300 Third A enue NE ( 763) 689- 3211 CAMBRIDGE Cambridge, MN 55008 ( 763) 689- 6801 FAX www.ci.cambridge.mn.us Minnesota's Opportunily Communily r Meeting Announcement and Agenda Cambridge City Council - City Hall Council Chambers Regular Meeting, Monday, March 7, 2016 3: 00 pm Members of the audience are encouraged to follow the agenda. Copies of the agenda are on the table outside the Council Chambers door. If you are interested in speaking on an agenda item please inform the Mayor prior to the start of the meeting. As the presiding officer, the Mayor will determine if public comments will be taken on an item that is not scheduled for a public hearing. When addressing the Council, please state your name and address for the official record. 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Approvat of Agenda ( p. 1) 4. Consent Agenda Approvals A. Regular and Summary City Council Minutes for February 16, 2016 ( p. 5) B. Cambridge Fire Retief Association Temporary Liquor License for April 22, 2016 at the Armed Forces Reserve & Community Center for Northbound Liquor Wine Tasting Event ( p. 15) C. Appoint Luke Fedor as Lead Water-Wastewater Operator effective March 7, 2016 30.81 per hour pursuant to IBEW Contractj (p. 17) D. Purchase of Elgin Street Sweeper from MacQueen Equipment, purchase price of 250,411. 50 ( p. 18) E. Purchase ( with Braham Fire) 3000 gallon Tender truck from Custom Fire ( p. 19) F. Resolution R16- 017 Approving Airport Maintenance Agreement (p. 23) G. Approve Resolution R16- 018— Agreement with State Court Administrators Office for Law Enforcement Access to Minnesota Court Data Services ( p. 30) H. Donation of old minutes books to the Isanti County Historical Society (p. 32) I. Purchase of Ford F150 4x4 Pickup ( p. 33) 1 5. Work Session A. Presentation of Outstanding Agency Award to Police Dept by Frank Scherf- MN Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety (verbal) 6. Unfinished Business 7. New Business A. Request from Habitat for Humanity to waive building permit fee (p. 34) B. Award bids for City Park bathroom facility (p. 38) C. Plan for Repair of WPA watls in City Park ( p. 39) D. Approve Joint Powers Agreement Establishing the Minneapolis- Duluth/ Superior Passenger Rail Alliance (p. 46) E. Mutual Aid Agreement between City of Cambridge and Isanti County (p. 91) 4th F. July Fireworks Display and Contract (p. 99) G. Discussion on expansion of the Cambridge Isanti Bike Walk Trail Joint Powers Agreement (p. 107) H. Approve Subordination Agreement to Peoples Bank of Commerce for the City of Cambridge Commercial Rehabilitation Program Deferred Loan Repayment 2nd Agreement and Mortgage for Dr. Art Volker property located at 137 & 141 Avenue SW ( p. 124) I. Approve Contract for Mowing and Abatement Services ( p. 133) 8. Mayor' s Report 9. Council Concerns 10. City Administrator' s Report A. Closed Session— This meeting is being closed under Minnesota Statutes § 13D. 05 to develop an offer on property( Lot 2 Block 1 North Frontage Road Commercial Plat 3rd Edition) B. Closed Session -- This meeting is being closed under Minnesota Statutes§ 13D. 05 to develop an offer on property( Garfield Street South Block 1, Lot 2 Garfield Business Park Plat) C. Reconvene into open session to approve letter of intent for sale of Lot 2, Block 1 d North Frontage Road Commercial Plat 3 Edition 2 11. Temporary Adjournment 12. Reconvene for City Council Visioning Session after EDA meeting adjourns 13. Adjournment Notice to the hearing impaired: Upon request to City staff, assisted hearing devices are available for public use. Accommodations for wheelchair access, Braille, large print, etc. can be made by calling City Hall at 763- 689- 3211 at least three days prior to the meeting. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are at City Hall in Council Chambers Upcoming Meetings Date Time Description Mar 8 3: 30 pm Allina Community Engagement Council ( CMC Board Room) Mar 8 7: 00 pm Cambridge Parks, Trails, and Recreation Commission Mar 14 9: 00 am ICICLE Meeting ( Isanti County Gov' t Center Training Room) Mar 14 3: 30 pm Library Task Force Meeting Mar 14 5: 00 pm Community Education Advisory Council ( Education Service Center, IIS) o r,,,..,,, ,,,;,.,,.,, Mar 3:39 m T-..- L Ci..