Hydrobiologia 387/388: 63–77, 1998. 63 E. Wurdak, R. Wallace & H. Segers (eds), Rotifera VIII: A Comparative Approach. © 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. Dicranophoridae (Rotifera) from the Alps Christian D. Jersabek University of Salzburg, Institute of Zoology, Hellbrunnerstr. 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria E-mail: [email protected] Key words: Dicranophoridae, Austria, alpine water bodies, taxonomy, biogeography, ecology Abstract Rotifera of the family Dicranophoridae Harring, 1913 were recorded from mountainous altitudes of the Austrian Alps. Here, their morphology, distribution and ecology is detailed. The description of Encentrum walterkostei Jersabek is amended by observations on living animals. Of 19 species encountered, all but four are new to the alpine region, nine species are first records for the biogeographic region ‘Alps’. Four species are new to science and will be published elsewhere. The majority are cosmopolites or widely distributed taxa, but also species with a more limited range, possibly endemics, seem to exist. Most species can be characterized as being more commonly found in cold environments, some of them are known to be psammobiontic or psammophilic. Introduction considered at most on generic level. More detailed species lists for subalpine and alpine environments of Benthic rotifers of alpine regions are sparsely invest- the Austrian Alps were provided by Donner (1954, igated. For many of Europe’s mountain regions there 1970) and Jersabek (1995), focusing mainly on soil is little or no information as to which species are samples, river habitats and stagnant waters, respect- present, and local patterns of distribution and abund- ively. From these studies a total of about 88, mainly ance are also little known. This is especially striking edaphic, bdelloid rotifers and 169 monogonont taxa with illoricate forms. So, in previously published are listed for alpine sites > 1000 m a.s.l. In a com- species lists from other palaearctic mountain ranges, pilation of Rotifera for the ‘Limnofauna Europaea’, N L like the Caucasus (Tarnogradski, 1959, 1961), the Berzi¸ns (1978) mentioned 23 dicranophorid species Pyrenees (Margalef, 1948; De Ridder, 1964; Mir- to be known from the zoogeographic region ‘Alps’, acle, 1978), the Atlas Mountains (Coussement & which, however, includes also low altitude regions. Dumont, 1980), and the Sierra Nevada (Morales- As part of a continuing study on alpine Rotifera, Baquero, 1987; Morales-Baquero et al., 1989) not this contribution illustrates the occurrence of dicrano- even a single dicranophorid species was mentioned. phorids in high altitude lakes and pools of the Austrian Single reports of dicranophorids exist from the Tatra Alps. The study was accompanied by examining draw- Mountains (Koniar, 1955, 1957; Fott, 1960), the ings and records by Dr Josef Donner in his original Carpathians (Godeanu, 1963a, b; 1970) and the Massif notebooks. Central in France (Francez, 1981). The low number of species previously reported from the Alps reflects the paucity of rotiferologists in that geographic area, Methods although Central Europe was a stronghold of rotifer taxonomy since decades. An early compilation of roti- fers occurring in alpine lakes, mainly of Switzerland, Field methods and laboratory procedures were ap- was published by Zschokke (1900). Further sketchy plied as described by Jersabek (1995). Drawings notes on littoral forms are available from a number and morphometric measurements were made at 500 of studies based upon plankton samples. However, in to 1250 × magnification, using a Leitz-Laborlux D these non-taxonomic studies illoricate rotifers were microscope fitted with a camera lucida. 64 The study focuses on records of dicranophorids muddy substrates and mosses (Fontinalis); Palaearctis, at altitudes > 1000 m a.s.l. This somewhat arbitrary Nearctis. borderline includes altitudes well below the alpine Previous records from the Alps: First record for the vegetation zone, which is found between timberline Alps. and snowline. The timberline lies at ca. 1500 m Records from other palaearctic mountain ranges: a.s.l. in the Northeastern Limestone Alps, and fluctu- Massif du Canigou, Pyrenées Orientales, France (De ates between 1600 (northern flank) and 1700 m a.s.l. Smet & Pourriot, 1997). (southern flank) in the Central Alps. Species found above this climatically determined borderline are re- Dicranophorus forcipatus (O.F.M., 1786) (Figures garded as ‘alpine s.str.’, whereas the remainder would 9–11) be ‘alpine s.l.’