SCHIZOPHRENIA Proteomics finds systemic aspects of disease P. 2 6 CHEMICAL LANDMARK JANUARY 18, 2010 18, JANUARY ACS honors deciphering of genetic code at NIH P. 2 8 CONGRESSIONAL OUTLOOK Chemical reform, climate on tap for 2010 P. 1 0 PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY )#3%*APAN THE0HARMACEUTICAL #ONTRACT3ERVICES%XHIBITION The meeting place to begin or continue to build profitable business partnerships in the growing Japanese market. &ORMOREINFORMATION PLEASEVISITWWWICSEJAPANCOMENG !PRIL 4OKYO"IG3IGHT *APAN 4(%).4%2.!4)/.!,#/.42!#43%26)#%3%8()")4)/. CLINICAL TRIALS | CONTRACT RESEARCH | BIOTECHNOLOGY | IT | CUSTOM MANUFACTURING | ANALYTICAL SERVICES | PACKAGING SERVICES | LOGISTICS SERVICES | PACKAGING | ANALYTICAL CLINICAL TRIALS | CONTRACT RESEARCH | BIOTECHNOLOGY | IT | CUSTOM MANUFACTURING Serving the chemical, VOLUME 88, NUMBER 3 life sciences, JANUARY 18, 2009 and laboratory worlds 21 INSIGHTS COVER STORY Greater availability of information is fueling the rise of the patient in health care. 2010 GOVERNMENT & POLICY CONGRESSIONAL 22 CONCENTRATES 23 INSIGHTS OUTLOOK Although chemical control act needs reform, some data confidentiality must remain to foster Climate change, innovation. plant security, and food safety will compete for Congress’ SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 24 CONCENTRATES attention this year. PAGE 10 26 STUDYING SCHIZOPHRENIA Using proteomic methods, scientists find that changes in peripheral cells reflect changes in the brain. QUOTE NEWS OF THE WEEK 27 NEW HUMAN SEX HORMONE OF THE WEEK 5 UPBEAT PHARMA First found in birds, compound may influence “I’d compare Executives of major drug companies express human reproduction and fertility. patient advocacy renewed optimism at health care conference. to fuel. If you 6 REMOVING CO2 FROM AIR ACS NEWS take fuel and Catalytic process converts greenhouse gas to 28 CHEMICAL LANDMARK refine it, it can oxalate, a useful organic feedstock. ACS honors work deciphering the genetic code at add enormous 6 QUESTIONING PHARMA DEALS NIH as its newest landmark. p o w e r.” European regulators scrutinize deals between JONATHAN brand-name companies and generic drug firms. ACS NATIONAL AWARDS JACOBY, HEAD, RARE 7 ASIA ON THE MOVE 30 2010 WINNERS PROJECT PAGE 21 China and other Asian nations are surging Adams, Castleman, Cella, Flynn, Lerman, Miller, forward in science and engineering, NSF report Stephanopoulos, and Thiel. shows. 7 DOW AT DETROIT AUTO SHOW THE DEPARTMENTS Firm showcases its lithium battery joint venture, 2 LETTERS other technologies. 3 EDITOR’S PAGE 18 8 TOUGHER OZONE STANDARDS 35 OBITUARIES EPA wants to lower the limits of ground-level 37 EMPLOYMENT ozone, drawing both praise and criticism. 40 NEWSCRIPTS 8 CLEAN-ENERGY WINDFALL Huge tax credits from Uncle Sam are going to COVER: Fresco by Constantino 28 firms with renewable energy projects. Brumidi (1865) in the U.S. Capitol 9 “GREEN” GOLD CATALYSIS dome. Architect of the Capitol Nanoporous gold material catalyzes oxidation reactions under mild conditions. 9 AMAZING DROPLETS THIS WEEK ONLINEONLINE Tiny spheres of 2-hexyldecanoic acid traverse a WWW.CEN-ONLINE.ORG complex maze with a pH gradient. CALENDAR UPDATE BUSINESS 16 CONCENTRATES C&EN’s latest list of meetings and 18 PVC THE HARD WAY events for the chemical community in China is determined to make the old-school 2010 is available at pubs.acs.org/cen/ calcium carbide route to PVC work in today’s html/calendars. environment. 20 GELEST PLUS: Check out a collection of safety letters submitted by readers at www.cen-online. Small custom chemical firm flies below the radar org/safety. of its larger competitors. CENEAR 88 (3) 1–40 • ISSN 0009-2347 LETTERS although no hazard was ever encountered. occurred upon adding the first few drops CHEMICAL SAFETY: In this incident, the explosion occurred as of copper catalyst, which makes crystal- TRIMETHYLSILYLACETYLENE soon as we started adding the solution of lization of the explosive intermediate— EXPLOSION catalyst in acetone to the reaction. copper bis(trimethylsilylacetylide)—highly We have consulted with the pioneer of improbable. WE WOULD LIKE to report an explosion this reaction (Allan S. Hay) and the sub- We speculate that a discharge of static that occurred in our laboratory last year mitting author of the procedure (Holmes) electricity between the syringe needle while performing an oxidative coupling of and considered various scenarios to ex- and the digital thermometer inside the trimethylsilylacetylene (TMSA) in a Gla- plain the explosion. Ignition of acetone/ flask is the most likely cause of this explo- ser-Hay reaction. The explosion ruptured TMSA vapor by the external sources sion. A digital thermometer connected the 2-L reaction flask and seriously injured was hardly possible as the flask was well to a stirring hot plate (IKA) was used in a researcher. sealed and the outgoing gases were passed the reaction, and a plastic syringe with a This reaction has been routinely used in through a dry-ice condenser (lowering the long metal needle was introduced through