Evolutionarily Correct Cyclopedia (Ammunition for fighting the PCers or Political Commies as well as the Feminists, a.k.a. Feminazis, their sycophants, appeasers, and Feminist opportunists.)1 The sole author, Roy Den Hollander, of this document by making it public on the Internet abandons all his copyrights in this document. Anyone may copy, distribute or use it or sections freely without violating any copyrights of the author once this document has been made public by the author on the Internet. Preface Whenever one group of people believes they are better than another, the result is always the same—oppression. Index Page Abortion 4 Acting 5 Affirmative Action for Females 5 Age 8 America 9 Anger 10 Attitude 10 Badgering by Interviewer 11 Bankruptcy 11 Beauty 12 Been-Scammed.com 12 Bigotry 13 Biography 13 Bitch 14 Character Assassination 14 Circumcision 14 Civil Disobedience 14 Color 15 Compassion 16 Competition 17 Corruption 17 Courage 17 Crazy 17 Credit Card Companies 18 1 The terms Feminists, Fanatical Feminists, Rabid Feminists, or Feminazis, are used interchangeably. Some people use the terms Ideological Feminists, Radical Feminists, or Militant Feminists. It doesn’t matter what you call them; they intend to create and perpetuate a legal, social, and economic substratum occupied by men toiling in a Fritz Lang “Metropolis” underworld. 1 Criticism 18 Culture 19 Death 19 Debtor’s Prisons 19 Decline and Fall of Empires 21 Defamation Lawsuits 21 Differences Between the Sexes 21 Discrimination 24 Divorce 29 Domestic Disputes, Family Fighting, a.k.a. Domestic “Violence” 31 Duel 35 Economics 36 Education 40 Enemies 43 Environment 43 Equality 43 Evil 44 Evolutionarily Correct or Genetically Correct 45 Fear 45 Federal Bureau of Investigation 45 Female 45 Female Frauds 47 Female Harm 48 Female Hatred of Men 48 Female Parasites 48 Feminazi or Fear Fascist 49 Feminazi Establishment, Feminarchy, Estrogen Tyranny (E.T.), State Supported Religion, de facto Inquisition 51 Feminazi Newspeak & Doublethink 53 Feminazi Objectives, Strategies, Tactics 54 Feminazi Power 57 Feminazi Voodoo Science 59 Fights 59 Finance 59 Firearms 59 Freedom of Speech 60 Generality 66 Gentlemen 66 Girlfriend 66 Glass Ceiling 67 Glory 67 Help 67 2 Hip Hop Class 68 Hos 68 Hypocrisy 69 Infidelity 69 Immigration 70 Immigration Marriage Broker Act 70 Jihada for Justice 71 Jokes 72 Judges and Bureaucrats 75 Justice 79 Ladies’ Nights Lawsuit 80 Lawsuits Loses 90 Liberals or Lying Lefties 92 Liberty 92 Love 93 Man 93 Manhattan 94 Man’s World 94 Marriage 95 Masculinity 95 Media 95 Media Appearance Tips 97 Men’s or Male Studies 97 Men’s Rights Movement 97 Ministry of Truth 97 Misandry 98 Misogyny 98 Miss Columbia 99 Money 108 Mother Nature 108 Motivation to Fight the Feminazis 109 Movies 115 MR Legal Fund 115 Murder 115 Objective 115 Ownership 115 PAP Girls 116 PBS 116 Peace 116 Police, Lawyers, and Broads 116 Political Correctness or Political Correctionalism 116 Politics 116 Power 118 Predator 118 Princess Syndrome 118 3 Princess Syndrome Multiple Choice Test 119 Problem 120 Promiscuity 121 Prostitution 121 Publicity 122 Rape 122 Religion 125 Reporters 126 Responsibility 126 Revolution 126 Rights 129 Rulers 130 Self Defense 131 Sex 131 Sex and Money Objects 133 Sexist 133 She-male 133 Socialism in America 134 Solutions 134 Sports 134 Temporary Restraining Orders 135 Terrorism 135 Threaten 135 Truth 136 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) or Violence in Aid of Women 136 VAWA Mafia 151 War 151 Women 152 Work 152 World Problem 152 Content Abortion Kill a Feminazi—save a child. Feminists justify abortion with the usual female whine, “I’m not responsible for controlling my bodily urges.” They use lingo to absolve them of the evil they’re doing. These aren’t fetuses they’re murdering, they’re incipient human beings. Roe v. Wade gave American females the unilateral right to opt out of parenthood. Since that Supreme Court decision, females have murdered over 50 million incipient human beings. Guttmacher Institute, Fact Sheet, Induced Abortion in the United States, 2014. That’s more than all the men who have died in all the wars America has fought. 