Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1972 The ommeC nt, September 21, 1972 Bridgewater State College Volume 52 Number 3 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1972). The Comment, September 21, 1972. 52(3). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/299 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The COMMENT september 1972 Volume J.tIt No. 2 BRIlxa:~A TER STATE COLLEGE ~ CI IRISTINE JORGENSEN DO YOU EVER MISS BEING A At about the time the New York MAN? Daily News was only 4¢ a paper, in NO I never was a man. I wouldn't the early 1953's, they carried the AT go 'back to the identification of N headline: EX-GI BECOMES being a man for all the. tea in BLONDE BEAUTY-Operations China. ~ 'rransform Bronx Youth. :\ Christine Jorgensen made front -:1 DO YOU HAVE A NORMAL SEX \J page in newspapers across the ., LIFE? FOR INSTANCE, ARE il country. "At that time," she says, ABLE TO HAVE AN \1 "I felt a great infringement on my YOU ORGASM? ~ B (I privacy. At that time I was'nt Yes, definitelv. yes, orgasm ir;; a aware of the sexual Ii revolution ... the sexual revolution ... It works. You have to assume 1 -\ that was starting." something that's very important II Miss Jorgensen writes, "I was about sex-90% is in the mind. \~ underdeveloped physically and ',I sexually. twas extremely ef- WAS YOUR OPERATION THE <I FIRST OF ITS KIND? R \\ feminate. My emotions were eilther those of a woman or a To our knowledge it was. Within a homosexual. I believed my year another was performed in thoughts and responses were more for an apology." for close to two Holland. Ijust heard from Dr. often womanly than manly." hours. Benjamin last week and he tells George Jorgenson en route to George Jorgensen sailed for me that there are now over 40 Copenhagen May, 1950. Copenhagen, May 3, 1950, "to find gender-identity clinics in this out what it was all about." country. I DO YOU HA VE SEXUAL ARE YOU MARRIED? GRATIFICATION? That's one of the most asked Before' lTIY· .operatjon5 I'd never questions. People t.hink I'm , had any sexual experience, now I married. They thmk Iwas find much sexual gratification. married. They think twas married Why? Have you an offer? more than once. And they still D think I'm married. No, I'm not married. Iwas engaged twice. I'd HOW MUCH DID ALL THESE OPERATIONS COST YOU? like to marry, but I'm not sur~ I'm the housewife tyoe. It would have It was about $4000. Actually it's cheaper to die these days. to be a very special man.!. HOW ABOUT YOUR AUDIEN­ DID YOU SUFFER MUCH PAIN? NO, I was sedated. The most G CES'! College audiences are the best. uncomfortable was my third operation-the vaginal transplant. They're stimulating. Ladys' clubs ! ~ and things like that. .. they aren't stimulating. It's all right if that;s WERE YOU EVER AP- PROACHEI). BY A VOllr th;nn " I HOMOSEXUAL? ~' Yes, many times. When Iwas HOW ABOUT THE PRESS. DO E going into the army they asked me . f THEY MAKE A LOT UP? DO YOU SING? if I liked girls. I said yes, I like Some of the stories that have been Yes, I sing in night clubs ... with lots girls and Ilike apple pie too, too, ~: printed about me in the of mirrors and violins. I sang for but I don't sleep with either of press ... well, I find great 20 years. It was great era - the them. I was approached by many fascination in reading all about I So begins the story-from 1950 night club era. homosexuals., It's a fact' of life. myself. It's all false. They're until her return to America in Homosexuality. ! always looking for an angle. Years ~ OF~ W April of 1953-of the transformation ARE PEOPLE EVER ago Inever wore slacks. I wore from George to Christine. _ FENSIVE TO YOU? DO YOU HAVE MENAPAUSE? ~j Tuesday, September 19, 46 year slacks in Oshkosh once and the No, people are genera,HY never No, because of the hormone pills !\ , old Christine Jorgensen walked out people said 'Aha, there's a offensive. They haven t got the Hake. ,~ on stage in the Student Union masculine trait!' And I was courage. ~\ ,....,,_ ... .. :~ .,...~ '!"'~_,.1 h ........ ~.-: ...... ,... !_ ("'ll~~l ....... t" auditorium to an enthusiastic full . CAN THEY DO THIS TYPE OF house. She spoke ex- OPERATION THE OTHER WAY ~ temporaneously, answered AROUND? CAN THET TRAN­ A questions, joked about sex and SFORM A WOMAN INTO A Spiro Agnew ("Getting down to MAN?