MISSION Stnn/nrvls Geoy.'¿¿¡(nJj^Loruion. "When the China Inland Mission was founded in 1866 there were only 15 Protestant Mission stations in China. On January 1st, 1904, there were 194 stations in connection with the C .I M. alone. These stations are in fifteen of the eighteen provinces of the Empire, as follow s;— K an-suh, 1 0 ; S h e n s i, 2 4 ; S han-si, 2 9 ; Ch ih -li, 4 ; S h an -tung, 2 ; H o-n a n , 1 4 ; K iang-su, 6 ; S i-chuen, 2 4 ; K wjei-chatt, 6 ; Y un-n a n , 4 ; H u-peh, 4 ; K iang si, 2 5 ; G an-h w u y , 1 2 ; Cheh-kiang, 2 5 ; Hu -n an , 5. These, with one or two exceptions, which space will not permit, are all marked cm this map. The Mission has also 417 out-stations, bat these are not shown. For the sake of clearness no rivers, canals, treaty ports, or stations of other societies have been marked. Remembering that until recently China was a closed land, it is not possible to look at this map without feelings of sincere and humble gratitude for all that G od has been pleased to do through the instrumentality of the C.I.M . May G od make each of these stations a centre of increasing blessing. C h in a ’s M illio n s « ti V o l . X II—New S e r ie s . 1 9 0 4 . tau Mvwirr som] •y c , c ^ L o n d o n : MORGAN AND SCOTT, 12, PATERNOSTER BUILDINGS, E.C. CHINA INLAND MISSION, NEWINGTON GREEN, N, China intanò /IIMssion. ► OFFICES : CHINA INLAND MISSION, NEWINGTON GREEN, LONDON, N. Telegraphic Address—Lammbbmuik, London. _ Telephone—1807, DAlston. Founder and Consulting Director ... ... J. H udson T a y l o r , m .r .c.s. General Director ... ... ... D. E. H oste. London Council. Home Director and Chairman T heodore H o w ar d , Bickley, Kent. Assistant Home Director ... W alter B. S l oan. R ichard H . H ill, St. Keverne, Bromley, Kent. Rev. J. J. L uce, M.A., St. Nicholas Vicarage, Gloucester, W illiam S h ar p, Woodfield, Beulah Hill, Norwood, S.E. C ecil H. P olhill, Howbury Hall, Bedford. P. S. B adenooh, Conference Hall, Mildmay. C olonel J. W . H ogge, 36, Kidbrook Park Road, Blackheath, S.E. Treasurer : Robert Scott. Secretary : F. MA.K0US Wood. Editorial Secretary : M a rsh all B room hall, B.A. Secretary Women's Department: Miss H. E. S oltau. Cashier—W a lt er T u c ker. Bankers—L on don and Co u n ty, 21, L om bard Street, L ondon, E.C. All donations to be addressed to the Secretary. Cheques and Money Orders (payable at G.P.O.) to be made payable to the C h in a I nland M ission, and crossed “ London and County Bank.” It is particularly requested that on every occasion when a sum of money is sent for transmission to a Missionary as a gift, or for any •private purpose, it be clearly indicated as for transmission only. But money intended for the support or work of any particular Missionary, or for a Native Helper, or Bible-Woman, or Scholar, or any other Mission object, being practically a contribution to the Mission, should not be marked for transmission, but the desired object indicated only. North American Council. Home Director and Chairman H e n r y W . F rost. -Bb Secretary and Treasurer; J. S. H blm er, Toronto, Ont. Treasurer: Horace C. Coleman, Philadelphia, Pa. J. 0 . A nderson, Toronto, Ont. J . D. N a sm ith , Toronto, Ont. 4*- H o n . S. H . B lak e, K .C ., Toronto, Ont. H e n r y O ’B r ien , K.C., Toronto, Ont. J. R . C a v er s, Galt, Ont. R e v . H . M. Parsons, D.D., Toronto, Ont. R