140 ELSTEAD. SURREY. deaconry of Surrey and diocese of Winchester : it is supposed of the late Li ent-.-Gen. Sir F. Marshall (d. 1900), Mn. Combe, of ot.o have derived it.a name from having been the "station," Frensham, Mrs. Gooch, and Robert .Mowbra.1 Howard f'llq, .or "stead," of Ella, founder of the kingdom of SUMex. The of Droa.d Oak, Seale. The soil is partlv light loam and sand ; <Church of St, James is an a.ncient edifice of atone, with a belfry subsoil, gravel and sand. The crops a.re barley, wheat~ carrot.a, '8urmounted by a. spire and conWning 3 bells: the eo.rliest pot&toes and ryi.. The area is 4,080 a.ores of )and and 26 of 'Portion of the structure datea from the year 1128: the belfry water, of which 3,600 lieres are common land and 29 wa.ter; •&tair i1 formed out of a solid balk of oak, t.he steps being cut rateable value, £4,241 ; t.he population in 1901 was 904. into it: the stained east windo)I', ereoted in 1881, is a memorinl Hankley is a hamlet hruf a inile west >to Julia (Smith), wife of the late Sir William Raynes hart.; Sexton, Charles Fitkin. · ishe died Jan. 21, 1881 : the church wa.s restored in 1872, and Post, M. O. & T. 0., T. M. O.. E. D., P. P., S. D. & A. &. I. affords 270 sitt.ings. The register dates from the year 1539. 0.-Jonathan Blackman, 'ub-postmll3ter. Let.ters received ''the living is a rectory, net yearly value £200, with residence, from Godalming at 7.40 a.m. & 12 noon; dispatched at .and 6 a.ores of glebe, in the ;tilt of the Archdea.con of Surrey, 12.6 a.m. & 6.40 p.m · aud held since 1905 by the Rt.v. David Maitla~d Wauchope Iw 11 1 tu D CCh h ...... II} l· ··-~ l" o & ,., 3"' K .A. of Keble College, Oxford. There 1s a Congre- ~ Al r. ox urc y...u wa c"'""" -· u. u p.m. gational chapel and a Yonng ?tlen'a Institute and rea.ding . eek days• snndays 10.0 a.m room. Smith's charity of £5 was Mt by Henry Smith, of IPillar Box, Tbursley road, cleared 9.0 a.m. a: 5.26 p.m. ; Wandsworth, 1md alderman of London, who died January aunday 9.4.0 a.m 30, 1628. River House is the residence of Lady Jephson, ! Public Element&ry School (mi:ted), erected in 1852 & enlarged !Elstea.d Lodge of C. Pilgrim eaq. Fullbrook of Gerard Streat. j in 1897, for 175 children ; averageattendance, 167; Edward ~eld esq. and Heatht'.rdene of Duncan McCulloch. The . William Fillinger, ma.ster Ecoleaiaetical Commissioners are lords of the manor. The : Carriers to :- . 'Principal landowners are Captain W. H. Rushbrooke of ., Godalming-G. Legg, daily "l'huraley, W. W. Cornwall esq. J.ady Jephson, the trustees Guildford- G. Legg, tues • .t fri. & John King, tuea. ct fri l'JUVATE RESIDENTS Sharp John, Fir cottage. Ellis Job, !armor, River farm · Streatfeild Gerard, Fulbrook Heath Benjamin Hugh, grocer •lifarked thus* receive their letters through Treatt R. Court Mill house Herkomer Siegfried IL poultry farmer, Thursley. Wauchope Rev. David Maitland r.r •.i.. Fulbrook Allen Alfred, IDU house rector, The Rectory Hewett.George F. Wool Pack inn Bacohua Henry, Abbot& Pond Horniblow James, farmer Baynes Charles C. River house COKW!BCUL. Institute .t. Reading Room (Alfred '3urgeas-Short Mn. The Hermitage *Barnard Frederick, nurseryman Biirchett, hon._,) <:omwall William Wolfran, Burford lo Bla.ckman Jonathan, fancy repository, Keen James, farmer, Staceya <:ox John Henry, The Birches Poat office . Legg George, carrier ct coal merchant <Gooch Rev. Francis Harcourt B • .i.. Dye ho Bovington ct Chalcraft, black.smiths May Frederick, fa.rmer, Red House farm Hirst ,James, Fir cottage Bowler Bedford Martin, grocer Perry John, butcher ingram Charles, Elstea.d house Bowler Harry, builder Ralph James;fann bailiff to Mn. Combe, .Jephson I.ady, River house Clll8&r Julius, farmer Westbrook farm 'McCulloch Dunca.n, Heatht'rdene (letters Carpenter Charles, a.aaiatant overseer, Stovold Ernest, farmer, Pa.ulahott ehould be a.ddrea'ed ChlldaHl.FarnhlUll) Heathfield Tidy George, farmer, Church farm Pilgrim Charles, Elstead lodge Coltman Jn. Thompson, Golden Fleece P.H Tracy Alfred J. carpenter .Ridcal Samuel, Chalcot Ellis Harry, farmer, Ham farm Trussler Wm. The Star P.H. & carpenter "EPSOM (originally "F.bbishani "} derived ita name from In the churchyard Is &atone inscribed to Charle. Parkhunit, d. St. Ebba, a Northumbrian princesa, and is a. parish 11nd market 20 Dec. 1704. The register dates from the year 1685. The town and the head of a pettv aeuional division, union and living is a