<Sv 1FFI1FRA1 OILIlrlL REGISTE '9 3 4 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 191 * O N n tO ^ Washington, Friday, September 28, 1945 The President Sec. CONTENTS 12.312 Special rules on liquidation. 12.313 Appeals. THE PRESIDENT 12.314 Actions disapproved toy th e Commis­ DIRECTIVE sion. D ir ec tiv e: Pa8e Authority: §§ 12.301 to 12.314 inclusive, Censorship Office, liquidation of D irectiv e for th e D irector of issued under section 12 of Veterans’ Prefer­ agency_________________ 12181 C e n so r sh ip ence Act of June 27, 1944, Pub. 359, 78th REGULATIONS AND NOTICES In accordance with the recommenda­ Cong., 2nd Sess. (58 S tat. 387; 5 US.C. 861). tion submitted by him on June 27, 1945, § 12.301 Extent of regulations. Sec­ A griculture D epartm ent: the Director of Censorship shall on Aug. tions 12.301 to 12.314, inclusive, establish Arkansas, salaries and wages of 15, 1945: degrees of retention preference and uni­ agricultural labor harvest­ 1. Declare voluntary censorship of the form rules for reductions in force. They ing cotton in certain coun­ domestic press and radio at an end. apply to all civilian employees in the ties ___________________ 12189 2. Direct that the Office of Censorship executive branch of the Federal Govern­ Columbia, Tenn., Columbia Live­ cease at once the censorship of all in­ ment, and in the municipal government stock Market; posted stock- ternational communications. of the District of Columbia, except those yard___________________ 12218 3. Give 30 days’ notice to all employees whose appointments are required to be Fats and oils : of the Office of Censorship, except for a approved by the Senate, and those who Animal oil, neat’s-foot oil, small group needed for liquidating the are appointed by the President of the and red oil (WFO 53, ter­ Agency. United States. mination)------ ------------ 12186 Castor oil (WFO 137, termi­ H arry S. T ru m a n § 12.302 Definitions. For the purpose nation) --------- 12186 A u gu st 15,1945. of §§ 12.301 to 12.314, inclusive, defini­ Fatty acid inventories (WFO tions are given for words, terms, and 87, termination)________ 12186 [F. R. Doc. 45-18058; Filed, Sept. 27, 1045; phrases as follows: 11:47 a. m.] Stearic acid (WFO 129, ter­ (a) “Reduction in force” means the mination)____________ 12186 involuntary separation from the rolls of Tall oil (WFO 136, termina­ a department, or furlough in excess of tion)_________________ 12186 Regulations thirty days, of one or more employees in Al ie n P roperty C ustodian: order to reduce personnel. Reduction of Licensing certain transactions personnel may have to be made because involving patents and TITLE 5—ADMINISTRATIVE of lack of funds, personnel ceilings, re­ trademarks_____________ 12186 PERSONNEL organization, decrease of work, to make a position available for a former em­ Patent applications of certain Chapter I—Civil Service Commission, consignors or inventors, ex­ ployee with established reemployment or emption from require­ P art 12—R emovals and R eduction restoration rights, or for other reasons. However, the term does not apply to (1) ments______ 12187 retention preference regulations for termination of temporary appointments Civ il S ervice Co m m is sio n : u se in reductions in force Removals and reduction; re­ limited to one year or less, (2) retirement tention preference regula­ By virtue of the authority vested in the of employees, or (3) separations for un­ tions for use in reductions Commission by the Veterans’ Preference satisfactory service. (b) “Retention groups” and “sub­ in force________________12181 Act of June 27, 1944, the following reg­ Coast G uard: groups” means classes of employees en­ Safety appliances, miscellaneous ulations are promulgated and the reg­ titled to the same degree of retention ulation approved November 3, 1944 gov­ preference on the basis of tenure of em­ amendments____________ 12216 erning reductions in force (9 F.R. 13699) ployment and veteran preference. Waivers of navigation and ves­ are hereby revised: sel inspection laws and reg­ (c) “Retention credits” are credits for ulations; load lines for ves­ Sec. length of service and efficiency ratings in sels engaged in foreign, 12.301 Extent of regulations. determining retention order in each re­ 12.302 Definitions. tention subgroup. They are computed coastwise, or Great Lakes 12.303 Retention preference; classification. by allowing one point for each full year trade___________________ 12216 12.304 Completion of employee records. F ederal P ow er C o m m issio n : 12.305 Determination of competitive area. of Federal Government service plus 5 Miller, Sam L.; hearing______12219 12.306 Special rule relating to consolidations points for an “Excellent” efficiency I nternal R evenue B ureau: and mergers. rating. Income tax, taxable years be­ 12.307 Compilation of retention register. (d) “Federal Government service” ginning after Dec. 31, 1941; 12.308 Sequence of selection. means the total of all periods of service return of information as to 12.309 Actions. 