e v . T. C. D esB arres, M .A ., Toronto, Ont. E l ias R ogers, Toronto, Ont. R e v. W. J. E rd m an , D.D., Germantown, Pa. T. H. S t a r k , M.D., Hon. Medical Examiner. J. J . G artshore, Toronto, Ont. F . A. S t b v e n . R e v . E lmore H arr is, D .D ., Toronto, Ont. R e v . R . A. T orrey, D.D., Chicago, 111. H o w ard A . K ell y, M.D., Baltimore, Md. R e v . T homas W ardrope, Guelph, Ont. R obert K ilgour, Toronto, Ont. R e v . R obert W allace, Belleville, Ont. R e v . D. M cT a v ish , D.Sc., Toronto, Ont. The members of the Council meet at Philadelphia or Toronto, as may be most convenient for them ; those meeting at Philadelphia deal with Mission matters in the States, and those meeting in Toronto with Mission matters in Canada. I n the U nited S tates : I n C an a d a : 702, Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 507, Church Street, Toronto, Ont. Home : 226, W. Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Home : Australasian Council. R e v . S. C. K e n t . R e v . E. K in g . R e v . D . O ’D onnell. R e v. W . H . H o sken. R e v . J. S ou th ey . R e v . C. H. B a r n e s. D r . M cC oll. R obert G illespie . R e v . J. C arson. G. P. Ba r b e r . Hon. Treasurer: D r . J. J. K itchen, 239, Bank Street, South Melbourne. Secretary: C. F. W h itr id g e. Office : Australian Deposit and Mortgage Bank Buildings, 267, Collins Street, Melbourne. Home Centres. Associate Missions. Europe. , Europe. ENGLAND— Newington Green, Mildmay, London, n . SCOTLAND— 121, Bath Street, glasgow. SWEDEN— The Swedish Mission in China, Stockholm, GERMANY— l ieb enzell, wurttemburg. X *" * The Swedish Holiness Union, Torp, k u m l a . SWITZERLAND— St. Chrischona, near Basel. " ; The Scandinavian China Alliance Mission, JÖNÖKPING. Bortb America. NORWAY— The Norwegian Mission in China, Ch r ist ian a . CANADA- 507, Church Street, TORONTO. UNITED STATES- -Office— 702, Witherspoon Building, Philadelphia, GERMANY— The German China Alliance Mission, Seifen- penn. strasse 5, barm e x . Home—226, W. Chelten Avenue, German Town, FINLAND — The Free Church Mission, seu tu la, d ic k u bsbt. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Australasia. ftortb America. AUSTRALIA— 267, Collins Street, Me lb ourne. NEW ZEALAND- Moana,” Michie Street, Roslyn, d u n e d in . UNITED STATES— The Scandinavian China Alliance Mission, 1084n, TASMANIA— 103, Macquarie Street, hobart. Francisco Avenue, chicago, il l . 1904. Index. Editorial Notes—continued— “ All things work together for good ” 53 Bible and Post Office Medical Missionary As­ Annual Meetings, Report of:— Officials, The ... 137 sociation ............... 7 Bible in China, The ... 150 Medical Mission Station, Sir Geo. Williams ... 71 Mrs. Howard Taylor ... 81 Bible Society, The ... 48 A ............................ 49 Letter from Rev. J. Rev. J. Stuart Holden 84 Bible Sunday, Mar. 6th, Missionary Literature... 123 Hudson Taylor ... 72 Lord Kinnaird................ 89 1904............................... 35 Missionary Motive ... 123 Annual Report................ 72 Dr. Whitfield Guinness 90 Call to Prayer, A ... 6 Missionary Progress ... 123 Bishop Cassels................ 77 Miss M. Murray 93 Central China Religious Missionary Situation in Rev. B. Upward ... 79 Mr. R. Williams 94 Tract Society .
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