4 MONDAY, ikPiOL U68 ATuragD Dstty N«t P n s s B ob ^ n rlrrB t^ r 1Evi^tt!ttg VMr«h*W*eimM AytaSOrlSCS ShmwtUDlLwSL priaes, Inc., 270 Hartford Ad., and ^H Qub Winner W sArtbpsrtahi OtooSr anC-.*Mjr nUto pyi John MAthef Chapter, Order of Two Youths Held au w rocks at two trucks, break­ 13,974 DeMolay, will have a potluck sup­ •C raki toefght La* In M* About Town ing the windriilslds. They then Of County Awards LM mSUiANCI... per at 6 at the Masonie Temple. " For Bike Thefts want to the Westown Pharmacy v u e * AMto There will be a businesa meeting « at 460 Hartford Rd. and tossed GIVE \M flrtmtoSna m d eooL High *Mur M. BUHTON A. MOB AflBfOfr M m Card Ann GUha, dauglitar at 7:30, at which time two de­ afaaehastar 4-H Homemakers Afcsieheslsi^d City of Vttlage Charm some rooks, breaking a small win­ 867 B. OnM of Mr. and Mrs. Frank aUha, 460 grees will be preensted for plaque Two Manchester youths bawe dow in the front of the Mora, po­ Olub received awarda gaturday at Hillatown Rd., rocently served aa competition. AMERICAN been blamed tor taking tiwo blcy- lice aakt the Hartford County 4-H ad cam­ commentator for a senior fashion clea In Bolton early yesterday TOL. LXXXn, MO. 179 (fOUMEUBN PA6B8) MAMCHirrSH, CONN., TUEBDAT, APRE, 90, 1968 (ChuWlled ACverlMns Yof* IS) ahow at Bryant College in Provi­ The Ctaaminade Musical Club paign victory banquet at 8<mth PRICE SEVEN CENTS dence, R. I. Tlie show was present­ chorus will rehearse tonight at numilng and then driving to Man- CANCER Windsor Oongregatlonal Church. ed In connection with a Mother- 7:30 in the choir room at South momlng and than riding to Man- 2 Nurses Attend The olUb was presented with a IDso^ter Tea. Methodist Church. Mrs. Muriel chaater whara they thresr rocks through truck windahields and -a SOCIETYI dub banner for each memlw sea- Alnley of West Hartford will di­ Hartford Parley Ing at least one sponeorri^, ^ Party Lever State News Reservations will close today rect. store window on Hartford Rd. Buildings Leveled for the annual spring luncheon of Police did not identify the aplaquA for thlrt place in high the Manchester Auxiliary of Chil­ Miss Margaret LaiBrec and Mm. session, was the pfotoleina of hospi­ sales per member. Paliti Mrs. Florence Streeter, chair­ youths pending warrants from tal emergency departments. dren's Services of Connecticut man of the ways and means com­ Circuit Court 12—ordering the ar­ Helen Brisaette, registered nurses wiiMi Barbara Kelsb, Gardner W. H. INMAND Vote Asked which will be Wednesday at 12:30 About 100 registered nurses from St., chairman of the camqpaign, re­ Roundup mittee of |he* VFW Auxiliary, wUl rest of one, a 17-year-old, and in the Manchester Memorial Hos­ a dosen states and Canada attandr L U M IQ t C O , Legal p.m. at the Manchester Country sponsor a kitchen social tomor­ transferring the other, a 16-year- ceived a trophy for selling over Club. Mrs. George Walker, 17 old, to juvenile authoriUee. pital emergency room, attended a ed the program, sponsored Jointly $800 worth' of ads. row at 8 p.m. at the Post Home. national conference at Hartford by the American College of Sur­ e Open A l Dog By NAACP Harvard Rd.. may be eontaoted The event is open to members and The boys, who left the stolen geons, the American Hospital As­ Miss Marjorie PeUa received a "Ai tte Oreen**- Groton Fire Loss for reservations. guests. Mkes outride the South Methodist Hospital Saturday and Sunday. mascot for selling five flxmsor- A fv a y tor fadaral aaalatanoe to re­ Church where police found them, TIm theme of the conference, sociation and the UH. Public AGANA, Gusm (AP)—. Health Service. ships. n d lo meBMge from nearby pair atorm damagaa. XI Gamma Chapter of Beta Sig­ The mailmams will meet tomor­ went to the Hartford Road Ehiter- which alM Included a workshop ? The radio, maaaaga aald about HARTFORD (A P )— Tha Put at 1500,000 ma Phi will celebrate the 32nd an­ Saipan Island today said Ty­ Gonnacticut NAACP today row at 8 p.m. qt the home of Mrs. Burlan-Moss cnsagement U per cant of Balpon'a 3,000 pub- niversary <rf the founding of the Charles Chambers, 832 Tolland phoon dive, psddng 110- Uo huUdbiga ware daoti^ad or called on Democratic atate GROTON (AP) — Damage aororlty at a banquet at Cavey’s Tpke. Members are reminded to Engaged mile an hour wtods, OMtroy- damaged. and national chairman John Hampshire Restaurant tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. bring decorated hats. Mool o i the ioland'a 18,000 estimateB from a fire which Miss Elvelyn Johnston, honorary The engagement of Miss Julie ed 96 per cent of the homee nativea war* left homelaoa, Ban- M. Bailey; to exert