MONDAY. MARCH It. 1 9 B1 jKmifEo^nUts l|ggaU t ATarag* Daily Nat Praaa Ron tha Waathar A freo loetuf* on Christian Far Ote Weak Baateg Faneael eC 0 . te Waatkee Motor Corps drtvera o f the local Members o f ths Arm y aH4 M *rf Nartk 8, 1861 ICra. Jeanette 'Piompeot^ au- d u b AuxlUary will meet thto eve­ Bclenoa will ba glten at the Orator If Tractor I* Aatomobite chapter of the American Rod Congregational church tomorrow Cross, both man and women, are ning at seven o’clock « t the club­ Today ckmay aafl eooi; r a t Load Man Face* Coart house, and proceed to the HoHo- evening at 8:15. The lecturer, 1 0 ,1 3 7 Town urged to attend an Important Cocll F. Denton, 8. C.. of New eiomay «ariy, rate latei masting tonwrow evening at 8:80 ran Funeral Home, In tribute to Spedal Purchase Of Theodore C. Anderson, who was a York a ty , to a membor o f the Neoiber aC the ABdtt •CABI iltadh- Docc the law aay a term at thaRed CToaa office. • tm t Mra. ThompoonV home tractor la a motor vehicle T member. Board of Lectureahip o f the Moth­ Iku iiBe et Obcalattoaa Manehe$ter— 'A City of Village Charm er Church, the First Church of toem la Wilmington, Delaware. If It doea, a local man will be York Strangfeld wUl give a talk presented In Town Court on a Our Lady of Fatima Mothers Christ, SclenUst, In Boston. The l § k i m MBoac Um BMnban. on flret aid at the meeting of the Christian Science Society of Man­ The Stanley Group of the South charge o f dperating a motor Keeney Street School Parent Circle will hold a meeting at the (CkwMBea AdverOateg ob Page 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 13,1951 Methodlet W.8.G.8., will mwt to­ chester to sponsoring thto lecture GLASSWARE VOL. LXX, NO. 137 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS vehicle while under the influ­ home of Mre. Harold Donlon, 26 t Teachera club tomorow evening at and extends a most cordial wel­ ! Itaoote r.T JL win BiMt morrow evening at 7:46 In ^ ence o f Intoxicating Uipiora or eight h’clock at tha school. Flower street, Wednesday evening (Uea* parlor. The hoeteeeee will be druga. It It doean’t, the man at aight o'clock. come to the public. iSttHiiSaaalMML Dr. & Mre. 5Sm Hatchett, Mrs. WalUr will be Blmply charged with in­ M u o t, oHnUm «rw !tor « t the Holman. Mrs. Percy 8to<*a and lAon Fallot of the Fallot Studio, Hiss Appears ■tate hospital at lOddletown, wtU toxication. left for Atlantic City today whete Makes These Prices Possible Mra, Jean Johnson. Members or Edmund J. Boucte, 80, of apaak «<*DUclpUi>«." Dr. Arnot he to going to spend thto week at­ % rv Assembly Speed-Up thla group have been Invited to at­ 1683 Tolland turnpike, wa* ar­ tending the Master Photo Finish­ U. S. Soldiers Wrest b M i tiwirlitoil with Johni tend the meeting of the Study WHAT IS YOUR *M Q ^ Sure of Jail nmliliie and Harvard Unlverrt- rested yesterday afternoon by ers and Dealera convention. He to • FOOTED GOBLETS Group Wednesday afternoon at Patrolman John Cavagnaro on accompanied by a friend from tta T A tp r M w it the 8 t ^ hoepl- two o’clock. taL Voder nla direction, la cetttnc the turnpike. Cavagnaro re­ New Britain and they are regis­ • SHERBETS ^ ^MANCHESTER QUOTIENT porta 8oucle was - driving a tered at the Rlt* Carlton. The stu­ Continuing One Pushed by Shapiro For Perjury n a frocnun *or the ■t«<*y •nie regular meeting of the Ver- This Is one of a projected aerie* of Informal M fdilatry tor third year medical .tractor. The accused to alao al­ dio on East Center street will be planck school Parent Teachers Ae­ leged to have been Intoxicated open M usual, with Mrs. Fallot In • SMALL BOWLS qulr.zes designed to gtve you more than a nod­ Control of Yudong atudents at Yale. r a t i o n will bo held Wednesday ding acquaintance with your town. Its character. In Town Court thto morning, charA^. Ha* Only Two Way* to evening In the school auditorium Proaecutor Philip Bayer re­ *7" GLASS PLATES ^ House Leader Calls on : Its history and Its problem. Knowing 5lanrhester The Bowera Parent Teacher at eight o’clock. Following the better wiil give you a better understanding of Its quested and was granted a one Dr. Malcolm Pitt, profaaaor of Avoid Punishment on aaelattev will meet thla «venlnf at bualneBS meeting Mlae Martha week continuance to And out March Value Days Chaimien to Check iNcWS TiubilS roblems and perhaps point the way for molding Religious and Cultural Htotory of • SUGAR AND CREAK4ERS aight o’clock at the ®* White, Mlae Marjorta Kloppenburg the legal definition of a trac­ Ra