BELVAR ' Thtrt Art Better four Mkid On Ymr DrMHt Ami Buyi In Brimair Your ffyat Oil lit Hood. THE COASimDVERTISEffsfl Toumtltw Sv R ***. Sixty-Ninth Ytar No. 17 — 8 Pag« BELMAR, NEW JI PAY, AUC.UST 2, 1982 Sevea Cents • I I II—I—. Tentative Plans BelmarMan Heads Canteen Opening Beach Pi i Awarded Heights Board Graduates From Beach Receipts Belmar,: lie, Manasquan MarineAcademy On Urban Renewal K. Of C Chapter TRENTON •r Township (Town Banki Ensign Lee R. Johnson, son On Second Nigh granted $47,600 for . ' O. for new Jetties: Mid Appoints Larson of Mr. and Mrs. Victor John- Show $3,100 Rise pairs In tl.106.M0 In I Township iReeds (Beach. son of Water street, West beach protection proj P. Burke Elected Belmar Elks Extending Point) $10,o«o for Belmar, was graduated Mon- Aired To Owners proved by Oovernor Succeeds Herbert At day from the U. 8 Merchant Over 1961 Period Chairman Of Mon- Program At 5th Ave., J. Hughes and N Adams said lnvestlgs- Marine Academy. Kings House Commission I by members of the Bur Superintendent Of Regional, National Of mouth-Ocean Group Pavilion In all it emergtnoy of Navigation Indicated Grammar School lion projects, rsco Belmar Up $12,000 O* ficet Muit Pan On I degree of emergency and TOMB RIVER — James F Belmar Lodge of Elks No by Commissioner physical situation at the SPRING LAKE HHHaHTS- Season Tags, Off On Burke of MM Sixth avenue, Adams of the Belmar Program 1M7 has announced the ex locations deserved prior Charles A. Larson Jr.. of Dailies^Monthfiw , was elected chairman of MOD tended Teen-Age Canteen ment of Comer ' In the constderation of the Wall Township has been ap- mouth-Ocean County Chap- sponsored by the lodge at toe Economic conditions of the Tentative plans for Urban pointed superintendent of the Belmar la running more Renewal In Belmar were pre ter Knights of Columbus, last Fifth avenue Pavilion on th approved. The p__, clpaUtles and also such borough's elementary school. Friday night at the St. Joa- Belmar Boardwalk, will open be paid for by _ as the availability of than $1,100 ahead in receipts sented to property owners Re succeeds Robert Q. Her- from bathing beaches over who will be affected at a Saturday night, starting Am funds put up by the from other state and bert, who resigned to take a ust 4. The Canteen present] cipallUes. this same period last year. meeting Tuesday night In position elsewhere. Mr. Her- Returns from season badges Borough Hall. The plant we» runs every Wednesday even Other projects In i bert had been superintendent Ing. are up and those from month- presented by Donald E. Hal- Jersey shore are* three years. ly and dally beach badges «ht. executive director of the The Belmar Elks operate are: Spring Lake, St. Rose Benefit Mr. Larson's appointment are down, according to to* program. the canteen In cooperation or new Jetty; Avon, was made by the Board of ports prepared by Borough The plans In their present with the borough to help con for Jetty repairs; Education last Wednesday Clerk Donald F. Matthews. trol the teenagers during th »ioo.ooo, for new form are to be submitted to nlgbt. During the last school The seasonal bsach badge the Bousing and Home Fin- summer months. Due to th tune Township, atM, Set For Tuesday year he had been Industrial tremendous response during Jetty repairs; Asbury was Introduced in 1B«| and ance Agency In Philadelphia arts teacher In Wall High not as many residents took and from there will go to the last five years, the lodg 1100,000 for Jetty School and prior to that had decided to have the cantee Long Branch, 1300,1 nual Party Sponsor- advantage of tt. The Washington for approval be been a teacher In Manasquan from that source last fore they are submitted In two nights a week. seawall; Deal, High School and Little Silver The canteen Is under the d Jetty repairs; I By PTA To Be Held was $27,509 and thuj final form to the Belmar Grammar School. $40,032. property owners. This proce- rection of the lodge youth $29,000, tor Jetty repairs; In Spring Lake The appointment, effective dure may encompass a two activities committee. NlghU Bright $100,000. for seal On the total receipts the) September 1, is on a 10-mon- 1062 returns, as of the doss to three-year period. admission ot 36 cents lnolud In the other allocate \ The annual Summer card th basis at $7,600. BNBION LEE K. JOHNSON es free hot dogs and musl of the last week-end, now ar* The program calls for Ur- art; Atlantic City. $100,1 V and