VOL. 62 NO. 25 MERCYHURST COLLEGE, GLENWOOD HILLS, ERIE, PA 16546 THURSDAY, MAY 4,1989 1989-90 MSG 'Officers Triola victorious in MSG election By Karen Sampson eligible voters and then enter a booth contain- MSG elections is they are so close to Activi- Merciad staff editor ing a computer. The student would then enter ties Weekend there is a lot of pressure on his/her Social Security number which would those who were working on both events.! Matt Triola was named president of the bring up a list of candidates on the monitor, The MSG representative election will be Mercyhurst Student Government |for the according to Delzell. held on Thursday, May 4 and Friday, May 5. 1989-90 school sfe^ . The voter Voting will again be in Zurn Hall lobby and t_ t. Presidential race Matt Triola year when he cap- *»*"*"•*•• <*** 41 would then type i n the cafeteria with poll times similar to those of tured 41 percent of \ or move a cursor the officer election. the vote in the offi- to the candidate of Since the representative election is a bit cer i election | A p r i l his/her choice. crunched near the officer election, Delzell 25 and 26. i Write-ins would said the election committee will still accept I Other winners Gerry Fanta Not voting then become type- representative letters of intent (the due date President: MattTriola <•% 22 4 wer, Rod Power ins. A computer was last Friday, April 28) and will be contact- for vice president David Godwin election process ing departments where the representative po- with 58 percent of 10 would speed up sition is currently open. Delzell said letters of the vote; Ken and improve tabu- intent will probably be accepted until die Floss for secretary BobtaEnge* ~| Brad Fairfield lation efficiency, election day. ? with 70 percent of ^ 11 and also insure For more information or to submit letters the vote; Tod George for treasurer with 81 voter honesty. of intent, students should contact the MSG percent of the vote; and Andy Penhollow for Delzell said'the only problem with the office as soon as possible. SAC chairperson with 53 percent of t h e vote. George ran unopposed, and Floss's oppo- "^^^^^^ nent, Lynn Sheffler, withdrew her candidacy on April 20, after accepting a co-op for the Vice President: Rod Power following autumn. — «» •i Andy Penhollow I 53 Not voting 12 Others 1 Kelly Laverty 34 SAC Chairperson race Some 43 percent, or 515 of total of 1,198 Treasurer: Tod George eligible voters, cast b a l l o ts according to elec- tion committee co-chairperson, Dave Delzell. An eligible voter is defined as someone who has paid the $60 activities fee. Delzell said the voter turn out w a s "pretty good" and was up slightly from last year's election. He said the election was given a lot of publicity, but the amount of turn out de- pends on the candidates and the issues ad- dressed. "Candidates should stress voting since they're the ones being considered by students," Delzell added. Delzell he would like to see the elections computerized in the future. Using this sys- tem, the voter would be checked off a list of Secretary: Ken Floss Rod Power v, 68 i Not voting 14 Scott Graham 16 Ken Walker Spring is here? 13 A BIRD ON CAMPUS is usually the harbinger of spring, but cold temperatures prevailed Vice Presidential race throughout the early part of the week. Warm times are predicted for the weekend. ] SAC Chairperson: Andy Penhottow Photo by Kevb McHugh / PAGE 2 The Merciad MAY 4,1989 * * VI **l '• " ' Locks needed to secure records and Led Zeppelin. enough money to spend on replac- By Robi Taylor ' ' S o m e o f t h e records h a v e b e e n ing records. ? ' W e rely on an initial Merciad staff reporter replaced through donations from amount of money from Dr. Garvey people outside the station," and offers from some people in the New locks and other security Botwright said. "It is hurting the community who have donated al- measures are, being added I to the station and the listeners by cutting bums," Botwright said. 4*teM •*> WMCE studios and offices because the amount of music that the DJs The thefts were not reported to •%•;##•: of the recent theft of about $300 have available." >, campus security j because the worth of records and cassettes, ac- Botwright said that some of the WMCE staff felt that i t was an inter- cording to Richard Ragan, Mer- WMCE staff have keys that can be nal problem that should be settled cy h u r s t communications director. used to get into his office. "in-house". "I don't think it's "We've had a number of al- ' * I t ' s coming to the