Turmoil & Progress Why It Matters The 1960s and 1970s were a time of dynamic change in Texas. Women and members of ethnic minorities demanded and realized greater equality. Texas culture was enriched by the increasing immigration of people from Mexico, Central America, the Middle East, the northern United States, Africa, and Asia. The Impact Today Several trends that began in the 1960s and 1970s continue to influence Texas: • Elected officials began to more closely reflect the state’s diverse population. • New techniques and technologies increased the productivity of Texas agriculture. • A concern for protecting the Texas environment became more important. 1956 1965 Henry B. González elected Texas created the to Texas State Senate Air Control Board 1955 1960 1965 1959 1964 • Fidel Castro became • United States sent Communist premier ground troops of Cuba to Vietnam 1963 1964 • Lyndon B. Johnson • The Beatles rock group became president began first tour of the of the United States United States 558 CHAPTER 25 Turmoil & Progress Categorizing Information Study Foldable Make this foldable and use it to record information about the turmoil and progress that took place in Texas between 1963 and 1974. Step 1 Fold a sheet of paper into thirds from top to bottom. This forms three rows. Step 2 Open the paper and refold it into fourths from side to side. Fold it in half, This then in half forms four again. columns. Step 3 Unfold, turn, and draw lines along the folds. Step 4 Label your table as shown. Chapter 25 1963-1974 Turmoil Progress Politics and Protest Civil Rights and Politics Growth and Development The National Aeronautics and Space Administration at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, is responsible for Reading and Writing As you read the chapter, write what you learn about the years of “Turmoil” managing the space shuttle program. and “Progress” in Texas in the appropriate places on your table foldable. 1966 Barbara Jordan elected TEXAS to Texas State Senate HISTORY 1970 1975 Chapter Overview Visit the texans.glencoe.com Web site and click on 1966 1973 Chapter 25—Chapter • Indira Gandhi became • U.S. involvement in Overviews to preview prime minister of India Vietnam ended chapter information. CHAPTER 25 Turmoil & Progress 559 The Politics of Protest Guide to Reading Main Idea Reading Strategy Read to Learn Texas and the nation confronted Summarizing Information Draw a • about “The Great Society.” poverty, civil rights, and Vietnam table like the one below and write at • about the upheavals of 1968. during the 1960s. All three issues least two interesting facts about each • about the conflict in Vietnam. affected politics. individual listed. Section Theme Key Terms Individual Interesting Facts Government and Democracy prosperous Lyndon B. Johnson Political parties, special interest refugee Martin Luther King, Jr. groups, and governments struggled Richard Nixon in an age of change. Preview of Events ✦1963 ✦1964 ✦1968 ✦1974 Lyndon B. Johnson Civil Rights Dr. Martin Luther Richard Nixon resigns becomes president Act is passed King, Jr., and Robert the presidency Kennedy are assassinated Dai Huynh knew her family had to leave Vietnam when American forces pulled out. The new Communist government would deal severely with the relatives of South Vietnam officers. “My dad, a major in the army . was gone most of the time, leaving my mother, my two sisters, my brother, and me at home.” When the Viet Cong seized control of Saigon’s airport, it became impos- Refugees fleeing Saigon sible for Dai Huynh and her family to leave by air. They seemed to be trapped. A Texan in the White House Judge Sarah T. Hughes administered the oath of office to Lyndon B. Johnson hours after President John F. Kennedy died. A Texan was now pres- ident. In a speech to Congress, President Johnson challenged the grief- stricken nation to honor the memory of President Kennedy by supporting 560 CHAPTER 25 Turmoil & Progress the programs he had favored. In 1964 American one-room schoolhouse where he had started voters showed their continued approval by elect- school. His first teacher, Mrs. Katie Deadrich ing Johnson to a full term as president. Looney, was with him. Johnson also supported laws that created The Great Society Head Start, Job Corps, and federal aid for col- lege students. A major Job Corps installation at Johnson believed in a federal government that San Marcos provided vocational education to was deeply involved in the lives of citizens. 