" jOf r I I Established 1924 1 I t|i |||| YpyP| g* Published Every Friday if|l mm ‘ OLDEST AND MOST - WIDELY CIRCULATED JEWISH PUBLICATION IN THIS TERRITORY 24 NO. 35 VOL. JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1948 $3.00 A YEAR Australian Jewish Spotlight Community Celebrates "DATELINE: ISRAEL"— I Capital 100th Anniversary ON AIR FOR UJA Peace, Capital and Immigrants by CHARLOTTE WEBER (Copyright, 1948, JTA, Inc.) I MELBOURNE, Australia (JTA) *<"WHa>l><ll,l>l —¦ ¦¦¦ mm «g» Med by i Israel —The Adelaide Jewish community WASHINGTON—- will celebrate its 100th anniver- “Peace, capital and immigrants—these {I intensifying efforts to sary this week. Several large are the greatest needs of Israel’s Israel today,” declared the Beeure diplomatic recognition from celebrations have been scheduled Hon. Edwin Samuel, C. M. G., who from 1945 to 1948 was Director of Broadcasting in Palestine. Mr. Samuel, ¦be nations of the world are being and Jewish leaders from all the who arrived Saturday (Sept. 18) on the S. S. Klosely watched by diplomatic cir- other provincial capitals and ma- Britanic to take up his duties in the United States as Visiting Professor in ¦|es here, who find it easy to jor cities of Australia will partici- Middle East Government and Administration at the newly founded ¦ollow the fledgling state's moves pate in the ceremonies. Adelaide Institute for Israel and the Middle East at Dropsie College, Philadelphia, expressed In the foreign orbit. In fact, Is- is the capital of the province of fg Mrmmm BL g/ optimism about the future relations of Jews and Arabs in diplomatic activities else- Adelaide, in southeastern Austra- Palestine. rael’s He was met at the dock by Samuel B. Finkel, executive than in this country are lia. vice-president l-here V '*Wj| of ¦tarkly silhouetted when placed A total of 1,520 Jewish immi- Ifc. The Dropsie College. Igainst the background of inactiv- grants from Europe and elsewhere Hungarian Government The son of Viscount Herbert ity in Washington where Israel’s entered this country during the S' Decorates J.D.A. Director Samuel, the first High Commis- le jure recognition is concerned. past year, it was reported here. sioner of Palestine, who has him- BUDAPEST (JTA)—lsrael Ja- self lived in Palestine for I But while U. S. recognition for almost Quentin Reynolds, noted author and cobson, Joint Distribution Com- thirty years, declined the role of Israel stultifies as campaign fig- Aberg, Notorious foreign just Swedish correspondent, who has mittee representative for Hungary, a prophet when asked, “What is ires in and out of the White House returned from Israel, will unfold the Anti-Semite, Fined present-day was decorated this week with the the future of Palestine?”, saying leigh the political pros and cons scene in the Jewish State on a special United Jewish Appeal Hungarian Order of the Command- “I am a historian, not a prophet.” If it, Israeli are active in other STOCKHOLM (JTA) Einar radio broadcast entitled “Dateline: er Cross in recognition of the But he was emphatic in his belief of the world, and foreign Israel” to be heard over the CBS net- Ireas Aberg, notorious Swedish anti- J. D. C.’s relief work. The decor- that the Jews and Arabs could Iffairs experts in Washington work on Sunday, September 26, at 4:00 Semite, was this week fined 500 P. M., Eastern Time. The ation was presented to Jacobson live happily together. He said: been watching Standard lave their move- kroner for publishing and distrib- $250,000,000 United Jewish Appeal sup- by Karoly Olt, Minister of Welfare ¦nents. Here they see: “Os course, the Jews and Arabs are some uting anti-Jewish pamphlets. He ports the worldwide relief, rehabilita- in the name of President Arpad tion and resettlement programs of the can live in peace in Palestine. I Latin American countries, for still faces a trial on charges of Szakasitz. United Palestine Appeal. There is a set-back in Arab-Jewish ¦example, are being toured by a having traveled from Sweden to relations at the moment; and it ¦high Israel? government personage, France without a passport. may take years before mutual lie is Moises A. After he heard the sentence, Toss, the new Grief and Horror Expressed Over confidence is fully restored. But undersecretary for Foreign Aberg announced that he will con- Itate’s experience in the past has shown Toss is specialist tinue his activities. During the Iffairs. a on Count Bernadotte's Assassination that, although inter-racial friction American court recess he was sent- latin affairs, and has before in Palestine can flare very quick- greeted enced, the anti-Semite handed out leen as such by the for- A statement on behalf of the American Jewish Committee, ex- ly, it flares down equally quickly. eign offices of the his hate propaganda in the