resistance m A COPY NEW ENGLAND EDITION ft 1 MARCH 1-15 Resistance Moves Again On April 3 At a gigantic anti-war rally on historic Bos­ ton Common, hundreds of New England men will turn-in their draft cards Wed. April 3 in soli­ darity with the Vietnamese, black and poor Amer­ icans who cannot get deferments or exemptions, and 2500 youths who non-cooperated nationally Oct. 16 and Nov.lb/Dec. 4. In nearly 100 other cities, Resistance groups 111! fill! -11 will move simultaneously against the Selective Service System with demonstrations at draft boards, federal buildings and induction centers. The Boston Common rally will begin at 11 a.m. mm?mt National peace leaders Staughton Lynd, Paul Good­ • • • ': • . • • •• man, Dave Dellinger, and Howard Zinn have been invited to speak. The day's events will also include marches to other revolutionary sites in the city; an inter-faith service; a concert; and dinners. The following day, all new and old resistors will hold a general conference and divide into organizing workshops to develop the theory and practice of Resistance and to plan for summer action. Since as many as 25,000 people are expected to come to the rally from all across New England the Service of Conscience at which the draft cards are tumed-in will take place outside, or at nearby Arlington St. Church in case of bad weather. v While the Resistance has no official estimate of how many will non-cooperate April 3, the na­ tional total this Spring will be in the thou­ sands. Recent polls like the Harvard Grad School survey indicate that from 257.-407. of all coll­ ege men would go to prison or Canada before the armed forces. (Continued on p. 2, SEE APRIL 3) DEMONSTRATIONS March 6 - Résister Ray Mungo of Libera­ tion News Service will burn his induction orders at Bos­ ton Army Base and then cele­ brate with supporters at a glorious pancake breakfast at a spot to-be-announced. Meet at B.A.B. at 8 a.m. March 12 - Resisters Pete Crews and Tim Quinlan will refuse induction. Meet at B.A.B. at 8 a.m. All resisters and supporters must come to these demonstrations and let the govt, know they cannot pick us off one by one. To get to B.A.B., take M3TA to South Sta­ tion, go upstairs and take public bus 2 to front of base, 666 Summer St. Pickets ^^^^^^^^ WE last about 1 hour. For more info calls JOIN THE NEW AMERICAN REVOLUTION—RESIST THE DRAFT: 1000 men, THE NEW ENGLAND RESIS' 'A WH women, and children ringed the Federal Building with anti-war 27 Stanhope St., Boston signs and 13-star revolutionary flags in support of the "Bos­ \OXf) jjO-yfyj/yfyt ton Five" Jan. 29. See story on p. 2. Page 2 THE RESISTANCE March 1-15, 1968 April 3rd THE RESISTANCE March 1-15. 1968 Page 3 'Boston 5' Prepare Defense (continued from p.l.) man of the National Mo- probably beginning in BOSTON -- A Federal Most of the now (roup April 3 will be drawn bilization (Dave re- mid-April. Both the grand jury here return­ from among the 430,000 graduating college sen­ *7^e t&oyU ^ fêeUàfatice rffiUl 3 ed indictments against ceived the card of his prosecution and de­ iors and first-year graduate students whose de­ five leaders of the son Patch, a Harvard fense, however, want ferments end June 1. Prior to the National Li­ In 4 months since the first national turn-ins On April 3, autonomous Resistance groups in medical student); Fa­ more time to prepare beration Front's recent offensive in the cities of 2500 draft cards on Oct. 16 and Dec. 4, the nearly 100 cities will hold inter-faith services anti-draft movement on "Open resistance to the draft is the best way to Resistance has forced the Justice Dept. to est­ and non-violent demonstrations. Large numbers of Jan. 5 on the charge ther Phillip Berrigan, for what could be the of South Vietnam, the percentage of college end the war." --Dr. Spock ablish a new division to cope with a 77% rise conscientious students now holding draft cards S.S.J., under indict­ major court test of graduates drafted this summer was slated to jump in draft violations in 1967, caused Attorney will return the dodge that the government gives that they did "unlaw­ them in a clear warning that the peace movement from 5% to 65%. With an expected increase of General Ramsey Clark to differ publicly with fully, wilfully, and ment in Baltimore for the constitutionality Gen. Hershey on reclassification of resisters, will not be suppressed and that, either the war 100,000 more GI's in Vietnam, however, the num­ and sparked the Mass. and N.Y. Civil Liberties will end, or America will have to 'imprison her knowingly, combine, pouring blood on the of the draft and the ber will