
J -■ f c . Manchester Evening Herald TUESDAY, DECEMBER l2, IW r^ ►AGE T W E L V E Bonds Keep Bombs Falling—Buy an Extra $100 Bhnd Today! 'an church at the comer of Win­ «s*etng puopls to Bond IRsfar eontrt- The eleventh Nurses’ Aide cla.sa ter and Garden streets. Y Drive Here b’jtlons promptly so that tlv# drtvo will meet tomorrow afternoon at Noted Soloist k M , Tertiary who has studied will not bs prolonged. About Town 1:30 o’clock, with Mrs. Anno l-al- and traveled extensively, will sing The needed $6,000 has not been ATcragre Daily Cireulatioii raised to date nd with the exten- Shop All Day kowkkl, 68 Alton street. aU the soprano oolo parU and Seen Lagging For the Month of November, 1$44 In Church Role it abould be a musical treat for aive program planned for the The Weather "llAmorial Hospital and Its The Salvation Army Youiik Peo­ the music lovers and congrega­ present season thera la urgent Fomeoet ol U. «. Weather niiniaii rutura" wlU be the subject of a ple's Christmas party whlth was tion of Concordli church and need for all In Manchester who are 9,016 ph Contrihutions to Cam­ interested In the boys and girls, talk to be given before the Rotary to have been held tomorrow eve­ M . Yerbiiry to Assist Manchester to heai^ Mrs. Yerbury. Member o f the AteUt Fair and moeh aaider toolghli Club thla evening at ttia Y. M. C. ning, has been postpone one Mrs. Yerbury. better known In paign Cximing in Slow­ to act- ^ tolr and eoaBnoed ceM; A. by William P. Slover. superin­ week, to December 20. They will At Conconlia Church the East as Emily Stephenson, Borenn of ClreulaUMS r lEu^nttm Ik ralb dindaMilBg wlad* toolghA tendent of the local hospital. Din­ have their regular ser\-lce tomor­ has studied with such capable ly Asserts Chairman. WEDNESDAY Cuiullelight Service. teachera and coachea as the late - Manchester——A City of Village Charm ner, which will precede the talk, row evening at 7:30. Car Hard Starting? will be served at 6rS0 as usual. Madam Shoen-Bcne of Julllard "Campaign contributions for the Sunday school teachers of the The Concordia choir of 35 Grad^uSte School of Music In New See Me For Prompt. Expert voicea will be assisted by Emily Manchester Y. M. C. A. are coming MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18,1944 The Married Couples Club will Concordia Lutheran church will York City, and also Susan Bolce in slowly,’’ ssya George Glenney, Auto Repair Service (TWENTY PAGES) Stephenson Yerbury, i.oted lyric at Carhe^e Hall, and who at the PRICE tUKEB CENTS have a supper and Christmas pro­ meet tonight at 8 o’clock for their chairman of the campaign. He is gram tomorrow evening at 6:30 monthly business session. concert soprano of New York and present time is being coached by ABEL’S SERVICE ST A. at the Second Congregational Maneheater at their Christmas none other than Frederick Schoor, Rear —^.26 Cooper Street church. "I Mrs. Phyllis Barrett Porcheron who has for years ooen Metropol­ Western Front Developinenls and Miss Helen Hayes, both mem­ itan's fayorite baritone. He has PInmher, Steamfitter bers of the Ambulance Unit, have appeared in many operas in the er-Forts Attack KMSItWeKJ opened a Gift Studio on Church pa.st twenty years and will always Pump Mechanic Yankee Units Slosh street. In the* small store building , > *x- be remembered as the greatest FOR EXPERT MUNSTIk^ HAVE YOU VISITED K near Garden street, and are dis­ baritone in the role of "Sachs’ playing a choice line of pottery, | and ’ Wotan ” of Wagner’s operas. CARL NYGREN WELDING hammered metal ware, stuffed Concordia church should feel hon­ 15 South St, Tel. 6497 WIRING SIZI fGERMANY |The Gift Studio* toys, hand-colored greeting cards ored to have the privilege to pre­ Jap City of Nagoya; and pictures. Their advertise­ sent Mrs. Yerbury as their solo­ RANGE BURNER 7 2 x 1 4 " East Toward Bonn; S4 CHURCH STREET j* ment elsewhere today gives open­ ist. ing hours and other information. SERVICE iDistfrictive X CALL V Christmas Cards g Advertlscment— FURNACE REPAIRING noM, MUf. on. BURNER SERVICE LECLERC Feint Toward Tokyo '* ather Goods Toysjij n MKN. CIOAn Central Parking, opposite Wool- For Full Informatlou Call FUNERAL HOME Move Before Dawn Photographs Colored X worth’s. Rudy" JohnsOii VAN CAMP BROS. 23 Main Street 15 Tears’ Experience! Phone 8 0 2 8 A ik lo tho Force Equals or Yx-Q Boltor E\«nlngs d to • P. M. S TELEPHONE 5244 Phone 5269 Before 8 A. M. or After $ P. M. Polish Leader S®«»hem o f First Vaad Saturday S A. M. to S P. MPlanning .g to Build t Free Inspeetloua! Chatham "W oolwich"I ceeds Largest Group British Beat Nazis Plan i wing r , j Army Advances More Your