.144 INDEXES TO PROCEEDINGS. Vols. I—XXIV (1848-1948). FOREWORD. The followinglists and indexeswere mainly compiledin,rather difficult circumstances, in odd moments of leisure over a period of several months,in 1947. Whileevery efforthas been madeto maintain accuracy, it is hoped that these facts will be born in mind by those who detect someof the errors and omissionswhich undoubtedly occur. Index to articles, Proceedings, Vols.I-XXIV (1848-1948). This index does not pretend to be a complete index of subjects mentioned, but has been compiled from the tables of contents at the beginning of each volume, where full titles and authors will usually be found. This fact should be born in mind when using the Index. For example, under "Antiquitzes, Ecclesio- logical" will be found only one reference to " Pulpit." This is because there is only one article devoted to a particular pulpit, that at Yaxley, but many pulpits are described in the articles on the various parish churches. (In Vol. X there is a somewhat inadequate index covering the first nine volumes, and in Vol. XVIII is an excellent index, compiled by Mr. Freeman Bullen, covering Vols. X-XVII.) ChronologicalList of Excursionsand Meetings(1848-1948). ,Towns and parishes visited are listed, but not individual buildings, etc., in each parish. (A similar list, covering the years 1848-1888, is printed in Vol. VII.) Index to Excursionsand Meetings(1848-1948). In searching for references to a particular parish, or building, this index should be consulted as well as the main index to articles. Useful information is frequently given in the account of the excursion, which does not always occur in the tables of contents and therefore is hot included in the main index. Such accounts will be found, where they exist, by reference to the Volume covering the year or years mentioned in this index. •IV. Map of Excursionsand Meetings(1848-1948). This has been added in order to give an idea of the coverage during the first hundred years of the Institute's existence. Tableof Contentsof the Quarterly Journal, Jan. and June, 1869. Table of Contents of the Suffolk ArchaeologicalAssociation's Original Papers, 1846-1848. As the existence of these publications is, perhaps, not generally known and since they are of considerable rarity, it has been thought useful to include this item. As far as is known, these were the only numbers issued. LESLIEDow. I. INDEX TO ARTICLES, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS.I-XXIV (1848-1948) Acre, Princess Joanna of, I. 9 : Antiquities, Roman—cont. Aldeburgh, XII. 202 : Ingham, VI. 41 : Roman remains, XIII. 24 : Ipswich, pottery, XI. 337 : Almack, Richard, obituary, V. shafts, XXII. 141 : Alpheton, ancient camp, XIV. 305 : Lavenham, coins, IV. 414 : Ampton, Church, I. 190 : Melford, XV. 267 : Parsons and patrons, XVIII. Mildenhall, XXIV. 252: 123 : Newton, Old, XIII. 255: Sealed book, XVII. 163 : Rendham, XIII. 225 : Anglo-Saxon antiquities (see Anti- Rougha.m, IV. 257 : quities). Scole, XXII. 263 : XXIII. 24, " Angulus anglie ", 1250 XXIII, 155: 173. Antiquities, Anglo-Saxon: Southwold, VII. 303 : --- Architecture, XVIII. 1 : Stanton Chair, Ixworth, XXII. Brooch, XIV. 1 : 339 : Bronze sword, VI. 184 : Stonham Aspal, coins, XV. 305 : Cemetery, XIII. 1 : Stratford St. Mary, amphora, Fort, XXIV. 100: XX. 112 : Garianonum, VI. 345 : Suffolk, XXIV. 163: Graves, VI. 57 : Sweffling, XIII. 367 : Ixworth, at, III. 298 : Wattisfield, XXII. 178 : Patera, XVI. 179 : Whitton, villa, XXI. 240 : Rendlesham, XXIV. 228: Archdeacons, Norwich diocese, XL 11: Tnmuli, IV. 287 : XVIII. 