County museum shows off 1805 wedding gown, B1 GREATEH RED BANK EATONTOWN New Yorkers win Cabinet decision LONG BRANCH Strawberry blast lifts Mets;. Israel to increase Yankee bats rip Royals. West Bank settlers. Today's Forecast: , Sunny, much warmer tomorrow Page B3 Page A2 Compitte waathar on A2 The Daily Register VOL.106 NO. 7 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER . SINCE 1878 MONDAY, JULY 1T, 1983 25 CENTS e' cast continues to grow By MAUREEN SANTINI lawyer in private practice, could be poll released yesterday found that reached tor comment. Repeated tel- 82 percent of those interviewed WASHINGTON (AP) - More ephone calls to each went un- were aware of the controversy and and more of President Reagan's answered. 59 percent predicted it would be- 1M0 campaign aides are acknowl- The briefing book affair, mean- come a major political issue. edging that they knew about or had while, appears to be attracting Sixty-one percent'of those who access to secret briefing papers widespread interest. A Newsweek See 'Debategate,' page A3 written at Jimmy Carter's White House to help him prepare to debate candidate Reagan. Carter's campaign counsel con- ceded yesterday that he was tipped Monmouth prof finds in advance that the Reagan cam- paign had obtained Carter's debate briefing papers, but ignored the tip because it sounded too outrageous to Nancy Reagan photos be true. NEW YORK (AP) - When in its July 18 edition that it had Timothy U. Smith said he re- Enoch Nappen bought an old shown the photographs to rela- ceived the information a week or 10 trunk brimming with photo- tives of Kenneth Robbins, who days before the Oct. 28,1980 debate graphs at a flea market in Eng- was the first lady's father. The between Reagan and then President lishtown, N.J., he didn't think it family confirmed the photos Carter. It came from Carter's assis- contained anything of historical were genuine, the magazine said. tant campaign counsel, Carol C. significance. The photos were purchased by Darr, who said she'd heard it from a But a decade after the Nappen, a Monmouth College po- friend in the Reagan campaign. purchase, the Monmouth College litical science professor, about 10 Smith said Darr's source was professor discovered the trunk years ago at the Englishtown Chuck Crawford, who worked with contained pictures of Nancy Re- flea market for $25 It was not Reagan's communications chief, agan's family. People magazine known how the photographs Robert Keith Gray, who now owns a reported yesterday. wound up at the flea market. Washington public relations firm. Mrs. Reagan would not com- Mrs. Reagan's parents sepa- Crawford works at the firm. ment on the find, but People said See Prof, page A3 Neither Crawford nor Darr, a Stone parley cancelled SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador the meeting had been planned for President, Alvaro Magana, that he U.S. presidential envoy -Saturday night. could persuade the lettiota to partio Richard Stone returned here yester- "Unfortunately it was not pos- ipate in elections scheduled for De- day and then left for Washington sible to obtain an agreement on pro- cember. after failing to meet with cedural aspects, which prevented The rebel communique was Salvadoran leftist leaders in San the realization of the meeting," said signed by the Democratic Revolu- Jose, Costa Rica. the communique. "Neither did the tionary Front, made up of outlawed Stone only smiled when asked by propagandistic environment that left-wing parties, and the Farabun- Knitter mow b» DM UM tional airport why efforts to meet ment that it would be private. Our a coalition of five guerrilla groups with the rebels collapsed. Two hours fronts want to make clear that they fighting to overthrow the U.S.- Sun and surf later he boarded a jetliner for the scrupulously fullilled what was backed Salvadoran government. flight to Washington without releas- agreed to with regard to the charac- It said the leftists remain in- These toe-dipping sun worshipers at Sandv Hook Hook was slightly heavier than usual, while traf- ing any information to the news ter of the meeting." terested in arranging a meeting were treated to another round of idaal summer fic op the Garden State Parkway in either direc- media. Stone flew to San Jose from San with Stone "without previous condi- weather vtstardav, with aeneraliv clear skies and tion was "typically heavy" for a summer Sunday. In San Jose, the Salvadoran lef- Salvador Friday with the expressed tions " and based on an open agenda. temperatures In the 80s. Outgoino traHic at Sandy No major accidents were reported. tists issued a communique saying wish of El Salvador's provisional See Stone, page A2 N.J. boating heads into rough seas the way with 664,000 xegistered ByALANFRAM "New Jersey, if you look at it, is state's waterways and a actually a peninsula," said Edward diminishing number of marinas that boats, WASHINGTON (AP) - Govern- Swikart, executive secretary of the offer needed services for boaters, New Jersey has one registered ment and trad* association repre- Marine Trades Association of New Swikart and others say. boat for every 57 people, which sentatives here say the statistics Jersey, a Rumson, N.J.