our and many other laboratories to prepare vapor pressure below the explosive con- the same neck. An induced static volt- 1,4-bis(trimethylsilyl)butadiyne-1,3 on a centration) and brought to the back side age on the syringe through friction from large scale (>100 g), and no dangerous or of the fume hood through a 1-meter hose. handling (often observed in Montreal unusual behavior was previously noted. The reaction temperature (5 ºC) was winter indoors while walking or even sim- The procedure involves purging oxygen noted by the researcher a few seconds ply sitting) could then cause a sufficient through a solution of TMSA in acetone in before the explosion, thus ruling out unex- differential potential on the needle for a the presence of a copper(I) chloride:tet- pected reaction exothermy. The autoigni- discharge spark to occur close to the me- ramethylethylenediamine complex catalyst tion of the vapor on a hot stirring adapter tallic body of the digital thermometer. The at room temperature as described by An- (possibly heated by rotation-induced oxygen-rich atmosphere lowers the igni- drew B. Holmes et al. ( Org. Syntheses 1993, friction) was refuted, because joint lubri- tion energy and makes even a weak spark Coll. Vol. 8, 63). The authors of the procedure cation was checked before setting up the sufficient to cause a fire. recommend a safety shield as a general experiment, and it would have required The incident emphasizes once more the precaution while working with flammable achieving an unrealistic temperature of potential danger of mixing oxygen gas with materials in the atmosphere of oxygen, greater than 300 ºC. Also, the explosion flammable solvents or reagents. More im- portant, introducing two conductors into a flask brings a risk of static electricity dis- charge between the conductors, which is O N N dangerous whenever a flammable solvent S O N O is used without inert gas. As wired metal- 559139 gauge digital thermometers are used more 194019 often in synthetic practice, precautions must be taken to avoid their contact with O O O other metallic (conducting) parts inside F the reaction flasks. N F Dmitrii F. Perepichka N Cl N NH F 2 Shehzad Jeeva F H Montreal 784867 Purity. 795523 N N O A WARY CRAFTER O S H N N + Availability. 2 N N O – I RECENTLY STARTED sewing items from 296966 274569 oilcloth, the material used in the 1950s and 1960s for picnic tablecloths and the like. As Value. with so many other things from “the good NH O N N O old days,” oilcloth is enjoying a renaissance O NH among crafters. It is available in many pat- NH NH HO www.jk-scientific.com N 2 terns and colors from a number of online 784835 296461 fabric stores as well as chain stores catering to those of us who enjoy sewing. While innocently “surfing” among the Cl O Available In North America Exclusively From: O HO many websites and blogs by and for people Cl O N like me, I was amazed to find that there N N N are some real concerns regarding the use of oilcloth for food-contact applications, 286642 299849 especially its use for lunch bags. The Continued on page 4 WWW.CEN-ONLINE.ORG 2 JANUARY 18, 2010 FROM THE EDITOR CHEMICAL & ENGINEERING NEWS 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036 (202) 872-4600 or (800) 227-5558 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Rudy M. Baum DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: A. Maureen Rouhi MANAGING EDITOR: Robin M. Giroux Congressional Outlook SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER: Marvel A. Wills NEWS THIS WEEK’S cover story is C&EN’s annu- In the area of homeland security, to take William G. Schulz, Editor al “Congressional Outlook,” which surveys another example, the current plant security BUSINESS Michael McCoy, Assistant Managing Editor many of the important issues of interest regulatory program will expire in Octo- NORTHEAST: (732) 906-8300 Lisa M. Jarvis (Senior to the chemistry enterprise that will (or ber. The battle lines here center on how Editor), Rick Mullin (Senior Editor), Marc S. Reisch (Senior Correspondent), Alexander H. Tullo (Senior will not) be addressed by Congress in the legislation will deal with “inherently safer Editor), Rachel Eskenazi (Administrative Assistant). HONG KONG: 852 2984 9072 Jean-François coming year. C&EN’s entire Government technology” (IST). If implemented in a Tremblay (Senior Correspondent). HOUSTON: (281) & Policy Department staff, headed by As- ham-handed fashion, IST could prove to be 486-3900 Ann M. Thayer (Senior Correspondent). WASHINGTON: Melody Voith (Senior Editor) sistant Managing Editor Susan Morrissey, a nightmare for the chemical industry. GOVERNMENT & POLICY contributed to the feature. Susan R. Morrissey, Assistant Managing Editor With Democrats firmly in control of Con- ON A DIFFERENT matter, many of you Britt E. Erickson (Associate Editor), David J. Hanson (Senior Correspondent), Glenn Hess (Senior gress and President Barack Obama in the will receive in the coming days an e-mail Editor), Cheryl Hogue (Senior Correspondent), Jeffrey W.
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