RU T H I E F OST E R New Album: Let It Burn Cat.-No.: B L U DP0566 Label: Blue Rose Records V Ö: 02.03.2012 587+,()267(5¶61(:$/%80LET IT BURN, RECORDED IN NEW ORLEANS WITH SPECIAL GUESTS, EXPANDS MUSICAL BOUNDARIES March 3 release on Blue Rose Records features Blind Boys of Alabama, soul legend William Bell, and songs by Adele, Black Keys, Los Lobos, Johnny Cash, The Band, Pete Seeger, Crosby, Stills & Nash and more. 7KRVHZKRKDYHIROORZHG5XWKLH)RVWHU¶VHFOHFtic musical history know that she can burn down any stage with her combustible blend of soul, blues, rock, folk and gospel. And when Grammy Award- winning producer John Chelew suggested she record an album in New Orleans ² with support handpicked from the CUHVFHQW&LW\¶VRYHUIORZLQJSRRORIWDOHQW² it was an opportunity for Ruthie to infuse fresh spices into her already rich sonic gumbo. The result is Let It Burn ² slated for March 2, 2012 release on Blue Rose Records ² a recording that smolders, sizzles and ignites with an intensity born from her vibrant voice and indelible presence. 5XWKLH¶VDVWRQLVKLQJYRLFHKDVWDNHQKHURQDQDPD]LQJULGH6KHFDPHIURPKXPEOHFKXUFKFKRLU beginnings in rural Texas, followed by a tour of duty with the U.S. Navy Band, and ended up in New York City with a major-label development deal that went sour. After she moved back to Texas to care for her ailing mother, Foster took a break from singing professionally for a couple of years. When she resumed her music career in Austin, she became a regular nominee at the Austin Music Awards, winning Best Folk Artist in 2004-05 and Best Female Vocalist in 2007-08. Broadening her sound by blending blues and soul aspects into her folk roots, Ruthie added a Grammy nomination to her OLVW RI DFKLHYHPHQWV %HVW &RQWHPSRUDU\ %OXHV $OEXP IRU KHU ODVW VWXGLR UHOHDVH ¶V The Truth According to Ruthie Foster). And, in a nod to her astounding range, she then won seemingly contradictory Blues Music Association awards for both Best Traditional and Best Contemporary Female Blues Artist in back-to-back years. In addition to leading her own band and touring it around the world, Foster has also collaborated on stage and recordings with a diverse list of artists including Warren Haynes, Big Head Todd, Bonnie 5DLWW(ULF%LEEDQG3DXO7KRUQ6KH¶VDUHJXODUIDYRULWHDWDQHTXDOO\GLYHUVHOLVWRIIHVWLYDOVVXFKDV the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, the Monterey Blues Festival, Merlefest and the Kate Wolf Festival. The ingredients for Let It BurnUHFRUGHGDW1HZ2UOHDQV¶3LHW\6WUHHW6WXGLRVVWDUWZLWKVRPHRI WKDW FLW\¶V PRVW UHVSHFWHG SOD\HUV 7KH )XQN\ 0HWHUV¶ UK\WKP VHFWLRQ RI EDVVLVW *HRUJH 3RUWHU -U and drummer Russell Batiste, guitarist Dave Easley, and renowned saxophonist James Rivers collectively infuse the tracks with the groove-based, in-the-pocket vibe that comes naturally to New Orleans-bred musicians. The addition of Hammond B3 wizard Ike Stubblefield, who has toured and recorded with everyone from Curtis Mayfield to Eric Clapton, gives the album a jazzy organ-combo feel. Finally, legendary gospel singers the Blind Boys of Alabama and