... i y<i\j THE LOWELL VOL. XXIV LOWELL, MICHIGAN. DEC. 7, IQI6 No. 26 7/ew jCowell Jfomes LIM HIES! Who Can Join Our Great 30th Year Anniversary Will Remain With Lowell P. Weekly Report of Lowell Mer- M. as Cashier. fit chants' Gift Enterprlte. Souvenir Day Superintendent Hayes of the Christmas Savings Club? Pern Marquette System was here Folio wing it J. W. Bmnthaver't Tuesday adjusting matters affect- report of December 4 on the Li- Look's Drug Store ing the local interetta of that braiy Contest vote: corporation. LoweU Htfrh Bchool 551,778 Saturday, December 9. Sfou Can Join-'Jjhe Children Can foin*~ Mooes Lodge 601,440 M. B. Conklin it to remain at Vsrgsaais Qraage 28,680 cashier andexprett manager and Alto High SchooT 25.466 In appreciation of the splendid patronage you have giv- Cverjf T/fember of the family CanC. Pjoin*. Neff, agen - t at Breekenridge, Sweet Hchool ...90.600 en uis during our 30 years business in liOwell we are going to will be local manager. I. O. O. P. Lodae 12.510 School Dtoirtet No. 8 8.420 present our customers next Saturday with a C^vrehes and jCedges Can join.Mr . Roeewarne hat gone to m CoDCftKatlonal Cbeicb 3.280 Breekenridge and Mr. Naff is ex- Mone take Olttrlet 1,325 STATE SOUVENIR SPOON. pected to arrive here in a few m dayt. Hall—Raymond Every customer making a purchase of SOc or Thit arrangement involving Married, in Belding Tuesday over, 1 spoon free. IF YOU ARE SAVING-SAVE MORE. the retention of Mr. Conklin and noon, at the Methodist iiaraon- the keeping of hit home here, will IP YOU ARE NOT-START NOW. age, William W. Hull to Mist Every customer paying their account in fuU9 JOIN OUR CHRISTMAS CLUBS. be pleating to the butinett men Anna Raymond, both of lx)well. 1 spoon free. and people of Lowell, many of They will make their home in whom signed a petition in hit be Lowell this winter. These spoons are made and guaranteed by the Oneida Com- 2c Class pays you $25.50 half, and to F.T. King, who geo- inunity. Oneida. N. V.. and are stamped 5c Class pays yon $63.75 eroutly made a trip to Detroit RKSIDENCK OF MR. AND MRS. R. 1). BKKGIN. and Saginaw on the tame mittion. One/cta Community A hX It costs nothini to join. It moons a happy Christmas. Mr. Rotewarne returned yetter- WS USfJli CULL If for any reason you aro compollod to stop paylnff, you day from Breekenridge and doet and their guarantee goes with each spood. It is onlv through not expect to take the |iosition will rocoivt tho money you have paid in, two wooks bo- H. W. Booth, Pioneer and Civil our connection with the 80(10 Rexall Stores of the U. 8. and there. Canada that we aw able to make this day the greatest foro Christmas. War Veteran. Souvenir day in the history of merchandising in l/)well. Receipt of SuhtcripUont It Board of Trade Meeting Last Don't forget the date—Saturday, Deo. 9th. Time it Slipping Away—You Should JOIN NOW Herewith Acknowledged. Evening a Success. Continuing its custom of ac- The monthly supper of the knowledging receipt of current liOwell Board of Trade laat even- subtcriptiont new and renewals, ing was well attended and the D. G. LOOK, program was one ot unusual in- • AC ( O/iK.'' V SAf f in addition to those last printed. Phone 42. v The Ledger appreciatingly re- terest. /•a. ' :~\ i ports the following: Superintendent Mitchell acted ^(TTY STATE BANK Lydia Wingeier, J. S. Duffy, as chairman. After the report Olof Johnton. John H. Wright, of several committees including one by Secretary Anderson on LOWE-LL, MICH Mrt. Wayne Pardee, Mrs. O. Key. noldt, K. W. English, H. V. Getty, the progress of water works ne- J. M. Gilbert, Jamet Green, John gotiations between the Council We Pay You 4 percent to Save. A. Ellis, Mrt. 0.0. Adams, Mrs. and Light ^ Powercompany and Musically Deaf! F. W. Braitted, Mrt. Forest Dur- one by Dr. Lee on marking vil- kee, C. H. Cuddeback,G. C. Conk- lage streets, two able addresses lin, L. H.Chessman,M.N. Henrv. were given. Some people are4<color blind" Walter White, E. C. Richardson, Hon. A. S. White of Grand while others are Mmnsica||y E. E. Church. Mrt. 8.11. Sargeant, Rapids after speaking of Lowell deaf." The former may de- E. C. Walker, Thos. Woonhead, anu men who were prominent in clare red to be blue while the Joseph lie wis, Mrs. Ida Beckwith, its affairs forty years ago, dis- latter will say they can hear no Geo, M. Parker, Joseph Kinyon. cussed the matter of securing in- difference between "talk i n g