point where anyone from the outside. I think it's bums taken from the studio and I'm through being mad," someone in Communications," he music library," =Pat Botwright, Botwright s a i d . ' * If I find the person said. WMCE music director said. "I've who's doing it I'm probably going The station hopes to hire some- had 11 cassette tapes taken from my to a c t before I think." He added that body over the summer to record the office/' The offices all have differ- he does not want to accuse anyone. albums on to double-song cassettes. ent keys and most of the staff Botwright said he. does not care "After this is done then we can lock members have keys to all the of- who did it a s long as the records and the albums in the music library to fices, he added. ; j cassettes are returned. "If they protect themj" Ragan said. ] Items that h a v e been s t o l e n from could just return it I won't worry Cassette tapes have also been the studio and offices include re- about it I just want it returned,'' he taken from the Merciad office, cordings by the groups Poison, said. i which is located next to the WMCE Cinderella, Z Z Top, Guns & Roses The station does not have studios. Hotels, restaurants should cater to customer safety and protection By Robi Taylor* been hurt here, if I have been injured of dumb. He's going to hurt some- I Sideline Sitters Merciad staff reporter here, by gosh this is America and body,'" Marshall said. "When you Two STUDENTS, TASHA Corey and JoAnna Mishorich, sit in front of » » I'm going to sue them. do that, you know right n o w that it Baldwin watching passers-by and enjoying the warm sunshine of last week. The safety and protection of u was negligence." Although no hotel or restau- Photo by Kevin McHugh customers from accidents should be rant has to be absolutely safe or the most important thoughts of h o t e l insure the safety of their customers, and restaurant managers and own- a business will only lose a lawsuit if ers, according to Dr. Anthony G. they do something dumb,'' he said. According to Cancer Society Marshall, Dean of hospitality man- il I wen t t o law school for three years agement at Florida International to know that the w o r d dumb i s a little University. word for a bigger word called neg- The subject of r i s k management ligence." % . Tanning in the sun can save a hotel or restaurant from * Marshall received a law degree financial disaster. Marshall told the from Syracuse University in 1969. audience of about 350 students and 14 When you go to law school for local businessmen at Mercyhurst three years you study that negli- causes skin cancer College on April 27, "The attitude gence means dumb and you learn of most people today is, if I have how to prove what dumb is," he Basking in the sun for that deep, Predisposing factors that put said. \ dark, tan is an excellent way to get people at high risk a r e persons with One restaurant chain recently skin cancer. family histories of skin cancer, scar had,liability and workmen's dis- Lyme disease 1 ANTHONY MARSHALL / One in every seven persons tissue, some types of b i r t h m a r k s , all ability payments of about $5.5 mil- develop skin cancer, b u t skin cancer types of moles, and most impor- cripples Iddings, lion in one year, he said. These Marshall used humor and has the highest cure rate and is the tantiy, overexposure to the sun. settlements^ come about because graphic descriptions as well as most preventable of all the cancers, Keeping your exposure to the doctors say % businesses dp something "dumb" members of the audience to make according to the American Cancer sun to a minimum is the primary that causes someone to get hurt his point, 'including David R. >reventing skin cancer. through the negligence of an em- Society. By Theresa Kloecker Murphy of the Marriott Corpora- A common misconception is For the best protection, stay out of ployee, Marshall added. tion and Michael Barrett, owner of that the only people that develop the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Merciad staff reporter 4 4 New employees of hotels and the Dry Dock, 3122 West 8th St this cancer have light hair, fair skin, No matter what time of the day i restaurants, such as the Marriott Marshall's speech was pre- blue eyes, and have a tendency to you are in the sun, sunscreens are Paul Iddings, assistant profes- Hotels, are not only going to have to sor of theater, remains in satisfac- sented by the Hotel-Restaurant burn when exposed to the sun.
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