161 : Archdeaconries of Suff : & Sudbury, XXIV. 36: 1603, VI. 361 : XI. 1, 252, Urns, XVI. 181 : 267 : Various, XVI. 278 : Archaeological Inst : of G. Britain, West Stow, at, I. 315 : II. 168 : Antiquities, Ecclesiological : Archnological Ass., Ipswich, XXIV. Bills, V. 264, 274 : VII. 299 : 162: Brasses, X.237 : XIX. 354 : Archnology, Suff. Inst. of, history, Church Plate, VIII. 275-333 : XXIV. 129: - IX. 1-76, 145-230, 279-306 : Archives, National Register of, XXIV. XII. 158 : XIII. 103 : XIX. 254: 355 : Army rate, Bradfield, IX. 310 : Churchwarden Accounts, I. 79 : Aryan numeration, xix. 338 : XI. 116: XXIII. 128: Ashbocking, XI. 228 : Fonts, I. 16 : XV. 229 : XVII. Ashfield Magna, cross, XX. 280 : 13 : XXII. 224 : Assington, Church and Hall, XI. 225 : Glass, XXI. 63, 91, 232 : Axe-heads or celts, XXIII. 79: XXIV. Murals, I. 146 : II. 41 : XIII. 121 : 223 : XIV. 57 : XVIII. 77 : XIX. 80, 286, 304 : XX. 110: Bacton, church, V. 185 : Parish Registers, I. 286 : X. 345 Badingham, X. 382 : Pulpit, XXI. 170 : Ballingdon Bridge, VIII. 21 : Pyx, I. 157 : Bardwell : Gild of St. Peter, XI. 81, Retable, XXI. 153 : 134 : Screenwork, XX. 214, 255 : Murals, II. 41 : XXI. 179 XXII. 120 : Parish accounts, XI. 116-133 : , Antiquities, Roman: Barnardiston vaults at Ketton, XVI. Aldeburgh, XIII. 24 : 44 : Alpheton, XIV, 305 : Barton Mills : Diary of Rev. J. Rhodes Bealings, coins, 'XXII. 150 : (1662-7), XV. 269 : Brettenha.m . (Combretonium), Rectors, etc., XIII. 178 : XIX. 227 : Tumulus, XVIII. 161 : Covehithe, strigil, VIII. 215 : Beale, Mary, XVI. 229 : Harleston, XXIII. 236 : Bealings Parva, Roman coins, XXII. Hawkedon, VI. 9, 10: 150 : Icklingham, coins, I. 250 : IV. Beccles : Etymology, IV. 90 : 282 : -- Rose Hall, IV. 94 : A4 146 I. INDEX TO ARTICLES, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. I-XXIV (1848-1948) Bells : Church, in Deanery of Fordham, Bucklesham, church tower, XIX. 91 : V. 274 : Buildings, list of Suffolk, XIX. 168 : Sanctus, VII. 299 : Bungay : Castle, VII. 212 : Bentley, Tollemache family, XII. 97 : XXII. 109, 201, 334 : Biography : (see also Obituaries) : Ecclesiastical remains, IV. 65 : Acre, Princess Joanna of, I. 9 : Steelyard, weight, XXIII. 175 : Beale, Mary, XVI. 229 : Bures : Chapel, XV. 218 : Bloomfield, Robt., XV. 45 : Smallbridge and Waldegrave Calthorpe, Sir Wm., I. 140 family, IV. 357 : Crabbe, Geo., XII. 223 : . Burgate : Charters, XIX. 352 : Cheston, Capt. Tho,. XI. 47 : Church. I. 208 : Curson, Sir Robt., IX. 271 : Burgh, IX. 332 : Curteys, Wm., I. 160 : Burgh Castle, VI. 345: XI. 308: XXIV. Felton, Lady Eliz., XXII. 170 : 100: Hakluyt, Richd :, XXII. 225 : Bury St. Edmunds Abbey : I. 160 : Harvey, John, Smuggler, XXII. IV. 376: XXIV. 256: 153 : Heraldry on gate, II. 90 : Hervey, Sir Nich., 'III. 318 : Possessions, 1538, XIII. 311 : Lydgate, John, X. 7 : Seal, II. 188 : Mason, Ven. Francis, XVII. 151: Window, XIV. 275 : Nicholas of Kenton, XIII. 20 : Bury St. Edmunds : XIX. 93 : Rhodes, Rev. John, XV. 269 : Absolution cross, VII. 216 : Saint Botolph, XVIII. 29 : Aldermen and Bailiffs, 1112– — David, XVII. 147 : 1505, XXII. 17 : — Fursey, XVI. 252 : Architecture, VII. 124 : — .Robert of Bury, XXI. 98 : Book of Subscriptions, 1663- Strickland, Agnes, XXIV. 33: 1705, XIII. 44 : Theobald, Archbishop, VII. 23 : Corner posts, XVI. 187 : Tyrrell, Sir James, V. 125 : Cupola House, III. 375 : Wilbye, John, XXIII. 