Appendices Appendix A

Appendices Appendix A

Kettunen 2005: Nasal Motifs in Maya Iconography Appendix A: Supplementary Tables, Charts, and Figures APPENDICES APPENDIX A: SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES, CHARTS, AND FIGURES Supplementary tables, charts, and figures pertaining to Chapter 3.5 Appendix A: Table 114: Dictionary entries of centipedes in various Maya languages Source: Period: Entry: Gloss: Proto-Maya (Kaufman, c.2000BC *komes ~ *kames centipede personal communication) Ch’olti’ (Moran 1695) 17th C chapaht sientopies (gusano largo i delgado) = centipede (long and thin worm) Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C chapaht “insect said to resemble the centipede” Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C awauh wi awauhui fern (generic); ‘centipede’ Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C butan e awauhui ‘centipede sting’ Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C ch’ich’ awauhui ‘[awauhui : centipede] ‘doradilla (small ????)’ Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C pech’ay ‘pechay (a small edible crustacean, said to [? pech-chai] resemble a centipede)’ Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C awauh wi hopob ‘crawfish’ Ch’orti’ (Peréz Martínez, 20th C kamis escolopendra, rosquilla, ciempiés García, Martínez Alvarez, and López y López 1996) Tzeltal (Slocum, Gerdel, 20th C chapat ciempiés (artrópodo) and Cruz Aguilar 1999) Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C ti’wal mokoch ‘biting millipede’ [centipede, descriptive] Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C xulub chan ‘horned bug’, centipede(s) [descriptive] Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C tzahal chan ‘red bug’ [centipede, descriptive] Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C pehch hol chan ‘flat-headed bug’ [centipede, descriptive] Yukatek (BV:3) 17th C tsimés chimés [ciento pies] Yukatek (BV:3) 17th C ix chi’il sabandija ponzoñosa menor (posiblemente semejante al chimés o escolopendra) Yukatek (BV:5) 17th C chimés ciento pies Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C (ah) chapat ciento pies [ciempiés] Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C h-chapat ciento pies Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C chapat ciento pies, insecto; sabandija que entra en el oído y mata Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C (ah) chapat ciento pies [ciempiés] Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C chapat cientopiés; insecto Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C chapatil cientopiés; insecto Yukatek (BV:10) 20th C chapat nombre genérico de las escolopendras Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C (ah) uuk chapat serpiente fabulosa de siete cabezas Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C (ah) uuk chapat serpiente fabulosa de siete cabezas Yukatek (BV:11) 20th C (ah) uuk chapat serpiente fabulosa de siete cabezas Yukatek (BV:13abv) 20th C (ah) uuk chapat “siete-ciempiés-escolopendra” [nombre de una deidad] cabezas Yukatek (BV:13) 20th C chimés artrópodo, miriápodo, gyymnostreptus sp.; orthoporus sp. Itza’ (Hofling and 20th C chemes ciempiés / centipede Fernando Tesucún 1997) Itza’ (Hofling and 20th C ixchemes ciempiés / centipede; venenoso / poisonous Fernando Tesucún 1997) Mopan (Ulrich and 20th C chupaat ciempiés Ulrich 1976) Q’eqchi’ (Sedat S. 1993) 20th C cojoj (kojoj) ciempiés Q’eqchi’ (Sedat S. 1993) 20th C patal; aj patal ciempiés Tz’utujil (Pérez Mendoza, 20th C sootaay ciempiés and Hernández Mendoza 1996) 311 Kettunen 2005: Nasal Motifs in Maya Iconography Appendix A: Supplementary Tables, Charts, and Figures Appendix A: Table 115: Dictionary entries of snakes in various Maya languages Source: Period: Entry: Gloss: Proto-Maya (Kaufman c.2000BC *kaan snake and Norman 1984) Proto-Tzeltal-Tzotzil c.500AD *čΛn (chan) culebra (Kaufman 1972) Proto-Ch’olan (Kaufman c.500AD *chan culebra / snake and Norman 1984) Cholti (Moran 1695) 17th C chan culebra = viper, snake Cholti (Moran 1695) 17th C chancha animales nosibos que destruyen la milpa = noxious animals that destroy the milpa Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C chan “snake, long worm (generic), intestine, gut, zigzag line, winding rut, winding, muscle cramp, colic (colico)” Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C lukum ‘any long large worm, any small snake’ Ch’ol (Kaufman and 20th C chan culebra / snake Norman 1984) Chontal (Keller and 20th C chan culebra, víbora Luciano G. 1997) Tzotzil (Hurley and Ruíz 20th C chon animal, culebra Sánchez 1978) Tzeltal (Slocum, Gerdel, 20th C chan, schanul 1. insecto and Cruz Aguilar 1999) 2. culebra Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C chan snake Yukatek (BV:1) 16th C kan culebra, nombre genérico Yukatek (BV:2) 16th C kan culebra en general Yukatek (BV:3) 17th C kan culebra cualquiera Yukatek (BV:4) 17th C kan culebra Yukatek (BV:5) 17th C kan culebra en general Yukatek (BV:6) 17th C kan culebra Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C kan culebra Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C kan sierpe Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C kan culebra Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C kan víbora Yukatek (BV:9) 20th C kan culebra, nombre genérico Yukatek (BV:11) 20th C kan víbora Yukatek (BV:11) 20th C kan ofidio; pitón Yukatek (BV:12) 20th C kan culebra Yukatek (BV:13abv) 20th C kan serpiente Yukatek (BV:13cob) 20th C kan culebra Yukatek (BV:13fpv) 