4 Some argue that girls make mistakes, such as forgetting to take the pill. Over 50 million since 1973 are a lot of mistakes. Even assuming all of those were mistakes, sex is a repetitive activity, so people have fair warning to “be prepared,” as the Boy Scouts say. When a cognitive human being chooses not to be cautious or is negligent, then she is responsible, not the innocent she destroys. If I get into a car drunk and hit a 16 year-old cheerleader, I’m the one to blame, I’m the one who must pay. No one wants to interfere with a girl’s freedom except her freedom to act irresponsibly when it harms others. If she harms herself—who cares. The federal government awarded $450 million in grants and contracts to Planned Parenthood in 2014. While the money cannot be used for abortion or butchering baby parts, it does free up private contributions for such. Feminists are nothing more than aiders and abettors of murder, self-serving concubines of evil itself. On the other hand, murder does reduce the surplus population. Acting Acting is lots of fun and everybody is civil. Unlike the legal profession, where if I get through a day without being insulted or threatened, I figure it’s because I missed an appointment. I often work as an extra because TV and movie producers are usually the only ones who will hire me. Actors and actresses are simply people who do what other people all around the world do all the time. Only they don’t mind other people watching. Why would I want to watch reality shows? I have too much reality already. Affirmative Action for Females Feminazis are using the cry of affirmative action to receive preferential treatment, but preferential treatment only for the most desirable positions in society. They want jobs above the glass ceiling but not in the Tombstone basement. Girl bosses often get their position based on the “Paula Principle”—that’s the female corollary of the “Peter Principle”—incompetence rises to the top. Feminists claim females are oppressed. Oppressed, compared to whom? Princesses in fairy tales? If you want to know who the real oppressors are, look at who lives longer, controls a greater percentage of a nation’s wealth, on whom a nation spends more money for health care, who serves less time for the same crimes, and who is proportionately more overweight. The assertion that American females are disadvantaged is nothing more than the “big lie” strategy. For example: a. In 2007, females earned more per unit of time at work than males. The average man spent 44% more time working or doing work related activities than the average female. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Time Use Survey 2007, Table A-1. So for every hour a guy worked, a girl worked 42 minutes, but the average female made 77% that of the average man. If the two were paid equally per unit of time actually worked, then the pay for the average female would have been 69.5% that of the average man—not 77%. 5 b. Females working part-time earn 115% that of part-time male workers. Denise Venable, The Wage Gap Myth, National Center for Policy Analysis, April 12, 2002. c. Females control over a majority of the assets in America. See Lucie Schmidt and Purvi Sevak, Gender, Marriage and Asset Accumulation in the United States, University of Michigan, 2005. d. Females make 80% of the purchases in America, Marc Rudov, Why Women Don’t Negotiate, 2007, which include 53% of stock, 51% of sports equipment, 66% of computers, 47% of home improvements, 81% groceries, 75% over-the-counter drugs, 94% of home furnishings, 65% of cars, 80% of health care, 88% of medical supplies, and 86% of toilet paper, Bernice Kanner, Pocketbook Power. Females select four out of five homes in America, write 80% of the checks, and by 2020 will control most of the money in America. Id. e. The 25 most dangerous occupations in America are 90% occupied by men—it’s called the “Tombstone Basement.” f. Males are 20 times more likely to be killed or injured on the job. g. Over all occupations, men suffered 92% of the job related deaths while making up 49% of the work force. U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current Population Survey, Employment and Fatalities by Gender of Worker, 2006. h. Females, but not men, have various excuses that permit them to significantly lessen their punishment for murdering their newborns (Postpartum Depression), their husbands or boyfriends (Battered Spouse Syndrome or Paroxysmal Insanity), and even their children in which case society often blames the husband. i. Females are generally not punished for perjury in family actions, sexual harassment, rape cases, or paternity suits. j. In some jurisdictions, the husband of the mother of a child born during the marriage will be responsible for child support even though the wife cheated on him, conceived with another man, and DNA evidence proves it. k. Wives received child custody ten times more often than men, Geoffrey P. Miller, Being There, N.Y.U. School Law, Public Law and Legal Theory Research Paper Series, No. 22, July 2000, p. 11, n. 17, while initiating 70% of the divorces, Marc Rudov, Why Women Don’t Negotiate, 2007. l. Debtor prisons for nonpayment of child support incarcerate mainly men. m. Males generally receive more prison time than females for any crime.
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