The Bloodmobile Will Visit Tomorrow from 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. at Elks Club V* ap«ngB IM lj Ntt PiM R«i Vor Ihe.W eek Boded The Weadier Rain tonight. Low SB to M. tM odm ber •, 1M7 Tomorrow becoming fair. High 15,563 4S to 60. Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm (Glaaalfted Advertising on Page tS) PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. XXXXVII, NO. 66 (TWENTY-BIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1967 Three American Jets Lost in Hanoi Raids SAIGON (AP) American soon weather-wWch began last Kep and Phuc Yen, the vital 'Hiursday —has permitted the bridge complex between Hanoi planes coniinued raids on heavy raids on key North Viet­ and Haiphong, missile sites and North Vietnam’s heartland namese targets after a ctie- the rail lines emanating from for the fifth straight day month lull which permitted the Hanoi and Haiphong. today, and the U.S. CkHn- Oommunista to rebuild shat­ Returning pilots reported mand reported the loss of tered facilities. widespread damage but detailed three jets Sunday—^two of North Vietnam’s carefuUy reports were withheld pending H*rokl E. Holt them downed by Commu­ hoarded MIOs apparenUy were the study of reconnaissance out In greater numbers Sun­ kUrlty nist MIG interceptors. photoa. nando The U.S. Command did not day than in the previous days Air Force spokesmen have of the renewed assault, when <C> immediatriy reveal details of said only about SO of North Viet­ lartln Surf Hunt the raids today, but Tass, the only four to six of the Red in­ nam’s MIOs are kept in the : Noi^ terceptors would dart In and out led In Soviet news agency, said Ameri­ country, at Kep, Phuc Ten and IS Ea- can idanes made a “ massive of American formatUms, Ola Lam, which alos handles in­ In the five days of renewed Show ■^For Holt raid” on Hanoi’s northeastern ternational civilian flights and their district. aerial contact, the MIQ pUofs la still out of bounds to U.S. <teU, The North Vietnamese radio have downed three U.S. Jets, warplanes. QIna while the Americans claimed d his claimed eight U.S. jdanes were The rest of the North Viet­ r. and Suspended riiot down today, including five oidy one “probable.” namese air force—estimated at salute U.S. pUots logged 146 missions over Hanoi and two over Hai­ about 50 MIOs—norm eJly stays ( MELBOURNE, AustnIU today, the largest number re­ phong. It said the eighth was In Red China with pilots flying (AP) — The diaappearanoe of knocked out of the sMea be­ ported during the current Prime Minister Harold E. £Mt tween Hemol and Haiphong. weather break. ’The priority tar­ (Bee Page Bevea) gets were the MIO airftelds at (C) ndiUe slnuniiig in ttie surf threa­ There was no confirmation in Saigon. tens Australia with political <M- American spokesman report­ 'E6. sis and possibly the breakup of { two ed one MIC probably downed by the coalition that has governed leet in U.S. fighters in the several re that the country since 1M9. ryman. swlriing air batUea over Hanoi There was almost no hope Alabama Twister Castle, Sunday. The American'casual­ that Holt could have survived ties were an Air Force F106 51. the riptides that swallowed him Donald Thunderchief and an F4 Phan­ IQ>. Sunday w hile he sw am o ff tom brought down by a MI021 <C» Portsea, 87 miles south of Md- Kills Hurts 29 and a MIC 17. The three crew rsco. boum e. members aboard the two Ameri­ iw' <C) HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (AP) — Kenneth Ray Henderson, 29, t Com- Bad weather forced suspen­ can planes were missing. A late fall tornado killed two was killed in the Taluka com­ sion of the massive sea and air ' ’The third American planes munity of Morgan County south irt and persons and injured at least 29 search today. The tides off Port- downed, another Phantom, was others today, and a third person o f here. (JS‘ Air sea have claimed three other hit by g^round fire ov er North drowned when his car plunged At Haleyville, about 75 miles nd 8isn svidmmers in the last 10 years Vietnam’s southern par^iandle. into a rain swollen creek as se­ southwest of here, a 87-year-old ir (C> without yielding their bodies. One of its two crewmen was vere weather struck a large Industrial worker, Odls Hogan, n and Deputy Prime Idlnlster John killed and one was rescued. area of north Alabama. drowned when his car plunged McEwen, the leader of die Including Sunday’s casualties The tornado hopscotched Into high wators of a creek Country party, took