fashion show for Mr. Larson and his family Point, Long Island. N. Y. He at $101,316.90. on the same ban Renewal in the area to one of the shore's teen-ag for a bulkhead; Let benefit of St. Rose live at 2406 Riverside terrace. bands. The only requlremen received a bachelor ot sci- date in 1961 the total was bounded by the West tide of $31,500, for bulkhead; h, Belmar, will be held Wall Township. His father la ence degree in marine engin- $88,080.81. of the teen-ager Is that he o Wlldwood, tM.SOOfori ; Tuesday, August 7, at 2 F street, from the South side a former member of the Wall eering and was awarded a The receipts for monthly of Eighth avenue to the Rail- she toe sponsored by a mem , M. In the Monmouth Hotel, Township Committee and his ber of the Elks. third assistant engineer's li- badges fell off from $W,4M in road Plata area in 10th ave- COMMISSIOh Lake. The party is mother is a retired member cense. He also was commis- Supervision of the canteen ored by the parish PTA wei to $33,416 this year and nue, n then runs along 10th of the faculty of Wall Town- sioned an ensign in the U. S. from daily badges from $»,- avenue and South to 11th ave- JAMES P. BURKE Is under members of the Elks ARMY AIR 1 the proceeds will go to- ship schools. Naval Reserve. nue, North along the West and the Ladies' Auxiliary. MYRTLE BEACH " the school building 718.51 to $J7.44S.IW. KeoelpU eph's School. Mr. Burke suc- C. — Edward B. ; Ensign Johnson, after two from badge sales for the V side of River road and East O. Robert Asay of Sprlni weeks' leave, will report for along Ninth avenue to the ceeds John Russo of Brick Lake Heights, chairman o Belmar, N. J., has J i 1062 autos will be raf- CHILD SUSTAINS Street Beach on Shark River Township woo has been chair- missioned a second duty with the Marine Engin- also dropped from $419 last Mew York ft Long Branch the youth activities commit- I off as the main prizes, a SPINE FRACTURE eers' Beneficial Association Railroad. man for the past year. tee, is assisted by Victor Le •ysler Newport sedan and year to $328 this year. Monmouth-Ocean Chapter David Domena, 5. of 70S F to sail aboard cargo and pas- The decrease In the month- About SO property owners bet, George Lauterwasser Valiant sedan. There will street, Belmar. Is confined senger vessels. is comprised of eight K. of C. Irving Scorben, Elton Will ) prlies with a total value ly badge sale ot $6,988. dally and businessmen In the F to Fltkln Memorial Hospital At the Merchant Marine sales of $2,274.61 and the rives street area attended the meet- councils with more Ulan 3,900 ever, Henry Lauterwasser 100 on the on-premise raf- with a fracture of the spine members In the two counties. Richard Bates. M. Charles j ticket. Academy, Ensign Johnson beach sales of $94 was offset ing. and head lacerations sustain- was executive vloe president by the $13433 Increase in sea- Mr. Halght laid the area, Delegates from councils In Hurley, John Deady, Danie v. James Smith, a j.. is ed In a fall out of a second- Long Branch, Asbury Park, A. Rellly, Joseph Puccl, Sim ot the Academy Diving Club sonal badge returns. will be divided by Ninth ave- r chairman, and Mrs. rioor window at that address and a member of the Wind- .akewood, Freehold, Keans- eon Metsgar, Al Freda, Da ,rles Wolff and Mrs. F. Mr. Matthews said If the nue, which will eventually Tuesday. The boy was play- Jammers' Club, a sailing weather for the remaining* become a shopping mall. burg, Red Bank. Manasquan, vid Shinn, George Owinn Brown are general Ing In the apartment of his Michael Herman, Leo Young iroup. He was assigned to the week-ends through Labor Day The assessed valuation Beach Haven, and Toms Ri- ilrmen. Fashions will be parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fer-Newport to Bermuda sailing ver meet monthly to discuss Jr., and Ivan Ashbaugh. by Belmar's Fashion Is fair, the total receipts of the land and buildings is nando Domena, when he pit- race last Spring. On his year should run tar ahead of last now at «784,O0. When the religious, charitable and edl- ched through the window and at sea ha sailed aboard the catlonal program* to be un- irs assisting on com- year. Until now there has project Is completed It Is ex- landed in a driveway outside. Grace Line Santa Margarita been only three good week- pected to total $2,846,000. Mr. dertaken by the chapter. Roschens Hosts I are;.
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