Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment APPENDIX 1: DATABASE SEARCH RESULTS Figure A1.1: EPBC Act Protected Matters Search Tool results (DotEE, 2017a) maia Page 89 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 90 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 91 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 92 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 93 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 94 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 95 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 96 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 97 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 98 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment Figure A1.2: NatureMap search results (DPaW, 2007-) maia Page 99 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 100 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment maia Page 101 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment This page is intentionally blank. maia Page 102 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment Table A1.1: Conservation significant flora listed in the database search results Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rank and A or Known Geological Known soil Common shared Nearest Known Species Source (s) Flowering Known habitats category P preferences preferences associated species Location Corymbia calophylla, Eucalyptus Rosewood T marginata, Hakea Ramble, EPBC; NM; Slopes, ridges and Laterite (gravel and Acacia anomala P Aug-Sep Lateritic soils lissocarpha, Muchea, 1.2 km EPBC – V TPFL; WAH flats boulders) Hibbertia north of the WC -V hypericoides, Survey Area. Xanthorrhoea preissii Allocasuarina Grey sand, clay- humilis, Gully Road, T Winter-wet loam, white Hypocalymma Mindara, depressions, sand, rusty Andersonia gracilis P EPBC Aug, Sep Laterite angustifolia, 49.88 km north EPBC – E undulating plains brown sand- Nuytsia floribunda, of the Survey WC -V and claypans loam-clay, black Xanthorrhoea Area. sandy clay preissii Private property adjacent to T Winter-wet areas, White-grey Moore River Anigozanthos viridis subsp. Sep, Oct, Verticordia P EPBC near swamps and Laterite sand, yellow National Park, terraspectans EPBC – V Nov densiflora flats sand-clay 50.3 km north- WC -V west of the Survey Area. Banksia attenuata, Adjacent to B. menziesii, Gnangarra Lake, T swamps, flats, Corymbia approximately undulating plains Grey or brown Caladenia huegelii P EPBC Sep, Oct Nil calophylla, 31 km south- EPBC – E and sandy rises in sand, clay-loam Conostephium south-west of WC -CR gently undulating pendulum, Stirlingia the Survey Area. terrain latifolia maia Page 103 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rank and A or Known Geological Known soil Common shared Nearest Known Species Source (s) Flowering Known habitats category P preferences preferences associated species Location Adenanthos cygnorum, Allocasuarina humilis, Banksia Reserve Road T Slopes and attenuata, Yellow-orange Chittering, Chamelaucium sp. Gingin (N.G. Sep, Oct, undulating plains Corymbia P EPBC Laterite sand, white-grey 5.57 km north- Marchant 6) EPBC – E Nov, Dec, and the crests of calophylla, sand, white sand northwest of WC -V scarps Eucalyptus todtiana, the Survey Area. Hibbertia hypericoides, Xanthorrhoea preissii 12 km south of New Norcia on T the Great Conospermum densiflorum Sep, Oct, Low-lying areas, Northern P EPBC Laterite Brown loam Hakea incrassata subsp. unicephalatum EPBC – E Nov plains and slopes Highway, WC -E 53.71 km north- northeast of the Survey Area. Allocasuarina humilis, Banksia dallanneyi, Banksia menziesii, Bossiaea eriocarpa, Corymbia calophylla, Muchea T *Eragrostis curvula, Moist flats, low Grey sand, grey- townsite, Hibbertia Darwinia foetida P EPBC Oct lying plains and Nil black peaty- 6.24 km EPBC – CR hypericoides, wetlands sandy-clay southwest of WC -E Hypocalymma the Survey Area. angustifolia, Melaleuca incana, Patersonia occidentalis, Xanthorrhoea preissii maia Page 104 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rank and A or Known Geological Known soil Common shared Nearest Known Species Source (s) Flowering Known habitats category P preferences preferences associated species Location Winter-wet Thomas Road, T swamps, in Brown loam- Medina, Diuris micrantha P EPBC Sep, Oct shallow water, Limestone clay, black clay- Nil 78.83 km south- EPBC – V lower slopes and peat southwest of WC -V flats the Survey Area. Corymbia Railway Parade, T calophylla, Cannington, Winter-wet Hypocalymma Diuris purdiei P EPBC Sep, Oct Nil Grey-black sand 53.35 km south EPBC – E swamps and flats angustifolium, of the Survey WC -E Xanthorrhoea Area. preissii Amphibromus nervosus, Calothamnus quadrifidus, Casuarina obesa, Chorizandra enodis, Eucalyptus wandoo, Eucalyptus rudis, Hakea marginatus, Isolepis cernua var. Bambun T setiformis, Isotoma Emergent in Reserve 22831, Aug to pusilla, Juncus Eleocharis keigheryi EPBC freshwater: Nil Clay, sandy loam 16 km north- EPBC – V Nov acutus subsp. creeks, claypans west of Survey WC -V Acutus, Meeboldina Area. coangustata, Melaleuca lateritia, Melaleuca rhaphiophylla, Melaleuca teretifolia, Microtis orbicularis, Triglochin linearis, Liparophyllum capitatum Boothendarra T Valley slopes and White-grey Hill Reserve, Aug, Sep, Eucalyptus leprophloia P EPBC floors and laterite Laterite sand, brown Macrozamia riedlei Badgingarra, EPBC – E Oct breakaways loam 147.74 km WC -E northwest of maia Page 105 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rank and A or Known Geological Known soil Common shared Nearest Known Species Source (s) Flowering Known habitats category P preferences preferences associated species Location the Survey Area. Allocasuarina Mitchell Street, T Oct, Nov, humilis, Corymbia Armadale, Brown sandy- Eucalyptus x balanites P EPBC Dec, Jan, Slopes and plains Lateritic (gravel) calophylla, 71.05 km south- EPBC – E loam, grey sand Feb Xanthorrhoea southwest of WC -CR preissii, the Survey Area. Acacia pulchella, Banksia attenuata, Conostephium pendulum, Corymbia calophylla, Powderbark T Fine white sand, Slopes and Eucalyptus Road, Muchea, Grevillea althoferorum subsp. NM; TPFL; grey over P Oct undulating Laterite marginata, 1.5 km east- fragilis EPBC – E WAH yellow, white- outwash plains Hibbertia huegelii, southeast of the WC -CR brown loam Hibbertia Survey Area. hypericoides, Petrophile macrostachya, Xanthorrhoea preissii Corymbia T Roadsides, slopes calophylla, Julimar Road, red-brown clay above drainage Hypocalymma 11.99 km Grevillea corrugata P EPBC Aug, Sep Granite, laterite loam, brown EPBC – E lines, hill slopes angustifolium, northeast of the loam WC -V and crests Xanthorrhoea Survey Area. preissii, Banksia menziesii, Corymbia Muchea Nature T Winter-wet Grey sand, calophylla, Reserve, Grevillea curviloba subsp. heaths, drainage brown sand, P EPBC Oct Limestone Hibbertia 6.21 km curviloba EPBC – E lines and riparian grey peaty-sand hypericoides, southwest of WC -CR zones over clay Xanthorrhoea the Survey Area. preissii Winter-wet White sand, Eucalyptus Brand Highway T heaths, road sand-loam, red marginata, Muchea, 5 km Grevillea curviloba subsp. EPBC; NM; verges and low sand, black Jacksonia P Aug, Sep Laterite, ironstone west-southwest incurva EPBC – E TPFL; WAH; lying inundated sand-clay, grey floribunda, of the Survey WC -E areas of peaty-sand over Xanthorrhoea Area. sandplains clay preissii maia Page 106 Instant Products Group: Muchea Lot 195 Detailed (Level 2) Flora and Vegetation Assessment Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rank and A or Known Geological Known soil Common shared Nearest Known Species Source (s) Flowering Known habitats category P preferences preferences associated species Location Walyunga T Corymbia National Park, Nov, Dec, Granite (laterite Grey loam, calophylla, Thelymitra dedmaniarum A EPBC Slopes 23.98 km EPBC – E Jan gravel) brown sand-clay Eucalyptus southeast of the WC - CR marginata, Survey Area. Acacia pulchella, Banksia attenuata, B. menziesii, Uplands, hill Corymbia crests, laterite Blue Plains calophylla, Grevillea T ridges, stony hills Road, Grey sand, bipinnatifida, Hakea EPBC; NM; and slopes, Chittering, Thelymitra stellata A/P Oct, Nov Laterite (gravel) lateritic loam, lissocarpha, EPBC – E TPFL watercourses, 5.6 km north- brown clay-loam Hypocalymma WC - E gullys and sandy northeast of the angustifolium, depressions in Survey Area. Leschenaultia laterite hills biloba, Xanthorrhoea preissii Conostephium pendula, Corymbia Just off Blue Roadsides, plains, Sand, brown calophylla, Gum Road, Hibbertia glomerata subsp. Jul, Aug, Laterite (gravel and P1 P NM; WAH hill slopes and clay, brown Eucalyptus Chittering, ginginensis Sep boulders) crests loam-sand
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