NPS FmllD-900 OM0 No. 100260018 (oet.I Dm) va- 1o/!g/4s d~+y-=/~t+/~ United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Registration Form Thls fwm Is for use In naminaling or questing cktemlnatlans for individual pmptks and di.See insku&#$ in How to Compbde the National Register of Histork Plaw RegWiFwm (NatilRegister Bulleiln 1 BA). Complete each itern by marking "fin the appropriate bax by entering the information rquested. If any Rem does not apptylo the prowbty documented, enter "NIA" for "not applicabla." For lunctms, archaectural classlfimtion, materials, and areas of srgniSmnce, enter only categwres and subcategories fmthe instruetms. Placa additional entries and narrative items on cont~nuationsheets (NPS Form 10-93%). Use a typermtw, ward prv,w computer, to Mt@?te a11 items. historic name Winchester Nationd Cemetery other namestsite number Virginia D-t of Historic Resources File No. 138-35 street & number 401 National Avenue fl not for publication NIA city or town Winchester vicinity N/A state Virgjnia code VA county Winchester (Ind. City) code 840 ZiP code 226Q1 3. StatelFederal Agency Certification IAS tha designatd wtharity under the Ndmal Hist& Prwrarvation Act of 1988, as am&, I hereby certify hat thb nomi- reqllest for &termination of elig~billtymeeta the dmmenMlon standards fw registwing in the Natiial Rcgister of Histwic Plaeea and meets the procedural and professicmal requirements & et in 36 CFR Part 80. In my opinion, the property mmeds does not meet the National RegisZer Criteria. I rwmmsmj thl thi promk amMered rignlfm I D*-varCwcnt oF \~CteYins RFFair* State of Federal agency and bureau In my opinion, Zha proparty B&s not W Che Natknal Register criterb. ( Sea continua& lheet fw addtknal comments.) //-g- 9s Date isginia Department of Historic Resources or Fedml agency and bureau 4. National Park Service Certification I Meby certify that this propwty is: Slgmre of hpw Data of Action entered In the hlatml Register 0 s~conti~wti&act. determid eligible for the National Register See continuation sheet. determined not eligibb for the Natiwral Regrster remwecE frwn the NaHonal Aeglster othq (explain:) Winchester National Cemetery Winchester (City), Virginia Nun of PlnQmty Can(ydSt*e 6. Classification ~~Roperty Nun& of Regourcer wimin Prop* (u=krnyt--rlpply) (Ch&lt W on (Dotwtinclud.~~~.aroointh.~.) mate building(s) Contributing Noncon(ributing publielocal dii 3 0 buildings publiostate site 1 0 sites publio-Federal StNdui-e 2 0 shudures 0 obje 17 o objects 73 n Total Name of mlatad multiple property listing Number of contributing ~ourcespnviously listed (E~'NIA*U~mnot~OfamuSp(.pmpay~.) in the National Register Civil War Era Nanonal Cemeteries 0 6. Function or Use Historic Functions Current Functions (En(*oltrgoh.krm-) (-c*~krm-) Funerary: Cemetery Funerary: Cemetely 7. Description Archiiectunl Classification Materials (E* ha -) (E* cabguh horn iramdkm) Late 19th and 20th Century Revivals: Tudor Revival foundation "One, Concrete walls Stucco, Brick, Wood roof Asbestos; Metal: Ti other W: Cast Iron, Iron; Stone: Limestone, Marble Narrative Description (~th.hi.tonc.ndcumntmndi(ionof~pmpayaronearonMtin~~.) Winchester National Cemmry Winchester (City), Vi Nmd RDpay County and shte 8. Statmnent of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria Amas of Significance (~YhmumnbmQ.forUmdaia~Um~ (Entr c&epia hrm bmbwtbm) forN.limlR~~.) Military H A Property is associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the hadpanems of our history. B Property is associated with the lives of persons significant in our past. C Property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction or represents the work of a master, or possesses hiah artistic values. or reoresents a sianificant and d&nguishable entity whbse componhts lack Period of Significance individual distinction. D Pmperty has yielded, or is likely to yield, information important in prehistory or history. Criteria Considerations Significant Dates (MukYhdboxe~thatappiy.) 1866 Property is: A owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. Significant Person B removed from its original location. (Comp*h1Cri(wlonBb~~) NIA C a Mrthplace or grave. Cultural Affiliation Rl D a cemeterv. E a reconstructed building, object or structure. F a commemorative property. G less than 50 yean of age or achieved significance ArchitectlBuilder within the past 50 years. Meigs, Montgomery C. Narrative Statement of Significance (~mthes@Mcmcaofthepmp&yononeamm~.haet..) 9. Major Biblioqmphical References Bibliography (ca~aub~o*l,~,adother+ou~din~mmfonnonmwmon~~.) Previous documantation on fib (NPS): Primary location of additional data: preliminary determination of individual listing (36 State Historic Preservation Office CFR 67) has been requested Other State agency previously listed in the National Register IH Federal agency IEl previously determined eligible by the National Local government Register University designated a National Historic Landmark Other recorded by Historic American Buildings Survey Name of repository Department of Veterans Affairs recorded by Historic American Engineering Record Winchester National Cemetery Winchester (City), Via NMM of Pmpaty cmly and stae 10. Geoqraphical Data Acmage of Property 4.9 UTM References (ph.ddilionrl UTM refmnccs on a cowmamn aho~t) 1 1745580 b340870 Eaatii Nolthiig I Verbal Boundary Description (~tdthebMdllra.ofthe~onacrmtbluation~.) Boundary Justification (~ruhyhbarndari9~~rn.