12.310 Notice to employees. eligible for consideration for civil service payments to employees___ 12189 12.311 Reports to the Commission. (Continued on p. 12183) (C ontinued on p. 12182) 12181 12182 FEDERAL REGISTER, Friday, September 28, 1945 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of Price Administration— Page S ecu rities and E xchange C o m m is- Page Continued. sio n —Continued FEDERALÄBEGISTER Adjustments and pricing or­ Hearings, etc.—Continued. \ 1934 -<JF ders—Continued. Montana Power Co________ 12240 Hampshire China Co______ 12228 New England Public Service International Harvester Co_ 12234 Co. et al______________ 12242 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Lawrin Co_________ ______ 12229 Spokane United Railways__ _ 12243 and days following legal holidays, by the Lindemann, A. J„ and Hover- Union Electric Co. of Mis­ Division of the Federal Register, the National son Co_______________ 12220 souri_________ 12239 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Logan Lamp Co___________ 12230 United Gas Corp. and United in the Federa^Register Act, approved July 26, LubinrWeeker Co., Inc_____ 12231 1935 (49 S tat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Gas Pipe Line Co_______ 12242 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Majestic Lamp Shade Co____ 12229 United Light and Railways Co. Administrative Committee, approved by the Meek, John, Industries, Inc__ 12224 (2 documents)___ 12239,12241 President. Distribution is made only by the Metallic Arts Co______ :_____ 12225 United Public Utilities Corp. Superintendent of Documents, Government Eivikin, Jay_______________ 12225 et al_________________ 12240 P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Rockwood Forge, Inc— ___ 12227 The regulatory material appearing herein is Rodriguez, Santos___:__;___ 12223 T reasury D epartm ent. See also keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Rotblatt, Max ______ ____ „ 12230 Internal Revenue Bureau. which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Silversmith, Levine, Co_____ 12221 Checks and warrants, delivery to to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Springfield Woolen Mills Co_ 12232 addresses outside U. S., its am ended June 19, 1937. territories and possessions; The Federal Register will be furnished by Stahly, Inc_______________ 12223 m ail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Trueheart, D. L___________ 12220 withholding delivery m Bul­ per m onth or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ United Specialty Co_________12229 garia, Germany, Hungary, vance. The charge for individual copies Utica Cutlery Co_, ________ 12222 Japan and Rumania___ .__ 12216 (minimum 15^) varies in proportion to the Utica Drop Forge and Tool W ar D epartm ent: size of the issue. Remit check or money Corp______________ 12227 order, made payable to the Superintendent Claims against U. S.; miscel­ of Documents, directly to the Government Walter Lamp Products_____ 12224 laneous amendments_____12187 P rinting Office, W ashington 25, D. C. Wolfe, Michael, Co_______ 12221 W ar P roduction B oard: There are no restrictions on the republica­ Apparel industry, charges of Cordage fiber, cordage yarn, tio n of material appearing in th e F ederal contractors (M^R 172, Am. cordage and hemp fiber Register. 5 ) _______________ 12208 (M-84)______:_________ Z 12192 Automobile parking in down­ National Housing Agency, au­ town Los Angeles, Calif. (RMPR 165, Am. 3 to Rev. thority for housing con­ NOTICE Supp. Service Reg. 50) _____12213 struction (Dir. 24; Int. 1) 1944 Supplement Cooking utensils, household alu­ (2 documents)______12190,12191 minum (MPR i88, Order Petroleum or other liquid prod­ Book 1 of the 1944 Supplement to 1) —_________________ 12234 ucts, formulation of joint the Code of Federal Regulations, Cottonseed products (FFR 3, feta action plan by transporters containing Titles 1-10, including Am. 3 to Supp. l)_ Jf._____ 12208 (Cert. 191, revocation)— 12243 Presidential documents in full text, Fish and seafood, fresh and Rubber, synthetic rubber and frozen (RMPR 507, Am. 6) _ 12208 products thereof (R-l)___ 12201 is now available from the Superin­ Fruits and vegetables, fresh, for Suspension order; Tribune Pub­ tendent of Documents, Government table use (MPR 426, Am. lishing. Co__________ ___ 12200 Printing Office, at $3.00 per copy. 142)----------------- 12213 W ar Shippin g Administration: A limited sales stock of the Cu­ Hawaii: Labor; qualifications for stew­ mulative Supplement and the 1943 Beer, locally produced ard’s department_______ 12217 (RMPR 373, Am. 31)___ 12209 Supplement is still available as CODIFICATION GUIDE previously announced. Cars, used_________________ 12213 Garments (RMPR 373, Am. A numerical list of the parts of the Code 32)--------------------------- 12209 of Federal Regulations amended or added by Machines, parts and industrial documents published in this issue. Docu­ CONTENTS—Continued equipment (RMPR 136, Am. ments carried in the Cumulative Supplement 12)------------------------------- 12208 by uncodified tabulation only are not in­ J ustice D epartment: Pag® Meats, fats, fish and cheeses cluded within the purview of this list. Travel and other conduct of (Rev.
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