""" "II" n "'1"1""" National Archives and Records Adlninistration 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, Maryland 2fJUO-6tJOl List ofDcicumentation Military Prime CQntractFile. 1966-1975 Records of the Office ofthe Secretary ofDefense, Record Group 330 Accession Number: NN1-330-79-003 I. Basic Documentation 1. List ofDocumentation 1 2. tis! ofProourement Manuals (prepared 1995) 1 3. User Note 1 1 4. Abstract (prepared 1988) 1 5. rntroduction (prepared 1988) 2 6. NARA prepared record layout (April 200 1) :3 7. Valjdatl'on Statement (prepared 1988) 2 8. User Note 2 1 9. Agency prepared record layouts (prepared 1970) 3 10. UserNote3 1 11. DD Form 350J i 97 t (source for MPCf) 1 12. Agency description ofDD Form 350 . 1 13. Agency description of ><FlXS" data variable t II. Additional Documentation L NARA Magnetic Tape Record Inventory (January 19(2) 3 2. NARAMagnetic Tape Record lnllentoty (February 1972) 3 3. DcpaIimcnt ofDefense Publil,:aiions 4. MPCF Procurement Coding Manual. FY 1966 59 5. MPCF Procurement Codlng Manual. FY 1967 65 6. MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1968 68 7. MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1969 73 8. MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1970 78 9, MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1971 81 10. MPCf Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1972 89 11. MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1913 101 12. MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1974 79 13, MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY 1975 80 m. Processing Materials 1. AERie Verification Reports 2. NARA Sample Dumps (prepared 1988) 3. Agency SampleDurnps (1966-1975) William P. Fischer April 22. 2002 NARA Reference Copy Page # 1 Me. NSXA(HUll) MPC¥ Procurement. CodinQ' Manuals I FY66-FY75 FiIt! On October 24; 1995 1 the Cellt.er for ElectrouicRecords received from the Depcu::tment of Defe:nset Wa.shington Headquarters Services; Directorate for InformatiQuOperations n.nd. Reports, capLeS the Military>Prime Contract Files.PrQ{:!'urement Coding Manuals 966 through FY1975 (DOD Publicat.ion41.05. 6lMt Volume 1).. documents were previously unavailablefrolll.the Center for Electr<>nic Records. The following is a list 0·£ the page counts for these manuals: MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY196.ti (as ·0£ 1/65) MPCF Procurement Codinq Manual, FY19!)7 59 pp. (as of 1166) 65pp. MPCF Procurement COding Manual, FY1968 (as of 1/61) M1?CF Procurement Codinq Manual, FY1969 68 pp. (as o£ 7/68.) 13 pp. MPCFProcurem~nt Codi.ng ManUal, FY1910 (as of. ?Jo9} m?CF Procurement Coding Manual, FY1911 18 pp. MPCF Procu.rement COding Manual, FY1972 (as 1170) (as of 7/71) 89 pp. M1?C)f procurement Coding Manual, PY1973 (asct 1172,) MPCF proc;urement Coding Nanu~l; FY1974 lOlpp. (ali of 7173) pp­ MPCF Procurement Coding Manual, FY19?5 (as o£7/74) pp. ~l~ A,rchives Specialist Center for Electronic Records NARA Reference Copy Page # 2 , .. ...%. National Archives and Records Administration 86()1 Adeiphi Road Col/ege Park, Maryland 20740-60(}! USER NOTE 1 Automated verification was performed on one data table or file, July 1967·June 1968 (File XJ\,HS Number 00520l),ofthe Military Prime Contract File (MPCF) on March 25. 2002 using the Archival Electronic Records Inspection and Control (AERIe) system. This verification is more comprehensive than the manual verification ofthe MPCF perform{."<i in April 1988. The autol:'rulted verific.ation detected three anomalies in the datathat were not fully described in the manual vc;rification. However, parts ofibe manual verification statement continue to remain a valuable source ofinfonnation about the MPCF. 1) The .Labor Surplus Area variable, character positions 44-46. code list docs nOl match the data layout for Ihis field. The only codes described in the agency documentation for this three character field are one character codes. The agency documentation does not account for this anomaly. 2) The: DoHar Value variable, character positions 78-86. is a "signed" numeric field. "his is indicated by alphanumeric characters in the right most character position (position 86) ofthe field. The docllmentation states that only negative values were Siglled. Howevcr~ positive signing was also discovered during archival processing oftile records by the presence of 12 overpul1ch which results in a representation ofaJphabcticaJ charactCl'$. Positive signing ofthe field is indicated by an alphabetical character A through I (which is the chafa(;ter representation of 12 (+) overpunch plus numeric values 1-9) in position 86. The field is signed negative when there is an alphabetical character J through R (which is the character reprose1l1ation ofan II (-) overpunch plus llUllleric values 1·9) in position 86. In these records, when the right Il'tost number in the field ,vas a. zero, and the field had a positive value. the character representation is s{)rnetimes a zero (not "signed") and sometimes a null ("signed"). When the right most nutnbcr in the field was a zero and the value ofthe field was negative. the character representation is a {. The signing furmat for the Dollar Value variable generally follows standard JBM mainframe programming: conventions for the signing: ofboth positive and negative values. However, since the data in this field may be "signed," conversion ofthis field requires special programming. 