-based or- However, the state does offer ranks the state 47th for that •tew recreational boating in New ganization representing the state's many natural advantages, including statistic, according to the Boat Jersey is an increasingly popular boating businesses. 1,792 miles of coastal shoreline. Owners Association of the United pastime The Coast Guard says there were States, which is based in Alexan- "This state should be wild for dria, Va. , But state officials insist that the boating. But we've got water prob- 130,000 recreational boats regis- figures do not tail the whole story. lems and the state is losing a lot of tered in the state at the end of last Minnesota, the self-proclaimed They say that as the boating season revenue because of that," Swikart year, which includes motorboats land of 10,000 lakes, has one boat for •wings into full speed, New Jersey's said. and other craft more than 12 feet every seven people for the highest ratio in the country. tailors are facing growing prob- The main problems are a dire long. This ranked the state 27th in need for dredging of many of the the nation, with Michigan leading See Jersey's, page A7 Toll takers, authority reach agreement WOODBRIOGE - The New Jer- tract agreement, only days before Friday, but declined to comment on ported to be "far from an agree- wy HigbwaJ Authority and the » tfc* Miaaia general nmnharihla the specifics of the pact "The con- ment" going into their 22nd bargain- ion repreaantlnj 6» toll collectors was scheduled to take a strike vote tract hasn't been voted on yet, to I ing union Friday. and mahrttnanca workers on the Authority Chairman Judith' really can't say anything about it at Stevens also declined to discuss Garden State Parkway have Stanley last night confirmed that a this time," she said. the terms of the new pact, reached cached a tentative rwo-year con- tentative settlement was reached John Stevens, business agent for late Friday night. Before Friday's Local 196 of the International Feder- negotiating session, Stevens said, the ation of Professional and Technical authority was offering a 45-cent Engineers, said union leaders would hourly increase for workers each of recommend that the general mem- the nest two years, while the union bership accept the pact today at a was demanding a 77-cent increase Keansburg tax revolt meeting at the Townhouse Hotel, this year and a 67-cent hike in 1964. here. Before Friday's session, Stevens I Members of Local 196 have been said the authority's proposed 4.78 leader predicts recall working without a contract since percent increase was insufficient. ByHAVisERMANN which calls for a 33 percent in- June 30 - when their last two-year The agreement was reached af- crease in the tax rate. contract expired —<and were re- See Tall, page A3 1-AftattRaU, The association was formed, president of the Keansbvrg Tax- and the recall drive begun, be-, payers aad CMC Association, cause the council supported a kit Bh*tValkNrM>lhat public IMS budget that was unequitable Monday raapmfttoUs group's drive for and contrary the best interests of taTraaiwal of Mayo* George boroujh residents, Reid said. IndM Lifestyle.. iaj and two borough Council woman Ann Roese Make a Date members hat been was not present tor the M vote Advice -AS Moviesi for passage of the 13.6 million Arts .-.87 People *A2 Business. B6 The association began budget on May U, and will not be Obduarta*. A7 a target of the campaign, Reid Oasalfled B8 Opinion A« Cornice ~ B6 Councilman said. Bat the l.NO-member Sports. BS Walking the rails KTCA will work to defeat Coun- il TelevWw'....'..'..'... B7 rit wa° Ca«n- Your win........ B1 esUndl citwoman Helen Thomas in the Parade of Homes will A senior citizen enjoys a stroll down the railroad tracks near November election. Thomas has next Friday * Swday's Ntfflnan Srrinas Ror* ir- R»d Bank in yesterday -' Sat Kaaataw*, tuft* A< . balmy weather. ^T A2 The Drily Register UONDAY.JULYII.I983 Israelis to up presence in West Bank PEOPLE Bee in as saving "(he security forces will defend Jews By The Associated Press IM7. a Jewish settmsettlemenn t waa foun j t to tat ia all the land* brad and nobody will be allowed to The Israeli army has begun a "trial run" for future Arab city.
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