Health Unit to Be Sought STORY BELOW yid' milder today. CSear tonight. Chance of rain tomor- FINAL row and Saturday. B*l fturfc, Freehold f " (See Details, Page 2) iWBh 7 EbiTlON Monmouth County's Borne Newspaper hr 92. Year* VOL 93 NO. 167 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25,1971 22 PAGES TEN CENTtSL Trenton Sparks Struggle TRENTON (AP) — Seven • "brutality" in expelling then struck Trooper James Moffat He said Lt.. George Thomas, after treatment for cuts, On Tuesday, State Police ' funds had been held'.up be- He said as far as he knew ^persons were injured yester- from the building without pro- in the face and that a general commander of the State Po- bruises and other minor inju- pushed, pulled and dragged cause of questions raised by a the demonstration yesterday day and later arrested after a vocation. l struggle ensued. lice detail on duty at the Com- ries. - • demonstrators from the State state audit of the Somerset was not connected to the is- struggle between anti-poverty Lt. Gordon Hector, spokes-, . One bystander said, "I ob- munity Affairs building gave' Meanwhile,. from Washing- House after others had volun- program last year and be- sues raised at the meeting demonstrators and State Po- man for the state police, said served 'demonstrators sitting. the order to remove the dem- , ton where he has been attend- tarily left Camil's office suite. cause of a continuing federal Tuesday. But spokesman for lice in a state building. the demonstrators had placed and lying on the floor. After onstrators, because theywere ing the National' Governors There were no injuries or ar- probe of the program request- the group, which' claimed to Police imposed tight securi- a padlocked chain on the front asking them to leave thepo- violating a law prohibiting in- Conference, Cahill ordered ex- rests. ed by the state. represent anti-poverty forces ty measures at the building door of the building which had . lice started to kick them and terference with entry to a traordinary security measures The demonstration Tuesday He declined to cite the ir- from other areas including and at the nearby State House to be sawed off by a mainte- hit- them with dubs. I saw one public building.. at the State House following a was basically concerned with regularities alleged-by the Essex and Camden Counties, by order of. Gov. William T. nance man. girl bleeding from her head." • Hector said all seven arrest- related anti-poverty demon- funds for the child day care state, pending receipt of the charged the Somerset issue Cahlll. : Hector said the police asked Hector said he hadmt been ed, three women and four stration Tuesday. program in Somerset County. federal study. But he said the was unresolved and demanded The seven demonstrators the demonstrators to remove present during the incident men, wefre charged as disor- Only side entrances to the A delegation from the demon- department made the $35,000 full funding for the child care were, among a group of some the lock and chain and to "but I rather doubt anyone derly persons. State House and its annex strators' group met with Com- payment under regulations program which costs about 50 who staged a morning sltin leave. He said they refused; was kicked;" He added, "the He said bail was set at $500 were open Wednesday and all munity Affairs Commissioner permitting monthly funding of $180,000. a year for the county. in the lobby of the Depart- the lock was cut and there- billy dob has a purpose each pending an appearance doers were guarded by troop- Edmund T. Hume after learn- the program while it is under The demonstrators charged ment of Community Affairs quest for the group to leave though it depends on how it's Thursday before Trenton Mu- ers. • ing that Cahill was in Wash- scrutiny. , that the Community Affairs building. was repeated. - • used," nicipal Court Judge Albert Cahill said his plans includ- ington. Meyers said the demonstra- Department was unresponsive After nearly two hours, the He said when they again re- Hector said Albert Meyers, Cooper Jr. ed building double doors in Hume gave them two tors had been told payment to community needs and police moved to to force the fused troopers began to move deputy commissioner of Com- The same seven who" were the corridor outside his office checks totaling $35,000, the would continue on a month-to- demonstrators from the build- them out of the building using munity Affairs, had requested arrested were also the only to be manned by state police cost of the Somerset child month basis and that the de- called for "immediate dismis- ing and the struggle ensued. no" more force, than was re- the police to take action after persons reportedly