- ! Spiro baby, I had a 1ittle trouble They certainly can. I don't know } from him. He used me in his anybody who has undergone th~s X ud~;linging and I'm still waiting , type of operation but I know that It has been performed. I t only takes X one operation. Now, they do it in T one felled swoop. Whoosh i ~ ~ . By VICKIE KAHARl.. E I~ ,! R I page 2 The COMMENT September 21,1972 , , • J I;: r't \'; . ,,,. I' i. - > FORUM LAKEVILLE Neglected - HOSPITAL Editorial VISITATION MMENTS· HOSPITAL viI~~;;6~LLE CO the Junior High For some years now at BSC, the _ Newman Club and Christian . Fellowship organizations have sponsored a program whereby ing It a pears that quite a few Language majors ~re m: quite Located between the elemen­ There is hope but the ide, interested students may visit the screwed to the wall. Several, German. majors have tary grades and the senior high definitely needs assistance. If thi£ effecth~IY patients at Lakeville State I , d t th COMMENT that the maJor, promIsed to them 2 school is the vast wasteland of our area is not corrected, it will comp ame 0 e . ' , Hospital. For thos~ of you. not years ago, is not going to happen, Thus, as J~lllors, they ar~ now educational system. 'l'he seventh strangle our youth. This barren familiar with LakevIlle HospItal, left with trying to salvage enough credits m a new major to and eigth grades could be the most section of. our educational system it is mainly a hospital for the graduate with their class. satisfying area of teaching must be changed if we ever hope to handicapped located about twenty The Russian department has also done a great deal of damage. available. These two years, if compete with the rest of the world minutes from Bridgewater. You Two years ago, several freshmen were given to,understand that handled in the proper manner, in any field where education Bridgewater would ha ve a Russian major by the tI111e they were to . could very easily establish a may visit - patients in the counts. If this is not changed then I graduate. Last year, this situation was amended to only a routine of study, discipline, and children's, teen-age, and adult off~r firmly believe that we will become minor in Russian. This year, these same students were citizenship which would end much a second rate country. wards; mfor~ed that the Russian credits they have WOUld, be o! of the trouble seen in our high Each Wednesday, a bus leaves accumulat~d litt~e use • since the college will not even be offermg a mmor m thIS schools today. Frank Botta for Lakeville at about 6:00 PM The students in this bracket are from Woodward Hall and shortly language! , • It seems that we are going to have to mstltute a stude?t­ easily molded with the right thereafter from Great Hill. We operated, Freshmen Advisors' Board to make sure that the .111- techniques but all too often they leave the hospital for BSC at 8:00 To all members of the junior class, coming innocents get a straight story before they ~nd up wastmg are allowed to settle into the form PM. I would like to take this time three valuable years on the basis of unfounded promises. dictated to them by the news to announce to all juniors my So if you can spend two hou~s of media. Students in this area of our candidacy for the position of class your time to help spread a 1I.tt~e educational system imitate their delegate. My name is Dennis cheer to those pajients, come Jam elders. The only problem is that Mallinson. and I am a Special us . beginning this Wednesday. most of the exposure is of the Education major. For the past two Your concern - does not go It has been brought to the attention of the COMMENT that a negative nature and the wor­ years Ihave been actively involved unrewarded - for the smile on. the certain Bookstore Manager has been slipping a certain $7.00 dic­ thwhile and good of our society tionary into the book purchases of unsuspecting freshmen. To add in Student Government. My face of a youm~ster or older Derson exists unnoticed due to the lack of Freshman year I was a member of really shows that you care. injury to insult, last year this same dictionary was selling in the interest the Elections Committee, and at Bookstore for $4.501 I ask you, is that any way to run a Bookstore? Heel that the teachers of the one time I was chairman, and I junior high schools hold the un­ was also a membet of the Social canny and awesome power to Activites Committee.
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