83 : Gaol, XXI. 203 : Bird Notes, XV, 84, 225 : XVI. 67 : Grant, III. 313 : Birds of Stour Estuary, XVI. 167, 219 : John Lydgate, X. 7 : Birds of Suffolk (Babington), V. 277 : Liberty of, XV. 200 : Bisbie, MSS., Melford, VII. 78 : Medical History, I. 33 : Blois, MSS., XIV. 147-226 : Moyse's Hall, X. 233 : Blyford, church, VIII. 427 : Revolts, 1327 and 1381, XXI. Blythburgh : Church, VIII. 416 : XI. 208, 215 : 51 : St. Peter's Hospital, XVII. 199 : Glass, XXI. 232 : S. Robert, XXI. 98 : Parish, IV. 225 : S. Saviour's Hosp : VI. 296 : Priory, VIII. 99, 425 XIX. 255 : Town Rental, 1295, XIII. 191 : Bocking, Deanery, XV. 20 : Visit of Edw. I, I. 91 : Books, catalogue of SIA library, X. 97 : Wills, VII. 217 : XIII. 57 : Borough English, II. 227 : XII. Supplement. Boxford, church, III. 291 : XI. 207 : Butley : Earthwork, XIV. 69 : Boxted Hall & Poley family, III. 358 : Gateway, X. 56 : ' Bradfield, S. Clare, IX. 311-329 : Priory, IV. 405 : S. George, army rate 1649, IX. Buxhall, VII. xvii: XXIV. 30, 32: 310 : Bradley Parva, XX. 43 : Calthorpe, Sir Wm., I. 140 : Brandon, church, XIX. 91 : Camberwell Beauty, IV. 300 : Brass Rubbings, catalogue, X. 237 : Campanology: (see also Bells), V. 264, Bread Iron, XXIV. 32: 274 : Brettenham : Combretonium, XIX. Campsey, priOry, VIII. 113 : . 227 : Carmelites, Ipswich, X. 183, 189 : Parish, VII. xxxiii, 251 : Castles : Bungay, VII. 212 : XXII. Rectors, VIII. 117 : 109, 201, 334 Wenyeve family, IX. 131 : Burgh, XI. 308 : Bricett Magna, priory, XIX. 99 : Clare, I. 61 : Brome Hall, XIV, 227 : Eye, II. 117 : V. 104 : XIV. Bruisyard, monastery, VII. 320 : 249 : I. INDEX TO ARTICLES, PROCEEDINGS, VOLS. I-XXIV (1848-1948) 147 Castles—continued. Coldham Hall & Church, III. 299 : Framlingham, III. 386 : Colneis hundred in 1250, XXIII. 155 : Haughley, XI. 301 : Copdock, Dunthorne MSS. XX. 173 : Mettingham, IV. 77 : XI. 315 : Cornard Parva, and de Grey family, Orford, X. 206 : XI. 50 : VI. 13 : Suffolk, XI. 301 : Corner posts, Bury, XVI. 187 : Tholdman, X. 394 : Cottages & Farm Houses of Suffolk, Cavendish, VIII. 261, 263 : XXII. 244 : Cavenham, brass, XIX. 354 : Covehithe, bronze strigil, VIII. 215 : Celts or axe-heads, XXIII. 79: XXIV. Crabbe, George, as botanist, XII. 200,, 121: 223 : Chancery case, Clare, XIX. 72 : Cratfield, font, XV. 229 : Chantries, chapels & gilds, etc., XII. 1: Creeting S. Peter, XVIII. 77 : XXIII. 50 : Cross, Absolution, VII. 217 : Charles II in Suffolk, XXIII. 1 : Cross, Stoneing, Dowsing's Journal, Charter of 1215, Dunwich, XXIII. 230 : VI. 1 : Chaucer & Malyn family, XII. 184 : Crosses : Ashfield Magna, XX. 280 : Chelsworth, Mural paintings, I. 146 : Ipswich, VI. 88 : Chest, Armada, XXIV. 30: Kedington, XX. 287 : Cheston, Capt. Thomas, XI. 47 : Market, XXIII. 18 : Chevallier papers, 1728-62, XVI. 196 : Crucifixion nails, supposed, VI. 55 : Cheveley, church, I. 237 : Cullum letters, XIV. 280 : Chevington, church, II. 434 : Cupola House, Bury, III. 375 : Chimneys, 16th cent : XXII. 104 : Curson, Lord, (Sir Robt.), IX. 271 : Chippenham, bronze sword, VI. 194 : Bishop's Palace, Ipswich, VII. Church antiquities : (see Antiquities 255, 381 : Ecclesiological). Curteys, Wm., Abbot of Bury, I. 160 : Churches, chantries & gilds, XXIII.
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