. The boundaries of the biogeographic region ‘Alps’ are according to Illies (1978). A table Material examined: Two specimens from a limestone listing short descriptions of the sampled water bod- pool. Conspicuous by its large size and sabre-shaped ies and environmental characteristics can be obtained from the author on request. toes with basal septum, and 2 small, black eyespots (Figure 10, 11). Highly transparent. Trophi normal, measurements within the range given by previous au- Results thors, but unci very long, reaching > 2/3 ramus length. Shearing teeth blunt elliptic, on ventral side of rami. Data on occurrence, abundance and habitat charac- Apical rami teeth with 2 tips (Figure 9). teristics for the dicranophorids collected during this Dimensions (µm): n=2; body length 183–189 survey are summarized in Table 1. In all, 19 spe- (contracted); toes 85; trophus 72; ramus 47; fulcrum cies were found, four of which are new to science 20; uncus 36; manubrium 55–57.5; epipharynx 34; (Jersabek, in press). distance between eyes 17; number of shearing teeth 8/9 (d/s). Occurrence and ecology: Northeastern Limestone Comments on recorded species Alps (Sengsengebirge, northern flank); on sludge in productive pool below timber line (1370 m a.s.l.), Aspelta lestes H. & M., 1928 (Figures 1–8) slightly auxotrophicated by game. Probably the most common Dicranophorus, previous findings in limnos- Material examined: Two specimens each from two aprobic environments of fresh and brackish waters, alpine lakes, one specimen from a subalpine pool. but also recorded as psammoxenic species from the Foot and toes retracted within body in contrac- hygropsammon of lakes; cosmopolite. ted specimens. Toes slightly decurved ventrally and Previous records from the Alps: Tyrolean Alps forceps-shaped in ventral view (Figure 1). Posterior (Austria), without exact location (Dalla-Torre, 1889); 1/3 swollen, abruptly tapering to acutely pointed tip Swiss Alps (Unterer Murgsee, 1673 m a.s.l.) (Figure 2). Cuticle highly transparent. Trophi asym- (Zschokke, 1900). metric, with acute hook-shaped alula on right ramus Records from other palaearctic mountain ranges: (Figure 3). Manubria with minute notch terminally Reported from two localities (ca. 1147–1280 m a.s.l.) (Figure 4), not crutched as described by Harring and in the Massif Central, France (Francez, 1981) and Myers (1928); this was also observed in Czechian from the Massif du Canigou, Pyrenées Orientales, specimens examined by Donner (1954). Unci highly France (De Smet & Pourriot, 1997). characteristic (Figures 6,7). Dimensions (µm): n=3; total length 98–109 (con- Dicranophorus luetkeni (Bergendal, 1892) (Figures tracted); toes 29–33; trophus 30; rami d/s 13/13.5– 12–15) 14.5/15; fulcrum 7–9.5; unci d/s 10.5/8–11.5/9; manubria d/s 18.5/19. Material examined: Several specimens from seven Occurrence and ecology: Encountered on sand localities in the Central Alps, and from two bog ponds bottom and among macrophytes (Ranunculus sp.) of in the Northeastern Limestone Alps. oligotrophic alpine lakes (2174–2220 m a.s.l.), as well Conspicuous by long toes terminating in movable, as on sludge of a permanent pool in subalpine pas- blunt claws of 1/3 toe length (Figure 15). Trophus ture land (1360 m a.s.l.). Previous records restricted to with acute elliptic shearing teeth, posteriorly decurved 65 Figures 1–24. Aspelta lestes (H. & M.) – 1: contracted specimen, ventral view; 2: toes, ventral view, 3: incus, dorsal view; 4, 5: left and right manubrium, lateral views; distal end of left manubrium enlarged; 6, 7: left and right uncus, lateral views; 8: fulcrum, lateral view. Figures 9–11. Dicranophorus forcipatus (O.F.M.) – 9: trophus, ventral view; arrow indicates apical ramus tooth in dorsal view; 10: toes, ventral view; 11: contracted specimen, ventral view. Figures 12–15. Dicranophorus luetkeni (Bergendal) – 12: trophus, ventral view; 13: uncus, lateral view; 14: fulcrum, lateral view; 15: toes, ventral view. Figures 16–20. Encentrum diglandula (Zavadowski) – 16: trophus, ventral view; 17: ditto, lateral view; 18: posterior end of contracted specimen, dorsal view; 19: toe, lateral view; 20: contracted specimen, ventral view. Figures 21–24. Encentrum incisum Wulfert – 21: trophus, ventral view; 22: ramus, ventral view; 23: precuncinal teeth; 24: foot with toes, ventral view. Scale bars: habitus 50 µm; trophi, toes 10 µm. 66 Table 1. Occurrence of dicranophorids in high-altitude sites of the Central Alps (CA) and Northeastern Limestone Alps (LA) (Austria); wb – waterbodies. Substrate types: min – mineral bottom (fine sand, coarse gravel, rocks), uca – dense aggregations of unicellular algae (Cylindrocystis sp.), slu – sludge, mos – mosses, mac – macrophytes. Abundance values are highest observed densities: 1 single encounter, 2 rare, 3 sporadically, 4 abundant ◦ Species Number of records Altitudinal Substrate, abundance pH cond (µS) T ( C) CA (43 wb) LA (18 wb) range min uca slu mos mac (m a.s.l.) Aspelta lestes (H. & M.) 2 1 1360–2220 2 1 2 6.9–8.2 11–140 8.3–24.2 Dicranophorus forcipatus (O.F.M.) 1 1370 2 8.2 204 17.1 Dicranophorus luetkeni (Bergendal) 7 2 1290–2505 2 3 2 4.3–7.2 5–24 8.2–28.6 Dicranophoridae Gen. et sp. nov. 1 2547 2 8.3 24–28 3.3–6.0 Encentrum diglandula (Zavadowski) 1 2 1410–2270 3 2 2 5.6–6.4 9–14 12.7–22.1 Encentrum incisum Wulfert 1 1370 2 8.2 204 17.1 Encentrum lutra Wulfert 6 1 1643–2753 3 3 3 2 4.9–8.3 7–240 3.2–16.8 Encentrum mucronatum Wulfert 3 2420–2640 2 1 4.9–6.8 6–10 7.8–10.5 Encentrum cf.
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