CATHOLIC EDUCATION WITHIN THE DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN 1 inside front cover - blank CatHOLic EDUcation WITHIN THE Diocese OF BRooKLYN MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Catholic education for the Diocese of Brooklyn is to lead those entrusted to its care to find salvation in Jesus Christ. Contents Letter from Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D., D.D., Bishop of Brooklyn .........................................3 Letter from Very Reverend James Massa, Ph.D., D.D., V.E. Vicar for Evangelization and Higher Education Moderator of the Curia ...................................4 Letter from the Superintendent .......................5 The Diocesan Strategic Plan ............................7 Catholic Identity ...........................................10 Academic Excellence .....................................14 Finance .........................................................26 Enrollment ....................................................29 Marketing .....................................................31 Governance ...................................................34 Leadership .....................................................42 Political Advocacy .........................................46 School Safety .................................................47 Conclusion ....................................................48 Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D., D.D. Bishop of Brooklyn Very Reverend James Massa, Ph.D., D.D., V.E. Vicar for Evangelization and Higher Education Moderator of the Curia Thomas Chadzutko, Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools StaFF MembeRS Anthony Biscione Senior Deputy Superintendent Brother Ralph Darmento, FSC Deputy Superintendent for Academy Governance Anne-Marie Baumis Associate Superintendent for Government Programs and Services Elizabeth Frangella, Ed.D. Associate Superintendent for Curriculum Joan McMaster Associate Superintendent for Principal and Teacher Personnel Diane Phelan Associate Superintendent for Evaluation of Programs and Students Barbara McArdle Assistant Superintendent for Principal Professional Development Maria Viesta Assistant Superintendent for Academy Governance Michael Greiner Coordinator for Educational Technology and Data Catherine Kenny Special Projects Coordinator for Curriculum and Evaluation Arielle López Marketing Coordinator Yinet Liriano Assistant to the Superintendent Jackie Viesta Assistant to the Superintendent Christy Wolfe Assistant to the Superintendent 3 4 OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT - CATHOLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT SERVICES ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN September,310 PROSPECT PARK2015 WEST • BROOKLYN, NEW YOTK 11215 • T: 718.965.7300 • F: 718.965.7353 DearSeptember, Colleagues 2015 in Catholic Education, This fifth Preserving the Vision Annual Report continues to provide information regarding the accomplishmentsDear Colleagues in and Catholic activities Education, of the diocesan strategic plan for elementary parish schools and academies. The eleven priorities and thirty-one goals remain the same, as the staff of the Office of the This fifth Preserving the Vision Annual Report continues to provide information regarding the accomplishments and Superintendent and its collaborating partners continue to enhance Catholic education within the Diocese activities of the diocesan strategic plan for elementary parish schools and academies. The eleven priorities and thirty- ofone Brooklyn. goals remain the same, as the staff of the Office of the Superintendent and its collaborating partners continue to Theenhance parish Catholic schools education and academies within withinthe Diocese the diocese of Brooklyn. continue to strive for quality education grounded in the Catholic faith. As you read through this report, you will note the activities which continue to support theThe mission parish schoolsof Catholic and education.academies withinIn September, the diocese a memocontinue was to sent strive to for all pastorsquality educationof schools, grounded Directors in ofthe Catholic faith. As you read through this report, you will note the activities which continue to support the mission of academies and principals informing them of the responsibilities of all staff members of the Office of the Catholic education. In September, a memo was sent to all pastors of schools, Directors of academies and principals Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support Services. Among other accomplishments: informing them of the responsibilities of all staff members of the Office of the Superintendent ~ Catholic School Support- An Services. Assistant Among Superintendent some accomplishments: of Academy Governance was added to the staff - The Diocesan Academy Governance Manual was revised - • AnThe Assistant Saint