soul icon William Bell add extra GHSWKWRWKHSURMHFW¶VVXUSULVLQJO\HFOHFWLFFROOHFWLRQRIFRYHUVRQJVDQGIUHVKRULJLQDOV BesidHV WKH 1HZ 2UOHDQV ORFDWLRQ WKHUH ZDV DQRWKHU VLJQLILFDQW ³ILUVW´ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKHVH VHVVLRQV ³7KLV LV WKH RQO\ DOEXP ,¶YH GRQH ZKHUH , GRQ¶W SOD\ DQ LQVWUXPHQW ZKLFK LV UHDOO\ different. It gave me a lot more freedom vocally. Without a guitar, all I did was concentrate on VLQJLQJ´)RVWHUH[SODLQV³Sometimes I tried to channel Mavis Staples vocally, but I also wanted to EULQJDNLQGRI&DVVDQGUD:LOVRQ6DGHVXOWULQHVVWRVRPHRIWKHVRQJV´ 7KH UHVXOWV DUH SRZHUIXO GHILQLQJ SHUIRUPDQFHV RI $GHOH¶V DQWKHPLF ³6HW )LUH WR WKH 5DLQ´ -RKQ 0DUW\Q¶VSRLJQDQWDQGVHQVXDO³'RQ¶W:DQWWR.QRZ´DQG-RKQQ\&DVK¶V³5LQJRI)LUH´DOORIZKLFK WDNHRQQHZYLEUDQF\ZLWKGLVWLQFWLYHPXVLFDODUUDQJHPHQWVDQG5XWKLH¶VFRPPDQGLQJSUHVHQFH7KH achingly beautiful, aWPRVSKHULF EDOODG YHUVLRQ RI ³5LQJ RI )LUH´ LV DW WKH KHDUW RI WKLV DOEXP DQG SRWHQWO\VKRZFDVHV)RVWHUDVRQHRIWKHILQHVWLQWHUSUHWLYHVLQJHUVRIRXUWLPH³:KHQLWFRPHVWR VRQJVRIWHQROGHURQHV,ORYHLWZKHQWKH\ILQGPHDQGWKDW¶VZKDWKDSSHQHGZLWKµ5LQJRI)LUH¶, SXWP\VHOILQVLGHRIWKDWVRQJZKLFKVSHDNVWRWKHSDVVLRQRIDQHZUHODWLRQVKLS´VKHVD\V 5XWKLH PLQHV RWKHU WXQHV IURP D YDULHW\ RI VRXUFHV VXFK DV WKH %ODFN .H\V ³(YHUODVWLQJ /LJKW´ given a sparkling and righteous treatment), Pete Seeger (a dynamic, ominous swamp/jazz UHLPDJLQLQJRI³,I,+DGD+DPPHU´ DQG/RV/RERV WKHUDPEOLQJKDXQWLQJ³7KLV7LPH´ 7KHFKXUFKLVQHYHUIDUIURPDQ\WKLQJ)RVWHUWRXFKHVDVKHUVSLULWXDORULJLQDO³/RUG5HPHPEHU0H´ with the Blind Boys, feDWXULQJDVDQFWLILHGVOLGHVRORIURPJXLWDULVW(DVOH\PDNHVFOHDU7KHDOEXP¶V opening and closing tracks also spotlight the Blind Boys and bookend the project with a devotional DSSURDFK³,KDYHQ¶WORVWP\JRVSHOLQWKHZD\,DSSURDFKDVRQJ´H[SODLQV5uthie. $QRWKHU QHZ )RVWHU VRQJ LV ³$LP IRU WKH +HDUW´ D FR-write with Jon & Sally Tiven), which works 3RUWHU¶V IXQN\ EDVV 6WXEEOHILHOG¶V H[SUHVVLYH RUJDQ DQG (DVOH\¶V VQDNH-like guitar into a groove ZKLFK VXSSRUWV WKH GHHSO\ SHUVRQDO PRWWR ³$LP IRU WKH KHDUW$QG \RX¶OO QHYHU JR ZURQJ´ WKDW Foster has exhibited in both her life and music. 5RXQGLQJRXWWKLVVPROGHULQJFROOHFWLRQRIWXQHVDUHFRYHUVRI7KH%DQG¶VPHODQFKROLF³,W0DNHV1R 'LIIHUHQFH´ 'DYLG &URVE\¶V SROLWLFDOO\ FKDUJHG ³/RQJ 7LPH *RQH´ DQG :LOOLDP %HOO¶V FODVVLF ³<RX 'RQ¶W0LVV<RXU:DWHU´ ZLWK%HOOGXHWLQJRQDVORZMD]]EOXHVYHUVLRQRIWKHVWDQGDUGDXJPHQWHG E\ D VWXQQLQJ 5LYHUV VROR DOO RI ZKLFK IXUWKHU GLVSOD\ 5XWKLH¶V XQFDQQ\ NQDFN IRU ILQGLQJ WKH simmering essence of any song. On Let It Burn, Ruthie Foster takes the listener on her most personal journey yet, sounding like she is pouring her heart out late at night, and her deeply soulful vocals create a spiritual soundscape to support her testimony. This is the album her fans have been waiting for ² and that the rest of the world will listen to in wonder. BeNeLux Distributie: Sonic RendezVous:Tel: +31 (0)72 5673030 email:[email protected] BeNeLux Promo: Klanderman Promotion Tel: +31 (0)20 4208040 email: [email protected] www.klandermanpromotion.com .
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