'/• t-z.-- , '*5 • ' i ^ -= '-2 -^r--'h 'i^:? V-. THE WEATHER Forecast bly U. S. Weather Bureau, NET FBESS RUN Haiitford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION \ ______________ for the Month of November, 1929 Conn" State Library—Comp. rnCTaftalng cloudiness, dighUy colder tonight; Tuesday snow or 5,488 -cp "rain. Slembcni of the Andit Bureau of Circnlatlona PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1929. TWELVE PAGES (Classified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV., NO, 59. ■y>; JOKE CAUSES DEATH I OF TWO IN HOTEL Central Figures in Death Drama TWOMENDIE ♦ • ___^— I HAITI QUIETS DOWN AMERICA NEARS Los Angeles, Dec. 9.— (AP)— j Gregory Woodford, seated in a seventh story hotel window, was IN EXPLOSION; PARTICIPATION telling a funny story. At the AS REINFORCEMENTS climax he playfully jabbed a thumb into the ribs of J. A. THREE E T iT Bursley, sitting beside him. IN WORIB COURT Pursley, in the throes of hearty laughter, toppled back- OF MARINES ARRIVE 1 ward. As he fell, his foot hooked in Woodford’s _knee. Both Backfire from Motor Truck Signatures M ixed to Re­ j dropped to the street below ’and 1 were killed. In Everett. Mass., Starts TALKIES PREVENT . No Trouble Reported in Last vised Protocol But it Still Fire in Big Asphalt Tank; 48 Hours— Hundreds of Faces Much Opposition in THEATER ROBBERY COURT DISBARS Noise Heard for Miles. Troops on Way— Tho^ United States Senate. BEN B. LINDSEY I Everett, Mass., Dec. 9.— (AP)— Burglars Who Were Tortur­ Wounded in Friday’s Washington, Dec. 9.— (AP.)— i ; Two men were killed today in an j explosion at the plant of Trimoimt ing Man Thought People Clash Are Treated by Juvenile Judge Ac- ! Oil Company and several others day with the affixing of its signa- j I were reported injured. Were in Playhouse. American Naval Medical ture at Geneva to the revised pro-j cused of Taking a Fee at Wethersfield since the execution The explosion occurreii in a tank ■ Above are pictured the three*for the murder of Lester Jacoby from which a truck was being load- tocol of the Court, but the rough-1 central figures^in the drama of ‘ grocer, on the night of Februa^ of Gerald Chapman. At the right, , rra. , . is Michael Pavolik, chum of the i ^ } b liquid asphalt. The plant Officers. edged hurdle of the Senate is still i deaS to S enacted at Wethersfield 23.- At the left is Warden C. S New York, Dec. 9.— (AP)— A j While He Was Judge. , doomed man, who vrill go on trial; manufactures road oils, in front of the final approval. i Drison at midnight tonight when Reed, for whom it will be the first ghostly voice from a talking movie j John Feltovic (center), 19-year-o!d hanging since he took office Novem- for participation in the crime to- J The force of the blast shook the Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Dec. 9.— Senate approval must be given j morrow. neighborhood and the accompany- today prevented the robbery of a Bridgeport boy goes to the gallows , ber 20. It will be the third hanging (AP)—Complete quiet throughout to the revised protocol which con­ Denver, Dec. 9.— (AP.) Ben B. ■ ing pall of black smoke was visible Brooklyn ' theater, and probably saved the life of a watchman who Haiti was reported to government stitutes a modification of its reser­ Lindsey, former Denver Juvenile ------- :---------------- ^--------------------------- I from the surrounding countryside. vation to American entry. A stiff j The Dead was being tortured by robbers in quarters today from all districts. Court judge, today was disbarred view of his father in an effort to contest is certain in the Senate i The dead: Henry Johnson, 60, of There have been disturbances in tka against the revised reservation and by the Colorado State Supreme make him reveal the combination HOUSE TO TAKE UP Everett. last 48 hourg. Senate leaders do not believe Pres­ of the office safe which he did not Court on charges of professional GALE ON ENGLISH COAST A w t a vx vx vm fvi '■ Charles Van Etiski of Everett. ident Hoover will place the issue Know. The arrival of the detachment of misconduct, embracing acceptance FRANPF ^ WAR DFRT' critically injured, on danger list The three robbers entered the fifty marines at Jacmel and the ira-* before the Senate in the near fu­ 1 llialivljf iJ TI r i l l I at Whiddon Memorial hospital: ture—possibly not imtil the next ot fees while he was judge. B. F. T, theater in Brooklyn early pending arrival of himdreds more, i Eugene Donnelly, Everett. today, overpowered Edward Jones, as well as reassuring statements in session, a year hence. The decision of the court was KEEPS UP, D U T H TOLL 50 Theodore Blodgett, 26, Lynn. 68, and then when his son Charles, the newspaper La Presse, have con­ Those who led the stubborn con­ imanimous. Fred Mayo, 30, Everett. The charge against Lindsey, who suspecting something wrong, went tributed to a feeling of stability. test originally in the Senate against The explosion was believed to to look for his father, overpowered American adherence to the Court won wide fame for Jais administra­ Will Pass Quickly There But have been caused by the backfiring Three threatened demonstration.'