DOCUMENT RESUME -4 BD 127 238 S0,009 339 110 .AUTBOR Williams, r. Alan TITLE Road to Independence: Virginia, 763-1'.7.83. INSTITUTION Virginia State Dept. of Education, ItiEhmond. Div. of Secondary Education'. 'PUB DATE Feb 76 NOTE 82p. 'AVAILABLE FROM History, Government; and Geography Service, Virginia State Department of Education, 1322-28 East Grace Street, Richmond, Virginia 23216. (single copy ' free) . , EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 Plus isostage. HC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS American Culture; American Studies; Civics; Civil Liberties; *Colonial History (United States); Community Involvement; Democracy; Geography; Government Role; Historiography; *Local History; *Nationalism; Political Issuet; Primary Sources;, _ *Revolutionary War (United States) ;Secondary Education; Social History;. Social Studies; State Governmeht; *United 'States History IDENTIFIERS *Virgimii ABSTRACT A history ofjhe state of Virginia from 1763 to. 1783 is presented. Intended for use in the public,schools of Virginia, the Publication was prepared to assist educators in developing ;topics af,. study relating to Virginia's role in the American Revolution and to help students develop deeper appreciation for their rich'heritage. The study is divided into five parts. Part I, "1763: the Afteviath of Victory," relates Virginia's political philosophy, and tells of'- Britain's difficulties in meeting the costs of,viCtbry over other contenders for influence in North America. Part II, l'FromBeVolution_. toIndependence,"chronicles the decaying politi6.1,repgldtions betwe6i Britain and the colonies between 1763t and 1775.afit-P , flro.% Revolution to InOpendence," describes, the Fiist Virginia Convention, and the First Continental CongresS.and'gives an accoupt of Virginia's position as a free_and.independentstate. Vatt IV/fithe.Commonyealth of Virginia," despvibes ,military and economid activities from- 1776-1782. Party,,"44, War :, For Independence, "_.includes information on the continental arAyp the Indiqn bars, theinvasion cif Virginia, and .Virginia's pktidipationin. the siege .at:-*Yorktown. A. bibliography, appendixana,a-dopy of the,De4aration of .Independence are included. (Autior/Db) . - . #****************************4444**3i*#4***4**44*!14*i4444*****444444,0**# . * Documents acquired by ERIC include manyinforma/ 'unpublished * * materials not available fro!other sources. ERIC takes every effort * * to obtain the best copy - available. Nevettheless, items ofmarginal, *' * reproducibility are oftenencountered apd this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardtopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via. the ERIC Docdient Reproduction Seivice (BIAS). EDRS isnot * * responsible for the quality of the original document.Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that catrbe made fro* theoTiqinai. * ***************A***********************************4*.