•••jp* lWrt ON THE COMiFf AGI - "SUM ,M" AHD "fit KELLY KIDS" CARTERET, N. J., I, FEBRUARY 25. 1938 EDUCATOR SUTED Men OfBoro Prefk Mystery Yarns RESKO APPOINTED thve Arrive* Hen IheWeek 4 B*tl$M*mOnTheRtiu<* GIANDJURT! TO ADDRESSAOCAt BORO RECORDER; OARTERKT — Th« dov« of t Sweet* Fiction Peace apparently moved into th*. DRIVER OF Borough Hall Monday nlrht and YOUTHCONFERENCE Stories By Norrit, Baity, when approved the hooks are made his nest in the Council Review oMered. Orders are placed a month SUCCEEDS JACOfiY chamber. Complete harmony Dr. Hopkinj 61 Jersey City Rinehart, Porter, Choice «t two ahead of the date they «n< nurked the meeting, the first US IK WE GET A lipccted, the suggested lists arc Confirmation Upsets Pre- peaceful one held since the first u1,nN flUW* up from the catalogue of i tins week but it isn't Is Obtained As Speaker Of Feminine Readers of the year when the council K doming publication* sent the li vious G.O.P. Declara- became a three-Democrat, thre«- N. Braaswick ,|l(.i- I hut. h«s the town Here On March 24 CARTKRKT--Men in this eotn- iftry by publishers, the l.itnury Republican body, with the May- , a columnist! Meaning munil.y who read books from tilt Oflild, the American Library Asso tion for Lubern or on the spot to rant a deciding lUofhttr Recorder, Michael Resko, KAPLAN IS Iff CHARGE public hbrnry nrefer mystery stor- elation and the Junior Literary vote whenever there WRI a dis- ies, while women readers rttfl Guild. LIQUOR UCENSE DENIED pute. Previously the Democratic forth on part of Meyer's Budget Controlled members hud voted no on most NEW CHARGES CATn-RRET-Dr, Thomtt9 Hop- more to the works of authors fe- {rP Incidentally Mike has Library funds are budgeted to CARTERET — By unanimous of the measures introduced by kins, Assistant Superintendent of mfthiins: ppronnial favorite*, Kath> CARTKRBT — icht hand from shaking leen Norris, Mary Roberto Rln«i How $100 yearly for magazine I vote of the Republican and Demo- the Republican colleagues, but Schools of Jersey City and one of nd newspaper subscriptions; $1,- cratic member* of the council on Mondiiy night of thin week twenty one, of 2fll:... imsn who wish him well— hart, Temple Bailey, C«»ly» Avenue, Fords, WM the country's outstanding leaders Wells, and the late Gene Stttttolt 00 for books. Four books a month Monday night Attorney Michael nil proposals were approved -,p number Is legion und ire bought for juvenile renders Resko was appointed borough po- unanimously, including the ap- appear before the i in work with juvenile*, has been Porter. At least this Is what the day on charges of i ho four of ceuTse being librarian, Loretto Mellon NeviD ind twenty-five to thirty-five lice recordsr to succeed David S. pointment of Michael Renko, Re- secured us the speaker for the tnont.hiy for the current fiction Jacoby who has been appointed publican, as recorder. Mr. Res- slaughter. Smith, I f R., the Cat and Charley (Mrs. .1. (Jervasc Nevill) has found. S*mu«l Bautn. Perth Youth Conference to be hold here Mrs. Nevill has also found that bar thrives. Borough Attorney. The appoint- ko thu* became thr first official B When books prove excessively ment came as a surprise because now in office to receive complete and paper dealer, wa»i Thursday night, March 24. This is hiK librarian require! that ahe not a truck which on Ja only know the tasted and prefer- popular and long waiting lists de- at a. meeting of the Executive endorsement from the govern- the meeting for which Samuel ing body. Republicans and Dem- ed the death of And maybo w«'ll h*T> to (O ences of her readers, but keep htt* velop, extra copies are ordered, Roan! of the Republican organiza- Kaplan was named chairman sever- and the budget must be adjusted tion Friday night, Harry Lubern ocrats alike refused to attach Michael Petty of 6 «»»iagain on tha* WashingV - self familiar with the new litera- significance to the sudden har- After having b«en al weeks ago when the Recreation ture. To that end she reads all thi accordingly. Such a book recently another attorney, was recommend I wit the Sponsoring Committee decided to Has "The Citadel", a best seller, ed for the post. mony but admitted a friend- the N«w Roosevelt L, new hooks added to the library. ly, explanatory conference h»d per RooMvelt AvehtHtl ,:,|Sr'. co-opertlion. For awhile back a movement to co-ordinate Bid the extra copies supplied make It was learned later that sev Choosing books for the libtarj been held previous to the meet- dellwy, Smith stai il,,,,,,, .femed to alow down to a work for young people now being t possible for many readers to eral members of the executive is u matter up to Mrs. NeVlH, »e(> nave the book without waiting sev board were absent from the meet ing. without seeing the i,.,,.,,l pace on th* thorou|hf»re carried on by various organisations inn with the advice and consent of iral weeks for it. Ing Friday night- police. SiRiiiflcant or not—it was An Investigation ,j,rr<- our office ii located, but in which it was felt the committee's the library board, Harold Clifford, Lic*n«» R»fuied A very heavy purchasing ex pleasant ! t«r til* accident by an i i,t,.