3,000 students by 1967. Accordingly, Congress passed so many laws dur- Johnson was a strong supporter of civil rights. ing Johnson’s presidency that it has been com- As president, he helped push the Civil Rights pared to Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal. Act of 1964 through Congress. Then he turned his Johnson’s programs were called the Great attention to the Voting Rights Act. This law pro- Society. He declared a “war on poverty.” tected the rights of all people, regardless of race, Although the nation as a whole was prosperous, to vote. In March 1965, he addressed Congress some regions and groups of people had not while the nation watched on television. He said, shared in that general wealth. Johnson believed A century has passed . since the Negro that education was the “ was freed. And he is not fully free tonight . A best way to solve prob- Stonewall century has passed . since equality was prom- lems of poverty. He told his cabinet, “I want—and ised. And yet the Negro is not equal . The real I intend—education to be hero of this struggle is the American Negro . the cornerstone on which he has called upon us to make good the prom- we build this administration’s program and ise of America. record.” When the Elementary and Secondary ” Education Act was passed, Johnson went back to Stonewall, Texas, to sign the bill in the small, History Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., (second from right) and supporters march for civil rights in Memphis, Tennessee. Marches also took place in Texas. What two major pieces of civil rights legislation did President Johnson help move through Congress? Barbara Jordan 1936–1996 Born into a poor family in elected to the Texas Senate major political party’s Houston, Barbara Jordan (and the first African national convention. used education as her American since 1883). Throughout her political means to success, leading Jordan was the first African career, Jordan was respect- to a number of impressive American Texan (and ed and admired by both her “firsts.” Jordan was the first Southern African American public and politicians. In African American student at woman) in the U.S. 1994, she was awarded the Boston University Law Congress, and the first Presidential Medal of School. She was the first African American woman to Freedom—the highest African American woman give a keynote address at a award given to a civilian. Foreign Affairs Detroit, and Washington, D.C., created a fearful mood. Violence occurred in Texas in 1967 when Johnson wanted to focus on economic and a riot at Texas Southern University took the life civil rights programs, but foreign affairs began to of a Houston policeman. occupy more of his attention. New difficulties were developing in Southeast Asia. Since the A Critical Year 1950s, the country of Vietnam had been divided into two parts. North Vietnam had a Communist The year 1968 was critical. On March 31, government. The United States supported South 1968, President Johnson announced he would Vietnam in its fight against communism. When not run for another term. Less than a week Johnson became president, there already were later, on April 4, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Americans in South Vietnam acting as military leader in the civil rights struggle, was assassi- advisers. The situation changed by the mid- nated in Memphis, Tennessee. His message of 1960s when Johnson ordered combat troops to nonviolence attracted a wide following of peo- the country. Many of these were Texans. ple of all ethnic groups united in their belief As the number of Americans killed and that racism was immoral. Only two months wounded in Vietnam grew, so did the number later, on June 5, Robert Kennedy, President of Americans opposed to the war. The war Kennedy’s brother, was assassinated while divided the country. Although many people in campaigning in Los Angeles. the United States felt the war was necessary to These and other turbulent events of the 1960s stop communism, a large number believed the produced a sense of crisis by election day in 1968. war was immoral and unnecessary. Some Texans Many Americans longed for an end to the tur- opposed the war and some did not. Sometimes moil. In the election they turned to the there were protest demonstrations in the streets Republican candidate, Richard Nixon. Texans, of states all across the country. Occasionally however, supported Hubert Humphrey, the these demonstrations turned violent. Democratic candidate, by a small margin. Opposition to the war in Vietnam grew, and conflict over civil rights spread across the Explaining Why did President nation. Riots in cities such as Los Angeles, Johnson declare a “war on poverty”? 562 CHAPTER 25 Turmoil & Progress Nixon as President Once in office, Richard Nixon struggled to end the war in Vietnam. His efforts did not bring peace, however, and opponents of the war Lyndon Johnson’s becoming president increased their efforts to “bring the boys home.” created a vacancy in the office of vice In 1972, Nixon was involved in a scandal, now president. Because President Johnson had a known as “Watergate.” Taped conversations and history of heart disease, many people were other evidence revealed that he conspired in a concerned about his health.
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