***************** . s OA IL, EDvs. A I .OP, Ct Nat 1:104AL INSTITUTED EDUCATION- t11,4 coo(LOAENT HAS SEEN REilio ,OuCED %V AS RECEIVES FROM 'UHL R.C4K01:1OR ORGANIZATIONORIGIN- - ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS ATE0 DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRE. .SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OP f EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY fV W ne enence. t., P E RN. .)SON TO REPRODUCETHIS COP YR4ONTED MATERIAL YMICRO- FicN ONLYNAS BE NOR N CD BY r .. .0 , ,: crC AND ORGANIZATIONSOPERAS N 4- UNDER AGREEMENTSWITH THE NA TONAL INST 4 TuTE OP EDUCATION c uct T NE R REPRODUCTIONOUTSIDE ,,vf m QEOU RESPERIN'S "1 I. OWNER ' ir ..0% OF T.IF,4,0PyR4DNT....: ..- %; ;- V AN .IEOGRAPHY SERVICE DIVISION OF SECONDARY EDUCA STATE DEPARtMENT OF EDUCATN /RICHMdND. VIRGINIA 4, : :4,,.,4.,..7. :::77.7....'""..:..... ...., .:4/11P ( 4: ..$ .041;41" ''',, .I '.4:,,,,: . ..,N. :,- -:::" ., .,',,(/). Z :... ..,,l ? ' 1- i..9..._o .-'? - ',Agi , cc D D--<, ..' :ur >.: _ or' g:,i5, ; (9 cc i-7.ce ^,"r-'o)" ..z,11,4, it-e- u 1,,1' .''....r/44 X 43 U,,,.0 '. Fc o,c,,, , ! CO. ,... ;.::-.:,;;;I:\,*r:1 .0 . .- --ti;',,:,,. , ;r.it4, 1. /It' ) .. ,,r, ..N. 11 li' e.s,A4:;:t... .. ,,, 1111. - -,i4.`i ,Q;A7t-..,,,,..d...i,, %... ,,, ,:-..re,i.,,:',4;,:'-':',., , , it :"."a't -- ify)i-ef.,' 4'1.- - .:.,:. /,,.";,:::.,(:::...,'., f "..-.'./.', D;....-;,;, ,,.4. .9., ,e''.. f,*! ."..,.:4.fi'v. 0.; .4f! cry ',., 4 - ! `."!. 13- , A I .16 L f?.7:A 1- ,Pf Otp(irriation;81::`.. ittelepnentetetooted '0596411*100; therefore, era desimes darefetattegtkitin" the &Vic sO'hOills 1/Irgjela, Th7esitrilolyidaOigergevt.fj_eatlY-440-- of thaoO_iatirybag:geffilaincttIlhe:halltriatic-oflhe Wagon. It has ileffliairjtgped bypomniltmehttotiernoLltko. tirtItle sOlieolavtiVir . - co.tirses-sigal-yithAtnericanlettify, toii..-*fottlat;:. Period fromAtMergarten th ,radttwelr-.4. 'on- entitled, TtigliQAD:-TCP'. INDENO NCE" VIRGINIA.,1763 -178 Joffe , . eifiipitoraAt di al _ohallegge.:16 seleOfirripokard areas.ot . amiihasi r the pertod 1763-1163:thafv11106v(de laiOro _itierspeotweibr Individuals-to see abvi, meariffigitt. .te grevents. The aiaterialthti.4110e.tioif Is riled ,."a bjrclaff Oontexitienaple.AmaiNeas to.oompreheadlha deaeavents, ahtlperspnallites Otthe perlOcLit.l_s*Hici . that thiaputtlIcatibn ifill:help-Ao-a-cdomplIsli-this goaL .., '.. .;:.. ... ,.. I.... -.W.... cailiplii4:-. atii. :-.,.. ' (RBI/tilts FOREWORD INTRODUCTION IV ' t'L 1 1; s1; *71. II()- , , \\, i' 17 The Afkt,rmath of Victory 1 Th New:Genee ion in Poldicss Britain and Virginia 4 Theolitical Philophy of Virginia. 1763 7 The Roa ojiet>..-ilutibn17 3.1775 14 The Grenville Program, 1761765 14 Western Lands Defense A New Revenue Program 16 The Currency Act of 1764 17 Virginia and the Stamp Act, 1 64 18 The Stamei Act Resolves, Ma 1765 20 The Stamp Act Crisis, 1765-1 66 24 Repeat and the Declaratory A t, 1766 iii British Politics and the Towns end Act. 17.66-1770 28 Virginia Politics, 1766-1768 29 The Townshend Act in Virgini ,1767-1771 30 The False interlude, 1770-17 31 The. Road to Revolution, 1773.1774 32 The'Boston Tea Party artd the Intolerable Acts 33 Fro'rr;;;Revezpion to InCkpendgrtce" 35 The.First Valginta Convention.. 35 38 Vii-ginia and .the Fi6t*Continental.Congreas, Gzeat Bnt5g1 Stiffens_. 39 . rti ' independence 43 The CommonOlealth of'Virginia ,, 46 Declaration of Righ,t's. ".... .;".! AS' Declaration.ofIndeperglence .. .-46: The Vlginia gOanslitfition. Jp,ne 29. 1776 :40'. 1: - .The 13ritish-AnieircVhs: The Virginia Loyalists- ,,.. 