Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science Volume 24 Article 1 1970 Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science - Volume 24 1970 Academy Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.uark.edu/jaas Part of the Education Commons, Engineering Commons, Life Sciences Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons, and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons Recommended Citation Editors, Academy (1970) "Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science - Volume 24 1970," Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science: Vol. 24 , Article 1. Available at: https://scholarworks.uark.edu/jaas/vol24/iss1/1 This article is available for use under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0). 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Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol. 24 [1970], Art. 1 Published by Arkansas Academy of Science, 1970 1 ceedings ot the * Ililif.Journal Of,of the ArkansasMiiL Academy of Science,yiiiiiiiii Vol. 24 [1970], Art. 1 ¦*r-» ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE A Fossil Gymnosperm from Hooker, Volume XXIV 1970 https://scholarworks.uark.edu/jaas/vol24/iss1/1 2 Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol. 24 [1970], Art. 1 Department of Chemistry, University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 EDITORIAL BOARD James L. Dale Jewel E. Moore Carl E. Hoffman Joe F. Nix G. T. Johnson Roy C. Rom Max C. Milam J. W. Sears GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS BUSINESS AND SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Eligibility for publication in the Proceedings is limit- Remittances and orders for subscriptions and for ed to those papers which have been presented at the single copies and changes of address should be sent to Dr. William C. Guest, Secretary, annual meeting by one of the authors. At least one of Arkansas Academy of Science, Box 1709, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville a of the Academy, except the authors must be member 72701. that the Editorial Board is authorized to accept articles Subscription for $5.00 for publication from invited speakers. Manuscripts are rates 1971 are per copy with members receiving one free copy with their full to be presented to the section chairmen at the time membership of $8.00 or their sustaining membership of of the reading of the paper. The Editorial Board reserves $10.00. Institutional members and industrial members the right to edit, shorten, or reject any papers submitted also receive one free copy. Copies of back issues are to it. In general, submitted papers willbe reviewed by available. The Secretary should be contacted for prices persons competent in the area of study. and for special complete back issue discounts available to libraries. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double spaced throughout, with the format followed being that of a ABSTRACT COVERAGE commonly used journal in the area of study. Illustrations may be used but special care should be exercised to in- Each issue of the Proceedings is sent to several ab- sure that drawings and photographs are of the highest stracting and review services. The following is a partial list of coverage: quality. Such illustrations should be properly proportion- this ed to fit the Proceedings page and lettering should be Abstracts in Anthropology large enough to be legible upon size reduction. Abstracts of North American Geology Biological Abstracts Manuscripts willnormally be limited to three (Pro- Biological and Medical Abstracts ceedings) pages with pages in excess of this being Chemical Abstracts charged to the author at cost. Authors may be expected Chemical Titles Mathematical Reviews to bear charges arising from exceptional typesetting or Science Citation Index illustration. Sport Fishery Abstracts Wildlife Review The Editor willinform authors of the arrangements Zoological Record for ordering reprints and of the cost of reprints at the Review Journals of the Commonwealth time that page proofs are prepared. Agricultural Bureaux Robert Kirkwood William C. Guest John P. Jones George E. Templeton President Secretary Treasurer President-Elect Arkansas Academy of Science, Box 1709, University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas DO NOT TAKE Published by Arkansas Academy of Science, 1970 FROM LIBRAE 3 Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol. 24 [1970], Art. 1 t ARKANSAS ACADEMY OF SCIENCE Volume XXIV Proceedings 1970 Secretary's Report The 54th Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Academy Executive Committee Expenses 73.41 was held at Arkansas Polytechnic College, of Science Miscellaneous 55.79 Russellville, April 17 and 18, 1970, with Professor Maurice L. Lawson, Harding College, President of the Academy, presiding. Total Disbursements — 3046.28 At the business