| it'< gotten bad again «IMI assistance could be put to great ad- Samuel Wexler, Victor Rogosky, Another surprise came when the y John II. Nevill and George Ben- pense is that for technical books the Department of tf hold our breath many tldlti vantage. SCHOOL BAND GETS council gave unanimous support r son, A list of books suggested by needed by readers for profession- to a resolution denying the joint resulted In chargas I l,il »• one verick after »n- al study. Such books sometimes of havirtg defeetiVf v Or. Hopkins heads a special ser- Mrs. Ntvill for purchase is present* J application of M. Israel Schwarti ,iltn wbitxei paat at a terrific vice bureau for juvenile work in WIDE ACCLAMATION >d to the board at its meeting^ (Continued on I age 4) and Abraham Chodoph for a retail Native Youth, 27, without a mirror on Jersey City and attendance nt the distribution liquor license for the of illegal parking, . l'i> t t t meeting will be by invitation only. premises at ,r)6f> Roosevelt avenue. lodged against him. H« 1 Each organization in the borough Audience Deeply Impressed ed to appear here toot i;m KNT RECOLLECTIONS: Club Speaker This application had been befori Is New Recorder will be invited to send represent,! the council several months and Recorder Michael Resko 1 CLUB WOMEN HEM these charges. ii,.;,iiii(r It. R. Brown and Meyer tives, Mr. Kaplan stated today. With Performances Wed- there were many who thought i Milln talk over the old days when Committee In Charge would eventually be granted! Thi Michael Resko, Gradual Otlwr Cam nesday, Last Night Also scheduled for • I managed a girls' basketball Plans for the meeting arc bei'i;,' REV. HUNDIAK TAll resolution was introduced b; Councilman Clifford Cutter, Of local High School night are several Ca !,,.u.i. I licro apparently were some made by a committee assisting Mr. CARTERET—-The rendition of lending the appoint) Kaplan, which is as follows: Speak- u choral melody, "Come Sweet Democrat! Go Along Named To Court li fiimos and a star player was 1 Ukrainian Day Program The meeting was featured by corder. Then* include ers, Sumner Moore, Harry Glcck Death,' composition of Johann theft of the autonpb ,,,-1 •aihfrinellobinson, or Robert- rompli le harmony between the Re- CARTERKT -- Michael Resko,j ner and Dennis O'Rorke; ways and Sebastian Bach, so moved the au- Carlson of 137 Edgar I Held Yesterday Inchd- luiblican and Democratic members who was appointed Borough Re- i, who has long since been Mrs. means, Kdward A. Ktrack, Dr. Jos-dience attending . the concert at ed against Charles Koio of the council, tho latter voting order by a unanimous, vote of the eph Wantoch, Frank I Barefoni; Carteret High School Wednesday ed Songs, Dance 1 Somerset Street, a) i;,,i,..ii Shanlcy; listening to Hor- with the former on every question ouncil Monday night, is twenty- women iinil irirls' division, Mrs, night that a deathly silence instead Sorik, of 18 Somerset 1 .,.• [;.-nit's Sat dy night broadcast By l«abel Lefkowitx that was brought up. seven years old. A son of Mr. and Kmanucl Lefkowitz, Mrs. William of the customary applause follow- alleged theft occurred Jacob Kk'in, who conducts a Mrs. Stephen Resko, he makes hi-* : ... i.u h ln> coos down on the floor Conran, Mrs. Harry Gleckner; ed the conclusion of the number. Another link in the "Good Neigh* day. Other cases are; 0. tavern at 17 Cook AvenuE, filed home with his parents at 20 Ran- , iii-iucw some of the dancers, Other numbers, however, were re- tior" program was forged yester- lar of Perilling Aveniw Men's division, Clarence Slugg, i ceived with an ovation demonstrat- Iny Hfternoon when the Carteret application for permission to move dolph Street. • K i...run: him ask one man what his Clifford ('utter, Robert I'ariss arri his business to fili Washington ave- Febmry 11 forbV ing the appreciation of the audi- Woman's Club held its Ukrainian Mr. kesko was horn in Carteret, disorderly; Wayne , !ni.,< AHS »nd the reply being 'Joe llany Heller; boy:;' division, Jos- nue.
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