! tion of the Denver Juvenile Court, and disarmed him. stiU are opposed to acceptance of At Least Fifty Vessels in | THOUGHT SLAIN, of a motor truck which had been Strajiping the two men in or­ which had been scheduled fpr last the modification to the reservation was that he accepted $37,000 from backed close to the tank. night and this morning, failed to Mrs. Helen Elwood Stokes, promi­ There is Much Opposition chestra seats one of the robbers which the Senate made in voting to Buried In Debris placed a cord around the younger materialize. adhere to the protocol. nent Denver and New York society Distress-Airplane Traf-1 J^RNS UP ALIVE Jones neck and started to draw it The wounded during Friday after­ woman, who was attempting to es­ Johnson and Vanetski were buried Borah Heads Group In the Senate. tight. noon’s clash with marines near Auar tablish the rights of her two chil­ in the debris of the tank and truck. This group includes Chairman £c Halted— Expect Wind Rev. Thomas L. Boland, curate of [ Torture Son. Cayes, are now under treatment of Borah of the foreign relations com­ dren for a settlement of the W. E. I “Tell us the combination of the naval medical officers. D. Stokes estate. He was charged Our Lady of Grace church crawled mittee and Senator Johnson of Washington, Dec. 9.— (AP)—Set­ into the smoking wreckage to ad­ safe,’’ they ordered. “I don’t know Outposts at Chantel, TOrebeck and with taking $10,000 from Samuel j Five Men Held on Murder it,” Jones replied, squirming in his California, the ranking Republican to Increase Force. tlement of the French debt, the only minister last rites of the church. Port-Apriment in the Aux Cayes of this committee. Other Republi­ Untermeyer, New York attorney,' bonds and half choked by the cord in the same case. war time obligation ovring to the Similar services were performed at as his father ’lOoked on powerless to district which had been threatened can stalwarts including Senator Charge When Youth Re­ the hospital for tliree men by Rev. today reported that conditions were Moses of New Hampshire, second His Defense London, Dec. 9.—The bitter ham­ United States for which arrange­ aid him. Thomas A. Walsh, pastor of the The robbers gave another twist to quiet. ranking Republican on the commit­ Lindsey was judge of the Denver mering by wind and sea, believed ments for payment have not been same church. the cord. tee, are preparing to renew their Juvenile Court while the Stokes the worst in the past century, to turns: Not Yet Identified. made, will be taken up tomorrow by Four other tanks located close to opposition. Then a faint soimd of voices was C.4PITAL GRA’TEEUL. case was pending. In his d^ense he which Great Britain and the contin­ the Hpuse ways and means commit­ that which exploded did not explode heard. One of the robbers opened Washington, Dec. 9.— (AP) — said his connection in the Stokes It is the contention of this ent have been subjected for nearly a tee. although windows’ in nearby build­ the door to the manager’s office. Word from Haiti that quiet pre­ group that the modified protocol, case Vas “disinterested from the week, continued today , with some­ Mountain View. Ark., Dec. 9.-— Approval of the plan which would | ings were shattered. More than a The voices became louder. Fright­ vailed throughout toe island was signed today in behalf of President work of the Juvenile Court’’ and (AP)—A young man who says he is hundred girls employed in shoe fac­ ened, the men ran to an exit and received with gratification in Wash­ what lessene force, but with the provide payment of $4,025,000,0001 Hoover, and worked out last spring that he acted “merely as arbitrator possibility of a worse blow to come. Connie Franklin has sung “The tory close to the scene fied in terror escaped. ington today, as leaders in Congress by Elihu Root with a committee of j mediator.' Lonesome Pine” by request of the over a period of sixty-two years, | to the street. Releasing themselves from their prepared to expedite organization as No less than fifty vessels along jurists, has weakened considerably j in addition to his wide fame the coast were reported in distress, girl whom he regards as his fiancee was asked by President Hoover in j Gov.
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