over the and a Phantom shot down Sat­ around Madison and Morgan where a bridge had washed out. government helm until Holt’s urday by a MIQ21, U.S. rec­ Counties, touching down in half It was one of four major liberal party, the larger mem­ ords list 86 American planes and a dozen or more communities at bridges washed out In Winston Joey ber of the coaUUon, elects a new 99 M IOs dxA down in aerial the same time they were being County. ! since party leader and prime minis­ combat so far In the war. A to­ drenched by torrential rains. It ' The twister swept Into Hen­ U, wlU ter. tal o f 766 U.S. w arplanes have missed the Redstone Arsenal derson’s four-room home and Ifon - ; Federal Treasurer WUUam been reported last over the missile comfdex at Huntsville. demolished It, plus his truck Rescuers take a body to a tem porary mo>rgue in Pt. a bridge collapsed Friday sending dozeiw of pas­ inotber McMahon, the deputy party North. Clarence Ellison, 60, was and car. HU body was found 160 Pleasant, W. Va., Sunday after it was recovered senger laden vehicles to the water below. (AP M end, leader, was In Une to succeed A freakish break in the mon­ killed south of Huntsville. yards away. Photofax) , days. from wreckage taken from the Ohio River where Holt, ^ t observers b Oaribetra At Decatur, 26 miles south­ 'heUeveil Ms Mecnon would west of here, electric power was drive the Country party out of out tor about an hour during the t)ie coalition because he and night and U.& 81 was closed tor Three Bodies Found in Car McEwen disagree on a number a short time due to high water. of key Issues. Shepherd Dog Pack Debris was commoh throughout African Deteiwe Minuter AUen Fair- the cHy. ludes a haH and Foreign IfinUter Paul South of Huntsville, police Bridge Collapse Toll Rises to 16 Ittle by Haaluck were also considered Kills Two Small Boys said cars were seen floating salt and about, banging against mobile : sn Ale- likely candidates for the Liberal did not include the'report i that les from tour can and a truck crushed under the bridge’s su­ ist Octo- LYNCHBURG, Va. (AP) — A screams from the creek, ffiie homes. In a trailer court. Power POINT PLEASANT, W.Va. leadership. j (AP)—The death toll from the the body of a woman tumbled when the denricks pulled them perstructure. Qovemor^Geiieral Lord Casey pack of German sheiriierd dogs called to her husband then ran lines were snapped and poles Defense coUapae of a suspension bridge through the broken windshield out Sunday. The other five bod­ The big 40-year-old bridge, a was expected I to announce the attacked and killed two small to a neighbor’s house tor he^. were wrenched down. Weather across the Ohio River spiraled of a car when the vehicle was ies were recovered Friday, a major link between the two presumption j o t Holt’s death boys Sunday while their father "I was lying In bed vriien she Nine persons were admitted <0> to 16 today when three more yanked up Sunday. few houn after the suspension states, crumpled Into the Ohio Id Tuesday, alnough the prime fought futiley to save them by knocked On the door,” said Mor­ to Huntsville H ospital and 20 bodies were found in a crum­ The bodies brought up in a bridge, collapsed under the River 80 feet below Just after 6 ar miidster’s prkss secretary, ’Tony clubbing the animals with a ton P. S o^ . "My wife let her in others were treated and re­ pled car scraped from the river light rain this morlng were weight of rush hour and CSurUt- p.m. Friday. The center span of ure land Eggleton, told newsmen today: rake. and she iWus cryin g said som e leased. The hospital arranged bottom.. But shifting debris be­ those of two adults and a child. mas shoppers’ traffic. the bridge dlsappeered, leaving hUdren’s "We are hanging onto a The attack, near a credc be­ dogs had her boys down by the tor extra beds and medical staf­ \g, Celea- low the river’ s surface In­ They were Identified as James Forecast of more than one only the approach ramps on eter.. shred of iM^e tiiat Mr. Holt U hind the victims’ home In near­ creek .” j fers to care tor the Injured. creased the hazards of diving F. Meadows, 82, of Point Pleas­ inch of rain for the Point Pleas­ both sides and concrete piers 47. Bar- by Madison Heights, included “My nughter’s a nurse and HuntavlUe schools were cloeed d m ren, aB ve.’ ’ and salvage operations. ant, hls three-year-old son and ant area brought with It the fear Jutting above the river’s sur­ Holt,.
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