perspective special: synod 1 980 there was always extensive discussion of the "interventions" of the Third World Marginal Man at bishops, particularly those from Africa. At times like this, the vibrant youth of the Church in Sub-Sahara Africa became evi- dent. Cardinal Laurean Rugambwa of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, called for a the Synod more sensitive appreciation of indigenous customs. "The local churches must be al- by David M. Thomas, Ph.D. lowed to find solutions on the pastoral level to problems arising from Christianity n Friday, September 26, Pope John are some of my reflections on what I hope especially in the area of family life . OPaul II joined 216 bishops from will be a major event in the life of the Some of the [Roman Catholic] church's around the world to celebrate a Mass in Church, a benchmark in the development legislation on marriage may have to be the Sistine Chapel which signaled the be- of the Church's sensitivity to the needs drastically revised and reduced to essential ginning of a World Synod of Roman and capacities of the Christian family. laws applicable to the universal church." Catholic Bishops. It was the fifth such I would like to clarify how a synod fits What's behind the Cardinal's view is the meeting since the Second Vatican Council into the life of the Roman Catholic need to see Christianity as related to all of (1962-1965). The topic for this Synod was Church. Primarily, a synod is an advisory what's fundamentally good in human cul- "The Role of the Christian Family in the meeting. It is an opportunity for the Pope ture. This point was brought to sharp fo- Modern World." to listen firsthand to bishops from vir- cus in an intervention by Cardinal Mau- In his opening homily the Pope stated, tually every country where Roman Ca- rice Otungo of Nairobi, Kenya. He boldly "We are deeply convinced that through tholicism is present as they share with him stated, "Our African family values are not the Christian family the Church lives and their observations on a topic of significant only helpful or useful-they are indis- fulfills the mission given to her by Christ." Church concern. When family life was an- pensible for the incarnation of Christian- He went on to characterize the Christian nounced as the topic for the Synod of ity in Africa today." family not simply as an object of evangeli- 1980, immediate speculation both inside What the Synod struggled with contin- zation but also as "the necessary subject and outside the Roman Catholic Church ually was the timeless issue of the relation- for which nothing else can be substituted: focused on whether the Synod would call ship of Christianity to human culture. the creative subject." It was clear that the for a reaffirmation or change in the teach- While the concern may be more obvious Pope saw centered in this topic a set of is- ing of that church on artificial contracep- in places like Africa or Asia, it is also key sues closely related to the basic vitality of tion. For myself, the strong emphasis on to the Church's survival in more techno- the Church. For the next five weeks he that single area hurt both the internal logical and post-Christian cultures like would listen to his brother bishops as they workings of the Synod itself and the re- Europe and North America. Also critical related to him the condition of the Chris- porting of its deliberations to the rest of is the Church's response to cultures where tian family in the parts of the world they the world. This is not to say that the topic the powers of society weigh heavily on the represented. They would, at the same was insignificant, but much happened in imprisoned masses as is the case in parts time, offer to the Church suggestions for the Synod which failed to get adequate at- of Latin America and Eastern Europe. enriching the lives of Christians whose vo- tention and coverage. What follows are Can the Church speak with realism and cation calls them to family living. some of the highlights of the month-long understanding in these various and often The Catholic Church in the United meeting. quite different settings? Can the teachings States was allowed to send four bishops. What was most apparent to those who and pastoral activity of the Church enrich They were elected from the ranks of the watched the Synod delegates enter the hall God-inspired expressions of life and love National Council of Catholic Bishops. each day was their national and cultural present in different ways, but flowing Present, therefore, among the bishops in diversity. In fact, it can be argued that this from the same Source? Can the Christian the Sistine Chapel on that Friday morning Synod represented a move of the Catholic family flourish in these many settings in late September were Archbishop John Church toward becoming not simply a without compromising its values and basic Quinn of San Francisco, Archbishop Jo- muiti-national body, but also a multi-cul- religious orientation? Robert Sanchez of Santa Fe, and Auxil- tions of the Synod did not allow for an in- iary Bishop of Baltimore Francis Staf- v^r sjifc *afaf¥^f depth discussion of this or any topic. Af- ford, who was also Chairman of the U.S. • |R, m ^ » - '_^& ter all, there were more than two hundred Bishops' National Commission on Mar- i*. s t •" ^j delegates who came to the Synoci each riage and Family Life. The Pope had also * J" • with an agenda from their respective invited Cardinal Terrance Cooke of New Bfl^K ^^Wp""N countries. I became aware of this in a con- York to join the U.S. delegation. versation I had with Cardinal Hume from It is customary for delegates to a synod England. Asking him who the bishops to bring with them advisors (or perlti) to from Great Britain brought with them as assist them in formulating their presenta- - advisors, his response was quite pointed. tions (which the Synod terms "interven- HL ^v ^^^fc«."v * He replied that he brought to the Synod tions"), and 1 had been invited to serve in HMt - JVEgii. 1 the hopes and desires of two thousand that capacity. For five weeks I lived and task, * ~~~ "*• ~_^ Catholics with whom he had consulted in 24 worked with our delegation. What follows a formal meeting just prior to coming to "The Synod can be viewed as the beginning of a formal and on-going discussion on a broad range of issues which affect family life" Rome. Like the other delegates, he would developed. Citing Paul VI's own words, be allowed only a few precious minutes to given soon after the issuance of the encyc- articulate those sentiments. lical, Archbishop Quinn asked that there But these time restrictions need not be be a deeper examination of the issue as misinterpreted. For, in the long run, the ,•£•''* Synod can be viewed as the beginning of a synthetic exposition" of the Roman Cath- formal and on-going discussion through- olic Church's teaching on responsible par- *""r 0 | out the Roman Catholic Church on a enthood, based on a richer portrayal of a broad range of issues which affect family theology of sexuality. The tone of his in- life. The question now should not be what tervention was respectful, and his recom- did the Synod do? Rather, what has the mendation for further and deeper study- bishop Quinn, his desired goal could not Synod begun? We can anticipate the Pope be reached within the framework of the issuing a major statement in response to impression that he was in any way denying Synod. The Synod could only support the the recommendations placed before him the validity of the existing teaching. need for such a study and recommend by the delegates at the conclusion of the So much for good intentions. The press strategies for its enactment. Synod. But there will also be, hopefully, picked up on his suggestion and twisted it Other issues of grave importance came to imply that he was confronting the before the Synod which also made it clear areas of Church life to assist the Christian Pope, calling for a new teaching. It was that further study and discussion would majority of interventions were aimed at what the Archbishop said would be diffi- Catholic partner in a Catholic interfaith that goal. It is, therefore, worthwhile to cult for those demanding simplistic black marriage receive the Eucharist during a highlight some of the more significant or white answers. He was calling for de- Catholic Mass? How are such marriages concerns touched upon at the Synod it- velopment of deeper insights into his self. church's teachings. He wanted it stated so various Christian churches? What can be that it could be understood and appreciat- done to prepare for and enrich these types Synod's formal deliberations, Archbishop ed by most people. To achieve this it of marriages? John R. Quinn of San Francisco brought W'Ould require research and sustained dia- Also demanding attention was the issue before the Pontiff and the rest of the Svn- logue between theologians and the official of divorce and remarriage of Catholics. od delegates the issue of the Roman Cath- teaching authority of the Roman Catholic Could those in second marriages still re- olic Church's teaching on the morality of Church. It would require a major expen- ceive the sacraments, particularly the Eu- artificial contraception.
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