his ^ destroyed a supermarket and member, vdU officiate. New offi­ The Rev. Lawrence K. Almond, B. Haugh of Manchester to Mi­ and nearly half the island’s leta aaid. The Truat Territory ad- fluenoe to release the pf^xy damaged eight other stores in cers will be installed. pastor of South Methodist Church, chael E. Herman of Hartford has public buildings. mlnlotratlon building and two lever bill from the aix-mem- the Groton Shopping Plaza w-ill serve this week as chaplain, been announced by her parents, The m auage aaM no daatha OathoUe ehurehea were being uoed ber Senate Elections Commit­ approached $500,000 today. XMiul Grubb of Sweden was a at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Haugh of ware reported. One peraon waa to houae the homeleaa, he aald. G ov. K in g weekend guest at the hcrnie of Mr. Truat Territory ottlciala were tee for a Senate vote. Destroyed In the blaze, which ----^ 71 Garden St. tnjurad as the devaatatlng Paoiflo Mrs. Jeanetta CHark of South apparently was caused by a faulty and Mrs. Hugh Swanson, 138 Glen- Miss Barbara McIntosh, daugh­ Her fiance Is the son of Mr. and BtUl awaiting word from Tinian wood St. He ifi head of the for- atorm—the oecond to slam Into and Rota udonda, alqo to the Norwalk, chairman of toe group’s oil burner, was a First National ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc­ Mrs. Joseph Herman of Hartford. legislative committee, mode her division of the Swedish De­ Miss Haugh Is a member of the Mie Mariana lalanda in alx mimtha north. store said to be one of the food partment, of Buildings, and is on Intosh. 209 Henry St., is chairman appeal backed by all NAACP chain’s largest In New England. S ign s B ill of track and field day activities at junior class at Willlmantlc. State —Sattoned Saipan. BarUer Benitei aald the eye of s six-w e^ tour of Swedldi con­ the atorm apparan^ paaoCd chapters in the state, In a letter Martin Olson, owner of toe su­ sulate and legation buildings, in the Upsala College, East Orange, N.J., College, where she Is a member of Property, damage* ware eatl- to chairman Bailey. The latter has permarket building, estimated that for Spring Week festivities which Kappa Delta PI honor society. direcUy over Saipan. He aaid aU United States and Csjnada. Grubb, mated at $3 mUIion. AU electri­ on^a on- Rota, a email loland been accused by Republicans of yesterday’s fire resulted In a loss Into Law a first cousin of Hugh Swanson, begin Monday, May 6. She is a Mr. Herman is a senior at WU- cal power and telephone Una* were b lo ^ n g action on the optional of 1380,000 In building and equip­ llmantic College, where he Is ■vice where the nativea are mootly met his relative to r the first time junior at the college, where she bowled over and water aervloe farmer* or flohermen, were de- party lever bill. ment. bn his visit here. is majoring in EnglUh. president of hW class. He served waa knocked out, the meoaage Batero Daniska of Norwich, toe in the U.S. Army. After gradua­ aald. ■troyed. "We . are increasingly con­ CONCORD, N. H. (AP)— AU ef Soipan’a c n ^ were loot, cerned about the fact that four manager, said toe stock loss was The Willing Workers Circle of tion he plans to be on the teach­ Saipan and Tinian bland* were over 850,000. Gov. John W. King, a Demo­ South Methodist Church will meet the official ortd. Democratic state senators have ing staff of the East Hartford atruek by OUve after the atorm Typhoon OUve buffeted Guam seen fit to tie up in committee Loaees in toe other stores in the crat, announced to the R^nil^ Wednesday at the home of Mrs. school system.. dealt leoa damaging blowa to center were expected to bring toe liew controlled New Hamp­ Clarbel Carr, 59 Poster S t Host­ Monday arid Tuesday before mov­ since March 7 a bill that received A June wedding Is planned. Guam and Rota l a h ^ , aloo in ing north. Many of the home VlrtuaUy unanimous s u j ^ r t from total to near the 8600,000 mark. shire Le^slature tqday that esses are Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Si* Trusft Territory chain. Firemen from Groton and sur­ Lyda Richmond. diunogea on Guam were the same the general public during a pub­ he had signed a sweepstakes Joae BeniteZ, deputy high corn- atructurea flattened Nov. 11 when lic hearing, passed the House by rounding conununitles succeeded •UARANTBKO to keeptog the flames confined to bill which had kept the state The Home League of the Sal­ nioolooer for the Paoiflo Truot Typhomr Karen slaohed acroea the an overwhelming majority and, if Territory, aald he had ariced ieland, vlrtuaUy leveling it.
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