3) The agency did not provide the National Archives with ¢Odes for some characters that appear in the Multi~Year Procurement, Synopsis ofProcurement, Extent ofCompetition, Certified Cost or Pricing. and Value ofEngineering variables. Accession No: 3~330-79-003 Prepared by: WiUiamP, Fischer. Archives Specialist Date: April 15,2002 Page 1 of1 NARA Reference Copy Page # 3 AprilApril 19881988 FileFile Number:Number: 3-330-79-33-330-79-3 SusanSusan Karren,Karren, NNSRNNSR ABSTRACTABSTRACT unitedUnited statesStates DepartmentDepartment ofof DefenseDefense Military Military PrimePrime ContractContract FileFile (MPCF)(MPCF) 1966-19751966-1975 [Machine-readable[Machine-readable datadata file]\file]\ CreatedCreated by thethe Department.Department. Washington,Washington, D.C.:D.C.: The Department [Producer],[Producer], 1966-1975;1966-1975; Washington, Washington, D.C.: The National Archives and Records Administration [Distributor].[Distributor]. TYPE OF FILE: Microdata. The units of observation are Department of Defense (DOD) contracts over $10,000. There is one record for each contract for a total of 2,046,585 records. UNIVERSE DESCRIPTION: The universe consists of all contracts awarded by DOD worth over $10,000 between 1966-1975. SUBJECT MATTER"MATTER'DESCRIPTION:DESCRIPTION: The file contains information on contracts over $10,000 awarded by DOD. The system was designed for use by DOD to provide procurement statistics for management as a means of contro.!control over supplies and services. Each record includes data about the contract (service or product supplied, date awarded, length of contract); the contractor (location, name, experience with DOD, small business, minority business, labor surplus area):area); and information about the DOD agency making the award (agency, award process used).used) . TECHNICAL DESCRIF'TION:DESCRIPTION: FILE STRUCTURE: Fixed length, non-hierarchical. FILE SIZE: One data set per year from 1966-1975 for a total of ten datasets. There are 2,046,585 records of 270 characters each. FILE SORT SEQUENCE: Arranged by contractor name, city, state and contractor number. REFERENCE MATERIAL: Available from the Machine-readable Branch (NNSR) of the National Archives and Records Administration, this is a guide to the machine-readable data file. It contains an introduction, a record layout, coding sheets, and a sample printout. FILE AVAILABILITY: The file is available from: Machine-readable Branch (NNSR) National Archives and Records Administration Washington,Washington, D.C.D.C. 2040820408 Phone:Phone: (202) 523-3267523-3267 NARA Reference Copy Page # 4 INTRODUCTION The Military Prime Contract File. (MPCF) was developed as a data base in 19661966 and maintained through 1975.1975. It provides statisticalstatistical analysis of DOD contracts in excess of $10,000 arranged by contractor, type of service or product provided, contractor location and by fiscal year. There is one record for each contract and includes information as to the length of the contract, business size, and method of contract award. For the years 1966-1973, the records indicate whether the contract was for materials or services in support of the unitedUnited statesStates involvement in southeastSoutheast Asia. The file was used by DOD to provide the President and Congress with reports of military expenditures by region and state, and by service category and federal service classification (type of service or product supplied), and of the 100 and 500 contractors with the largest dollar amount of awards per fiscal year. Other reports generated included breakdowns of educational and non-profit institutions receiving prime contracts and companies providing research and development services to DOD. Form DD 350 was used to gather data from the contractor. It was submitted by the contractor for each contract awarded and for each contract extension and update amounting to more than $10,000. Other computer generated information was added to each record by DOD. Although almost all data elements remained consistent and can be traced over time, there are a few which were added, deleted or modified in response to changing conditions and needs. For example, beginning in 1974, the data element identifying the contract as vietnamVietnam related was replaced with one on minority business. The data only include information
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