meeting, Dr. J. P. Jones, Treasurer circulated the Financial Statement which is summarized below: Summary Summary of Financial Statement Original Balance, April 1, 1969 $1863.91 April 1, 1970 Receipts — April 1, 1969 - March 31, 1969 2265.83 Cash Balance on Hand, April 1, 1969 $1863.91 Total 4129.74 Reserve Fund 1358.35 Disbursements 3046.28 Total Assets, April 1, 1969 3222.26 Cash Balance, March 31, 1970 1083.46 — Fund, April 1, 1969 1358.35 April 1, 1969 ¦ March 31, 1970 Reserve" Membership Dues $1251.25 Interest on Reserve Fund 65.29 Institutional Memberships 440.00 — riptsSales of Proceedings 151.80 Total Assets April 1, 1970 2507.10 Reimbursement from AAAS for Junior Editor, Howick, reported page Academy Research Grants 178.68 The Dr. L. C. that costs are continuing to increase and this accounts for Banquet Tickets 162.50 the major expenditure in the financial statement. The Editor indicated that the 1970 Proceedings would be Miscellaneous 81.60 published in a two column 8V2XII format which should reduce publication costs considerably. Total Receipts — 2265.83 Representatives of the following Academy sponsored activities presented reports which are summarized in the Minutes of the meeting: Disbursements — April 1, 1969 - March 31, 1970 Junior Science and Humanities Symposium — Dr. 1969 Proceedings • Southwest Printing Co. 2140.24 Eugene Wittlake Junior Academy Expenses 200.00 Collegiate Academy of Science — Dr. Joe Nix Junior Academy Research Grants 103.20 Junior Academy of Science — Mr. E. E. Hudson Banquet Expenses 325.00 Arkansas Biology Curriculum Development Confer- Subscriptions — Science Talent Search 15.00 ence — Dr. Neal Buffaloe Mailing and Postage 87.62 Science Talent Search — Dr. Leo Paulissen Office Supplies 46.02 State Science Fair — Dr. Lowell Bailey https://scholarworks.uark.edu/jaas/vol24/iss1/1 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 4 Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol." 24 [1970], Art. 1 vlQIjO '*^P"' - The President reviewed the discussion which had The Nominating Committee appointed by President been held regarding the advisability of the Academy Lawson nominated Dr. George Templeton, Professor q| working with state agencies in an advisory capacity. Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, for the position Members of the Executive Committee had met with the of President-Elect, and Dr. Templeton was elected un State Science and Technology Council and the Council animously. It was announced that the meeting for had asked the Academy to prepare some recommenda- 1971 would be held at Harding College, Searcy, the tions regarding possible activities of the state group. A meeting in 1972 would be at the University of Arkansas, statement on the position of the Arkansas Academy of Fayetteville, and the meeting in 1973 would be at State Science on possible future activities of the Arkansas College of Arkansas, Conway. The nominating commit Science and Technology Council was circulated to the tee for AAAS Fellows, with Dr. Paul Sharrah chairman, membership and approved. The President agreed to recommended that Dr. Arthur Johnson, Hendrix College, transmit the statement to the Chairman of the Science and Dr. Walter Meyer, University of Arkansas, be nomi and Technology Council. nated to be Fellows in the American Association for the Advancement of Science. President Lawson asked for an expression from the membership of their willingness to see the Academy be- The Constitution and By-Laws were amended by a come involved in the formulation of science policy and favorable vote of three-fourths of the members present in serving in an advisory role. The following resolution so that Article 10 of the By-Laws now reads: "Dues for addressed to the Governor of the State was adopted: members of the Academy shall be $8.00 per year for Regular Members and $10.00 or more per year for Sus- taining Members and will entitle the member to receive WHEREAS we believe that the Chief Executive of a copy of the Proceedings." The change increases the Regular Member dues from $5.00 per year to $8.00 per the State of Arkansas and the Boards and Com- year. missions appointed by him wish to utilize all re- The Minutes of the 54th Annual Business Meeting, April 17-18, 1970, have circulated to mem- formulation been the sources available to them in the and bership by mail. establishment of a sound science policy for making decisions affecting the health and welfare of the citizens of Arkansas, therefore be it RESOLVED that we, the members of the Arkansas Respectfully Submitted, Academy of Science, do offer our separate and William C. Guest, Secretary collective services to assist in the establishment of such science policy for the State of Arkansas. 2 Published by Arkansas Academy of Science, 1970 5 - 1 Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Vol. 24 [1970], Art.
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