~~.) 11. Form Prepared BY nameititle ThemT. Sammartino, Staff Assistant, National Cemetery System organization Department of Veterans Affairs date October 5, 1995 street a number 810 Vermont Avenue, N.W. telephone (202) 5654895 CltY or tom Washington, D.C. state zip code 20420 Additional Documentation Submy tha f- Hems with the mmplstad form: Continuation Sheets Maps A USGS map (7.5 or 15 minute series) indicating the property's location. A sketch map for historic districts and properties having large acreage or numerous resources. Photognphs Representative black and white photographs of the property, Additional items (Cht~ckwiththeSHPOaFPOfor~y~b) Propetty Owner (CompMe tlM lam at the reqmoi the SHPO a FPO ) name Department of Veterans Affairs street a number 8 10 Vermont Avenue, N.W. telephone CltY or town Washington, D.C. state zip code 20420 PamR.duc(lon Ad Slalarnt Thn mformatm a bang cdleacd faapplutmr to the NMnal Reglater of Hatonc Pucea to nommnate Wflmfa lcln9 w dctm~nea~g~b~lhl for I~stlng, to 11smm, and to amomtlng Lsbngs Rnponsc to mls rqmIS mqulred to obtaln a hfiin accordance with the ~aionalHistoric Pd~ct,as amended (16 U.S.C.470 et 9.). EIImu1.d Burden Stat-nt: Public reponlng for thn tam n nt~mrcedto avenge I8 I hours pat rnponrc includ~ngme tlm la renemng lnsrmMM, gatnwng and malnta~nlngdata and am&hng- and rmngVw lorm Dlr& mmmts mpramp mn wmcn esllmte or any aspect 01 lhls form to tn Cnlef Aomm~rtntmSemn DmFt~orul Park SweP 0 Box 37127. Wsshlngton DC XK)t57127. and tte Olfm of Managem and Budget. Papemark Redwtlons ~r~(l0244018).Washington. DC 20503. NPS Fm 1- OM6 No. 100244018 (-) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service National Register of Historic Places Civil War Era National Cemeteries Continuation Sheet Winchester National Cemetery Section number 7 Page 1 City of Winchester, Virginia NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION The Winchester National Cemetery is located at 401 National Avenue, Winchester, Virginia, about 114 mile east of Winchester City Hall. The cemetery is rectangular in shape and is enclosed by a limestone wall, 4 feet 6 inches high, 18 inches thick, and extending 1,879 lineal feet. The main entrance is situated in the center of the north side and is protected by 12-foot-wide entry gates, constructed circa 1910, made of ornamental wrought and cast iron. The main gates are supported by cast iron piers. There is a 4-foot-wide walk gate on each side, supported by concrete piers. A 14-foot-wide cast iron rear access gate to Woodstock Lane, with stone piers on each side, was constructed in July 1940. The cemetery was established on April 9, 1866, and contains 91 burial sections. The sections are numbered from 1 through 92 and, for reasons unknown, there is no section 5. The burial sections were originally named after various states, as far as practicable, and the interments were made in the same manner. The graves were originally marked by headboards, painted white and properly lettered. The boards were later replaced with upright marble markers. As of August 31, 1995, there were 5,056 graves used for the interment of 5,370 casketed remains and 74 sites used for the interment of 94 cremated remains. The cemetery was officially closed on July 11, 1969. Interments in occupied graves, as well as interments of cremated remains, continue. As of August 31, 1995, there were 27 gravesites available for the interment of casketed remains (26 reserved) and 37 sites available for the interment of cremated remains. The lodge was originally constructed in 1871 and consisted of a one-story stone building of three rooms Although this lodge was based on a design by Quartermaster General Montgomery C. Meigs, it was a smaller version than the standard lodge design by Meigs for national cemeteries during that era. A one-story frame wing containing a kitchen was added around the turn of the century. The windows on the first floor are six-over-one double-hung. About 1914, a second-story frame addition containing three bedrooms and one bath was constructed over the stone part of the house. The windows on this story are in pairs, four-over-one double- hung. The roof appears to be made of asbestos cement shingles with ridge rolls. The old kitchen was removed, date unknown, and replaced with the present one-story stucco kitchen wing. The roof on this wing is tin In 1936, an addition to this wing was made, containing a laundry room and basement. An old frame tool house and brick comfort station were demolished in 1930 and a new brick, stucco and concrete utility building with comfort station, 29 feet 6 inches by 29 feet, was constructed directly to the rear of the lodge near the eastern corner of the perimeter wall.
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