skyrocket even higher. APRIL 3 Unions to break from the established" ACLU and youth. conspire, confederate files of a local draft war. Start of the attack the legality of the draft and war. and agree together and board last fall; Rev. proceedings could be In addition to forming alliances with black The Resistance recognizes alternatives to non- The new Selective Service action also re­ ANTI-DRAFT/WAR and poverty groups who felt betrayed by the old cooperation, such as going into the Army to or­ with each other...to Richard Mumma, Presby- delayed until the sum- scinds most occupational deferments. Without coalition, the Resistance has mobilized 1300 ganize units to refuse service in Vietnam and unlawfully, knowingly, terian minister at Har-"ier or even next fall, RALLY 11:00 AM clergy and 12,000 faculty and professionals to going to Toronto to organize exiles to come home any consistent national criteria individuals are publicly aid and abet us, turned churches and and join the movement. Having chosen to remain and wilfully counsel, vard; Rabbi Herman Pol- Various theories now at the almost total mercy of their local synagogues into sanctuaries of conscience, est­ and struggle for the kind of America in which < BOSTON COMMON believe, we are learning to translate our single- aid, and abet diverse lock of M.I.T.; and have been offered con- boards. Civil rights workers, anti-poverty or­ ablished a climate of equality for organizing working communities and raised urgent questions dramatic confrontation into patterns of daily Selective Service re­ Victor Jokel, executive cerning the Adminis- ganizers, and Peace Corps and Vista personnel about the real nature of US democracy in milli­ life. The 2500 of us in the Resistance currently are expected to be most affected, unlike civil­ ons of middle-class families for the first time. organizing communities of conscience and the 100 gistrants to unlaw­ director of Arlington tration's motivation keeping the faith in prison need your support. ian military and industrial employment which is The arraignments of Dr. Spock, Rev. Coffin, fully, knowingly, and Street Church. for prosecuting the Michael Ferber, Mitchel Goodman and Mark Raskin By civilly disobeying the draft, we remain radi­ considered "in the national interest." in Boston Jan. 29 testify to the success of the cally obedient to the aspirations of the Vietna­ wilfully neglect, fail During the next few five. 0ne holds that Resistance, especially in New England, and to mese people, world peace, domestic justice, and days, six more men ±t is a preiU(je to our own ideals. Join us on April 3. refuse and evade ser­ the fear of the Administration that the movement turned over their cards roassive repression, esp- will grow and threaten the actual war effort. In vice in the armed N.E. Resistance secretary Neil Robertson re­ RESIST! the context of the recent political prosecutions to the N.E.R. All 31 acially of militant ports that scores of pledges for April 3 have of Rap Brown, Leroi Jones, and Bill Epton and forces of the United Good white folks, the ones I know, are Uncle were sent by certified blacks. According to already come in from students affected by the the revival of 3 government investigatory com­ States." mittees, the arraignments herald the determina­ Toms. Most of the guys who disagree with mail to Attorney Gen- this theory, the gov- new ruling. "Faced with the draft really for the draft will chase themselves off and go The five are Dr. Ben­ tion of the Administration to repress the peace 3.val Ramsey Clark in srnment has now paved the first time," he explained, "students are and freedom movement in order to stabilize its to Canada to hide. Or they will mess around jamin Spock, pediatri- own deteriorating moral and political position. and clean the latrine at some church or hos­ Washington, D.C. the way for arresting suddenly realizing what it means to be black, pital for two years and then get back into " cian and co-chairman of The Selective Service can perform only because At the arraignments, the black power lead- poor, and powerless." "Last October the Resist­ large numbers of young men who find the norms life not because they have any ideology the National Committee ance was unknown, confused, and very defensive," and functions of the draft intolerable are will­ about not killing people, but because they the judge allowed a to-ers by first dealing are basically cowards. Now, if a man has for New Politics; Rev. he continued. "Since then we have developed a ing to acquiesce to its dictates.
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