-.,.. CANCELLED Mar 17 5: 00 pm Downtown Task Force Mar 21 6: 00 pm City Council Meeting Mar 22 7: 00 pm Isanti County Parks& Rec Commission Mar 23 9: 30 am NLX Passenger Rail Alliance (Pine City Gov't Center) Upcoming Events Date Time Description Mar 18 9: 00 am Grand Opening— Ribbon Cutting at Cambridge BP ( formerly Westrom' s Corner) Mar 31- Apr 2 Minnesota Design Team Visit Apr 22 6: 00 pm Northbound Liquor Spring Wine Tasting Event (Armed Forces Reserve Center) 3 This Page Left Blank Intentionally 4 SUMMARY PUBLICATION OF THE PROCEEDING S OF THE CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL The complete minutes are available for public inspection at the office of the City Administrator, 300 —3 d Ave. NE, Cambridge, Minnesota. Regular City Council Meeting I February 16, 2016 Members Present: Mayor Marlys Palmer, Council Members Joe Tiffany Kafer, and Lisa Iverson Meeting was called to order at 6: 01 pm. Agenda and co nt a were approved. I The protocol for medical calls for the Cambridge Fir _ rtmen reviewed. Approved Resolution R16-010 Amending 2015 G d Budg solution R16- 011 Amending the 2016 General Fund Budget solu on R16-012 A zing 2015 Inter-fund Transfers, and Resolution R16- 01 thorizin 2016 Inter-fun ers. Approved temporary inter-fund borrowing. Approved amending the City of Cambridge capit o old from $ 1, 00 to $ 5, 000. I Authorized the increase in work ho s for part-time e Transcriptionist/Records Technician. k Authorized the purchase of a fully ad car an 7 in- squad video systems. Approved no parking declaration on t we of Ashla eet North. Approved conditional liquor license for , apal cated t 200 2" d Ave SE. Approved deed declar ' r City Par Approved Compre ve praposal mitted b antec. Approved Resol No. R1 4 approvi ` lans and specifications and authorizing advertisement f or the I 6 Street I ments. Authorized the purch ° f a ;, ' ect si sign and two vinyl banners. a Council a ed at 8. q a 5 Cambridge City Council Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 16, 2016 A regular meeting of the Cambridge City Council was held on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, at Cambridge City Hall Council Chambers, 300 3rd Avenue NE, Cambridge, Minnesota, 55008. Members Present: Mayor Marlys Palmer; Council Members, Lisa Iverson, Tiffany Kafer, and Joe Morin. Members Absent: Howard Lewis Staff Present: City Administrator Woulfe, Deputy; Chief/Emergency Management Director Pennings, Assistant Fir ,f i"' mczik, Finance Director Moe, Police Chief Dwyer, Engineer k, an? nner Westover Catl to Order& Pledge of Allegiance Palmer called the meetin 9 to order at 6: 01 p rra° nd led the p ublic in t r led9 e of Alle9 iance. Citizens Forum No public addressed the City Counc l Approval of the Agenda Woulfe removed " Cambrid, e Curling Cli. b" from f e ork se n agenda. Morin moved, seconded by Iverson, to the age'r as a ed., Moti+ n carried 4/0. ConsentAgenda Iverson moved, seconded a Kafe, to approve. nsent agenda Items A-C: A. Regul` tl um r Citj uncil Il n i# 5 fo ebruary 1, 2016 B. Warr s# 101744 =€ 1U197 d ACHMir: i ems totaling $ 4,285, 483.44 C. Author- liring Proce s° or W t vater Operator Upon call of th l, Iverson, P ier, Ka" r, and Morin voted aye, no nays. Motion carried. Work Session Protocol' edical CaUs for Cambridge Fire Department Pennings gave the history of the Cambridge Fire Department's protocol for responding to major medical and trauma incidents. Pennings also reviewed Chief 3 highlights since May of 2014 and goa(s for 2016. Woulfe confirmed the City has appropriate liability insurance. The consensus of Council was to direct staff to write the proposed amendments to the Cambridge Fire Department's Standard Operating Guidelines and bring them back to Council for approval. February 16, 2016 Page 1 of 9 6 Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. New Business Approve Reso/ution R16-010 Amending 2015 General Fund Budget Approve Reso/ution R16-011 Amending the 2016 Genera/ Fund Budget Approve Reso/ution R16-012 Authorizing 2015 Inter-fund Transfers Approve Resolution R16-013 Authorizing 2016 Inter-fund Transfers Moe reviewed the amendments as they were laid out in the aff report. Iverson moved, seconded by Morin to approve Resolution R16- 010 Amera j 2015 General Fund Budget, Resolution R16- 011 Amending the 2016 General Fund B. get, Resolution R16-012 Authorizing 2015 Inter-fund Transfers, and Resolutic" fl Authorizing 2016 Inter-fund Transfers. Upon call of roll, Iverson, Palmer, Morin; and Kafe o#ed yay. No nays. Motion carried 4/0. Approve Temporait# er-fund Borrow; ,, Moe reviewed the inter-funds loans as identified i:,# he staff>'eport. Morira oved, seconded by Iverson to approve the temporary nter-fund loa d# i d in the staff r ort. Upon call of the roll, Iverson, Palmer, Morin, an, r.voted yay: ( nays. Motion carried 4/0. r. Approve Accounting Policy en ent Char Capital Asset Policy Moe explained the Gov r}' tAccountin Stand rds- ard ( SB) is the official entity that sets the rules for gov a ent a co_unting ai l t t les ar uset through the issuance of documents called stat nts. Mi.. tated G' Statement 34 was issued over fifteen years ago and set guidance tha al ass valued at` 000 or more must be considered capital assets, howe r, irt d vidual na a e i ould c€ tinue to have assets less than $ 5, 000 v considered: c a iitai s.
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