Hotmer Andrewt, Veteran of Robert Johnson, Mrs. Agnes dustries. His opinion was ad- machines," meaning needle re- the Civil war and guard at the Wylie. Mrs. Eleanor Buck, H. verse to the giving of lionuses at HENKY W. BOOTH producing types and the re- bier of Abraham Lincoln, is ill at VanDerwall. W. R. Andrews, Mer- most such enterprises are disap- This well-known citizen passed created tones of an Edison Dia- bit home in Vergennes. ritt Sayles, Samuel Alexander, nointments and those prosper to hit rett from hit home in Low- mond Disc. best which grow up from within. Mrs. Mary Rolf. Jesse Sweet, eU Sunday afternoon, Dec. *1, in Of course to a musically deaf Civil Service Day. Harley Maynard, J. C. Maynard, He spoke interestingly also of bit 78th year, after an illness of the work of the West Michigan person there b no difference; The Clover Leaf dub met in D. M. Winters, Mrs. John Wood- two weeks. Funeral services wem but if you happen to helong to . _...A regular settion at the home of ing, Frank Willette, Mrs. M. Development bureau^ held at the home yesterday at Mr. Brenner, formerly of New the other class and reallf love Mrs. P. C. Peckham. Brighton. John Acheson, C. S. 2, p. m.. Rev. I. T. Weldon offici- good mutic, you will hardly be The Charitiet and Corrections Streeter. Mrs. Carrie Nelson, Mrs. York city, now engaged in the ating; burial at Oakwood under work of tlie National Recreation satisfied with the thin unnatural tonea of the needle committee had chaise of the pro- W. H. Murphy, C. S. Baker, Mrs. Masonic auspices. type talking machines after you have become aquaiated gram. John W. Cole. society at Grand Haven, spoke Mr. Booth was a son of William of the necessity for directing chil- with the full and life-like tones as can only be re-created GIFTS of QUALITY After a solo ''The Rotanr" by Many thanks for the above and Ann S. Booth, born October by the new Edison. Mrs. Peckham, accompanied by payments. dren in their play, showing that 7,1889, at Marian, N. V., where her sister, Mist Bostock, and an- Who will be next? the old idea of telling the child married Marv Orindell March If you want one for Christmas better not delay your encore "I know 1 got more than what he shall not do must give 29,1800. order for there it a shortage of Edisons now. |T%|HE high atandard of quality, maintain- my share," Mist Gardner told us Vergennes Taxes. away to instructkm in what he Mr. Booth tirst came to liOwell ed by this store, it to well known the charitable works in (2rand I will lie at the City State bank may do, in order that he^nay be October 6, 1854, and with the Rapidt, which were the same as for collection of taxes for the li^ed for life's activities. exception of his four years' ser- R. D. STOCKING •9 thati t a gift bearing oar label it intlant- in all the country. She said in- township of Vergennes until Sat- The following committees were vice in the Union army and two ly thought of at a gift of quality. discriminate giving is worse than urday, Jan. 10.—E. M. Alger. appointed to have charge of the years residence in Vergennes, Sole Agent for Lowell and vicinity. no giving at all. Township Treasurer. c 29 annual banquet: spent all the years of hi% man- There are three degree of char- Toastmaster. R. M. Shivel. If you are contemplating purchating a gift hood here. His recollections of itable work: Silk hosiery, an ideal gift, 50c Program, 11. M. Shivel, Dr. J. pioneer days and of his army life for any occasion it will be well for you to 1st, Giving from pity without to f2.00 the pair at Weekes'. C. Smith. R. VanDyke, Prof. were published in this paper's beingaoquainted with conditions. Mitchell. issue of October 19 last. look over our tuperb astortment. 2nd, investigation of conditions Ward Willette was in Grand Banquet, William Doyle. Har- Rapids Monday on business. Mr. Booth was a man of good or organization. vey Coons. Dexter Conklin, M. N. meutal attainments and business Our slogan it, "Always the highett quality Hrd, Social Service. Miss Florence Jones was home Henry. from Grand Rapids over Sunday. ment and his advice was merchandite at the lowett potsible prket Her remarkt were very prac- Decorating, Hairy Shuter, F. tical and gave us a keener in- Auto chiffon veils and heavier J. McMahon, Verne Ashlev, Ward tight into the work which is oe- scarfs 50c and fl.OO at Weekes.' Willette, Clarence Collar.
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