Katherine Superintendent Drexel of Professional Academy Governance Development was addedProgram to the for staffteachers was initiated - • TheA strategicDiocesan vision Academy for Governancehigh schools Manual within thewas Dioceserevised of Brooklyn was promulgated in the • The Saint Katherine Drexel Professional Development Program for teachers was initiated Spring, 2015. • A strategic vision for high schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn was promulgated in the Spring, 2015. - A Special Education Survey was sent to academy and school principals in March. The results of • A Special Education Survey was sent to academy and school principals in March. The results of this survey motivatedthis survey the needmotivated for a study the need to fully for analyze a study the to specialfully analyze needs of thediocesan special students needs andof diocesan plan for their students remediation. and plan for their remediation. EducationEducation consultantsconsultants were contractedcontracted to to conduct conduct studies studies of of Early Early Childhood Childhood Education Education and and Special Special Education and Educationto establish and a strategic to establish plan afor strategic diocesan plan high for schools. diocesan These high consultantsschools. These will complete consultants the willSpecial complete Education Study during the 2015-2016 academic year. the Special Education Study during the 2015-2016 academic year. TheThe Superintendent’s Superintendent’s staffstaff had had discussions discussions concerningconcerning the integration ofof thethe NationalNational Standards Standards and and Benchmarks Benchmarksfor Effective forCatholic Effective Elementary Catholic and Elementary Secondary and Schools Secondary into the Schools priorities into and the goals priorities of Preserving and goals the of Vision. PreservingAs a result ofthe those Vision. discussions, As a result the offollowing those discussions, staff priorities the followingwere established staff prioritiesfor 2015-2016: were established 1) Leadership; for 2) 2015-2016:Professional Development;1) Leadership; 3) 2) Special Professional Education; Development; 4) Governance; 3) Special 5) Early Education; Childhood 4) Education.Governance; Instead 5) Early of listing Childhood.“Technology” Instead as a separate of listing priority, “Technology” the staff asdecided a separate that it priority, would bethe integrated staff decided into allthat priorities. it would be integrated into all priorities. A major initiative is in progress to transition the present Preserving the Vision Advisory Committee to an Education ACommission. major initiative This is isin beingprogress done to withtransition encouragement the present and Preserving support from the VisionBishop AdvisoryDiMarzio; Committee Bishop Massa to an will be Educationpart of the Commission.transition process This as is will being all membersdone with of encouragement the Advisory Committee. and support from Bishop DiMarzio; Bishop Massa will be part of the transition process as will all members of the Advisory Committee. Catholic education continues to flourish within the Diocese of Brooklyn because of the commitment of so many. CatholicThis Annual education Report continues could not to happen flourish without within the the labors Diocese of soof Brooklynmany pastors, because board of membersthe commitment and directors, of soprincipals, many. This teachers Annual and Report staff of could the Superintendent’s not happen without office. the labors To all, ofa soheart many felt pastors,thank you! board members and directors, principals, teachers and staff of the Superintendent’s office. To all, a heart felt thank you! Sincerely,Sincerely, omas Chadzutko Thomas ThomasTh Chadzutko, Chadzutko, Ed.D. Ed.D. SuperintendentSuperintendent of of Schools Schools ~ Catholic~ Catholic School School Support Support Services Services 5 Holy Trinity S•• S•• QN 9 S•• St. Luke St. Fidelis Immaculate S•• ConceptionS ST MARGARET MARY •• S•• S S•• St. Mel •• St. Francis of Assisi OL of the •hST. PAUL CHONG HA-SANG OL of Mount Carmel Blessed Sacrament •hST. JOSAPHAT St. John Vianney S•• S•• •• Sacred Heart S•• S•• St. Joseph St. Gabriel St. Andrew Avellino S S•• St. Anastasia St. Rita QN 1 S•• S S•• •• OL of Fatima S•• QN 8 Most Corpus Christi S•• •• QN 7 Precious S St. Michael Blood S•• St. Patrick S•• OL of Sorrows S•• QN 6 S S•• •• Blessed Mary's Nativity St. Kevin S•• Sacrament St. Robert Bellarmine St. Joan of Arc QN 10 S•• St. Sebastian Queen of Angels •• S•• St. Leo OL of the Snows S•• S St. Mary St. Bartholomew S•• S•• •• S•• St. Ann BVM Help QN 2 of Christians St. Paul St. Raphael •• •• the Apostle S•• •• St. Teresa American Martyrs SS. CYRIL & METHODIUS •h Ascension •• •• Holy Family S•• St. Anthony- OL of the Angelus QS 4 St. Gregory the Great St. Alphonsus St. Adalbert
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