tfntta PMt PrtNcstt mmtmim JULY-SEPTEMBER 1988 1 . : ;' The magazine of THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA • < >'X ^ t AW A: where htfeas IIUKIK ROSSGILLETT are turned in\ fAnflRB* PO BOX 653 to s THE Dll WHY. NSW 2099 realities fl#pi»/#/«a by Auf Irefra Pott PuoitCMIion No HBP 14*7 Reproduction in part or whole is forbidden without the permission /' of the Editor in writing -\UA a a hii!hl> diversified compart) The Defence ami Aerospace Sector NAVY The magazine of the Navy League of Australia specialises m high technology, electronics, i ami communication products 1 y Systems Bar Governments, industrial, .—. JULY-SEPTEMBER, 198B i nmmt-n ial and consumer markets *s throughout the world are on the AWA lt>t oi ,i< '. ;• •. t*nit *nt *> AWA Defence ami Aerospace applies innovation ami entrepreneurshipj in its idea development and problem solving. Our breakthrough solutions are respected lnternatM>naH> In this world of constant change <mr inventiveness ami capabilities keep <>ur tlk^«T nn i lit- pulse % We have built our reputation on this . responsible attitude for over <><» years • AWANKT Voice and data communications network • M1I.NKT Data RUN for Militan Combat Communication s_w*-rns • JlNhALKK Over the Horb»n Badlu • Project Management • Turnkey Prime Contractor • Secure Communication faculties • AirborneElectron* support Measures • Etectroaic < iiunn-r Measures • Satelliti' Systems • Kihrc-Opur Cable Astern • Air Traffic < ontrol Systems • t>MK DVOR Navigation Systems • C3 • Magnet k Degaussing Kanges • Extensive Research and Development Facilities i . * Quality Assurance to Standard AS 1821 • Integrated Logistic Support. Fairey Firetrys aboard HMAS SYDNEY HMAS VENGEANCE is in the background with a group of destroyers (PHOTO - T WEAVER) ADVERTISING AND PUBLICATION Trw opintom or assertion, riprfiud In articles Percival Publishing Co Pty Ltd (n 'Mr Ht,, •re those ol the authors and are CONTENTS OncotDOHtod m Hsw, noi necessari ' thoee of the Federal Council ol SYDNEY In, Tne Nevy League ol Australia, the Editor of Page 862 El.rabeih Siteei rneNavr or The Royal Australian Navy Waiertoo NSW 2017 2 Phone (02)699 6231 Making a Museum 5 amaounw Out (?oo€i 7%ataai<xt&4 Isi Floor 71 Palmetsion Crescent Fleet Air Aim. 1948-88 11 South Melbourne 320S it Iter limits Phone (03)696 1470 Skyhawk aircraft ovat Nowra in April. 1*174 7 Naval Bicenlenmal Salute 19 ADELAIDE ltomt..rrt FarieyFrrefly WD H2H. February 1**> 2nd Floor 97 Cuine Si Adela.de 5000 itr.m Rrght Naval Air Station HMAS Alhairm* Seahawk Update 22 Pnone 106) 61 622S wia in Octobrt l<nV7 with a Westlflrid Scout PERTH hflnroplt'i and Fairey Ganntt aircraft USS WASP PICTORIAL 23 ?rV Floor Kings Otd O-Vc To*e' lAll phi»i>q<*nht toortety Eric AJlml 517 Ha, Street Penh 6000 Naval Police — 75 years strong ?7 Phone (09)221 1623 BRISBANE Prmied oy Maanrer) Prmimg Co Ply Ltd (incorporated Book Reviews 33 Kor more details contact: 3<u Floe 460 Ann Street Brisbane 4000 m NSW] 662 EUacem Street Waterloo 2017 AWA Defence and Aerospace Phone (Q7)B32?S31 Phone 699 2600 The RNZN - Post Atuus Future 35 f-'S/. 1 Defence + PO Box 96, North Ryde NSW 2113 Australia July/September. 19 Telephone: (02) 887 7111 Pavge One Aerospace Telex: AA20623 Fax: (02) 887 7333 THE UNIVERSAL DEFENCE LANGUAGE f'##»*"f#####*# RESTORING NAVAL AIRPOWER In the history of Australia's armed forces no subject has been argued for so long and generated as much heat as the need for Australia to have a carrier-based air capability. iE subject was first raised during World War II when the contained air arm structured along the lines of those which had importance of the aircraft carrier in maritime warfare had proved so successful in the Royal Navy and the United States Tbeen demonstrated time after time, and appreciated by Navy The RAN had its way Australian defence authorities as much as anyone With (he development of shore facilities, the acquisition of a second carrier - HMS VENGEANCE on loan in 1952 until It was not. however, until 1947 that the Chiftey Government relieved by HMAS MELBOURNE in 1955 - and eventually approved a naval aviation plan, which included the acquisition of "Ada". appropriate at-sea support forces, the RAN became a well a carrier, as part of the Government's postwar defence policy At balanced and important part of Australia's defence arrangements Ada is fast becoming the universally the end of 1°48 HMAS SYDNEY, formerly HMS TERRIBLE, Nothing, however, was gained without prolonged and sometimes was commissioned and the naval air branch was in business bitter argument, whether, as time went on. it was about replacing preferred defence language — and it's also the aire ift as they became obsolete or anything else that enabled the In the early stages the qutstion of manning the naval aircraft Fleet Air Arm and the RAN to remain efficient ar.d effective arose During the war several RAN ships earned