future. Charge of Lying to m acetoo Btreet. A panel dlacue- India at the Hartford Seminary Dockets, Keep Track | cuUed From (fP) Wires and Robert Johne of the music de­ tor. , MancMster Development Oommiasloa From Chinese Reds Bloh on teport canto wlU be a f u ­ partment and Mlaa June Good­ Foundation, will speak on “India’s IN OUR Clear for Business . ■ ' ■ — —— ' Red Spy Case Jury ture of the propram, led by Dr. year of tha art department will Role In Present World Events" at V a l u e s i o 7 9 e Paacal Poe. Three teachera and dlacuaa mualc and art In the ele- tha Y. W. C. A. Public Affaire About 1,100 U. S. Rubber com- Washington, March 13—(65—Al­ lecture tomorrow afternoon at the State Capitol, Hartford, pany employes In Naugatuck will Village Is L ess Than three parenta will participate. menUry achooU. The ways and Mtoa Margaret L,. DeClantto, Domestics and Fabrics Depts. I ger Hiss appeared today to have daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Community "Y.” An Informal March — Another * seek approximately 824,000 In un- Racetrack Official Tc*tific* maana committee. Max Goldstein, practlcslly no chance of avoiding Tlire« Mile* from Big will report on the recent military Deaantto of 202 Portar street, luncheon, with each one bringing “ speed-up” move was initiat­ eaiplojwent compensation claims eandwlchee to exchange, will be­ 'next Monday. .Withdrawal of a prison term on his perjury con­ Whitt and cake eale. At thla meet­ was a member of the cast of the ed today in the Legislature. ^ Concentration Area of ing a committee will be appoint­ original musical comedy, “Newe gin at 12:30 and the speaker will What A Value! Federal aid to colleges or univer­ viction. " ed to nominate officer* for the for You.” which wae presented re­ commence his talk at 1:16. Des­ House Majority Leader Louis sities which permit haring Is pro­ Enemy; Along Gener­ GLASS sert and coffee will be sold at a posed by Rep. Lane (D., M ass.)., The one-time State department coming year, and the hospitality cently by Ithaca College students, Shapiro announced he was official was sentenced to serve five al Front Allies Are Pur­ Far Every PnrpoM oommlttee will terve refreshmenta Ithaca, N. Y. Mlae DeClantto to nominal fee. Intensive drive by State Police to Ws Un believa ble f summoning the chairmen of imrb speeding on Charter Oak years on a ehargo that he lied to a tai'the cafeteria after the program. enrolled In the Department of federal grand jury when he denied suing Fleeing Foes on Aoto, Mirror*, Window Drama and Radio at Ithaca Col all House committees to a bridge and Its approaches already meeting to review with them has resulted In arrest of 60 mo­ he gave secret documents to Whit­ Way to 38lli Parallel Plate, Obsfvre . The meeting of the Nathan lego. taker Chambers. Chambers was a Hide P.T.A. will be held tomorrow • 10" FRUIT BOWLS what to on their committee docket torists for speeding in past week and to urge all posolble speed in .. Cltiren investigators report that confeoaed eourler for a prewar Red About 25 Mile* Away Phone S322 evening at 7 :S0 Instead of 7:45. Manufacturer’s Closeout! spy ring. St. Margaret’s Circle, daughtera • 12" CAKE PLATES hearing bill* and reporting on women prisoners are "disturbing of laabella. will hold lU regular them. "disturbing influence" at Loulsl- The Supreme Court by a 6-0 vote bualneaa meeting .tomorrow night yesterday refused to review Hiss's Tokyo, March 13.—(tP)— W HITE Though the Leginlature ia about tnfluence" at Louisiana State Pen­ at eight o’clock at the K. of C. • 9" SQUARE BOWLS itentiary and should be removed. conviction In U. 8. District Court American troops stormed home. After the meeting re­ at the half-way mark of its ses- In New York. This left the former hack into Yudong today and GLASS CO. ■lon, Shapiro made it clear that he Spokesman for business and AURM CLOCKS freshments will be served by the Reg. 39c a 12" FLUTED BOWLS other interested groups says that government official with only slim wrested control of the village 24 Birch SL Mancheatcr Electric or Wind hoapitality committee, Mre. Mary did not believe it was running be­ avenues of possible caci'/ : hind schedule. anti-aircraft target practice won’t from a battalion of Chinese AO Fully auaraatoed Rosa, chairman, Mrs. Angus Interfere with fishing and other 1. A request that the Supreme Breen, Mra. Mary Aceto, Mre It"xl6" AND I7"xl7” Hto action In urging committee Court reconsider Its refusal.
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