Celebrating our 40th year of covering the South Belt community Voice of Community-Minded People since 1976 August 20, 2015 Email: [email protected] www.southbeltleader.com Vol. 40, No. 29 Crooks steal ATM; get no $ Crooks left empty-handed early Wednes- day, Aug. 19, after stealing an ATM from the PISD releases state accountability scores Texan Bank in the 12900 block of the Gulf Freeway. Police said the suspects yanked the machine out around 3 a.m. using a pickup Several South Belt campuses earn distinction designations truck and dragged it the wrong way down the The Pasadena Independent School District has Distinction designations are awarded in rec- High school and intermediate campuses are eli- also won two distinctions, in science and student feeder road to the 12600 block of Conklin met state standards, according to accountability ognition of outstanding achievement in academic gible for up to seven distinction designations. progress. Pasadena High School earned one dis- Street, where they tried unsuccessfully to open reports recently released by the Texas Education areas in addition to those evaluated under state Four of PISD’s comprehensive high schools tinction star for math. it. The crooks then left the ATM there, where it Agency. A total of 36 of the 61 PISD rated cam- accountability. Campus distinctions are based on were recognized with distinction designations. Thompson, Miller and Southmore intermediate was later recovered by police puses earned at least one distinction designation indicators of student performance in comparison Pasadena Memorial High School won six of schools each earned six of seven possible distinc- in various categories. to 40 similar campuses. seven eligible distinction designations in reading/ tion designations. Meet-the-teacher events set ELA, math, social studies, student progress, closing Not far behind were Park View Intermedi- Multiple area schools have scheduled meet- performance gaps and post-secondary readiness. ate with fi ve distinctions and Jackson and South the-teacher events this week. Alicia remembered 32 years later South Houston High School earned distinction Houston intermediate schools with four distinc- Burnett for science and closing performance gaps. Dobie tions each. Continued on Page 3A Burnett Elementary will hold Meet the Teacher Friday, Aug. 21, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Parents are urged to meet their child’s teacher, San Jac approves bond election visit classroom and drop off school supplies. In an effort to continue to meet the demand of posed projects include state-of-the-art facilities Frazier the region’s workforce, and to support students to train students and workers in the petrochemi- Frazier Elementary will hold Meet the Teach- as they transition to four-year colleges and uni- cal, energy, engineering, computers, and tech- er on Thursday, Aug. 20, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. and versities or directly enter the workforce, the San nology sectors; a new welcome / student success on Monday, Aug. 24, from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Jacinto College Board of Trustees unanimously center providing a “one-stop shop” for student Moore voted to call for a bond referendum for the Nov. support services such as admission, fi nancial Moore Elementary will hold Meet the Teach- 2015 election. aid, and counseling; new culinary and cosmetol- er on Thursday, Aug. 20, from 6 to 7 p.m. Voters within the San Jacinto College Dis- ogy facilities; and additional classroom facilities trict will vote on the issuance of $425 million across the district. Nine buildings will be reno- Donate school supplies in general obligation bonds needed to prepare vated – most of which are more than 30 years St. Luke’s Church is collecting donations students to live and work in the community. Pro- Continued on Page 3A for Operation Back Pack. Bring backpacks and school supplies to the church or church offi ce during August to help local children in Deputies respond to armed robberies grades K-12 begin the school year. Deputies from the Harris County Precinct 2 black males, at least one of whom had a gun. Constable’s offi ce responded to two separate The male homeowner reportedly tried to Leader ad correction armed robberies within minutes of each other the wrestle the gun away from the suspect, at which The Sagemont Civic Club’s ad regarding night of Friday, Aug. 14. time he was pistol whipped, causing the weapon yard parking that ran on Page 2A of the Aug. The fi rst incident, a home invasion in the to fall apart. 