20th C kan víbora Yukatek (BV:13nem) 20th C kan serpiente Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C kanil culebra Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C kanil sierpe Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C kanil culebra Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C kanil víbora Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C kan hel serpiente Yukatek (BV:12) 20th C kön culebra 312 Kettunen 2005: Nasal Motifs in Maya Iconography Appendix A: Supplementary Tables, Charts, and Figures Appendix A: Table 116: Dictionary entries of snakes in various Maya languages (continued) Source: Period: Entry: Gloss: Lakandon (Bruce 1979) 20th C kan snake; […] All snakes foretell (seeing) rope Itza’ (Hofling and 20th C kan culebra, serpiente / snake, serpent Fernando Tesucún 1997) Mopan (Ulrich and 20th C can (kan) culebra Ulrich 1976) Kaqchikel (Guzman 17th C cumatz (kumatz) todo genero de culebra 1984 [1704]) Kaqchikel (Munson, Ruyán 20th C cumetz (kumetz) culebra; víbora Canú, and Coyote Tum 1991) Tz’utujil (Pérez Mendoza, 20th C kumatz culebra, serpiente; dolor muy fuerte en and Hernández Mendoza alguna parte del cuerpo 1996) Q’eqchi’ (Sedat S. 1993) 20th C c’anti’ (k’anti’) culebra Q’anjob’al (Diego Antonio, 20th C lab’aj culebra Pascual, Nicolás Pedro, Fernando Gonzáles, Juan Matías, and Fernández Pablo 1996) Mam (Maldonado Andrés, 20th C lab’aj culebra, serpiente Ordóñez, and Ortiz Domingo 1986) Akatek (Andrés, Dakin, 20th C laab’a culebra [NB: aalaab’a = brujo] Juan, López, and Peñalosa 1996) Note also the following entries: Source: Period: Entry: Gloss: Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C ch’i’ih ‘growth, large, great, supreme, giant’ Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C ch’i’ih chan [chan: snake] chicchan (deity of rain and spirit of water; also called ah ch’i’hchan and ch’i’hchan noh ha’)’ Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C ch’i’ih chan ik’ar ch’i’ij.chanikar [ikar : wind] ‘storm, hurricane (said to be caused by the passing of a chicchan)’ Appendix A: Table 117: Dictionary entries of crocodiles in various Maya languages Source: Period: Entry: Gloss: Proto-Mayan (Kaufman c.2000BC *’ahiin lagarto / alligator and Norman 1984) Proto-Tzeltal-Tzotzil c.500AD *’ahyin lagarto (Kaufman 1972) Proto-Ch’olan (Kaufman c.500AD *ahin lagarto / alligator and Norman 1984) Ch’orti’ (Wisdom 1949) 20th C aihn [sic.] aihn [? ah.hin] ‘alligator, large lizard; giant lizard spirit (lagarto) said to inhabit and protect deep spots in streams and to attack lone bathers at night with its long bone-pointed tail’ Ch’ol (Aulie and Aulie 1978) 20th C ajin 1. cocodrilo de pantano 2. cocodrilo de río 3. jicotea Chontal (Keller and 20th C äjin 1. lagarto, caimán Luciano G. 1997) 2. cocodrilo 313 Kettunen 2005: Nasal Motifs in Maya Iconography Appendix A: Supplementary Tables, Charts, and Figures Appendix A: Table 118: Dictionary entries of crocodiles in various Maya languages (continued) Source: Period: Entry: Gloss: Tzotzil (Hurley and Ruíz 20th C ain lagarto, cocodrilo Sánchez 1978) Tzeltal (Slocum, Gerdel, 20th C ahyin lagarto (reptil) and Cruz Aguilar 1999) Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C x’ain Caiman crocodilus Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C x’ain Crocodylus acutus Tzeltal (Hunn 1977) 20th C x’ain Crocodylus morletii Yukatek (BV:1) 16th C ayin caimán o lagarto, especie de cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:2) 16th C ayin cocodrilo, animal Yukatek (BV:3) 17th C ain cocodrilo, por caimán Yukatek (BV:3) 17th C itsam lagartos como iguanas de tierra y agua* Yukatek (BV:3) 17th C k’an pach lagarto o iguana Yukatek (BV:3) 17th C (ah) pach lagarto coronado con cresta y macho Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C ain lagarto, cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C balamchan otras [lagartijas] ponzoñasas Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C balamchan especie de lagarto Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C (ix) baw lagarto del mar [NB: 1, 5, 6, 7, 11: cangrejo] Yukatek (BV:7) 18th C chi’wa’an cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C ain lagarto, cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C ainil lagarto, cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:8) 19th C balamchan especie de lagarto Yukatek (BV:9) 20th C ain cocodrilo, lagarto Yukatek (BV:10) 20th C ain Crocodilus acutus Cuvier; cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:10) 20th C ayin Crocodilus acutus Cuvier; cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:10) 20th C balamchan nombre de una serpiente no identificada Yukatek (BV:11) 20th C ayin cocodrilo, caimán, lagarto Yukatek (BV:11) 20th C chi’wa’an cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:11) 20th C itsam lagartos como iguanas de tierra y agua* Yukatek (BV:12) 20th C ayin caimán, lagarto Yukatek (BV:13) 20th C ayin lagarto, cocodrilo Yukatek (BV:13) 20th C balamchan nombre de una serpiente no identificada Yukatek (BV:13abv) 20th C itsam nombre esencial de Itzamná (itsamna): *es muy posible que itsam, en la definición de la fuente 3, sea la deidad misma Itzamná, representada como un monstruo anfibio, una especie de cocodrilo, y no el nombre de animales reales a manera de iguanas de tierra y agua […] Yukatek (BV:13lrf) 20th C yobain caimán Lakandon (Bruce 1979) 20th C ayim alligator; Tämähchi’! U k’in chäk-wil-il yete(l) sis-il.

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