ante- Spanish-speak- pressing grief and horror over the news of the brutal assassination ing Republics this room of the court. “I have lived for many years of hemisphere. of Count Folke Bernadotte and his aide, and calling for the appre- ¦Their high officials have been in the mixed cities of Jerusalem hension and punishment of their assassins, “whatever their nation- worked meeting with* Toss. They have and Haifa; I have for Jewish Sculptor Honored ality,” was issued today by the Committee’s president, former Judge thirty years in mixed Jewish and leen talking about recognition of Israel, Joseph M. Proskauer. Arab organizations; I have many commercial and economic WARSAW (JTA)—Nathan Rap- The statement follows: of all that decent men hold dear. lies, cultural former Arab colleagues and relations, and all the paport, noted Jewish scluptor, was “The American Jewish Commit- If the assassins and their insti- ¦natters friends. So have many Jews in attendant on a new and decorated here with the Order of tee has received with grief and gators are within the jurisdiction ¦friendly Palestine. There are always jeal- state’s entrance into the Polonia Restituta, Poland’s highest horror the news of the brutal of the State of Israel, we are ¦world ousies and rivalries whenever community. of» Count Folke Ber- confident that the Israeli Govern- award, for his monument com- assassination races are intermingled. But such will bring them speedily to I Although the Buenos Aires radio memorating the heroes of the nadotte and his aide, Col. Serot. ment a position also provides mutual down justice. Whatever their national- Peavily publicized the visit of Toss Warsaw Ghetto. The monument Count Bernadotte was struck understanding which in the long and ity these murderers should be Ito Argentina, few reports have was unveiled last April in Warsaw | while trying to establish peace run has its effect.” ¦appeared in the American press in honor of the Jews who revolted avoid further bloodshed in Pales- made to pay the penalty for their crimes without delay.” Professor Samuel, who was the labout the circulation through Pan- against the Nazis in 1943. tine. His murder is a crime volativ© principal and founder of the Mid- lAmericarr states of Israeli emis- dle East College of Public Admin- saries. The warm reception given istration in Jerusalem, was en- Toss in Paraguay was reported PLACE WREATH only ISRAELI WAR HEROES thusiastic about the possibilities sketchily, despite the swift GRAVE HYDE PARK for good he envisaged in Dropsie recognition Paraguay then afford- ON ROOSEVELT AT ed Israel. College’s new Institute for Israel _ * * •- mi .. aw. ¦ o/ ••y'' • f. % and the Middle East. “To begin Observers here believe they with,” he said, “there is a great a'<* a reason for this silent treat- need in the western w'orld for a ment of Israel’s diplomatic pro- ~ specialized knowledge about the BBSS??* *• cess. if the American people Middle East in general, and Israel new the extent of this upsurge of in particular. It must be remem- headship for Israel from other bered that New York is five thous- countries of the world—which up- and miles from Tel Aviv; very few’ *“rge is leaving the United States Americans have ever visited the King behind as far as Britain in Middle East or will ever be able ,s Aspect—they increase to visit it. ressure would on the Administration to “Secondly, the problems of the Cognize the new state forthwith. Middle East are complex. They And this might abort our State have been confused by journalistic Partment’s attitude and sched- dramatizations of relatively unim- °f J'ust when it will follow portant events and complete jour- nalistic silence on important events which cannot be easily dramatized. Another of evidence Israel’s en- Then there is the fog of propa- World affairs has been re- ganda which has been poured out: from Rome. las , Washington almost everyone has become earned a that the Italian gov- mi mi ¦ i i P partisan of some kind or other. nt "as of the ben Menahem, Capt. Yehuda Koppel, Capt. Phased when Tel former Secretary Aviv' As and The Institute for Israel and the inaugurates Mrs. Chair- Alexander Albala, Sgt.-Major Nira Harari-Gold- Italian-lnaguage Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Jr., General Middle East willbe able to provide ramS from look on, stein, Major Reuven Dafni, newly designated I*™* The Rome man of the United Jewish Appeal, Roosevelt, a clearer picture of the facts 2 recently tribute to Israeli Consul in San Francisco, Mrs. with lauded “this new soldiers of the Army of Israel pay Cpl. their relative importance. tWeen Placing a wreath Mr. Morgenthau, Lieut. Shula Friedberg, exn, Israel and Italy”and war-time President. America’s at Hyde Naomi Tulman, and Cpl.
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