Walrus amphibi language we adopted right from the outset at ous aircraft, flown and maintained by RAAF personnel with the Some argument was based on cost, some on the alleged Navy as a general rule providing observers and telegraphists, vulnerability of surface ships to air attack and by no means least, a Universal Defence Systems. some thought this arrangement should continue in the new belief that the Air Force could cope with all the requirements of branch The Navy, however, had other ideas and wanted a self- the armed forces whether it be over the land or over the sea Whilst other Australian companies are If equipment modernisation proposals generated warmth, it was nothing compared to the heat that accompanied debate over involved with Ada, we specialise in it. replacement of the last of the earners. MELBOURNE, a debate THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA that eventually spread to the Parliament and into the community Universal Defence Systems is a wholly FEDERAL COUNCIL After years of procrastination (excluding a short period in 1982 Patron m Cheat: Hi* Eicaiieocy. The Governor G*n«<a) Pr*wct*nl • Gaotfray Evan*. OBE VRD when a replacement carrier was actually on order), on the eve of a owned Australian company specialising in v-c* P'tuMntr Rear Admiral A J Rotoamon AO DSC HAN IRKII jorin "final" decision — which would in all probability have favoured Bad IFW Vekndga OBE VHD Hon Sacratary: H U Biytnman 9 CuMon Road Cambarwau Vie 3124 the Navy's case — the Eraser Government was defeated and the systems and software engineering for defence. Pttona 29 742S(AH) incoming Hawke Government immediately ordered disbandment NEW SOUTH WALES DIVISION of the fixed-wind element of the Fleet Air Arm and made it clear Patron: Ha Eicaftancy Tha Governor o' New South Wata* Our products include an artificial intelligence "•reaKJant R 0 Attwn FIFO RD the RAN would not have a carrier Hon Sacratary J C J Jcppaaan OAM RFD GPO Boi 1719 Sydney NSW 3 MOi.Phona 570SAM It would be foolish to think five years later the Government expert system shell and a comprehensive C I VICTORIAN DIVISION Patron: H« Enca«ancy The Governor ot Victoria regretted its no-carrier decision On the other hand, with the Prawdaru Jorvi B.ra recent experience of Fiji and Vanuala and other similar incidents system written in Ada. We have also developed Hon Sacratary: R M Brytnman 9 CuMon Road CamOarwari Vrc 3124 Phone 29 7428|AH) in our sphere of interest a distinct possibility, the more thoughtful OUEENSLANO DIVISION members of the Government and the Defence Department must work stations for Ada applications. Patron: Hi* E«ca*ar»cy The Governoi o' Queensland have realised that an air-capable naval vessel with the capacity to PraatrJant: A H Robertaon OAM. VRD 42 Gilgandra Sfeat Ind0onx>p4ry Old 4008 Phone 870 1272 accommodate a largish number of people, civilian or military, And our armoury of expertise is growing AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY DIVISION would be very useful indeed, much more effective in so many Patron: Admnal S" Vieior Srmth AC "BE C8 DSC RAN <Rid) ways than requiring the Navy to improvise and adapt support Praatdant D M Blake AM vRD daily! For more detailed i ||U|\/CDGA| Hon Secretary £'« Mahonay 45 Smnnar Snaet Coo* ACT ?6I4 Phone ships for purposes for which they were not intended. Si 1B33 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Sooner or later the present or a succeeding government wilt information, contact UIMI VLrioML Patron: Hrs ErceHenty The Governor o" South Autlralia restore some measure of the capability and flexibility lost by the I. D M Schraprrl is J E Gill GPO Bo. 1524 Adelaide SA SOOI Phone Navy when forced to dispose of its fixed-wing aircraft, hopefully a our General Manager, DEFENCE SYSTEMS 2M.805 substantial measure as our maritime shortcomings are increasingly TASMANIAN DIVISION P Ltd appreciated The sooner government and the Australian people Patron: H.S EiceMncy The Governor o' Tasmania Peter Jupp. ty Praotdant M L Cooper face up to the need, the less costly restoration will be Hon Secretary Mm J M Cooper 4? Amy Road Launcoslon Tas 72S0 Pnona 44 1531 WE5T AUSTRALIAN DIVISION Patron: H.S Eiceftancy 'he Governor ol Western Australia P rardont: L . W Vrckxdga. OBE. VRD Hon Secretary Mn G Hewitt ?3 Lanrtet Road Alladare WA. 6156 Phone 330 3600 NORTHERN TERRITORY DIVISION Patron Hr* Honour Trie Administrator Module 1 Node 250 Western Australian Techology Park Bentley W A 6102 PreeirJent: Colin Or' Hon Secretary 0 Maftyon GPO Box 2612. Darwin NT 5794 Phone (09) 470 2654 Fax (09) 470 2698 Telex AA93399 - INCAP FEDERAL PRESIDENT Page Two July/September, 1988 July'September 1968 THE NAVY Page Three (&KRUPP ATLAS ELEKTRONIK MAKING AUSTRALIA A is Proud of its Association MUSEUM with the RAN in the Realisation of by Commander Recent Major Projects H.
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