injured in guards."No ope will get in un- care program for January and partment understood the sal" of the department's The demonstrators claimed quired but that one of the the demonstrators refused to the disturbance. They were re- • less he has an appointment," February. agreement would end the leadership and key staff the police used billy clubs and nembers-of' the sitin group leave and padlocked the door. leased from Mercer .Hospital said the governor. - Meyers said yesterday the demonstration. figures. ™«,i „ 7 £A Three Arrested in Raid On Home in Middletown MIDDLETOWN - A two- County prosecutor's office, led 500 hypodermic needles, sev- crime laboratory at Trenton year investigation culminated the raid, said the "$15,000 eral scales, water pipes, five for analysis. : . yesterday afternoon in a raid worth of drugs was a conserv- guns, ammunition, a projector The detective said other on a Port Monmouth home in ative estimate." and various other narcotics charges are pending against which three persons including He added, "The raid will se- paraphernalia. Mr. Martin, who isonproba- a local 14-year-old youth, were riously cut into the drug traf- Detectives involved in the tiqn for a 1970 narcotics viola- arrested and $15,000 worth of fic in the county." raid spent several hours in- tion and has a charge of pos- narcotics were confiscated Other items reported re- ventorying the goods. Detec- sessing $60,000 worth of am- from what police termed a covered in the home include tive Shaffery said narcotics phetamines pending since an "narcotics factory." pornographic literature, films found on the premises will be August, 1969; arrest at his Police Chief Joseph M. and photographs, more than sent to the N.J. State Police home. ; : McCarthy said Stephen Mar- tin, 36, and his wife, Eileen, 38, were arrested in their home at 2 Central Ave., Port Monmouth, at 4 p.m. by nine township, and county officers armed with a search warrant from Municipal Court Judge Jerry J. Massell. The couple was charged with the manufacture of dan- gerous drugs, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and possession of barbitu- rates, amphetamines, hashish, VfHAlE OF A TAIL — This 56-foot dead fin whale that washed up on Sea Bright's north beach .Tuesda/ morning, marijuana and narcotics ', ottracted thousands of sightseers — In spite of strong odor down wind. Here, Richard West, 15, left, and Peter paraphernlia. , K«ndricki.l6, both of Fair Haven, measure tall estimated to ba 13 feet across. Experts.think whale ma/ have Mr. Martin is additionally charged with illegal posses- . .collided With- a ship. (Register Staff Photo) sion of a .22 caliber rifle and a .38 caliber pistol. He was held in lieu of $51,- 500 bail and Mrs. Martin re- mained in jail overnight in Heached Whale Draws lieu of $40,000 bail. Both were to be arraigned this morning. The juvenile was released to f Ms parents pending charges. The Martins' four children s to have been placed in the care of a neighbor, according to ju- venile officers. Township nar- $15,000 IN DRUGS CONFISCATED - Middletown Patrolmen Michael Slovar, left, SEA BRIGHT-It may be . At 6:45 this morning, the wasn't towed back out to sea "It created a traffic prob- cotics officer Joseph Shaffery, and Richard Deickmann inventor/ more than $15,000 in drugs and hundreds of whiter but there was a whale Coast Guard in what was con- for four days. "Windows were lem," he noted. The borough who with.Frederick Rast, an narcotic paraphernalia items recovered in a raid on a Port Monmouth home yes- of a traffic jam here yester- sidered a smooth operation, closed a)l over town and the had, some help from the state • investigator from the narcot- terday. Three persons, including a 14<year-old Juvenile, were arrested in ths af- day as people flocked to the fired a line into the whale and foul odor drove our people police. ics squad of the Monmouth ternoon raid. (Register Staff Photo) beach opposite Beachway to pulled the mammal about 20 crazy," he reported. The 56%-foot mammal has look at a fin whale that miles out to sea. Capt. Carmody estimated been identified as a fin washed up on the beach. Capt. John Carmody, in that at least 7,000 persons had whale, the second largest If anyone was unhappy charge of the police depart- species of mammal known and about the odor yesterday from come to see (and smell) the officials at Sandy Hook Ma- the dead whale, they can be ment, remembered a whale whale since it was blown rine Laboratory estimated its assured today, it has been that washed up on the beach ashore by a northeast storm weight at between 50 and 60 Marlboro Projects Liked towed away.
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