62. .. :TheWar at Notre. 1.77&-1750.. .,':."- .-43 ... ihe.13e foiindependence z. 55' ,- ... Vicbirriansatid:the conqnertt9f,4rmy. 17.75-174 .: ;...' -. 57' :-. n"" The Indian: Wats A- ., : ... .... , George Rdgers. Clark and the Winning brthe Wet -56'.". , 60: . TheWar and Eastern:Virginia...1776-1779 , Bleck_Virginian's in-thei-Pevolution 60' ,The BritisWMove south. 1780-1781 62,,; ..-The'llnvasiori of Voginia 1784 63 $6 "Ydrktown September-Octobet 1781. 68 r.::GPAPH-ti' ., . ,:. ... ---.., --,y . .1 t Z.,..,,,.. .' .*. A Chronology of SelectedEventsin Virgimi, 1763-4783 70 ,, . The Declaration of Isidependence , 7.5 . Suggestive Questions f& Exploring Virginia's Role 'in the Winning of Independence - 77. ,' . 79 Suggested Student Activities - ..., iii . x , . / ''s t I'" .. .s. NTirginta, the birthplace of our nation, played an impOrtant., role ih the winning of Ameilcan independence. Virginia. the largest and the roost infNential of.thet3 colbffleS, led,lhe struggle for American independence and .has' helped to ,_.< formulate American ideals and to shape ourcountry's: 1.,./, , institutions, , .... , ,,.- . This publication was prepared to assist eclucators'in .,- ' developing topics of study:,relatinb to,t4e< : ''' "American fievolution end. Vitginia'' role-in* ..i.,,,,,, the winning ofrindependence and to help hitro,..ititiwii. studentsdevelop deeperlaprir-eciation kr, tlie rich heritagelfiat is theirS as-citizens' .,.. *-.Of the Commonwealth. be Virginia" tra4i.tiOn was:createriby responible men-andwomen. wit° . ,, , . ...believed jiviheinhirent dignity offithe.individual, itie role'of,. _ "goiOrnriteris a-servantofthe people,the value of'freedom,. 7 -jptice, equality,aild the concept of "fttle.Of law." These id'eal's and beliefs remain the hallinark of Virginia and the riotioiv.,u. : , .. , . .. : .. :.,.. - Impoilantobiectiyes of this puPlicaticin are: , . To emphasize the study of Virginiabistoryduringlhaperiod from 1763 to 1783 when the state e>erted influential! . leadefship and wisdOm in the winning of Kinerican * independenCe; - 110develop a,deeper understanding,.ofthe'Meafiing of. ,,Ireerforri and basic principles and tracfitiOns which haVe nourished and sustained the AmeriOail way of . To further anunder ending' of"divititiat_rightgand: responsipilities in attfree spci To further an understanding of the heritage of freedorrr and the importance ofperpetuatingdemocratic traditions; .and -- ._. .. , . .. , TO further art understanding Oflhe concept of ' -self-gpvernment and the American way of-life. .. - i; I ItIS 'hopedthatthis pmblication will assist in 'achieving . these objectives. ,. 7. 3 A ( and .1*^ z f 0-1 r,d ) AT. _ ; C -. Z'O'V . -, nrIT-e-Ton :,..,0 D A. 1- e,,-, , C ---. ' ,-t , tr^-".. -P0At-1, SC, ii\IDEr'ENDE.14CF'.0P,-;,`,.1A1 -;,3 1.7P;i s ....re;;;,....-. of f4'..r.;:t,., ' E .'-'se.r,- ... Zss'..f '.1,,i-i-,.. 4 ...le -Yl.: 5' 4.. k. C. 2 4- %I 1, '. , .- . .. , T-I. .t,t.v.' aki itJ..-111,1Cpeii delli:e . s . , . ... fq, -.. 1,:''..:,..,)-1 ol. 4-.11. inl 1i1.1)-1 '.)-) ,:' It-. '.. : . 761: The tertriath of Victory -t. - .. ;Virginia ,in..1763.appeared tostandon the edge of a new eraof grealneta.-The Peace of Parissigned
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