vicarage, net income £300, with 3 acres of glebe and <County court diatrin~ delightfully situated on the western residence, in the gift of Captain Speer, and held aioce 1904 by -verge of Danstead Downs, on the main road from London to the Rev. Waldeitttve Dent Bainbridge-Bell x ..i.. of Pembroke Dorking, Horsham, Guildford and Worthing, with stations College, Cambridgl', and surrogate. St. John'• Miaaion church, -on the London, Brighton and South (',oaat, South Western and erected in 188•, at a cost of £2,000, is of brick •ith atone South Eastern and Chatham railways, and i~ 16 miles south· facings, in the Gothic atyle, and will seat 600 persoll8. Christ weat-by-south from J..ondon by road, 17 by the Brighton and Church is an ecclesiastical pariah. formed July 10. 187•: the Bou th C'..oast railway, and about 14 by the South Western, 18 church, COMOOrated in 1876, and ainoe entirely reboilf, is of flint mileA north-east from Guildford, 9 north-west from Reigate, with stone dreseings, in the Decorated style, and co1111ists of 11 aouth-weet from Croydon and 7 south from Kingston, in chancel, nave nnd a tower wit-b belfry containing 8 bells : the 'the Mid division of t be county, first division of the hundred ·chancel hM been decorated and i.eamemori.UtoNormanAaton -of Copthorne. rural deanery of Leatherhead, archdeaconry esq. : the chancel arch wa.s erected in memory of the Rev. Geo. -of Surrey and di~ of Winchester. The town is lighted E. Willea. 5rst vicar ofthe parish: there are 600 sittings. The re. with gas from works the property of the Epsom and Ewell Ga.a gieter dates from the year 1876. The living la a vicarage, net 1Jomp. any, formed in 1839, and also with the electric light from VMrly value £190, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of works in · Church street: it ha.a a coll8tantsupply of water \vincheeter, and held since 1881 by the Re.,.. Archer George ·from works the property of the Council, 1ituated at East Hunter JW..&. of Trinity College. Cambridge, hon. ~on of ·street, and there are two largl' ~"oira on the Downs : the Winchester and surrogate. The Church room in conn.eotion water is of superior quality, bnt hu &bout 23 de_grt"eS of hard· with Christ Church, designed by J. Hatohard Smith J'.JLLB.A.. C'IMS, ari1in1t from the chalk held in solution. The town ill in the Oothio style, consist.a of a large room capable of -t­ ~ft'eotually drained and the aewage is deodorised and other- inp: 300 people, with a st.age and aleo a large claaa room. · The wiao diepoeed of Oil an irrigatioll ground (part of "F.peom Catholic Churoh, ill Heathcot.e road, dedicated to St. Joeeph, tCourt farm), ~portion being pumped up to higher land and ·waa erected in 1~7. and baa 120 .•ittinp. There is a Con­ 'J:('tumed by gravitation ; the effluent-, b;v moana of a system .gregational chapel founded in 1688 and rebuilt In 1904 with •of doep and aurface drainage, is lal'JlelY purified, and runs into 600 sit.tings, alao• Wesleyan and Strict Baptiet chapels. 'the Hogs bfill river, by which it la dlaohru-ged lnt.o the Thames Thfl Raptiet.a hold 1e"ices in the Gymnasium Hall, erected :at Kingston. The air of Epsom is very salubrioll!I ; part of ' in· 1900. The Cemetery, in Aahlev road; covering an t.he town lies in a natural ha.sin, butt.he upper portion poeae88CS area of ~bout 8 acres, wa.s completed 1n 1871, at a coet of 'fino down.a, almost entirely open to the aea on the south aide, £6,ll-00 It bu two mortuary chapels, and ia under the control ·&nd the temperat.ure ia thU8 agreeably va.rioo. It wa.s con. of the Urban District Council, a.ctfog a.a a Burial Boud. The ·stituted a J..ocal Government District 19 Mar. 18'50; under Town Hall, ereoted.in 1883, at a oost of U,000, ii of red bri<'k -the provisions of the "Public Health Act·, 1848" (11 and 12 and temr. cotta, in the ClaMio style, from deeigna by Mr. J. Vi~t. c. 63), bat the gonrnll)ent oft-he town ia now vested in an Hatchard Smith .i..11.1.11..i.. of Epeom: it cootaina "· lal'{le Urban Diatrict Council of 9 members, formed un.der the pro- hall, 68 by '<> feet, and about 30 feet high, 'll'ith r. 'tag• and -risioll8 of the " Local Government Act, 189'" (66 alJli 67 dresai.ng rooma at one end and a gallery at the other: there "Viet-. o. 73), and enlarged to 12 memben in 1903. The are also club and rea.ding room1, and a lecture room, 4-0 by 38 -Ohurch of St.
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