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Mm. I w i i l F c h o c k t n u t s AJAX MERIT STOP & SHOP \ 3 DIAMONDS lEuf ntng ratii ; Coffee-1 ib. Can Laundry Detergent Ice Cream Grade “ AA” Butter ; S o u WW b Tuna - WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 PURCHASF • WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 PURCHASE WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 PURCHASElASE I :WITH THIS COUPON AND A $5 PURCHASE : MantheBter—A City of Village Charm MANCHESTEFt, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 1 8 ,1 8 7 4 - VOL. XCHI, No. 142 TWENTY-FOUR PAGES — TW O SECTIONS PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS ------ ' c l« n ® " g Van., Choc., 361 4 9 ! ? Coffee or 93 SCORE 364 3 65 Sirica Orders Grand Jury 1 POUND CAN 49 oz. B O X ^ Harlequin v* g a l c a r t o n I 1 POUND PKG.-QUARTERS •7 oz. CAN-PACKED IN WATER I ~ ^ G o o 6 Monday, March 18-Saturday. March 23.! 'Good Monday, March 18-Saturday. March 23. ^ G o o d Monday, March 18-Saturday, March 23. ' g^G ood Monday, March 18-Saturday, March 23. gCGood Monday, March IS-'Saturday, March 23. j ! Limit one can per customer. ; Limit one box per customer. I . I Limit one carton per customer. cr::rx^ Limit 0fl6 p3Ck3Q8 p6f CUStOmSf. — ILimit Imit nnpone rancan nprper rit«fnmArcustomer. _ P t ,- ViMimmimm M l I mm mm mm mmm mm mmm amm mmm mm mm mm m Report Be Given Committee RadMin any or all coupons wNh only ona SS.OO purdhaaa. WASHINGTON (UPI) - dations,” and “ Whether the cast interview (N B C )^ eet the believes the President may to sponsor legislation giving Federal Judge John J. Sirica court h ^ power to disclose such Press. He rejected the White deliberately seek a contempt Nixon complete immunit/lrom today ordered that a secret reports, and if so, to what House view that the committee fight with the House over his prosecution once he resigns. grand jury report on President extent.” request is a “ fishing refusal to produce the 42 tapes nniversar Nixon’s handling of Watergate -y- The Senate Watergate com- Sirica, who reaches man­ exp^ition.” rather than a showdown on the THIS COUPON mittee questions the be turned over to the House datory retirement age on his — Anderson also said the issues of the case. “ He can’t $5 President’s private secrhtary,4 A PURCHASE Judiciary Committee’s im­ 70th birthday Tuesday, will be President has become a confront the issue on facts Rose Mary Woods, in jirivate peachment inquiry. replaced as Chief Judge of U.S. Republican “ liability” in many because the facts are in­ session Wednesday about an Sirica ordered a two-day stay District Court by Judge George parts of the country. “ A majori­ criminating,” said Waldie. alleged $100,000 campaign con­ in turning the report over to . L. Hart, Jr. Wednesday. ty of candidates will concen­ — Rep. Wilbur Mills, D-Ark., tribution from billionaire permit “ whatver appellate Hart, 68, is expected to divide trate on conducting indepen­ said Sunday (CBS “ Face the Howard Hughes to the Get your Stop & Shopswor review may be available.” the crush of expected dent campaigns,” he said. Nation” ) that Nixon will be out President’s friend, Charles G. “ Having carefully examined Watergate cases equally among — Rep. Jerome R. Waldie, D- of office either by impeach­ “ Bebe” Rebozo. Miss Woods ONI Of 1MI STOP A SHOP COM PAN! r S the contents of the grand jury the 15 judges remaining on the Calif., a member of the ment or resignation by said in earlier testimony to the f ! report, the court is satisfied court. Hart will have to step Judiciary Committee, said he November. He said he is vrilling ‘‘Quality-Protected^^ Beef Naturally Aged For Tenderness! committee, released Saturday,' that there can be no question down as chief judge when he she had two or three conver­ regarding their materiality to reaches age 70 in 15 months. sations with Rebozo about the 3 oz. PACKAGE the House Judiciary Com­ A Watergate grand jury gave 3 6 0 money but never discussed it mittee’s investigation,” Sirica the report to Sirica March 1 as with Nixon. Good Mon., March 18-S a t u . said. it indicted seven former close UmifonP .Ro, o .., March 23. “ Beyond materiality, of ' “ne 3 oz. Package Per Customer associates of President Nixon course, it is the committee’s on charges of conspiracy in the responsibility to determine the Watergate cover-up. Sources ■ ■- 'J? Labor Party SUPERMARKETS sigtoficance of the evidence, have said the report deals with and the court offers no opinion the President and that the Faces First Ghuck Steak as to