Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Silberdistelweg 11, D-72113 Ammerbuch, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7073 300770; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 1997 1998 6413. Asahina, S. (1997): Records of the Northern 6415. Brockhaus, T. (1998): Ein Zauneidechsen Vietnamese Odonata taken by the expedition members Männchen (Lacerta agilis L., 1758) flüchtet ins Wasser. from the National Science Museum, Tokyo. 5. Coen- Jahresschrift für Feldherpetologie und Ichtyofaunistik agrionidae, Protoneuridae and Platycnemididae. Bull. Sachsen 5: 111-112. (in German). [Sachsen, Germany; natn. sci. mus. Toko Ser. A. 23(1): 17-34. (in English). remnant wings of Calopteryx splendens were found at a ["In total 24 species of northern Vietnamese damselflies site the lizard L. agilis escaped from the approaching referable to three zygopterid families are recorded in person.] Address: Brockhaus, T., An der Morgensonne the fifth part of this series. Many of them seem to be ra- 5, D-09387 Jahnsdorf, Germany. E-mail: T.Brockhaus ther common lowland species, but special attention is @t-online.de paid to the family Platycnemididae, of which 3 Calicne- mia are illustrated including one new species and 6 of 6416. Mason, W.T. (1998): Macrobenthic monitoring the 7 Coeliccia species are described as being new to in the Lower St. Johns River, Florida. Environmental science. A large-sized Coeliccia-like species, once trea- Monitoring and Assessment 50(2): 101-130. (in Eng- ted as "Trichocnemis orang Foerster", is placed in the lish). ["The macrobenthos in the oligohaline 132 km genus Indocnemis Laidlaw, and its largest form is trea- reach of the Lower St. Johns River, Florida, is an un- ted as I. orang, forma kempi Laidlaw." (Author) Calic- usual blend of freshwater and marine organisms within nemia uenoi, Coeliccia tomokunii, C. chromothorax, C. the annelid, mollusc, aquatic insect, and crustacean uenoi, C. onoi, C. satoi, C. acco] Address: Asahina, S., groups. During 1993–1994, the community composition 4-4-24 Takadanobaba, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169, Japan was freshwater oriented in the 47 km (seg I) and estua- rine dominated in the lower 85 km (seg II). Of the total 6414. Wildermuth, H. (1997): Phänologie und Lar- 146 taxa (including Odonata) collected,89% were eury- venhabitate von Somatochlora flavomaculata (VdL) in ecious ‘eutrophic’ and ‘pollution tolerant’ organisms. einem voralpinen Moorkomplex (Anisoptera: Cordulii- Densities ranged between 5000 and 20 000 individu- dae). Libellula 16(1/2): 17-32. (in German, with English als/m² ann av and maximum densities (85 000 individu- summary). ["Based on sight observations, quantitative als/m²) occurred in the muck substrate at the confluen- collections of exuviae and habitat analyses the emer- ce of major tributaries and embayments. Throughout gence and flight period as well as the larval waters we- the lakelike seg II, benthic hypoxia existed during much re investigated during a 13 year study near Zurich in the of summer through fall. Biotic index values for grab, ar- Swiss midlands. The emergence period lasted from the tificial substrate, and sled trawl samples reflected grea- middle of May to the end of July, the flight period from test stresses to the macrobenthos then. Both low taxo- the end of May to the end of September. Puddles, peat nomic diversity and densities of organisms at the most diggings and ditches revealed suitable larval habitats. downriver stations nearest the port of Jacksonville indi- These are shallow water bodies rather densely over- cated that toxic substances also adversely affected the grown by emergent vegetation comprising different macrobenthos. Maintenance of the narrow band of litto- plant associations. The visual cue for the recognition of ral submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) and adjacent the various oviposition sites may consist of the homo- shoreline riparian vegetation is important to sustain ma- geneous structure of the larval habitat indicating shal- crobenthic communities and other kinds of aquatic life low water with organic mud ground and free of fish. The in the river." (Author)] Address: Mason, W.T., South- significance of male extraaquatic territories is shortly eastern Biological Science Center, National Biological discussed with respect to habitat selection." (Author)] Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, Gainesville, Address: Wildermuth, H., Haltbergstr. 43, CH-8630 Rü- Florida, U.S.A. ti, Switzerland. E-mail: hansruedi@ wildermuth.ch Odonat. Abstr. Service 21 (February 2008) - page 1 6417. Watanabe, M.; Taguchi, M.; Ohsawa, N. 6420. Furriols, M.; Garciamoreno, J.; López, J.; Mer- (1998): Field study on population of the damselfly Ca- cader, J.; Montpey (1999): Faunística i distribució dels lopteryx japonica (Odonata) using mark-release-and- odonats d’Osona. Butll. Inst. Cat. Hist. Nat. 67: 131- recapture method as a technique for environmental e- 140. (in Spanish, with English summary). ["The odonate ducation. Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Mie Univ, fauna of Osona (Barcelona, Spain) and its distribution Natural Science 49: 29-37. (in Japanese, with English are presented, on the basis of data from adults obtai- summary). ["In order to clarify the population dynamics ned in 17 itineraries during the period 1988-89. Thirty- of C. japonica, the mark-release-and recapture method six species were detected, representing 55,4 % of tho- was used for the population inhabiting in a small river in se recorded from Catalonia. Lestes viridis and Anax cool temperate zone of Japan, 1989 and 1990. The sur- imperator have the widest distribution and Platycnemis vey on the distribution of each adult perching was also latipes and L. viridis are the most abundant. Olost, Sora carried out. The estimated daily number of males was and El Sorreigs are the itineraries with the largest num- 500 (1989), while that of females was 480 (1989). Then bers of species. Finally, some aspects of the abundan- the operational sex ratio in each year was likely unity. ce, distribution and ecology of the species present in The daily estimate number of immigrants in each year Osona are discussed." (Authors)] Address: Turet, J., was low, and the daily survival rate was high. Therefo- Universitat de Vic. Sagrada Família, 7. 08500-Vic. re, the populations in both years were considered to be Spain. E-mail: [email protected] a closed population. The perching site of the damselfly depended upon the sunlit area on the shore line of the 6421. Gunathilagaraj, K.; Soundarajan, R.P.; Chitra, river. Along the shore line the perching site of males N.; Swamiappan, M (1999): Odonata in the rice fields of was shown as a clear random distribution, due to the Coimbatore. Zoos' Print Journal 14: 43-44. (in English). territorial behaviour. The survey curriculum provided the [India; 16 species are checklisted.] Address: Gunathila- basic understanding of concepts on mark-release-and- garaj, K., Dept Agriculutral Entomology, Tamil Nadu recapture method for high school students as well as Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu undergraduate students. The damselfly used in this 641003, India study allowed for the application and extension of the 6422. Hedge, T.A.; Crouch, T. E. (1999): Clarification skills and knowledge of field ecology. These results we- of the names Orthetrum julia falsum Longfield, 1955 re discussed as a teaching material for the damselfly in and O. julia capicola Kimmins, 1957 (Odonata: Anisop- view point of the environmental education." (Authors)] tera: Libellulidae). African Entomology 7(2): 302-304. Address: Watanabe, M., Department of Biology, Faculty (in English). [This is a detailed discussion of nomencla- of Education, Mie University, Tsu, Mie 514-8507, Ja- tural problems of taxa within the Orthetrum julia pan. E-mail: [email protected] complex. The authors conclude that O. capense Cal- vert, 1893 is invalid in any combination, and thus the correct names of the two subspecies of O. julia occur- 1999 ring in South Africa are stated as in the title of this publication.] Address: Crouch, T. E., Durban Natural Science Museum, Durban, 4000 South Africa 6418. Allanson, M.; Georges, A. (1999): Diet of El- seya purvisi and Elseya georgesi (Testudines: Cheli- dae), a sibling species pair of freshwater turtles from 2000 eastern Australia. Chelonian Conservation Biology 3: 473-477. (in English). [Australia; the stomach content of 72 specimens collected in the Manning and Barnard Ri- 6423. Che Salmah, M.R.; Hassan, S.T.S.; Abu Has- vers (E. purvisi; n=41) and Bellinger River (E. georgesi, san, A. (2000): Local movement and feeding pattern of n=31) was surveyed for food items. Odonata were re- adult Neurothemis tullia (Drury) (Odonata: Libellulidae) presented in 12.9% of the E. georgesi turtles, and in in a rain fed rice field. Tropical Ecology 41(2): 233-241. 77.3% of the E. purvisi turtles from Barnard River and in (in English, with Spanish and Portugease summeries). 47,4 from Manning River. In general only few odonate ["The movements of N. tullia adults were studied in a items were collected indicating that Odonata are not a rain fed rice field using the mark-release-recapture really important food source for the turtles. Most impor- technique. Both male and female dragonflies were wi- tant as food are Trichoptera.] Address: Georges, A., dely distributed within their home range of approximate- Applied Ecology Research Grooup and CRC for Fresh- ly 30 m radii. Adult movements were highly localized water Ecology, University of Canberra, ACT 2601, and the longest distance travelled was about 130 m.
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