13 edition of the Leader had been given the 10700 block of Sagevale near Hall Road, took Deputies said the suspects then ransacked the incorrect phone number for the Houston place around 10:30 p.m. According to deputies, a residence, taking a purse, keys and a phone. The Planning and Development. The correct num- couple was sitting in the backyard of their home suspects fl ed the scene on foot. ber is 832-393-6600. See ad on Page 2A. when they were approached by three slender Continued on Page 2A Aug. 18 marked the 32nd anniversary of Hurricane Alicia. With 125-mph gusts of wind (115 Knights host barbecue mph sustained) and more than 10 inches of rain, the storm caused extensive damage in the South Belt community. Overall, Alicia caused $2.6 billion (1983 USD; $6.16 billion 2015) in The Knights of Columbus of St. Luke’s damages and killed 21 people. The above house in the Sageglen subdivision was one of many 9/11 run to honor fallen heroes Church will host a chopped barbecue brisket that was nearly destroyed. See additional photos in Tori Mask’s blog at www.southbelthous The fi fth annual Houston 9/11 Heroes Run Sept. 9 at 11:59 p.m. sandwich weekend on Saturday, Aug. 22, and ton.blogspot.com. Photo from Leader archives – a 5K to honor fallen American heroes – will Packet pickup and registration will take place Sunday, Aug. 23, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the take place at Ellington Airport, 11602 Aerospace at Luke’s Locker, 1953 W. Gray, Sept. 9 and the church parking lot. Each meal includes a Drive, on Saturday, Sept. 12, beginning at 8 a.m. Sept. 10 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Packet pickup sandwich, chips and a drink for $7. Proceeds Opening ceremonies will begin at 7:30 a.m. and registration will take place at the airport Fri- benefit the Knights Charities. Gulf Freeway closures scheduled In addition to the 5K run, the 9/11 Heroes Run day, Sept. 11, from 2 to 7 p.m. At least one northbound and one southbound At least two northbound and two southbound will feature a variety of displays from national Large portions of the proceeds raised stay in Mix & Mingle with CDA main lane and frontage road on the Gulf Freeway main lanes and frontage roads on the Gulf Free- military branches, state and local law enforce- the host community to support local veterans, Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court from FM-1959/Dixie Farm Road to FM-528/ way from FM-1959/Dixie Farm Road to FM- ment and emergency response agencies, as well their families and fi rst responders. The 2014 Mother of Unity invites area women to an Mix NASA Road 1 will be closed daily from 9 a.m. 528/NASA Road 1 will be closed overnight from as community organizations from the Greater Houston race donated locally to Assist the Of- & Mingle social Sunday, Aug. 23, from 5 to 7 to 3 p.m. through Friday, Sept. 4. Alternate en- 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. through Friday, Sept. 4. Alternate Houston region. fi cer and the Houston Fire Fighters Burned and p.m. in St. Luke’s Church’s social hall, 11011 trance and exit ramps will be closed. Continued on Page 2A The 9/11 Heroes Run welcomes runners and Crippled Children’s Fund. Remaining proceeds Hall Road. Bring sandwiches, finger foods, walkers of all levels and of all ages. Events take will support Travis Manion Foundation Chal- chips, dips, veggies, and/or desserts to share. place all over the world, on or near Sept. 11, and lenge Grants, which benefi t veterans and fami- Soft drinks will be provided. are organized 100 percent by local community lies of fallen service members. To find out what the Catholic Daughters is Frazier plans for traffic delays volunteers. For additional information, visit 911Heroes- all about, come and socialize, play a few While City of Houston offi cials are hopeful closed. Online registration costs are $37 for individu- Run.com. games, win prizes, and peruse the court scrap- to have the stretch of Hughes Road in front of All fi rst- through fourth-grade students, with- als and $105 for a family of four through Aug. Organizers are currently looking for volun- books and other memorabilia. For more infor- Frazier Elementary replaced by the time school out siblings in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten, 31. Registration costs are $40 for individuals and teers to help with the event. Those interested mation, call 281-484-4170. starts Aug. 25, contingency plans are in place to will be dropped off and picked up at the school’s $110 for a family of four from Sept. 1 through should email Kelly Huff at kmbenjamin@gmail. minimize traffi c congestion, should the work not main entrance on Hughes. Vehicles that normally race day. Online registration closes Wednesday, com. Library seeks ESL tutors be complete. wait in line along Hughes will be redirected to All day-care riders and pre-kindergarten and Sagewind and Sagewillow to avoid extra conges- Parker Williams Library, 10851 Scarsdale, kindergarten students, along with their siblings, tion in the construction zone.
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