relevance.” grand jury asked that it be Starts Mon., March 18 - Sat., March 23 Items ottered for sale not "Buy ours... ' Big Test available in case lots or The committee had requested given to the Judiciary Com­ 8 GM ypui^Stop i Stiopswortti First Cuts-Bone-in to other retail dealers the secret report so it can use mittee, which is studying possi­ or wholesalers. LONDON (UPI) - Britain’s T|iey help you manage hetterl" whatever evidence the grand ble impeachment of the Presi­ minority Labor government 9 OZ. “Quality-Protected” beef ju ^ had uncovered in its in­ Tabby Tasty Dinners Pkg. 39* StDp & ShDp brands CDSt less than natinnal dent. met the Conservative and ASSORTED is extra tender, flavorful, quiry into whether" Nixon has In other developments: Liberal opposition today in a Minute Rice Mixes FLAVORS Pkg. * 1 brands. ^ fresh, juicy and weii trimmed. been involved in impeachable — Rep. John B. Anderson, R- parliamentary showdown that Riggio Spaghetti Sauce 3 *1 Yet Step & ShDp brands are the equal dt eur offenses. The White House did 111., chairman of the House With "Quaiity-Protected” beef you could force a new national elec­ MEAT. MEATLESS. MUSHROOM OR MARINARA best-selling natienal brand fer quality. not contest Sirica’s right to turn Republican Conference, sided tion or set off a consUtutional Alcoa King Size Foil iso foot roll *129 know your dinner wiii be a success. I vDuch for it. The people in this store all the material over to the com­ with the Judicihry Committee, crisis. mittee. against the President, Sunday, The House of Commons ended Laddie Boy /n t Dog Food ,4vfoz''‘iANs*1” vouch for it. The people in charge of Stop & Shop brands vouch for it. (I know. I've asked.) Sirica’s 22-page ruling said saying the White House should nearly a week of debate and Bordens Cremora 79* “Quality-Protected” Beef that the two questions be had give the comittee 42 tapes it has called a vote tonight to decide California Chuck Steak So buy the brands I back personally: Stop & considered were: “ Whether the KittvSalm nn s a lm o n a n d egg o goz o q c requested. “ ...I think the com­ on new Prime Minister Harold i\iiiy odim un qr s a lm o n a n d k id n e y ^ cans Shop brands. grand jury has power to make mittee should be given that in­ Wilson’s Labor government “Quality-Protected” Beef Your Store Manager. reports and recommen­ formation,” he said in a broad­ legislative program. Z\ M int-Prlcaa Frozen Food Buys Boneiess Chuck Steak T The Conservatives and The Stop & Shop Companies liberals vowed to vote against the program because the package provided legal curbs Sun Glory Orange Juice Cube Steak Biade Cut Chuck Steak 88!: on prices but not wages. The Rep, Dooley \ 1 0 0 % o ra n g e | • • Arab Ministers Discuss Oil Prices two-party opposition said the V ju ic e Iro m move would inevitably step up P io T ld a . inflation. Four Arab oil ministers are shown at a meeting nf the nine-member Organization of Arab Will Not Seek Political informants said, 02 oz 7 Q c Macaroni & Cheese STOP & SHOP Pkg Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) in Vienna Sunday. Top are Algeria’s Belaid however, the government Taste O’Sea Flounder Dinner 9oz d Q e Bonrien Ghndi Roast • " T Abdessalam, left, president of the OAPEC; and Ahmed HallaFof Egypt. Bottom: Aied might try at the last moment to Pkg. Alalawi, Idit, Bahrein; and Syria’s Jabr El Kefri. The group met again today to decide avoid a showdown by main­ French Fried Shrimp TASTE O'SEA Commitment to the Consumer Re-Election 89* taining the old Conservative Calif. Chuck Roast t *1 " Olade Cut Chuck Roast ? 8 8 £ whether to lift the five-month-old oil embargo against the United States. (UPI photo) 10 oz. o c e Judge John J. Sirica government’s pay curbs for Birds Eye Cut Corn 4 Pkgs. BARBARA RICHMOND than adequate fashion,” he another six months. Roman M§at Lasagne 12 OZ C Q c Pkg 0 5 * We’ve made a science of In a surprise announcement said. tOoz O Q c Smode^^Cous&Sakaf^cpeoS^! this morning. Democratic State Dooley said he would prefer Birds Eye Peas and Carrots 5 Pkgs. 0 5 1 liv Rep. Thomas Dooley of Vernon to step down and permit meat handling in the store! Oil Embargo Lifting said he will not seek re-election someone who is capable of Banker Pays Ransom Stop Shop Fish Sticks to the General Assembly, a post spending as much time as he & For some time now, we’ve been telling our he is serving for a second term. has in the past to represent the T h^ legislator cited his in­ interests of the town and state.
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