New Home? Y«* to Hit Japan;] Plane SetuD 72” hx 84” 4 Lb. ,'>0% Wool P la t Predicts New Back Strong rtve rears i Than MHc inside LET JARVIS PLAN SEE OUR Manes Fly Under Cir- ■* Manchester Grange ELASTIC Military WKist 'T '—^ 1* I i Three Hours; Seventh IT WITH YOU \ CHRISTMAS DISPLAY rus Cloud Layer to r War RuleXooming Given By Chatham Marley Elas Attacks UJ 1 rouble Army Train* Gun. on Rummage Sale We are In f position to give .SrOCKINGS OF Avoid Leaving Vapor 3S Oak Street you prompt action with your Emily Stephenson Yerbury ] JUVENILE ROCKERS. Mnnehester Private Duty Trails; German Defenses In. housing' problems. Great • Castle Great Strides Totvard Establishnient of Pro­ Candlelight service on Sunday ^ ARTHUR DRUG STORE Nursea Association Kru!(T*> Leaders Debating Or­ Hitler's Close Followers Thursday, December 14th (1) If looking for a good used CHAIRS. TABLE AND Used as Landmark. side Bavarian Palat­ borne wo have 4—5 and d-room evening, December 17, at 7:30, a t ' 81.1 Main Street Manchester At Standardization by Air­ visional Government the Concordia EvanRelical Luther- CHAIR SETS AND ders to Cease Fighting Prepare for. Under­ inate; F'ront Doubled. Singles nvallahle for nccnpancy. BLANKETS craft Manufacturers At Next Session of 21st Bomber Command, (2) Looking for an Invest­ BABY SWINGS As Unsuccessful As­ ground Warfare Aft­ ment that will pay a good re­ Masonic Temple Saipan, Dec. 13.— (AV—Nago­ 1Yill Cheapen Flying. / Bulletin! A beatitiful quality Chatham National Council Seen. Wofmil/j saults Made in Atbens. er Collapse of Army. turn oa your money? We have ya, one of Japan’s most in­ Paris, Dec. 13..^iip)— U. S. A REMINDER! Plate aaid Daplezee that will do CHAMBERS Thursday Evening, Dec. 14 Blanket, full four pound* of pure Jast thaL 8 O’ clock $ y .9 8 flammable targets, was bomb­ Washington, Dec. 13.—(ff’) — By Daniel De Luce ludwia|h«(«nS First Army troops elearodl Athens, Dr'c. 13 - (>P) —ELAS (S) Are you Interested In sell FUEL Bedroom FURNITURE COMPANY wool and long staple cotton. In ed at midafternoon today by Moscow. Dec. 13 — (rf*)—Estab­ Aldsdorf, Germany, Dec. IS.__ When You Need More Cheaper and better international troops staged strong but unsuc- the Germans from five nilcu taig yoar preneat home? We Manchester Green Adm. 55c, Tax Included. a force of B-29s equalling or lishment of a proviaiqnal govern­ (A7—Information from inside Ger­ Roae, Green, Blue, and Cedar. flying in peacetime may be ex­ ,SAAnLAJ>TEItN cvEsful attacks against the center of the west bank of the Roer have customerf who will pay op exceeding the largest group ment of Poland, at the next ses­ many indicates that Adolf Hitler’s IN SU R A N CE to $10,000 for a nice home. Let pected to grow from great strides of Athens during the night even river today. In a new drive Sets yet to hit Japan. Upsetting sion of the Polish National council AAR^UCKEN close followers have prepared for Fire - Theft - Automobile on make you an offer. toward standardization by air­ ,.N«unkffch while their leaders were debating southwest of besieged Daren o t h e r CHATHAM BLANKETS enemy defenses, the Super- early in the new year is forecast flve years of underground warfare they advanced up to two or Fumitgre A Fine Showins craft manufacturers in the Unit­ by Boleslaw Berut, the council British orders to cease fighting. against the Allies after the Ger­ Forta made a feint toward Tokyo ed States, Britain. Canada and miles and captured three Jarvis Realty Co. Of Three-Piece $4.98 to $10.95 and then cut northwest to Nago­ president. The strongest assault was aimed man Army collapses. Australia. Weighing his words carefully TTiis Ja the picture of Gestapo towns. CALL Oflee 4112 * Residence 7278 G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. ya, withdrawing over Nagoya bay Six American aeronautical en­ Ri a British barracks northeast of Weekdays and Snndaye Sets. Both in after making their bombing runs. but answering every question, the Lhe heart of the 'capital on the Kl- Chieftain Heinrich Himmler's gineers. just returned from a five 52-year-old peasant-bom Polish master plan for the struggle, as Maple, Walnut Wind Uaed to Slow Speed NANCY fissia road. Taris, Dec. (/p)— The ALEXANDER Lumber of All Kinds weeks tour of aircraft factories, leader made the announcement pieced together from information Where bombing runa on Tokyo laboratories and military bases in SJ.RASIOURC (A British communique broad­ As Well As the during an hour-iong interview yes­ cast from Athcn.i said further Brit­ now available from various southern wing of the U.
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